Jin Yu, who had just said that he was going to call his wife, didn't mean to leave at the moment. He sat upright, his hands around his arms, and looked straight at Mu Qiqi and Ou De, who were singing love songs hand in hand on the stage.

On one side, the French Minister thought that Jin Yu was attracted by the singing of golden children and beautiful girls on the stage, so he kept his eyes fixed on the stage. He slightly turned his head and introduced Jin Yu in his ear: "the singer on the stage is named Ou De, the most popular idol artist in France. This time, our Ministry of culture decided to let Ou de serve as the cultural ambassador to promote cultural exchanges between the two countries, We hope to pass on French culture to more young people by virtue of the natural, pure and friendly image of Europe and Germany. "

Jin Yu listened, but indifferent, as if unheard of in general, cold breath light clip a, "hum!"

The French Minister was slightly embarrassed and thought that Jin Yu was dissatisfied with the French side's appointment of a new popular idol Artist as a cultural ambassador. He continued: "although Ou de has not been on the road for a long time, he has accumulated a lot of influence among the young people in France in a short period of time. His sunny, positive and healthy image is also an important reason why we chose him as a cultural ambassador, Because France also wants to tell the young people of your country through this cultural exchange that France is not only a cultural ancient city with a hundred years of history, but also a charming new capital full of fashion and vitality... "

The French minister still tried his best to explain the reason why they chose Europe. Standing behind Jin Yu, situ Chen looked at Mu Qiqi, who was singing tenderly on the stage. Almost subconsciously, he called out: "Madam..."

Although the French Minister does not know Chinese, he has attended so many international occasions and met many oriental people. He still understands this "madam". He is slightly stunned, looks up at situ Chen, and then follows his eyes to find that situ Chen is looking at Ou de and Mu Qiqi who are standing on the stage at the moment.

"Madame?" The French Minister couldn't help asking.

Jin Yu looked at the French minister, raised his eyebrows and added a smile: "this is the surprise my wife prepared for me!"

"Oh The French Minister couldn't help exclaiming, "Mrs. Jin is so versatile!"

Jin Yu slightly raised his eyebrows and continued: "I think that since France wants to establish a new tourism image of" charming new capital ", it should break through the stereotypes and use a" new "image spokesman. Moreover, I think that using a Frenchman as a cultural image ambassador between the two countries does not seem to play the role you expect, Not many people should know who Ou De is! "

"Oh..." the French Minister was slightly embarrassed. After all, as an important tourism importing country of France, Jin Yu's words can completely affect the tourism GDP of France in the next few years. Naturally, he did not dare to ignore the words of the gold Lord.

"What does Mr. Jin mean?" The French Minister asked tentatively.

Jin Yu looked back and looked at Ou De, who was looking at Mu Qi Qi tenderly on the stage. He clenched his teeth and restrained his dissatisfaction and said, "I think my wife is more competent to be the cultural ambassador!"

The French minister looked at Mu Qiqi, who was singing on the stage, and nodded his approval. "It's a great honor for the French side if Mrs. Jin can become a cultural ambassador. Not long ago, their wedding not only caused a sensation in your country, but also has great influence in France! Just... I don't know what Mrs. Jin's opinion is? "

"This is a major event that can promote cultural exchanges between the two countries. I told her well that she would agree with me!" Jin Yu said faintly.

French Minister naturally beamed: "if Mrs. Jin agrees, we have no opinion!"

In the middle of the stage.

Ou de and Mu Qiqi stand face to face, holding their fingers tightly. With the last line of the lyrics falling, thousands of peach blossoms fall over the stage. In the rain of peach blossoms, the two people look at each other affectionately. The beautiful artistic conception makes the stage breath up and down, even breathing carefully, for fear that it will damage such a picture.

The music stopped, and everyone was still immersed in the stage effect, silent.

On the stage, Mu Qiqi looks at Ou De, who is standing opposite her. Maybe she just sang too much. For a moment, she is brought into the situation by Ou De's tender eyes. She can't help but burst into tears when she thinks of the play she chased not long ago. In a trance, she even thinks that she is Qingqiu Baiqian.

It was not until the thunderous applause that Mu Qiqi woke up. He thought that at this moment, Jin Yu must be staring at himself. The whole person was like a thunderbolt. He couldn't help shivering.

Ou de held the hand of the microphone, gently raised it, slid the back of his hand over Mu Qi Qi's cheek, and said with a smile, "Qi Qi! You don't know how beautiful you are

With that, Ou de lifts Mu Qiqi's chin, attaches her lips gently, and kisses her forehead. Fans watching her romantic behavior on stage are so excited that the auditorium is drowned by screams.

Just when ou de was about to get close to her, Mu Qiqi took his hand out of Ou De's hand in a panic, stepped back and turned around to leave the stage.

"Ah Under the stage, there was a pouring sound. An unknown little girl would refuse the male god's kiss in public. You know how many girls dream of it.

Muqiqi has just left for two steps. The host and hostess come to meet him. The hostess lovingly takes Muqiqi's waist and says in a soft voice, "wait a minute, miss! Please accept our interview first

Why do you have to be interviewed?

When she just came on stage, she saw that there were no empty seats and dozens of cameras under the stage. Even if it was not live broadcast, it would be reported through the news. Now she has no idea what kind of activity it is. What if she says something wrong in an interview?

In a short period of time, Mu Qiqi's heart was in a state of confusion. With a casual glance, Jin Yuzheng, who was sitting in the first row, sat there with his hands around his arms. She knew that this was a sign of someone's anger. His calm on the surface was definitely proportional to the flood and famine in his heart at the moment.

What are you going to tell me later? Would he eat her? He must have pinched her, right?

It's over. I'm dead

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