Apartment of the Ministry of foreign affairs.

Accompanied by a weak vibration, the alarm bell from weak to strong.

Mu Qiqi suddenly opened his eyes and kept talking to himself like a reflex: "scientific behaviorism, also known as the research method of political behavior, is the use of behavioral science..."

After a few words, Mu Qiqi was stunned and looked at the ceiling above his head. Then he found that he was lying on the bed.

And the sky, it's already light.

Wasn't she endorsing in the study last night?

Jin Yu must have taken advantage of her sleepiness and brought her back from her study!

It's clearly said that she will be endorsing all night, and the beast will take her back, not to

Muqiqi quickly lifted a corner of the quilt and wrapped his naked body in a thin blanket


She yelled angrily, lifted the quilt, and the morning light shone on her porcelain white skin.

No kissing marks, no red and purple strawberry marks, the whole body is white and tender, like a shelled egg.

Full of resentment, it was so quiet to disappear

There was a sound of footsteps in the living room. Jin Yu strode into the bedroom: "baby, call me?"

Mu Qiqi's lips slightly puffed. He really knew himself.

Jin Yu went to the bedside, took her out of the quilt and rubbed her greedily.

"Good performance last night!" Mu Qiqi praised him and looked up at him with a smile. A pair of water eyes were full of sleep and smart.

Jin Yu hooked her lips and said to her, "comfortable?"

Then he lowered his head and could not help kissing her lips.

Mu Qiqi, an agitator, pushed him away: "beast! What did you do to me last night? "

Originally, she saw that there was no trace left on her body. She thought that animals were rarely abstinent last night. She just boasted, but he asked

Obviously, she overestimated him!.

Jin Yu slightly pick eyebrow: "baby don't remember?"

Mu Qiqi was so angry that he couldn't do it. He beat him on the chest and asked, "what did you do?"

Jin Yu stretched out a middle finger and touched her eyes slightly.

Muqiqi only felt that his cheek was burning badly. He gritted his teeth and said, "abnormal!"

Jin Yu suddenly laughed: "what's baby thinking?"

Muqiqi stares at him: "beast! You don't touch me all day, do you? "

Jin Yu nodded with a light smile.

Mu Qiqi's teeth itch with hatred. Seeing his flat appearance, he doesn't know where he has so much physical strength. He doesn't lose energy even if he tosses every day.

What's more, she always felt that animals were more and more tolerant.

Animals! A real beast!

Jin Yu saw her angry look, thin lips slightly pick, with the middle finger against her temple, slightly rubbed: "husband, see baby so hard, give you a head relaxation massage! Is it comfortable? "

"Just a massage?" Muqiqi pursed her lips, half believing and half doubting.

Jin Yu nodded and looked calm.

He put his fingers into her hair and pressed her scalp with his fingertips.

His technique is really good, he casually pinched two times, Muqiqi seems to really feel a lot of ease in the head.

Muqiqi closed his eyes, took a deep breath and hummed comfortably.

"I believe you!" Muqi said lazily.

Jin Yu put her thin lips on her ears, neck and chest

I've been kissing all the way.

Muqiqi is just enjoying the comfort of her head. When she reacts, her hand around her waist swam and slid down unconsciously.

"Beast, what are you doing?"

"Baby is comfortable! My husband is not comfortable yet! "

The voice just falls, Jin Yu puts her on the bed, turn over to press up.

For a long time, on such a big bed, sweat dripping.

Muqiqi lies on Jin Yu's body feebly, and even his breath is so tired that he has no strength.

"My husband will make you a bacon sandwich for breakfast, OK?"

Jin Yu kneaded her chubby buttocks with his hands. His voice was as gentle as his.

"Not yet! I'm starving! " Mu Qi hate teeth itch, pounce to eat, vent like bite on his shoulder.

Jin Yu hooked her lips, held her directly, got up and strode to the bathroom.

"There are two make-up exams in the evening, international relations theory and a semi open book exam!"

Mu Qiqi fell on Jin Yu's shoulder and murmured.

Jin Yu rubbed her back skull and said, "stick to it for another week, answer these seven papers and hand in four elective course papers. In the next time, you can conquer five professional courses."

Mu Qi looked at him in a daze: "husband! When are you going back to France to perform your duties? "

Jin Yu looked down at her: "No.28!"

Mu Qiqi pulls out her lips. At the wedding dress shop, the consultant coaxes her into saying that Jin Yuxuan got married on September 27 because of the homonym of "just love Qi".

The second day of marriage, she left, which is also called love?

A few steps to the bathroom, Jin Yu looked in the mirror, Muqiqi lying on his shoulder, pouting.

"Reluctant to let her husband go?"

Originally, she didn't feel anything. When he asked, she suddenly felt that her eyes were sore and her nose was blocked.

Muqiqi! You can't cry! It's a good thing for animals to crush you so much. Why are you crying?

Jin Yu saw that the little girl's eyes were red and her heart was tight. He turned and sat down on the edge of the bathtub, and sat Muqiqi on his lap.

Jin Yu pinched her small nose and teased her: "do you want to go with my husband?"

Muqiqi rolled his eyes: "what's good about France? I don't want to go! I have to go to school

Hard mouth!

Jin Yu nodded, pretending to be serious and said, "yes! Baby has to go to school! I'll wait for the winter vacation. My husband will book you a plane ticket, and my baby will come back to Paris to see my husband? "

Muqiqi tooted his lips, broke his fingers and counted: "winter vacation... There are still three months left!"

Little girl a serious appearance, clearly is reluctant to give up.

Jin Yu smiles and kisses Mu Qiqi's hand: "yes! Three months! Will baby miss me

Muqiqi is a white eye again. He is stiff to the end.

Jin Yu hooked his lips, but when he said that, he held back and didn't tell her that he would take her to Paris.

If you say it in advance, it's not a surprise.

After taking a bath and changing clothes, Muqiqi came to the restaurant with a bacon sandwich, a glass of juice and two plates of heart-shaped fried eggs.

Muqiqi pushed a pile of fried eggs to the opposite side: "I'll just eat one!"

Jin Yu put down his knife and fork and put the dish back again: "before every important exam, I used to feed you a sausage and two fried eggs?"

A hundred?

Muqiqi swept around the table: "where's the sausage?"

Jin Yu picked an eyebrow to look at her: "didn't you just feed you?"

"Nonsense! Where is it? " Muqi twists his eyebrows.

"No? Whose little mouth is it just now? It's so comfortable. Don't want it? "

Muqiqi understood what Jin Yu was referring to, and instantly felt retching.

"What's the matter?" Jin Yu asked her with a smile.

"Beast! I'm sick of you

Muqiqi glared at him, picked up the juice and pressed it down.

"Just now my mother called and said that she promised to make some cheongsam for you, and let me take you back to Yiyuan and ask a master to measure you."

"Back to Yiyuan?" Mu Qiqi's lips were full of embarrassment.

"What's the matter?"

Mu Qiqi pursed her lips: "I'm worried that my mother-in-law asked me about my elder brother and my elder sister. After all, she took a set of jewelry from her, and took other people's hands short..."

Jin Yu had no choice but to smile: "my mother sent you that set of red peach green jade, is that the purpose?"

Muqi nodded.

"Since it's so difficult, what do you think when you accept the gift?" Jin Yu skimmed.

"But I didn't feel embarrassed at that time! She just broke up with you Tianze. They have been together for so many years. My sister has deep feelings for him. Although they broke up, she would never be with others so soon with my sister's temperament! But now she's living with big brother! And I'm pregnant! I don't know how to explain it! "

Jin Yu picked an eyebrow: "that doesn't explain!"

"But if my mother-in-law asks, what should I say?"

"When the elder brother's proposal is successful, he will take your elder sister back to Yiyuan to explain! You need to explain? "

Jin Yu light should, Jin Han spent 20 million to shoot "the Queen's wedding ring", the proposal is not sooner or later?

Muqiqi was surprised: "you said that big brother is going to propose to my sister?"

"I think so." Jin Yu said faintly.


Barton house.

Jin Han woke up with a splitting headache.

He helped his forehead, turned over and wanted to get up. He struggled for a moment. The numbness of his whole body made him choose to give up and continue to lean on the bed.

“Helson! You wake up Li Manli came forward and asked.

Jin Han's eyes narrowed, and eagle's eyes awe inspiring looked at her. The things of the night before, a little bit like the tide.

In the evening, Zhou Shang told him that Mu Ning'an left the apartment with her luggage and left for Los Angeles.

But when his people rushed to the airport to intercept, Mu Ning An Fei didn't board the plane and disappeared, with no news.

The order he gave Gu Yue was to dig three feet of land and see people.

He went back to Barton's alone, waiting for the news.

The night fell, accompanied by a thunder, the rainstorm swept the night sky, and the suffocation feeling, which had not recurred for a long time, almost emptied his brain in an instant.

Remaining consciousness, with perseverance, he dialed Sha Baoyang at the last moment.

"Where's shabao?" Jin Han asked her in a hoarse voice.

Li Manli helped him to tidy up the quilt. She said, "he went back."

She knelt carefully beside his bed and followed him for more than ten years. Jin Han never let anyone touch his bed, which was his taboo.

She carefully remembers that she never sits in his bed.

"What are you doing here?"

"Sabao called me when he got your call! Why are you so careless? Knowing that there was a rainstorm last night, you can't stay alone! Gu Yue didn't know what to do? Not with you! He can't get through! If it wasn't for shabao to call me, I would have been worried to death! "

Jin Han frowned and asked urgently, "where is the ancient mountain?"

"He's outside. You want to see him?"

Jin Han nodded.

Li Manli gets up and walks out of the bedroom. Not long after that, Gu Yue steps in quickly, frowning.

"Mr. Jin!" Gu Yue pursed his lips. He worried about Jin Han's physical condition, so he put his words on his lips.

"Where are the people?" Jin Han asked harshly.

Gu Yue was stunned by him, and said in a trembling voice, "Miss Mu has been secretly taken away by the police! The reason is unknown! And... No bail! "

Jin Han put his hands on the bed and sat up with difficulty.

Gu Yue quickly came forward to support him. The medicine Jin Han took would cause short-term paralysis of his limbs. Every movement was not easy.

"Last night, she was at the police station all night?" Jin Han asked him.

Gu Yue nodded: "yes! The police are blocking the news now! If you only say that the case is serious, you can't tell anyone else! "

Jin Han helped Gu Yue and got out of bed: "clothes! Stand by! Jin Sheng

Gu Yue had understood what he wanted to express in three short words, and he even answered several yes.

Li Manli was waiting at the door of her bedroom. Seeing that Jin Han was going out, she quickly came near and grabbed Jin Han's shirt from Gu Yue. She stopped and said, "Helson! You can't go out! The drug has not returned! You must have a rest these two days

Jin cold eyes looked, did not speak.

Gu Yue whispered, "Miss Li, please let go!"

Li Manli bit her lip and shook her head. Her eyes were red and glistening.

"Get out!" Jin Han said in a deep voice.

"Miss mu? Is it Mu Ning'an? " Li Manli asked, red lips slightly trembling, "for her sake, you don't even want your own body?"

Jin Han didn't say anything. He untied the belt of his nightgown, shook his shoulder, grabbed the shirt from her hand, and threw it away.

A few minutes later, after a simple wash, Jin Han walked out of the bathroom and strode out.

Li Manli stood by the French window, her eyes were flushed by tears, and her eyes were red and swollen.

Seeing that Jin Han walked out of the bedroom, she followed quickly, rushed to the corridor and blocked in front of him: "you can't go! You only took the medicine at daybreak. In an hour or two, you will feel numb and sore. Even if you go out, what can you do now? "

Gu Yue stepped forward to block Li Manli: "Miss Li! Now that you know that the medicine will take effect soon, don't delay Mr. Jin any longer! "

With that, Gu Yue pushed away a road with his arm, and Jin Han strode away.

"Ding" of an elevator bell rings, Jin Han left.

Li Manli leans on the wall of the corridor, feeling depressed.

Zhou Shang came over, leaned slightly and said, "Miss Li! Mr. Jin asked you to leave here! "

Li Manli snorted and laughed.

"Mr. Jin also said that this is not the place where Miss Li should come. It's not the next case!"

With a sneer, Li Manli's eyes were empty and fixed in front of her: "why didn't he say that to me..."

Zhou Shang leaned back again and said, "please! Miss Li

Li Manli took a deep breath and went straight out.

Holding in the palm of the mobile phone buzzing vibration, she opened the mobile phone, YingMou swept.

"The man has arrived at the police station!"

Put down the mobile phone, Li Manli's cold lip color, shallow evoke a cold radian.


police station.

In the custody room, Mu Ning'an put her hands together to her lips.

All night, almost sleepless.

"Click" sound, the sound of iron door.

A policewoman opened the door and stood at the door: "Miss Mu! Someone is coming to bail you! "

Mu Ning An heard the sound and stood up tremblingly. After a sleepy night, her feet fell to the ground, slightly numb.

The policewoman takes Mu Ning'an to the interrogation room and lets her wait alone.

The night before, she asked the police to contact her private lawyer in the United States, hoping to get assistance from the U.S. Embassy as an American citizen.

It's just

With the sound of messy footsteps in the corridor, the door of the interrogation room was pushed open, but the person who came to meet her was not the embassy staff, but you Tianze.

Mu Ning An stood up with her hands on the table and said, "how are you?"

You Tianze strode forward and supported Mu Ning'an's shaking body: "are you ok?"

"Alex called you?" Mu Ning An asked.

Alex is her private lawyer in the United States.

You Tianze didn't answer her directly. Instead, he said, "I have a general understanding of the matter. I'll take you out of here first!"

Mu Ning'an struggled to get rid of you Tianze's hand on his arm: "I don't need your help!"

You Tianze twisted his eyebrows and said: "30 million bail! Even if the embassy would negotiate, they would not be able to advance such a large amount of bail for you! "

"Thirty million?" Mu Ning An weakly shook his head, "such a big favor, I can't accept more!"

You Tianze tightened her arm again: "Ning'an! This is not the time to be stubborn! "

With that, you Tianze lowered his voice for fear that the people behind him would hear him and said in a low voice: "someone framed you. It's not clear who is behind the scenes. It's not safe here! You must get out of here at once

Mu Ning'an waved his arm to break away from him: "let me go!"

You Tianze eyes color a deep, whispered a: "sorry!"

Mu Ning'an hasn't yet reflected what's going on. You Tianze grabs a small handkerchief from his trouser pocket and spreads it in the palm of his hand to cover her mouth and nose.

Mu Ning'an only felt his eyes sank, his vision gradually blurred, and then he fainted.

You Tianze took advantage of the opportunity to hold her up, turned and left the interrogation room.

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