Jinfu, Yiyuan, sunset.

The white Mercedes drove into the mansion and stopped steadily.

Jin Yu walked out of the driver's seat, came to the trunk, and carried out several exquisite gift bags.

Jin Yu turned and walked to the villa. On the garden lawn not far away, Jin Sheng was playing with a frisbee and a golden retriever.

Jin Mao's name is commander. It's Jin Sheng's.

When the commander saw Jin Yu coming steadily, he didn't care to pick up the frisbee. He turned his head like Jin Yu ran away.

The commander was very intelligent and well-trained since childhood. He didn't rush up like other dogs. He just squatted in the direction of Jin Yu, sticking out his tongue and wagging his tail happily.

Jin Sheng followed him and said sarcastically, "even the commander knows that you are a cleanliness addict. Dogs don't want to approach you!"

Jin Yu touched the commander's head: "commander smart, know I wear formal clothes, it should not wrinkle my clothes!"

After that, Jin Yu looked at Jin Sheng and asked, "where are the others?"

Jin Sheng looked like he had nothing to do with himself and said, "it's rare that big brother will come back today. What else do you think they can do? Forced marriage

"You are so nosy, you should stay in it and help big brother out!"

Jin Sheng snorted with a smile: "don't feel that you are out of the business now. If they can't see any hope in elder brother's place, they may start to besiege you in the next step!"

"Crow mouth!"

Jin Yu skimmed a sentence and moved to the villa.

Jin Sheng followed and continued: "the Jin family is going to point to you two! The elder brother received western education since childhood, and has always believed in the doctrine of non marriage. The elder brother's road is impassable. Who else do they point at if they don't point at you? "

"It's like you're not Jin?"

Jin Sheng murmured: "although I say my surname is Jin, you and my eldest brother are biological. Are we..."

Without waiting for Jin Sheng to go on, Jin Yu gave him a cold look. Jin Sheng could not help shivering and then stopped.

Jin Yu sternly warned: "if you say that, your parents will feel cold when they hear it!"


In the living room, all the elders of the Jin family sat down.

Xuanyaru looked at his eldest son, Jin Han, sitting opposite him and said, "you have to go on a blind date this time."

Jin Han pinched the root of his nose and frowned: "Mom! What's the age of blind date? I'm so young! "

Jin Hanlin closed his evening paper and said, "young? When I was 33 years old, you were in primary school! "

"Dad! The times are progressing! Now the government encourages late marriage and late childbearing! "

Xuanyaru immediately asked, "the government encourages eugenics. How many years do you think you can be free?"

Jin Han had no choice but to reply casually: "Mom! I'm not going because I have a girlfriend! "

"Who? Why didn't you take it home to show it to your elders? " Xuanyaru asked.

"Now is not the time. When our relationship is stable, we will bring it back to you."

Xuanyaru skimmed: "you framed me again!"

Lu Yuqing interjected and asked, "can't it be the movie star?"

Jin Han turned his smiling face, leaned aside to the old man with frosty hair and asked, "Grandma! Do you still watch entertainment news? We miss Lu are the most fashionable

When Jin Boyuan heard the words, he dropped his tea cup heavily on the tea table, shaking violently, which made the tea overflowing.

With a bang, the atmosphere suddenly turned cold.

Jin Boyuan looked at Jin Han and said, "what kind of family is Jin family? What's your father's status now? Where are you going to let it go? Remember! Entertainment people, you less contaminated! And don't want to marry her! "

Jin Han stood up, bowed slightly and said respectfully, "yes! Grandfather

Xuanyaru also stood up, relaxed the atmosphere and said: "Dad! Han'er, he is wrong! "

After that, Xuan Yaru went to Jin Han and said, "now that you have a girlfriend! In a few days, you can bring her to your grandparents, so that they can rest assured! "

Jin Han nodded.

Xuanyaru sighed and said, "it's just that there has already been an agreement. It's not good to refuse it like this. After all, I started it."

Jin Han glanced at the door and saw Jin Yu and Jin Sheng come in. Then he said, "Mom! Doesn't Jin Yu have a girlfriend yet? Why don't you just let him go? "

Jin Yu can't help frowning when he hears the speech, but he doesn't respond. Xuan Yaru immediately turns to Jin Yu and says, "yes! You are right


Terrace garden.

After dinner, Jin Yu and Jin Han sit in the garden to enjoy the cool.

Jin Yu shook his goblet carelessly and said, "big brother! Just jump into the fire pit yourself. Don't pull me into the water every time! "

Jin Han took a sip of the wine and said, "don't say it every time, it's just the second time! Besides, you're 30 this year. I've been doing this since I was 30 years old, right

"Who are you going to bring to see your parents in a few days? In such a short time, where are you going to find a group performance? "

Jin Han smile: "how do you know I don't have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, you do."

Jin Han changed the topic and asked, "how does this wine taste?"

Jin Yu nodded and said, "not bad!"

"This wine comes from a French winery. I recently invested in the wine business and want to cooperate with this winery. You have been in France for so many years, I want to use your way in France!"

Jin Yu pursed his lips: "he just cheated me, and now he wants to take advantage of me. Big brother is really invisible!"

"Let me tell you..." Jin Han began to introduce his wine business.

Jin Yu's mobile phone rings. He opens the screen and sees a red light spot on the map moving out of the foreign affairs institute.

Jin Yu immediately closed his cell phone, got up to look at Jin Han and said, "your wine business, we'll talk about it another day! I'm going to deal with something now! "


Women's spa club.

In the pink box, Muqiqi collapses on the sofa. With the massage of the foot therapist, a groan of pain comes from Muqiqi's mouth.

"Ran Ran! I'm dying! I'm really dying! Ten laps! I can't run ten laps a year, but today I run ten laps a day! Jin Yu! You pervert

Yan Ran Ran holds her mobile phone and sits on the sofa beside her. Usually she is most afraid of pain. Every time the foot therapist presses it, she will call out endlessly.

But today, Yan Ran Ran looks like a dead man. He doesn't care how the foot therapist takes care of him.

"Qiqi! Kaiyu, he's angry! I called him all day today, but he didn't answer and didn't return the information! " Yan Ran said in loss.

Muqiqi choked back and said, "is he always like this to you? It must be playing games again, or it must be playing ball

"No! This time it's my fault! He called me last night, but I didn't answer. The most important thing is that the second call was hung up by your third brother! "

"Don't tell me about him! He's not my third brother! " Mu Qiqi retorted.

Mu Qiqi is still worried about what happened during the day. If Jin Sheng hadn't denied her case, she might not have gone to military training, and she would have become such a virtue.

Yan Ran Ran sat up straight, looked at Mu Qi Qi and said, "he really goes too far, you know? When I went to check out, I knew it was him who opened the room! Why didn't he take me home last night and take me to the hotel instead? Who knows what he has done to me? "

Muqiqi opened one eye and a bad smile: "what did he do to you?"

Yan Ran gave Muqiqi a hard push: "Qiqi! I'm not kidding you! It's about my innocence! I! Being taken to open a house! The ID cards of the two of us are registered on the record of opening the house! If this is known, how can I explain it? "

"Who would be bored to check your room records? Don't be naive Muqiqi didn't care.

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