The next morning, Jin Yu drove Mu Qiqi to school.

After a weekend, Muqiqi was full of sleep, pink face, round and full of spirit.

At the school gate, the car stopped. Jin Yu held her little face and said with a smile: "have a good class! I'll pick you up after school in the evening! "

Muqi curled his lips and scolded: "I live in my bedroom tonight!"

The tone is not very good.

"What dormitories are you going to live in?" Jin Yu was cold in the moment.

Turn the page faster than turn the book

Mu Qiqi squinted at him and said seriously, "I think it's better to keep a little distance before we get married!"

The fact is

Yesterday, she watched a beast on her mobile phone and ordered a full amount of five figure sex goods.

The one she was looking at was called an upright hair! Especially at the moment when I saw the success of payment, my heart was ten million grass mud horses galloping!

Who invented online shopping? It can be purchased anonymously, delivered privately and delivered to your door 24 hours a day. It's just designed for Jin Yu, who is well-dressed in front of you and who is sultry and indulgent after you!

Think about that shopping list

In addition to the necessary condoms, there are also whip, handcuffs, and all kinds of abnormal things.

I bought more than ten sets of funny pajamas alone, including cute cartoon Biyuan, cute girl school clothes, uniform and alluring nurse clothes

What's more abnormal is that there's a thing called "gun machine". The size and frequency of it will subvert her world view, OK?

If there is no accident, these things can be signed in the morning!

In the heart that calls a regret!

When animals say they want to go to the supermarket to buy condoms, let them go!

Why did she stop him from shopping online?

Because online shopping next day?

You think animals can't touch her at night? Punish him? Abstinence? To satisfy his appetite?

But what's the result? It's not worth the loss, OK?

A hungry lone wolf has been fished for two days and one night. How can she revenge her with those abnormal things at night? She feels numb when she thinks about that picture.

She felt that animals would kill her

Sure enough!

Jin Yu hooked her chin and said softly, "my husband just wants to be away from you!"

Mu Qiqi's lips twitched and rolled his eyes angrily.

Then, he turned to push the door to get off, opened the rear door, picked up the two paper bags on the seat with one hand, and kicked the door heavily.

Jin Yuwei smiles, watching her back disappear in the depths of the campus. Then he starts the car and drives away.

Muqiqi went directly to the teaching building.

Hand baked cakes and a thoughtful handwritten card, warm gift harvest a piece of praise.

The atmosphere in the office is warm.

The teacher who taught her theory of international relations was in a good mood and whispered to her that she did well in the make-up exam.

The teacher just recognized Mu Qiqi's paper from the handwriting, because the test paper has not been opened, and she can't tell her the specific results, but the sentence "good test" has given her a big reassurance.

Leaving the teaching building, Mu Qiqi takes out his mobile phone and sends a message to Jin Yu.

"Honey! The teacher said that I did well in the international relations theory test

I wish I could hear Jin Yu's affirmation for her at the first time.

In this make-up examination, the most troublesome subject for her is theory of international relations, which is the focus of almost the whole book, and it is very difficult to review.

She has been worried that this course will lower her GPA, but now it seems that this worry can be eliminated.

But the next second

Muqiqi just dropped his car door. Is it too active to send him a message so soon?

What about pride? What about reserve? Why don't you ignore him if you don't return the goods?

On the other side of the screen, at the intersection of red lights, Jin Yu glanced at his mobile phone and saw that it was the message from Xiaoya's hair. Thin lips slightly hooked it.

After reading the content of the message, the smile on the corner of the lip rippled deeper, and the fingertips slid back to a message.

Muqiqi is about to withdraw the message, but he is still slow. His mobile phone shakes. It's Jin Yu.

"Baby, that's great!"

"Go home at night, my husband will reward you!"

Mu Qiqi's eyebrows move, just want to ask what is the reward.

The phone shakes again. This time, it's a screenshot of a text message.

"Your express has been signed by: property."

Mu Qiqi

Reward? Are you sure it's not torture? Isn't it to satisfy someone's abnormal animal desire?

Mu Qiqi snorted, threw away his mobile phone and ignored him.

It's still a while before class. There's a box of biscuits in the bag. There were some left when they were put on the plate yesterday. Muqiqi puts together a platter and wants to bring it to Shu Yao and Gong Shanshan. He goes back to his bedroom.

Just walked into the dormitory building, on the bright bulletin board, pasted a red big character newspaper.

On the printed newspaper with red background and black characters, "circular criticism" is very eye-catching.

Muqiqi stepped forward and took a close look. It turned out that they were all his former classmates. All the students who went camping that night appeared on the list.

I didn't hear that there was a sleep check at school that night

Is this... Reported? Who is so wicked!

But seeing that there was no her name on the list, Mu Qiqi was surprised.

She went up the stairs suspiciously and came to the dormitory.

Open the door of the dormitory. It's not time for class yet. Shu Yao is painting makeup. Gong Shanshan is having breakfast. The bedroom is full of the smell of fresh milk and cereal in her cup.

"Qiqi is back!" Shu Yao closed her eyebrow pencil and looked at her with a smile.

Muqiqi nodded, looked at Gong Shanshan and asked, "do you only drink a cup of cereal for breakfast?"

Gong Shanshan nodded.

"Breakfast must be balanced! A glass of cereal won't give you the energy you need all morning! Milk, eggs, fruit, these are necessary! Especially girls, we must pay attention to dietary nutrition! Eat well, nourish well, sleep well, skin will be good... "

Balabala, Muqiqi said a great truth.

Gong Shanshan looked up at her in amazement. Was that what Muqiqi, who had never known what breakfast was, said before when he was sleeping till noon?

"Qiqi! You're not sick, are you? " Gong Shanshan interrupted her and put her palm on her forehead. She asked faintly.

Mu Qiqi

As soon as the words came out, she also felt a little strange. How could she move out the words that the animals said?

Er... Sure enough, I've lived together for a long time, and I've even got the problem of broken mouth.

Mu Qiqi glanced at Gong Shanshan: "I'm for you!"

Er... I can't even copy this sentence.

Bah bah, Muqiqi took out a box of biscuits from the bag, pushed them to Gong Shanshan and said, "skimmed milk! Coarse grain powder! Very nutritious! Eat

Shu Yao went to Mu Qiqi's side and pinched her face full of collagen: "the skin is really good! Watery! I think sleeping well is the key! Does your husband nourish you? "

Mu Qiqi rolled a white eye: "false eyelashes are not pasted! Put on your make-up! Class is coming! Being late will affect your usual performance. Be careful that your scholarship will be ruined

Shu Yao curled her lips: "anyway, my scholarship this semester has failed!"

Gong Shan sighed and said, "you're not the only one! There will be no scholarship in our class this semester, OK? "

Mu Qiqi blinks. She seems to have heard of it before. Once she is reported by the school, not to mention the scholarship, even her final graduation may be affected. If it's serious, she may be detained for studying abroad.

"Not necessarily!" Shu Yao answered, "there is still hope for Qiqi! There's no name for her in the big character paper! "

Gong Shanshan then said, "Qiqi, she's not boarding now, she's a day student! Of course it has nothing to do with her

Mu Qi's mouth curled and his feeling was unspeakable.

It's like... Other people are in deep water, but she's watching the fire from the other side?

In a collective, the most taboo thing is that someone should be special. It's just that everyone should be prosperous and everyone should be harmed. Isn't it obvious that people should be envied if they stay out of the business like this?

Mu Qiqi twisted his eyebrows and asked, "how did the school find out? Didn't anyone check the bed that night? "

Shu Yao snorted: "someone reported it! It's said that parents report it! "

Gong Shanshan nodded: "I don't know whose parents are so immoral! Last night, the head teacher talked to some of our class cadres. Let's not say that this semester's scholarship failed. There are no scholarships for the remaining two years! If I had known that, I would rather not be a cadre of this class! I'm dead! "

Shu Yao sighed and said, "we are good. Look at Cheng Ye! Because he is the monitor and the president of the student union. He knows the law and breaks the law. Now he even has his degree certificate deducted! He is the one who is really unjust

Muqiqi is speechless, thinking that all that Cheng ye did to her that night was in Jin Yu's eyes. Seeing that Cheng Ye is now so miserable, she can't help but wonder, can't Jin Yu do it?

But Jin Yu's status made him cruel to an unarmed student

Muqiqi shook his head.

She firmly believed that this would not be his act. In her heart, Jin Yu was not such a boring person!

Mu Qiqi pursed her lips and asked tentatively, "did the head teacher tell you whose parents reported this?"

The two shook their heads together.

But Shu Yao honest, should be a: "some people suspect you! Because in this matter, only you are not affected! "

Oh, I'll go!

Mu Qi Qi's anger ran up, before she was on the big character newspaper less times? Only less than once, will be stabbed on the spine?

It's no wonder that before, she often played truant and didn't stay at school. In fact, many people didn't know her well. Even after more than two years of college, there were no more than ten people in her class who could name her.

So, in this case, we always have to find a suspicious object, others will think of her, but we can't blame them, who let her bad deeds before! No doubt who does she doubt?

Fortunately, Shu Yao patted her: "don't be angry! Everyone is in a hurry, and it's hard to avoid wishful thinking! I believe you

"I believe you, too!" Gong Shanshan agrees.

In the end, they are in the same dormitory. They have much more time to contact Muqiqi than others. Although they know that she is playful, she is definitely a righteous person and will never do such dirty little actions.

There was a knock at the door.

"Sleep check!" There was a woman's voice outside the door.

"Head teacher!" Gong Shanshan said in a low voice.

Shu Yao curled her lips and muttered: "usually, even people can't see it. When something goes wrong, she pretends to check the bed!"

Gong Shanshan snorted: "she's not worried about our accident, she's afraid of affecting her becoming a regular!"

All the new teachers in the school have three years of internship, and they can only get into the establishment after passing the examination. When they see that they are about to complete three years, they will inevitably have to do something superficial when they become regular.

It's lucky that these dozens of people went out together without any accident. Even if something happened to one of them, she was dismissed, let alone became a regular.

"Come in, please Gong Shanshan answered in a loud voice.

"Sleep check!" The head teacher pushed the door and came in. She looked down at the register in her hand and said coldly: "there are two people living in this dormitory now! Gong Shanshan! Shuyao

Then the head teacher looked up and saw Mu Qiqi: "Mu Qiqi! Did you live in your bedroom last night? "

Without waiting for Muqiqi to answer, the head teacher continued: "come and go! Is there any discipline in your eyes? Now that you have gone through the day reading procedures, you should not stay overnight. When something happens, your parents will look for it. How can you divide the responsibilities? "

The tone of the head teacher's scolding is exciting.

Muqi light should be a: "teacher! I haven't answered yet! Why are you so excited? "

Having said that, the corner of the lip is still with a smile to see the cool wind.

The head teacher took a hard breath and suppressed his anger: "good! You said

"I didn't live here last night!" Mu seven seven light smile should be a sentence.

Understatement of the appearance, the head teacher is more and more angry, stand on such an insignificant student, really pour eight lifetime bad luck.

Looking back on the time when Muqiqi was in their class, it's OK to lower the grade of the whole class. From time to time, she had to withdraw from the exam because she was late and absent from class, and then she went to the big character newspaper of the school. She was called by the leaders of the school every time.

Now it's not easy for me to be in their class, but when something happens, I still need her shadow.

"Did you go with the camping that night?" Asked the head teacher.

"Gone!" Muqiqi answered simply.

The head teacher snorted and came all the way from other dormitories. When other students were asked about it, they were deeply ashamed. When they came to her, they looked fearless. What was it that challenged her prestige?

"You are no longer a student in our class. Don't join in the class in the future!"

Muqiqi straight to meet her angry eyes: "when the make-up exam results come out, I can catch up with the credits, no accident, next week I can go back to the original class!"

The head teacher snorted: "other people have studied the course for two years. Do you think you can catch up with them if you catch up with them?"

After a pause, she added: "even if you can catch up, you can go to any class you like! My class doesn't want you! "

"That's not what you say!" Mu seven seven light should a.

"I don't count? Is that what you say? "

Seeing the tense atmosphere, Gong Shanshan pulled up lamuqiqi's sleeve and whispered: "Qiqi!"

Mu Qiqi gently flicked away her hand at her sleeve, looked at the head teacher and said, "teacher! After checking the dormitory, there are not many people. Can we go to class? "

The head teacher twisted her eyebrows. Are you driving her away?

"Muqiqi! What's your attitude? Does anyone talk to the teacher like that? "

"Teacher! You've been aiming at me since I came in. I don't think there's anything wrong with my attitude, but the teacher's attitude... "

From the beginning of the head teacher's entrance, even if she was too aggressive with dialect words, she had always been restrained. However, she couldn't see the threatening posture.

Does she really care about her students? Or is it going to affect her future? The answer is obvious.

What's more, this semester, she was in a safe and steady cram class, and did not cause any serious problems. This time, she was reported, and it was not because of her. At most, she was just a participant.

If the teacher in charge of a class talks about the matter on its own, it's all right to aim at her with the prejudice of the past. That's creating difficulties!

The head teacher closed the register, threw the folder to the desk and said in a harsh voice: "I just want to talk to you! I was worried that I couldn't find you, but now I've met you! "

Shu Yao and Gong Shanshan were frightened by the sound, but mu Qiqi blinked. She saw this kind of thing much more. When she was called to the dean's office to talk before, didn't the teaching director have such an expression?

Mu Qiqi glanced at his mobile phone: "there are still 15 minutes left for class. Besides the five minutes on the road, there are still 10 minutes left. What do you want to talk about? Talk about it

"Look at your attitude! Of the 17 dormitories in the class, your dormitories have the most problems. Every time you check your dormitories for any mistakes, the problems lie in your dormitories. There are three class cadres in one dorm, but they can't control you! "

Mu Qiqi pursed her lips and turned over the old account. She really deserved the loss and had to bear it first.

"Other dormitories live in harmony, but look at your dormitories! Of the four, two have gone! Is there any sense of collectivity? Small groups, cliques, targets and crowding out in dormitories! Don't think I don't know! "

Three people were stunned.

Muqiqi sneered: "teacher! Who did you listen to? "

The head teacher patted the desk: "Muqiqi! It's you

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