Apartment of the Ministry of foreign affairs.

The morning sun in autumn is quite late. It's just half past six.

After washing, Jin Yu went back to the bed and looked at the little devil lying on the bed with a big font. He said softly, "baby! Get up

"Mmm... Mmm..." Mu Qiqi twisted his brows and sobbed. It was clear that he didn't get enough sleep.

Jin Yu lifted the quilt, put his hands under the armpit of the little girl, lifted her up, and picked her up from the bed like a child.

Then he put his left hand on her hip and patted her on the back: "little princess! Get up for class

Mu Qiqi tilts his head, lies on Jin Yu's shoulder and opens his eyes vaguely.

Feel... Limp.

The whole body is in pain.

Last night, she received the first bunch of roses in her life, and it was 777 super large roses, and she was wrapped up in a super rich dinner

All the resentment, so there is no backbone of the mass disperse.

It's just

Then, regardless of her scream, someone grabbed 777 roses in his hands and threw them into the big bed of the bedroom. Then, she was pressed onto the bed and began to be the sixth power of 2

Although... In the end, the beast gave her a half discount.

"Baby... You seem to be high C!"

"Baby... The second time!"


"Baby... Remember how many times it was?"

Dimples! Dimples! Nightmare of terror!

"Ah ~!" Muqi screamed.

Jin Yu patted her on the back: "what's the matter? Baby

Muqiqi put his hands around his neck and looked at him with round eyes: "animals!"

Jin Yu gently pecked her lips and raised a smile of evil spirit: "now I have taken it as a commendatory word!"

Mu Qiqi

"Baby... Is it very different to do it on rose petals?"

Not to mention it, Mu Qiqi said: "you compensate my rose! For the first time in my life, I received such a big rose! Why did you ruin it? "

"How can I know if I don't try..." Jin Yu pauses, and her thin lips stick to her earlobe. "Is the rose petal redder, or the baby's little face redder?"

After listening, Muqiqi's face was hot.

Shameless! How could she not see that he was such a respectable animal before?

If she knew early in the morning, she would never follow him like that and call him brother Yu!

Now think about it, she's just suffering for herself!

Jin Yu turned around and took her to the bathroom.

"I have no class in the morning. Why do you ask me to get up so early?" Mu Qiqi is not happy.

"Your schedule has been changed. From today on, you will go back to your original class!" Jin Yu said faintly.

"Ah?" Mu Qi blinked an eye, "the make-up examination results come out? So fast? "

Jin Yu nodded: "good test!"

Is that a compliment? Muqi pursed her lips: "husband... Is there any reward?"

Jin Yu slightly raised his eyebrows: "well... What reward do you want?"

Mu Qiqi said tentatively: "that credit card... You authorized a limit of 1000 yuan to me... I bought something online before, yesterday I wanted to buy a game equipment... It said that the limit was not enough..."

"Playing games again?" Jin Yu twisted his eyebrows. He remembered that he had removed all the game software from her mobile phone.

Mu Qiqi shook his head and explained, "husband! You can't get married in this game! "

Isn't he just worried about her recognizing others as husband in the game?

"It's not impossible to raise the quota..." Jin Yu said.

Muqiqi looked hopeful, his hands around Jin Yu's neck, and he was kissing and gnawing on his cheek, "husband! I know you're the best! husband! I don't want more! Five thousand dollars! "

Say, Mu Qi Qi compared five fingers.

Jin Yu held his lips, five thousand yuan? Not much? You know, she's just a student now! Maybe he didn't limit her credit card before, which really spoiled her.




Jin Yu took a deep breath, and his heart became crisp again

"Think about how to bribe me at night, maybe I can think about it!"

"Mm-hmm!" Muqi agreed.

Isn't it crispy, numb and clever! She's not easy!

"Honey! Although the little toy was thrown away by me! But those kimonos, nurse clothes, I haven't thrown them away yet! What do you want to see me wear in the evening? "

"My husband likes to see you without clothes!"

Mu Qiqi


More than an hour later.

Jin Yu drives Mu Qiqi to the school gate. The little girl is about to push the door and get off. Jin Yu holds her by the wrist.

Mu Qi looked back: "what's the matter?"

Jin Yu said, "I've asked you for a week's leave. You won't have to go to school from next Monday."

"Why?" Mu Qi twists her eyebrows. She works so hard to prepare for the make-up exam just to catch up with the normal rhythm of class? Good class, how can not say not on?

Jin Yu raised her hand and pinched her soft face: "there are still some things to prepare before the wedding, such as taking wedding photos! For another example, my mother has found a etiquette teacher for you, who will teach you some wedding etiquette. You should learn it well! "

Learn etiquette when you get married? Do you want to be so troublesome, Mu Qi reluctantly tooted his lips.

Jin Yu understood her careful thinking and continued: "on the wedding day, the president will testify the marriage, and all the state officials will be present. The ceremony is comparable to the national ceremony, and the etiquette is not careless."

Although Jin Yu said it lightly, Mu Qiqi listened and a pair of pink lips trembled uncontrollably

National etiquette?

Shouldn't it be a simple oath and then a ceremony?

How did it become a national ceremony?

"Will... Will there be... Live..." Mu Qiqi stammered, already incoherent.

Jin Yuman gave a deep smile and didn't answer.

Muqiqi pursed his lips: "I... i... I will make a mistake... What if I say something wrong?"

Jin Yu hooked his lips: "punishment increases by power!"

Mu Qiqi

Jin Yu put it away and stopped teasing her. He took her little hand, which was slightly cool because of her nervousness, and said, "the etiquette teacher will teach you how to speak! My Qi Qi is so smart, there must be no problem! "

He trusted her so much

It's just

Muqi gave a dry smile, but she didn't believe in herself at all!

In a week's time, will she be transformed from an impulsive girl into a high-class lady? Isn't it a dream?

All of a sudden! A ray of light swept Muqi's blank brain. Can she escape marriage?

But she took a look at Jin Yu's cat and mouse eyes

forget it! She believes that

After getting out of the car, Muqiqi walked to the classroom lightly.

On the way, Mu Qiqi thought about what Jin Yu had just said, and at the same time he was thinking about how the students would react when he entered the classroom.

After all, Vivian committed suicide and was taken away by the police. In a small campus, the news must spread fast.

Do they think she made Vivian commit suicide? Ah... Gossip can really kill people!

Mind countless circuits at the same time shuttle, unconsciously, Muqiqi went to the door of the classroom.

She fixed herself at the door and looked up at the doorplate. 502, no mistake

After taking a deep breath, Muqiqi finally summoned up the courage to open the door.

The original playful classroom, in the moment she went in, suddenly quiet.

Everyone's eyes swept to her. Muqiqi felt as if countless cold arrows were thrown at her. She even had an impulse to turn around and leave immediately.

Time is still.

Five seconds, ten seconds, maybe more.

All I heard was "bang! Bang! Bang, One after another fireworks, behind her with the sound of color fragments falling from the air.

Then, the students sitting in the first row got up one after another and sprayed the colorful spray strips to Muqiqi.

Cheers, shrieks, the joy of gathering and bursting out will drown Muqiqi in an instant.

In less than a minute, Muqiqi had been teased by ten people, with exaggerated color bars all over his body.

She, it's, no, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's a dream, isn't it?

Muqiqi is shaking. She hears Gong Shanshan's familiar voice in the crowd.

"I wish you a happy wedding

Happy wedding Everyone agrees.

What? Muqiqi just thinks that the whole person is about to blow up! She never told her classmates that she was going to get married! How do they know?

Shu Yao pounced on Mu Qiqi and took the color bar to his chest: "Qi Qi! Are you stupid? "

Mu Qiqi three five divided by two, hands and began to remove the mess on the body.

Finally... She removed all the things that covered her eyes, and then she saw the students around her.

The first one is Shu Yao, who laughs and trembles.

"It's not April Fool's Day! Don't make fun of me Mu Qiqi quibbled.

"We all know! Don't hide it from us A few people were shouting.

"Ah? What do you know? " Mu Qiqi is in the clouds.

Shu Yao slightly squinted: "we saw the circle of friends you sent last night!"

"Ah?" Mu Qiqi was stunned when she heard that. When did she send a circle of friends last night, she turned off her mobile phone and charged it when she got home. She didn't move all night.

"Ha ha ha!" Gong Shanshan showed Mu Qiqi her mobile phone and said, "Qiqi! This time you made it public! 9。 27! You're getting married! Even if Shu Yao and I want to hide it from you, we can't stop you from showing your love in such a tumultuous mood! "

"Yes! That's it Shu Yao echoed, "there must be hundreds of such a big bunch, right?"

"That's not the key!" Another person picked up the tone and said, "it's the people who take the pictures that matter!"

Muqiqi looked at the photo carefully, only to see the glass of the greenhouse, especially reflecting against the background of the night, just like a mirror, the person standing in the mirror

It's Jin Yu!

Shit! The beast steals her cell phone and sends it to her circle of friends! I also photographed myself so handsome!

He did it on purpose!

"Qiqi! Don't you say your husband drives

"Qiqi! Didn't you say that Jin Yu's car belongs to your husband? "

"Qiqi! I heard that your husband held a parents' meeting for you that day

"Qiqi! Who on earth is your husband? "

One by one, it's clear that they know what to ask.

Muqiqi "ha ha ha" dry smile.

Animals! Go home at night, you're dead!

"Qiqi! The male God calls you baby in private

"Qiqi! How did you catch the male god


Mu seven seven shriveled mouth, finally open mouth should be a: "it is clear that he chased me first!"

She has a proud face.

All of you: --


At the gate of the court.

The black Bentley came to a steady stop.

The door opened slowly, Jin Han walked down first, and then the gentleman handed out his hand to the car.

The woman's scaly white fingertips are soft, and then Mu Ning'an, who is wearing a long pleated skirt in royal blue, steps down from the car.

Jin Han took her hand and gently put it on his arm. He whispered, "believe me! It's just a show! "

What Jin Han said is firm.

Jin Han's warning worked. Although Li Manli didn't come forward directly, the person who framed Mu Ning'an and stuffed her mobile hard disk into her luggage has voluntarily surrendered to the police.

The situation suddenly reversed.

Mu Ning'an, with a pair of willow eyes on her side, looks at the man full of city around her. The corners of her mouth evoke a touch of sexy radian, and her charming red lips reveal a touch of confidence in the past.

"You spent a lot of money on such a scapegoat, didn't you?" Mu Ning An asked lightly.

"Money can buy everything, can't it?" Jin Han's tone of understatement was full of arrogance.


A few kilometers away.

A luxurious private club.

The door of the box was gently pushed open, and the waiter gave up his seat. With a gesture of please, he said to the lady behind him, "Mrs. you! Please

Huo ling'er put one hand on her waist, one hand stroked her growing abdomen, and walked slowly into the box with an arrogant face.

In the box, a woman dressed in a red slant shoulder sweater sits there elegantly, holding a delicate pure gold coffee cup with her finely processed manicure, sipping her red lips and pressing down a sip.

Seeing Huo ling'er come in, the woman doesn't get up either. She just looks at the person who is coming to her with her eyes.

Huo ling'er said: "Miss Li! What can I do for you? "

Li Manli pursed her lips slightly, did not rush to answer, stretched out her long arm to the opposite position, and lightly answered: "Mrs. you! Sit down, please

Huo Ling Er doesn't believe to walk, sat down opposite Li Manli.

Li put down her coffee cup, looked at her and asked, "what would Mrs. you like to drink?"

On Huo Ling er's cold face, there was a trace of impatience: "no! Wait a minute, I have to go to do birth inspection, and I won't be long. If Miss Li has anything to say, let's just say it! "

Huo ling'er's tone was slight. Anyway, because of Jin Han, they were enemies in the past.

Just... Now, she is a rich wife, but Li Manli has no chance to become a regular. Jin Han has a new lover, Mu Ning'an!

In this way, Huo ling'er thought that Mu Ning'an was not so annoying. At least, she was angry for herself.

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