Apartment of the Ministry of foreign affairs.

After sending n messages, Mu Qiqi doesn't reply. Jin Yu twists her eyebrows and tentatively dials her again.

"I'm sorry! The phone you dialed is off! Sorry……”

Jin Yu hung up and threw his cell phone aside. His eyes narrowed and a cold light flashed across.

How dare you turn it off

The mobile phone rings suddenly and holds the shelf for a while, but he expects that the call is from Muqiqi. He quickly leans down and reaches for the other end of the sofa.

The mobile phone got stuck in the crack of the sofa. He fumbled for a long time, for fear that the other party couldn't wait to hang up the phone.

However, when he finally got his mobile phone and saw the word "Jin Han" on the screen, his heart almost sank, a huge sense of loss.

"What's the matter?" Jin Yu's tone is not good.

At the other end of the phone, Jin Han's temperament seems to be higher, "go to my house and pick up your daughter-in-law!"

"Is Qiqi in your house?" Jin Yu was at a loss.

Although he knew that Jin Han had real estate in Barton mansion, and the final positioning of Mu Qiqi's GPS also showed that it was there, he never thought that she was in Jin Han's house now.

What does she do at big brother's house?

But on the other side of the phone, Jin Han didn't say anything more. He just said, "now! Now

"Duh! Doodle! Doodle

Before Jin Yu could react, the phone had hung up.


Half an hour later, Barton house.

When the elevator bell rang, Jin Yu stepped out of the elevator.

Zhou Shangying, who was familiar with Jin Yu, said, "good evening! Mr. Jin

"Qiqi is in it?" Jin Yu asked.

He couldn't figure out how Qiqi could know his elder brother's address. Jin Han, an old fox, is a cunning man. His whereabouts are always secret, and he would never invite people to his home easily.

Even if Qiqi is not an outsider, Jin Han's temperament doesn't seem to be someone who has a private relationship with Qiqi.

"Yes! Your wife is really in there Zhou Shang gave a positive reply.

Jin Yu went straight to the gate and knocked twice, but no one answered.

"Qiqi! Open the door

In the living room, Mu Qiqi heard Jin Yu's voice and jumped up from the sofa, "Damn it! How did he find it? "

Said, Muqiqi steps did not stop to the direction of the toilet quickly ran, while running said: "sister! Help me get rid of him! I don't want to see him

Mu Ning An shook his head helplessly, got up and went to the gate.

Jin Yu looked at Mu Ning'an, who came to open the door, and looked at her casual dress. It was obvious that she always lived here.

Isn't she and big brother as simple as pretending to be lovers? Are these two really together?

Thinking about Jin Han's anxiety to let him take Muqiqi away, it is estimated that he is afraid that Qiqi will stay here and affect their two people's world. It seems that everything will be solved with such thinking.

Jin Yu put his hands in his trousers pocket, hooked his lips and asked her, "is Qiqi in it?"

He never asked her what relationship she had with Jin Han. If it was Jin Sheng, it would have been gossip by now.

Mu Ning An nodded and asked him, "how do you know that Qiqi is with me?"

Jin Yu pursed his lips. Without waiting for him to answer, Mu Ning slowly raised her hand in her pocket, holding a string of Platinum Bracelets in her hand.

The style as like as two peas of a seven chain, he is the same as the one he gave to Moqi.

The style of the bracelet he gave to Mu Qiqi was custom-made. This is the only one. Obviously, Mu Ning'an already knows the secret of the bracelet.

"Qiqi... She knows?" Jin Yu twisted his eyebrows.

Originally, now the little girl is angry. If at this time, she knows that he is tracking her again, isn't that fueling the fire?

Mu Ning'an shook her head. "She doesn't know, because... I want to hear your explanation first. Don't worry, Qiqi is in the bathroom now, she can't hear our conversation!"

In a word, she dispelled Jin Yu's doubts.

Jin Yu's heart relaxed and said with a smile: "I had to do this. Qiqi has been too rebellious in the past two years. She has wasted not only her studies, but also her time. In order for her to successfully complete her university courses, I have to keep an eye on her!"

"It seems to be an impeccable explanation!" Mu Ning'an answered, but soon, her words changed, "if you treat her as a child who is not sensible, it's understandable to do so. Children's watches on rotten streets all have this function, but if you treat her as a wife, you should respect her. When you give her this bracelet, you should tell her the truth, it's human rights!"

"I didn't want to use this bracelet to control her. At least during this period, Qiqi's progress is obvious to all. Even if you don't take it off today, I will take it off for her in a few days!"

Mu Ning'an looked at him and said, "I believe you for the time being. If I find out that you give her something like this without Qiqi's knowledge, I will tell her next time!"

Jin Yu picks eyebrows. Although the woman's tone is calm, there is a kind of threat in the calm.

He always thought that what Jin Han liked was superficial and coquettish. He didn't know when he changed his taste and fell in love with this type of woman.

Jin Yu thin lips slightly pick, "if human rights that set of work, Qiqi how can do so many ridiculous things in college?"

Mu Ning'an snorted, just about to refute, Jin Yuqiang said: "how to educate Qiqi, I have a set of methods!"

After that, Jin Yu pushed the door and walked in. He was familiar with the way to the bathroom.

Mu Ning An looked at Jin Yu's back and said, "the toilet is on the right side!"

"I know!"

Mu Ning'an snorted. How could he know? It's like he was here! Jin family man! Jin Han, too! Jin Yu! Everyone is so arrogant!


In the bathroom.

Muqiqi washed his hands and threw the paper towel into the garbage can.

Almost in a flash, she saw something in the trash can.

She saw two bars on the pen

Two bars... Pregnant? Or not pregnant?

Just as she was thinking, the regular knock on the door rang out.

"Qiqi! Come out

Jin Yu's voice sounded like a magic spell.

There was a constant knock on the door.

Muqiqi ignored him and opened his mobile phone to search the manual online.

"One line, not pregnant, two lines..." Muqiqi muttered.

"Control line and test line are chromogenic, showing positive, pregnant!"

Sister, she's pregnant? Whose child is it? You Tianze's? Numerous questions gathered in Mu Qiqi's mind, like frying pan for a moment.

Almost at the same time, there was the sound of the key inserted in the keyhole, and then the door handle turned, and the door opened.

Jin Yu pushes the door and enters. He sees Mu Qiqi hiding something behind him in a panic and throwing it into the garbage can. But with a shake of his hand, it falls to the ground.

Muqiqi stepped forward and pushed his chest, trying to push him out, "get out! I don't want to see you! "

When Jin Yu saw her flustered appearance, he only felt that there was a ghost. The more she pushed out, the more he went in.

After three or two, Jin Yu went into the bathroom and closed the door of the bathroom.

Muqiqi raised his eyes and stared at him, coldly said: "I won't go back with you!"

Finish saying, Mu Qi Qi lowers a head, the line of sight carelessly sweeps, seem to be looking for something.

Under the washing table, Jin Yu swept a white bar like pen.

Muqiqi also saw it. Just as he was about to pick it up, Jin Yu's black shoes pressed on.

Muqiqi squatted on the ground, clenched his fist and beat Jin Yu's feet.

Jin Yu slightly twisted his eyebrows, bent down and picked up the things under his feet. He knew what it was, and could not help but frown tightly, "two lines? Are you pregnant? Still not pregnant? "

Muqiqi reached out to grab it: "give it back to me!"

I got it!

"Baby! Do you have one? " Jin Yu asked in a low voice, excited.

Muqiqi ignored him.

Jin Yu smiles, "baby! Tell my husband quickly if I'm going to be a father? "

The tone was full of expectations.

Mu Qiqi snorts coldly. Jin Yu must think that the pregnancy test stick is hers.

"Baby! Why don't you say something? Tell my husband quickly

Muqiqi did not speak, but threw the pregnancy test stick into the garbage can and said, "the child is not yours! What are you excited about? "

Jin Yu listened, with no smile at all. His face was overcast and frightening. "Can this kind of joke be opened at will?"

Muqiqi stares at him, "it's the truth! Look at your lonely face... "

"Muqiqi! Don't get carried away Jin Yu's face was completely black.

Seeing his angry look, Muqiqi smiles with satisfaction.

"Enough of me? Divorce My lips are full of love.

Jin Yu's face was more overcast, and his eagle eyes were like the wolf in the dark, cold light.

"Say it again!"

"Divorce!" Muqiqi gritted his teeth.

Jin Yu breathed in a dull voice, lifted her up, opened the door and carried her out.

"Sister! Help me! I don't want to go back with him! " Muqiqi is struggling.

Jin Yu lifted her hands up and put her on his shoulder.

"Jin Yu! Put Qiqi down quickly! What can I say? " Mu Ning'an followed him anxiously.

Jin Yu strode forward without stopping. He said, "stop! Don't send it! "

Zhou Shang came up, stretched out an arm and stopped Mu Ning'an, "Miss Mu! It's better for them to deal with the affairs between their husband and wife! Mr. Jin, gentleman, what about Miss Qiqi! "

Mu Ning'an stood at the door, looking at Jin Yu's back in the corridor.

Mu Qiqi is resisted by him on the shoulder, hands clench fist to flutter, next of knock his back, listen to this stuffy voice, start will not light, but Jin Yu also didn't say anything.

Mu Ning'an saw that even if Jin Yu did something wrong, Mu Qi's hand was too heavy. She reminded her in her voice, "Qi Qi! What to say! Don't do it

Mu Ning An's eyebrows are slightly frowning. Qi Qi's temper is not likely to be bullied anywhere. Liang Jin Yu can't do anything about her.

However, Qi Qi's temperament really needs to be accepted. Let Jin Yu take charge of it. With this thought, Mu Ning'an will go back.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something. She looked back at Zhou Shang and asked, "did you just call him Mr. Jin? Do you know him? "

Zhou Shang's face moved. Jin Han's younger brother, how could he not know him?

"If Miss Hui Mu said that Mr. Jin is a great diplomat, he is naturally famous."

Mu Ning'an nodded, with a feeling that she could not tell. She always felt that the housekeeper was a little strange. Inexplicably, there was a feeling that she was watching her secretly.

She turned and walked on, as if to herself, and said, "how do you know he's a gentleman? Look at the rude way he just carried away Qiqi. A gentleman can't do such a thing! "

Zhou Shang saw Mu Ning'an's leaving, and he could not help raising his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

Almost exposed


The white Mercedes galloped all the way.

When I was near the apartment of the Ministry of foreign affairs, I stopped at the door of a drugstore.

Jin Yu stopped the car and walked down.

A few minutes later, when he came back, he was carrying a white plastic bag.

Back to the driver's seat, Jin Yu throws the plastic bag on Mu Qiqi's leg.

Muqiqi rolled his eyes and opened the plastic bag.

Don't see don't know, a look scared!

There are more than ten brands of pregnancy test products!

"You are sick!" Mu Qi roared.

"Baby! I asked! Two bars are pregnant! " Jin Yu was smiling.

Mu Qiqi's face is black. She has known for a long time, and she still uses him to say?

However, just now someone was angry and almost killed her. Yes, the mood changed too fast.

"Little sample! What a quick change of face Mu Qiqi rebuked.

Jin Yu holds Mu Qiqi's hand, "baby! My husband won't make you angry any more! "

"You know what makes me angry? What have you done wrong? " Mu Qiqi is in a posture.

"Husband, promise! Never play that recording again! Change the alarm

"Well!" Muqiqi nodded and saw him bow his head to admit his mistake to her with his own eyes.

Jin Yu chased after him: "there will be no alarm in the future! Baby can sleep more! Sleep till you wake up

"Well!" Mu Qiqi deliberately makes an appearance that he is still dissatisfied.

The drugstore is only one traffic light away from the apartment of the Ministry of foreign affairs. In less than five minutes, Jin Yu has pulled the car to the parking space.

Mu Qiqi lowers her head in the whole process, thinking that once Jin Yu knows that she is not pregnant, will she eat her immediately?


He is so easy to talk now. If he doesn't make trouble for him at this time, he may not have this opportunity in the future.

Headless little thoughts flying around, Muqiqi didn't even realize that they were home.

Turn off the car, he side head looked to Mu Qi Qi, the little girl drooped her head, worried look.

"What's the matter, baby?"

Muqiqi held out his hand, "give me your mobile phone!"

Without saying a word, Jin Yu handed over his mobile phone.

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