Jin Yu scolded: "if you don't want to tell the truth, just hold it! What nonsense

Muqiqi immediately retorted: "you think everyone is like you, hiding words in your stomach, you are not afraid of being suffocated? If you had let the police do her earlier, would you have today's mess? I've been delayed for a long time by the stupid head teacher, and I didn't even go to the class in the morning! "

Jin Yu

She really didn't understand his good intentions, but when she saw what she was like before her eyes, she didn't forget that she had missed a lesson. It was useless to be so progressive.

Jin Yu side Mou sees to her, thin lip slightly hooked hook: "if didn't have her, can you become so aggressive now?"


Muqi clenched her teeth, a understatement, even choked her speechless.

What's she doing so hard to prepare for the make-up exam for? It's not to get angry with Wei Wei? To compete with her for a place at the University of Paris?

But turn to think, Mu Qiqi instantly understand, coldly look at him: "you deliberately! Don't you just want me to study? Don't you just want me to go to Paris University? "

Then a pair of fists hit Jin Yu's shoulder.

Jin Yu controlled her hands and squeezed them in the palm of her hand: "you've been like this since childhood? If others are good, you want to do better than others! I'm doing this to make you better. What's wrong? "

"You don't have to explain. I know what you think!"

"Oh Jin Yu slightly raises eyebrows, "what do I think?"

"You know it." Muqi bit every word.

To deceive her to Paris is to surround her and do whatever you want? What does he think of her as? Do you really think of her as a tool for catharsis? Yes! By all means! Otherwise how can I buy so many abnormal things on the Internet!

Jin Yu suppresses the anger in her heart, and there are outsiders. If the confrontation goes on, who knows what she will say.

Bear it. Let's go home.

Soon, the car drove into the apartment of the Ministry of foreign affairs and stopped at the door of the property. Jin Yu told situ Chen to go to the property to get the express.

Muqiqi instant hair, with a: "remember to open the box inspection!"

Now this kind of mood, he even remembers his those abnormal toys? Isn't he a psychopath? Let others see how abnormal he is!

The color of Jin Yu's eyes was deep. He looked at her with his side eyes. His face was expressionless, but his eyes were giving out a cold warning.

Situ Chen left, and when he came back, he put a complete box of express on the co pilot.

Muqiqi: don't you open the box for inspection

"..." situ Chen could only smile awkwardly.

He dares to dismantle boss's things. Is he dying?

Back at home, Muqiqi walked into the bathroom of the bedroom, full of the smell of hospital disinfectant, so he had to take a bath first.

Jin Yu didn't provoke her and went into another bathroom.

When a man comes out of the shower, he sees that the door of the bedroom bathroom is still closed and there is no sound of water. Thinking that the little girl is taking a bath, he turns and goes into the kitchen.

At noon in the hospital, Muqiqi didn't eat much, but it wasn't time for dinner, and it was early for dinner. After thinking about it, Jin Yu made a plate of onion rings and fried two fresh meat rolls for her.

Jin Yu takes the prepared snacks to the tea table in the living room and sweeps around. He can't help but wring his eyebrows and walks to the bathroom.

When he came to the door, there was no sound of water inside. He knocked on the door, but no one responded. He simply pushed the door in.

I saw Mu Qiqi lying in the bathtub, body immersed in the water, unexpectedly drifted to sleep.

Jin Yu stepped forward and sat down beside the bathtub.

Jin Yu hooked his lips. The little girl didn't even hear his knock on the door. She seemed to be sleeping soundly.

In the bathtub, Muqiqi sleeps sweetly. His eyes narrow into a curved crescent moon. Under a pair of delicate pink eyebrows, curly eyelashes naturally hang down on his face. The tip of his nose is soaked with drops of water, and his pink lips are pursed one by one. Half of his wet hair is in the water, like hibiscus.

"The goblin of the hook!" Jin Yu hooked his lips and stroked Muqiqi's face.

Warm hands unconsciously swim, hair, nose, lips, neck, shoulders, a little bit down

Every place has his ambiguous and gentle touch.

She is full of collagen age, the skin is already tender, now wet by water, the body is not greasy.

Eyes color gradually rich, Jin Yu rubbed her body, whispered: "so obedient, how good!"

He never asked much of her, just for a "good" word, but someone just refused.

In his sleep, Muqiqi was rubbed out of love by him, his eyelashes moved slightly, and his mouth murmured softly.

Jin Yu hooked the hook lip, in the hand increased the strength way: "baby how?"

"Well..." Mu Qi slightly twisted eyebrows, subconsciously raised his hand to push his chest.

"Baby, do you want your husband to wash with you?" Jin Yu asked, and the smile of his lips became more and more intoxicated.

Mu Qiqi's little face was red. He fluttered in the water and muttered: "cold..."

Jin Yu slightly twisted her eyebrows and reached out to try the water temperature. The constant temperature bathtub was not cool. But after soaking for such a long time, her hair was wet, and the heat from her head took away the temperature of her body. If she went on soaking like this, she had to get sick.

Suppressing the small flame in his body, Jin Yu got up, picked up Muqiqi in the water, wrapped her in a bath towel and carried her to the bed.

After covering the quilt for her, Jin Yu leaned over and touched her face, and said softly, "sleep!"

Then he turned and left the bedroom.

After a sleep, Mu Qiqi opens her eyes and finds herself lying on the bed naked. She thinks that Jin Yu has done something to her. She just wants to complain, but her body honestly tells her that she just slept safely

After getting out of bed and putting on his clothes, Mu Qiqi sniffs the fragrance and goes to the living room. He sees a snack on the coffee table. He takes another look at Jin Yu, who is working in the office area

Muqiqi is sitting on the sofa, muttering in her heart that she wants to bribe her by making a few snacks? Is it so easy for her anger to go down? Is she the kind of person who can be easily bought by these dishes of snacks?

Having said that, the unwilling little hand still reached out to the onion ring in front of me

I chewed it in my mouth. It's delicious. One after another

Jin Yu listened to the voice and looked up at her. The corners of his lips were lightly hooked. He was willing to eat what he made. His Qi was not so strong!

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