At four o'clock in the morning, it was still dark, and there was a sound of walking outside the bedroom door, accompanied by Shao yueyun's urgent reminder: "Qiqi! Get up

The voice dropped, the door opened, and a crowd swarmed in.

Mu Qi Qi sat up in a daze and narrowed her eyes difficultly. Almost instantly, she was shocked by the situation in front of her.

This is not a big room, when the influx of more than a dozen people, carrying wedding dress, dragging the make-up box, carrying breakfast, one by one ready.

Shao yueyun said to the people beside him, "hurry up! Let's all act

Muqiqi sat there in a daze, watching a group of people move up, unpack, move the chair, reset the space, all in an orderly way.

Shao yueyun finished the command and came to the head of the bed. When she passed the hanger, she took a nightgown down from the top and came to Muqiqi to put it on for her. She sat beside her and said, "Qiqi! Wash up, have breakfast, and then start putting on makeup

Mu Qiqi shakes his head. He wakes up early in the morning, but his voice hasn't been opened. Isn't it hard for her to let her eat?

Shao yueyun said: "breakfast must be eaten! If you are busy during the day, you may not even have time to eat. If you don't eat breakfast, how can you stand it? "

"Oh..." Muqiqi was tired and lazy. When he thought that he might not be able to eat for a day, he could only bear it.

Then, an electric toothbrush with toothpaste was handed to Muqiqi, who didn't want to waste almost a second.

On the other side, Li Rong also comes with a group of people. In order to be a bridesmaid, Yan Ran Ran is busy.

Muqiqi has been confused, sleepy to no avail, until after drinking two cups of coffee, just reluctantly lift spirit.

Five stylists surrounded her, one painted makeup on her face, the other took her arms, rubbed her legs, and daubed her with all kinds of body whitening cosmetics.

For a time, Muqiqi was like a puppet with string. He could not move or speak.

Originally, she wanted to steal a lazy while she was putting on her make-up. Maybe she could make up for it. But the makeup artist in front of her made her open her eyes and close her eyes for a while, and didn't give her a chance to sleep at all.

At half past six, her makeup and hairstyle were all designed, and a group of people began to change her wedding dress.

"I'll do it!" Shao yueyun said, came to Muqiqi behind, personally tied the waist strap for her, choked: "when Ning'er got married, I didn't do anything for her..."

Shao yueyun said, tone can not say the regret.

As soon as the voice fell, Mu Ning'an came in. She was dressed in a chiffon shirt, with a pair of black skirts and trousers. Her hair was loosely coiled. She was gentle and generous, with a touch of familiarity in her beauty.

"Ma! Jin Yu called so many people to serve Qiqi, but he was afraid that you would work hard. You have worked hard all your life. It's time to have a rest! " Mu Ning An smiles and puts her hands on Shao yunyun's shoulder, dissolving the slightly heavy atmosphere just now.

Li Rong said: "what Ning An said is that the two children are married so well, and you don't have to worry about it. How many people can't envy it."

Mu Qiqi just wants to talk to Mu Ning'an, but he catches a glimpse of Jin Han who is standing in the corridor and is answering the phone. With a tight heart, he asks: "what's the matter with big brother? Is it the pick-up? "

Muqiqi nervously clutchs the skirt, the veil has not been worn, and it is said that it will be 7:07? It's not time yet. Why did you come here so early?

Mu Ning'an glanced at Jin Han at the door and said, "he said he was his mother's family!"

All of you: --

According to tradition, the husband's family is not allowed to enter the bride's home at this time, but the "mother's family" is an exception.

Early in the morning, Mu Ning'an gets up early to clean up and blocks the door for Mu Qi Qi. Jin Han is surprised to hear that her fetus is not stable. When she snatches a bride, an carelessness may collide with the fetal Qi. But he knows that with Mu Ning'an's temperament, he can't persuade her. He can only follow her step by step.

Mu Qiqi chuckled: "mother's family... Brother-in-law, is this a kind of intrusion?"

Outside the door, Jin Han heard these three words, and his gloomy face turned black again.

Seeing this, Mu Qiqi quickly covers his mouth and puts away his smile. The makeup artist is scared and blocks her hand. Sure enough, a piece of lipstick is wiped off, which is another make-up.

As soon as seven o'clock arrived, Gong Shanshan and Shu Yao trotted into the bedroom from the downstairs. They quickly took the door and locked the room twice. Then they turned around and gasped: "here we are! Here we are

Muqi was surprised and his heart began to beat.

Shao yueyun asked: "are the shoes hidden?"

A group of people shook their heads.

"Come on, come on Shao yueyun called.

Before the voice fell, several little girls would jump up and down in the room, looking for the secret position.

All of a sudden, Shu Yao had a bad smile. She raised her long skirt, raised one leg, put it on the chair, tied her high-heeled shoes to her calf, wound them with a pink ribbon for several times, and then dropped the skirt. From the outside, she couldn't see any trace.

Everyone covered their mouths and laughed. It's young people who can play. A group of big men can't search the body of a little girl. It's strange to find such a position.

Time is tight, can't bear to think more, Yan Ranran also learn the appearance of Shu Yao, lift up the skirt, the shoes also tied to his calf.

Muqiqi sat on the bed nervously, staring at the clock on the wall, and saw that the minute hand pointed to the position of 7:07, then, one second, two seconds, three seconds... Seven seconds

At seven o'clock seven minutes and seven seconds, the knock on the door rang out on time.

There was a noise outside the door. I heard Jin Sheng's voice, Yan Yuchen's voice, but there was no Jin Yu's voice.

Inside the door, Shu Yao and Gong Shanshan finally find a chance to make trouble for the male god. They think that the man outside is Jin Yu, so don't be too happy.

One by one, red envelopes came in through the cracks of the door, but the people in the room were still not satisfied. For a while, they asked for determination with numb love words, and for a while, they asked for singing love songs.

After that, Gong Shanshan found that the person outside was not Jin Yu, so she asked the bridegroom to do it again, otherwise she would never open the door.

"Open the door!" Jin Yu's low voice.

Mu Qiqi bit his lip and finally heard Jin Yu's voice. He felt like a deer was bumping into him.

"No, no, no!" The people in the house continued to clamor.

But don't want to, the next second, a sound of keyhole rotation, the door was pushed open a gap.

The original Jin Yu's that open door, unexpectedly is in order to follow the locksmith!

"Ah There was a scream in the room.

But how could a few girls who didn't have the strength to bind a chicken beat all the strong men outside the door? Without a few struggles, the door was pushed open.

For a moment, seven bride snatching groups in black suits swarmed in front of the door, led by Jin Sheng and Yan Yuchen. They were more than eight meters tall and handsome, which made the girls in the house scream. For a moment, they forgot that their task was to guard the door!

Mu Ning'an was calm, stroked her stomach slightly, and stood in the door with a faint smile: "I don't know the rules! Didn't you hear what we just asked? Let Jin Yu show his attitude! "

Mu Ning'an felt her abdomen like this, and made it clear that she was saying things with her pregnant identity, knowing that these people did not dare to do anything to her.

Jin Sheng shook his head and yelled, "big brother!"

Jin Han pushes away the crowd, walks into the room, comes to Mu Ning'an, holds her horizontally, turns around and walks to one side.

Mu Ning'an screamed: "put me down! Are you such a mother's family? "

Jin Han gougougou: "can't I be an undercover?"

Mu Ning'an

Mu Ning'an's pregnancy is well known, and everyone dares not act rashly. Now, the obstacles are gone, and the house is in a moment of turmoil.

Several little girls set up a human wall to surround Muqiqi in bed and guard the last line of defense.

Situ Chen passed by in front of all the fancy girls and kept handing out red envelopes. Finally, he had enough money and everything. Gradually, a passage came out.

At the door, Jin Yu was dressed in a white suit. His hair was exquisitely shaped. He looked energetic, and his slender right hand was holding a bouquet.

The wedding counselors were excited. They witnessed the couple's wedding from the beginning to the end. From preparation to design, from the selection of wedding dress to make-up, and then to taking wedding photos, they saw Jin Yu's luxurious love for Muqiqi all the way. Finally, on this day, they didn't know what unexpected surprises Jin Yu was going to prepare.

Jin Yuli was standing at the door, not moving for a long time, looking straight at Muqiqi at the end of the crowd.

The little girl is wearing a custom-made white gauze. She sits there with her eyes drooping. Her white skirt is scattered on the bed, dotted with rose petals. She wears a layer of cicada thin white gauze on her head. The "crown of the seven princesses" looms in the hazy, shining with golden halo. The people under the gauze add a bit of dignity and charm.

Shao yueyun and Li Rong stand hand in hand in the corner, and tears are in their eyes when they see this scene. If Qi Qi's parents know that their daughter can marry so holy and beautiful, they can rest assured.

Jin Yu stepped forward, and everyone held his breath. In the quiet room, Jin Yu's footsteps could be heard clearly, steady and powerful.

Mu Qiwei closes her eyes and waits quietly. Her heart jumps to the extreme. Then she feels an impulse to cry, as if she has been waiting for a long time at this moment

In my dream, maybe it should be like this. A prince charming in white walks towards her step by step. Then he kneels down in front of her on one knee, holds her hand and kisses her gently

Dream and reality overlap a little bit. In the warm morning light, Jin Yu kneels down in front of Mu Qiqi, holds up her left hand, kisses her ring finger with thin lips, and says with a smile, "my princess! I'm here to pick you up! "

The voice just falls down, Mu Qiqi can't help but look at the person kneeling in front of her again, two lines of clear tears fall down, she can't help nodding.

With a warm smile, Jin Yu got up slightly, lifted her veil, leaned under the veil, and gently kissed Muqiqi's soft lips.

A kiss of soft cotton.

Screams, applause, cheers, whistles, set off the atmosphere to the extreme.

In the noise of the crowd, two people kiss for a long time.

Muqiqi smiles. They have been kissing so many times, but none of them is as romantic as today. She doesn't want him to stop.

Finally, Jin Yu loosened his lips. Under the gauze, he used his lips to kiss the tears on the bride's cheek and said with a smile, "my princess, it's time to go back to your castle!"

Muqiqi nodded, and Jin Yu's hands reached under her with a smile. One of them got up and hugged the bride.

"Wait! The bride hasn't put on her shoes yet Just now, everyone was overwhelmed by the romantic atmosphere. At this time, someone finally thought of the hidden pair of wedding shoes.

Muqiqi put his hands around Jin Yu's neck and kicked his legs. His white feet were exposed in the air, which was very playful.

Several big men heard the news and immediately took action. They turned the room up and down again and again, but where are the shadows of wedding shoes?

Time had passed for a long time, and there were still many people waiting at the wedding. Jin Yu gave a wink, but situ Chen understood and took out a dozen red envelopes from his arms.

"A red envelope for a clue!" Situ Chen shook the red envelope in his hand.

The girls shook their heads tacitly.



"Three!" Szeto Chen continued to add weight.

The girls snatched the red envelope, but they didn't buy it. As far as Gu was concerned, he didn't reveal any clues about the shoes.

Jin Sheng takes a look at Yan Ranran. Today, the little girl is wearing a long skirt with slanting shoulders and pink lotus root. Her head is high on her head and her bun is wrapped with a circle of light pink feathers. She is elegant and playful.

It's just... Her standing posture always seems a little strange

Usually, Yan Ran Ran, a good girl, walks and stands like a lady of a family. But today, under her long skirt, her two little feet are slightly open, and she can't close her legs.

Jin Sheng's eyes narrowed, went to her, touched her head and said, "Ran Ran! I know you are the best! Tell me where the shoes are hidden? "

Yan Ran Du's lips blinked, looked up at him and whispered to him, "brother Sheng! Give me a kiss and I'll tell you! "

Yan Ranran just wants to tease him. He thinks that his mother and brother are here. Jin Sheng should not do anything to her.

Just, Jin Sheng evil evil evil spirit of hook up lips Cape, loudly said a: "Yu Chen! Your sister said it! If I don't kiss her, she won't give her shoes! Do you say I kiss or not? "

"How dare you?" Yan Yuchen clenched his teeth to warn.

Yan Ran immediately blushed, covered his cheek with both hands, and sophisticated, "I didn't say that!"

As she spoke, she stamped her feet anxiously. The wedding shoes, which were not tightly tied, popped out from under her skirt.

With a satisfied smile, Jin Sheng stooped to pick up the shoes.

With experience, several men turn around the girls and threaten to lift their skirts. After a while, Shu Yao finally gives up her shoes.

After more than an hour's uproar, Jin Yu's general Mu Qiqi is finally out of the villa.

At the door, Muqiqi was shocked by the scene in front of him.

In front of Yiyuan, dozens of luxury cars with "5277" license plates were lined up one by one, with "a5277" in the center, and the rest extended on both sides in alphabetical order, neatly displaying a "V".

On the elevated road, Jin Yu was driving, while Mu Qiqi was sitting in the co driver's seat and asked happily: "husband! How does the convertible open? "

Jin Yu stretched out his hand and pressed the switch, and the car hood retreated a little bit. September's image was still reflected on Muqiqi's white face.

Muqiqi unties his seat belt and stands up with the front glass. The seven meter long white yarn is flying in the wind, attracting the attention of many vehicles.

The camera in front will not miss such a picture. Pressing the shutter is another burst of frenzy.

The flash is focused and shining.

After Mu Qiqi was crazy for a while, Jin Yu stretched out his hand to pull her down, put her in his arms and closed the open top.

Although Yiyuan and Taoyuan are in the same district, one is in the East and the other is in the West. They have to cross the whole urban area all the way. Dozens of 5277 license plates confuse passers-by on both sides of the road, and helicopters hover around to escort them. Everyone can't help but take out their mobile phones for a snapshot.

Soon, all the social platforms were quickly brushed by the welcoming team with the unified license plate number.

When the car arrived at Taoyuan, Muqiqi pressed down the window and shrugged his nose: "husband! I seem to smell Peach Blossom... "

Muqiqi said softly, but as soon as she said it, she thought it was ridiculous. It was September, and the peach blossoms would wither in spring. How could there be peach blossoms in full bloom in this season?

Jin Yu just laughed and didn't answer.

The car turned a corner and drove into the main road leading to Taoyuan.

Muqiqi was surprised to see the sea of light powder on both sides of the road, peach blossom! It's really peach blossom!

Autumn wind bleak, petals such as silk rain general wind, blowing a burst of pink wind, like a dream, beautiful.

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