Embassy residence, France.

Baroque style office temperament Yonghua, in front of the floor to ceiling windows in the corner of the hall, on the exquisitely carved solid wood console, a coffee machine is operating, in the transparent glass tank, the black liquid is boiling hot.

"Ding --" the timer in front of the desk suddenly rang.

The man's slender fingers, enough to the side of the round metal timer, gently press.

Ten minutes, just right, for the harsh time, he was almost accurate to seconds.

The man got up, his neatly cut trousers wrapped around his long legs, a snow-white shirt, and a dark gray tie with an exquisite sapphire tie clip.

Side body, step, the man steps to the console, turn off the power of the coffee machine.

There was a knock at the door twice.

Situ Chen pushed the door and came in. As soon as he heard the smell of coffee in the room, with years of understanding of the boss, he went straight to the console.

Sure enough, in front of the console stood a noble figure of a man.

"Mr. Jin, the date of your return has been approved, and Jinling has sent a confirmation letter."

"I see!" Jin Yu answered in a deep voice.

"Mr. Jin, according to your instructions, I have transferred Miss Mu Qiqi's transcript of last semester from the foreign affairs institute. It's no surprise that none of them passed! In this way, she failed in all 16 courses in two years of University! "

Jin Yu picked up the coffee cup, sipped it lightly, and said slowly in a low voice, "she did it on purpose."

"The director of Education said that Miss Mu Qiqi had more than 50 absenteeism records. According to the school regulations, she could be expelled."

Jin Yu turned and walked to his desk leisurely: "fired? Isn't that what she wants? "

Situ Chen asked tentatively: "do you want to say hello to the headmaster?"

Jin Yu shook his head: "at school, she is just an ordinary student, not the daughter of a former minister, and has nothing to do with me."

Situ Chen continued: "according to the director, it is urgent to dismiss Miss Mu Qiqi. He also said that we must not let a fish eat a pot of soup."

Jin Yu went to the seat, turned the chair, sat down gracefully, bent one leg on the other leg, looked at situ Chen with an interesting look, and asked, "what has she done with this fish?"

"Miss Muqiqi openly set up gambling in school, gambling on balls and cards. There is nothing she can't gamble on! Even if she occasionally goes to class, even if the teacher enters the classroom with her left or right foot, she can make a bet! This is the Foreign Affairs Institute, not the Macau Casino! That's what the director said

Hearing this, Jin Yu, who has always been a scrupulous man, pursed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

But situ Chen was full of worries: "it's difficult for you to consider everything for her first. You also helped her apply for the exchange student qualification of Paris University, but the requirement of Paris University is that the GPA must be 4. Above 0, miss Muqiqi, now the GPA is 0! "

Jin Yu didn't show much concern. He changed the topic and asked, "she's going to have her birthday. Are you ready for your birthday present?"

Situ Chen said: "the bracelet has been sent to order according to the pattern you selected! I'll get it back later! "

"Ding!" Suddenly, the mobile phone on the desktop lights up.

Jin Yu glanced at the information of credit card, consumption 8888.

Junlang's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled. Jin Yu picked up the mobile phone on the desktop, slid open the screen and dialed Muqiqi's mobile phone number.

"Answer the phone, goddess!" The tender children's voice came from the RBT.

Finally, the phone was connected, and a noise came from the receiver. Then a girl asked loudly, "what are you doing?"

Jin Yu frowned and asked, "are you in the bar?"

The voice line is very low, not because the other side of the noisy environment and deliberately improve their tone.

Muqiqi said: "if you have something to say, say it! Miss Ben is busy

"What are you doing?"

"Catch the traitor!"

After a moment's pause, Jin Yu's thin lips waved: "what kind of serious goods would a man who needs you to go to a bar to catch a rape be?"

"You can't take care of my business!" Another shout.

"Muqiqi!" Jin Yu's voice was slightly raised, strict and solemn.

"What for?" Muqiqi was a little impatient.

"Go back at once!"

"Hang up!"

The phone was hung up in a hurry.

Jin Yu looked at situ Chen and said, "check my credit card information immediately. Where did I spend the most recent sum?"

Soon, situ Chen replied, "Pandora bar!"

Jin Yu opened his mobile phone and dialed another number: "you go to Pandora's bar immediately, find Muqiqi and take her home!"

Jin Yuping could not hear the slightest waves in his tone, but the word "carry" made him angry.


Pandora bar.

The radium lamp shakes, the DJ shouts Mai, agitates people's mood.

Yan Ran Ran took Mu Qi Qi's arm and said in a loud voice: "Qi Qi! Why don't we go back! "

Muqiqi glared at her and said in a loud voice: "counsellor! You want to escape? You don't want your Xiao Kaiyu? "

Yan Ran was stunned in the same place, and it was not true to advance or retreat.

Muqiqi pulls Yan Ranran out of the bar and comes to the open outdoor, without the harsh music.

Muqiqi took a breath with his upper lip and blew the bangs in front of his forehead.

"Yan Ran Ran! Is Xiao Kaiyu important to you? " Mu Qiqi asked.

Yan Ran nodded.

"Why is he so hot and cold to you now?" Muqiqi asked again.

"Because I am the third party now..." Yan Ran said weakly.

"Fart! You're the one! Because of your cold war, I was caught by that woman! You're taking back sovereignty now, do you understand? "

"But... I still don't think it's proper..."

"I tell you, with Xiao Kaiyu's temperament, if he knew that he was standing next to a bitch, even for the sake of face, he would have to dump her mercilessly! Then you will be the main counter attack! "

With that, Muqiqi turns around and goes back to the bar.

Yan Ran Ran took Mu Qi Qi's hand: "Qi Qi... I'm afraid..."

Muqiqi turned back with a sigh and said, "OK! You wait for me here, and I'll be right out! "

"Is she really in there?"

Muqiqi bit her lip, narrowed her eyes slightly, and said firmly, "believe me, this girl is in it tonight, and it's her ex boyfriend's birthday party!"

"Qiqi! forget it! It's so chaotic in here. If something happens, I don't know how to die! "

Muqiqi threw away Yan Ran's hand and said, "Hello! Tonight is MC 4D's special show. In order to sneak in, I bought a ticket for 8888. Now you can tell me, right


"Wait for me!"

Muqiqi turns and disappears into the dark entrance of the bar.

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