"Madame?" The French Minister couldn't help asking.

Jin Yu looked at the French minister, raised his eyebrows with a smile, and said in a deep voice, "this is the surprise my wife prepared for me!"

"Oh The French Minister couldn't help exclaiming, "Mrs. Jin is so versatile!"

Jin Yu slightly raised his eyebrows and continued: "I think that since France wants to establish a new tourism image of" charming new capital ", it should break through the stereotypes and use a" new "image spokesman. Moreover, I think that using a Frenchman as a cultural image ambassador between the two countries does not seem to play the role you expect, Not many people should know who Ou De is! "

"Oh..." the French Minister was slightly embarrassed. After all, as an important tourism importing country of France, Jin Yu's words can completely affect the tourism GDP of France in the next few years. Naturally, he did not dare to ignore the words of the gold Lord.

"What does Mr. Jin mean?" The French Minister tentatively asked for Jin Yu's opinions.

Jin Yu looked back and looked at Ou De, who was looking at Mu Qi Qi tenderly on the stage. He clenched his teeth and restrained his dissatisfaction and said, "I think my wife is more competent for the title of cultural ambassador!"

The French minister looked at Mu Qiqi, who was singing on the stage, and nodded his approval. "It's a great honor for the French side if Mrs. Jin can become a cultural ambassador. Not long ago, their wedding not only caused a sensation in your country, but also has great influence in France! Just... I don't know what Mrs. Jin's opinion is? "

"This is a major event that can promote cultural exchanges between the two countries. I told her well that she would agree with me!" Jin Yu said faintly.

French Minister naturally beamed: "if Mrs. Jin agrees, we have no opinion!"

In the middle of the stage.

Ou de and Mu Qiqi stand face to face, holding their fingers tightly. With the last line of the lyrics falling, thousands of peach blossoms fall over the stage. In the rain of peach blossoms, the two people look at each other affectionately. The aesthetic mood makes the audience hold their breath and even breathe carefully, for fear that it will damage such a picture.

The music stopped, and everyone was still immersed in the stage effect, silent.

On the stage, Mu Qiqi looks at Ou De, who is standing opposite her. Maybe she just sang too much. For a moment, she is brought into the situation by Ou De's tender eyes. She can't help but burst into tears when she thinks of the play she chased not long ago. In a trance, she even thinks that she is Qingqiu Baiqian.

It was not until the thunderous applause that Mu Qiqi woke up. He thought that at this moment, Jin Yu must be staring at himself. The whole person was like a thunderbolt. He couldn't help shivering.

Ou de held the hand of the microphone, gently raised it, slid the back of his hand over Mu Qi Qi's cheek, and said with a smile, "Qi Qi! You don't know how beautiful you are

With that, Ou de lifts Mu Qiqi's chin, attaches her lips gently, and kisses her forehead. Fans watching her romantic behavior on stage are so excited that the auditorium is drowned by screams.

Just when ou de was about to get close to her, Mu Qiqi took his hand out of Ou De's hand in a panic, stepped back and turned around to leave the stage.

"Ah Under the stage, there was a pouring sound. An unknown little girl would refuse the male god's kiss in public. You know how many girls dream of it.

Muqiqi has just left for two steps. The host and hostess come to meet him. The hostess lovingly takes Muqiqi's waist and says in a soft voice, "wait a minute, miss! Please accept our interview first

Why do you have to be interviewed?

When she just came on stage, she saw that there were no empty seats and dozens of cameras under the stage. Even if it was not live broadcast, it would be reported through the news. Now she has no idea what kind of activity it is. What if she says something wrong in an interview?

In a short period of time, Mu Qiqi's heart was in a state of confusion. With a casual glance, sitting with the fluent interpreter of the male host and the thunderous applause of the audience, Jin Yu gently pulled the neckline of his suit with both hands, got up gracefully from his seat, and accompanied by the French minister, walked onto the stage together.

Muqiqi stands in the center of the stage, looking at Jin Yu who is approaching her. A cold look like a blade makes her wake up like a dream. The disordered heartbeat makes her just girl's dream break. A pair of watery eyes blink disorderly, and it's like she is about to cry.

Jin Yu's strong and domineering aura gradually gathered around her, until a dark shadow completely submerged her, and Jin Yu stood in front of her.

Muqiqi did not dare to look up at him, but muttered in a very light voice: "Why are you here..."

Jin Yu didn't respond, and the air seemed to stagnate.

Why is he here? He would like to know, how did she come? Little girl just came to France not long ago, how do you know this Ou de? From the interview just now, it is not hard for him to recognize that these two people are not as simple as meeting for the first time today.

Mu Qiqi hung her head. At this time, there was another pair of black shoes beside Jin Yu. She slowly raised her head and found that the French minister who had just stepped on the stage with Jin Yu was also standing opposite her.

What's the situation? Didn't these two men come on stage to give the certificate to Ou de? How come you don't move when you come to her at this time?

The French Minister chuckled and stretched out his right hand to Muqiqi.

Mu Qiqi is stunned. Does the other party want to shake hands with her? Subconsciously, Muqiqi stretched out his right hand and held it carefully.

The French Minister is used to holding up Muqiqi's hand, with a Western kiss on the back of his hand. However, he doesn't want to raise his hand just a few inches. Jin Yu's deep cough seems to be threatening.

The French Minister raised his eyebrow slightly knowing that Jin Yu didn't want him to kiss his bride. He attached a gentleman's smile to Mu Qiqi and released her hand.

Jin Yu regarded his hand kissing ceremony as a great enemy. Just now, when ou de was singing a love song with Mu Qiqi, he held Mu Qiqi's hand affectionately throughout the whole process. Finally, he almost kisses Mu Qiqi. It's no wonder that Jin Yu resolutely withdrew Ou De's identity as "cultural promotion Ambassador".

It seems that Mr. Jin is jealous!

The French minister took the honorary certificate from the etiquette lady, solemnly handed it to Muqiqi with both hands, and said in Muqiqi's English, "congratulations on becoming the Cultural Promotion Ambassador of Paris!"

One side of the hostess a Leng, almost uncontrollable whispered, "how is it me? Shouldn't it be oder? "

The sound was very light, but she forgot that her microphone was still on, and the sound was still transmitted through the microphone.

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