Paris University, Baroque style campus, cool autumn.

By noon, the rising sun was dazzling.

With the director's "cut!", The last set ended perfectly.

The assistant quickly opens a woolen shawl and runs to the spotlight to wrap Muqiqi carefully. Since she is pregnant, everyone around her is very careful.

This is the last group of promotional films she shot as "Cultural Promotion Ambassador" in Paris.

Several groups of publicity films were shot before, and the innovative publicity ideas gained good repercussions as soon as they were broadcast in China. Paris hoped to take advantage of the opportunity to plan a series of shooting plans, but the director group received the above notice unexpectedly, and all the shooting plans were postponed indefinitely.

This "top" is not a look at Jin Yu?

Mu Qiqi saw that the crew's workers had already started to clean up the equipment, and he said with a twist of his brow, "is this the end? Isn't there another set of shots by the fountain? Should it be taken in the afternoon? "

Assistant should say: "this is the last set of shots! Mr. Jin said that your health is very important now, so you can't be too tired... "

While talking, the crowd around the camera consciously scattered a path. A French man in a suit and shoes came face to face with white hair, but he was dignified.

Muqiqi knew him, President of the University of Paris.

"Hello! Mr. President Muqiqi first said hello, fluent in French.

"Hello‘ Angel '! " The headmaster's humorous response does not lose the French romance.

"You'd better call me Qiqi!" Muqi chuckled.

The headmaster slightly raised his eyebrows. Because of Jin Yu's identity, although the little girl in front of him was still a student's age, he still called her out of respect: "Mrs. Jin! This is an invitation from the University of Paris! "

Mu Qiqi took an envelope from the headmaster and opened it. It was a white gilded invitation.

"Paris University..." Mu Qiqi read in French, but her current French level is limited, the words behind are still very strange to her.

At this time, the accompanying interpreter came near, saw the invitation in Muqiqi's hand, and said to Muqiqi happily: "madam! This is the letter of acceptance from the University of Paris! "

Mu Qiqi was stunned, looked at the president and said, "but, Mr President, I haven't passed the examination of your university, I haven't got the French grade certificate, and my grade point is not up to the qualification of applying for the University of Paris..."

The president said with a smile, "the University of Paris always adheres to the principle of selecting the best candidates for admission. Mrs. Jin's outstanding contribution to the University of Paris is obvious to all."

"Me? Outstanding contribution? " Muqiqi was stunned.

"Since Mrs. Jin's series of campus publicity films were broadcast, the overseas study hotline of Paris's universities has been smashed! Now every university hopes to win Mrs. Jin, because no matter which university Mrs. Jin chooses, she will become the spokesperson of that university! I wonder if Paris University has such an honor to invite Mrs. Jin? "

"Do I have so much influence now..." murmured Mu Qiqi in Chinese.

The translator on one side was already excited: "madam! Promise! This major only has less than 30 enrollment places every year! How many people can't squeeze their brains into a major

On the other side, the president has extended his hand, "welcome to the University of Paris!"

Mu Qiqi reaches out her right hand and holds it. Suddenly, she feels flattered. She has worked so hard to prepare for the make-up exam, tutor French and study professional courses, just to be admitted to the University of Paris?

But now, in front of this admission notice, all her previous efforts seem to be worthless.

There's no place to go when you've broken your iron shoes. It doesn't cost you any effort. Maybe that's what it means?

Out of the set, Muqiqi gets into the nanny car and can't wait to take out her mobile phone to call Jin Yu. If he knows that she has been accepted by the University of Paris, he will be very happy!

The phone got through, but no one answered.

Muqi shriveled, looked at the assistant and said, "go to the embassy!"

Queen's road.

As soon as the nanny car stopped, Muqiqi had not got off the car. In front of the car, the assistant, the costume designer, the stylist and the translator had been used to emergency standby.

Muqiqi gets out of the car, takes off her make-up and puts on a fresh pink sportswear with a fluffy baseball cap on her head.

In the embassy, two girls have recognized Mu Qiqi.

"Isn't this the" Paris angel "who is very popular on the Internet now? Why is she here? "

"It can't be that I lost my passport. Come to renew it?"

"Isn't it just a popular net? Do you want such a big battle! It's like the Empress Dowager's coming to make up a passport! I really think I'm a big star! "

A burst of sarcasm.

After listening to this, Mu Qiqi was annoyed. He turned his head and said to the people behind him: "you! forbid! Follow me

A group of people are embarrassed. If they don't follow, they violate Jin Yu's instructions. Then, they are bound to annoy Mu Qiqi. Just hesitating, Mu Qiqi strides into the embassy.

Come to the information desk.

"I want to see Jin Yu!" Muqiqi's cold words, just got angry by the conversation between the two little girls, but he didn't slow down. His tone was inevitably bad. Muqiqi came to realize it, changed his tone, and said with a smile: "Hello! I want to see Mr. Jin, please

The staff at the front desk looked down, showing a trace of disdain. How can Mr. Jin be seen by anyone who wants to see him? What's more, this one is still a little girl.

"Do you have an appointment?"

Mu Qiqi bit his lip and said in a low voice, "do I need to make an appointment with him?"

A casual sentence was heard by the front desk staff. They could not help humming, "Mr. Jin is very busy. Even if the president wants to see him today, he needs to make an appointment!"

The subtext is that you don't even have the qualification to make an appointment.

On one side, a front desk staff who was answering the phone looked at Mu Qiqi carefully. After hanging up, he pushed his colleague's arm and whispered, "she is the" Paris angel ", the" Paris Cultural Promotion Ambassador "certified by the French Ministry of culture. She can get this honor at a young age. She must have a good background. Be careful to offend people!"

After hearing the reminder, the staff member who was still in a fierce voice quickly changed his tone and said with a smile: "Miss angel, why don't you go to the lounge and wait until we have asked Mr. Jin before we give you a reply?"

Muqi pursed her lips, as if it could only be like this.

Muqiqi bowed his head and walked to the rest room, inexplicably lost.

All along, Jin Yu has protected her very well and shielded her from all the criticisms. If it wasn't for today's sudden whim that she wanted to come to the embassy to find him, she might never have heard those harsh voices.

She may have been living in the dream created by Jin Yu for her all the time. She became "Paris angel" because of her luck. The popularity of her promotional film in China shows that everyone likes her very much. She received the invitation from Paris University because of the words "made outstanding contributions to the University" in the words of the president

Muqiqi seems to think of something. She looks up and sees a few free computers standing in the corner of the wall. She goes over, opens the web page and enters "Paris angel" in the search box

The results soon showed that there were more than 400000 related searches.

Mu Qiqi realized that when she used her mobile phone and computer to search for Paris angels, all she found were positive comments and news. Now she knows that there were no negative comments, but the comments that would affect her mood had already been blocked by Jin Yu through technical means.

At his feet, a colorful page fell. Muqiqi lowered his head and picked it up. It was a French recruitment brochure.

The embassy is looking for interns.

Muqiqi feels her belly. She doesn't know if it's the baby's courage. Suddenly, she wants to have a try. If she doesn't have Jin Yu's aura, she will be useless.

The interview office is located in the small conference room next to the rest room. There are many international students in the corridor. Each of them has a thick resume in his hand. Mu Qiqi has scanned it. All of them are international students from famous universities in France.

In the midst of watching, Muqiqi went to the front, took a form, returned to the end of the team, sat down, opened the pen cover, and began to fill in his resume in French.

"Why did she come to interview interns?"

"She's already a cultural ambassador in Paris, and she's an intern? Isn't it hype? "

"There's only one place this time! If she goes through the back door, don't we all have no chance? "

"Can the background of a person who can replace a big star like ou de as an ambassador be simple?"

In the voice of doubt, Mu Qiqi bit his pen cap, racked his brains, searched for the poor French vocabulary in his brain, and finally filled his resume.

The three interviewers interviewed at the same time. Because it was the first test, the interviewer just checked some information about the student status, and then tested the application of French, so the progress was very fast. When Mu Qiqi finished filling in her resume, she just called her number.

"No.18, Muqiqi!"

"Here it is

Muqi answered and went into the meeting room.

It was Dai Qiyue who interviewed her.

Muqiqi originally thought that her interviewer should be a stranger, so at least she won't be told by outsiders that she went through the back door because of her "background".

She knows that with her resume, any stranger interview her, she can't pass the first test, will die.

But the scene in front of her was obviously beyond her expectation.

But, this Dai Qiyue, isn't she the first Secretary of the Embassy? How to say is also the president's daughter, how to be reduced to the job of interviewers?

Dai Qiyue was a little surprised when she saw Mu Qiqi. After a second's consternation, she quickly got up to say something, because there were other interviewers on the side. Mu Qiqi worried that Dai Qiyue would call her "Mrs. Jin" and said, "Hello! I'm interviewee 18, Muqiqi

Having said that, Mu Qiqi handed over his resume and sat down on the chair.

Dai Qiyue picked her eyebrows slightly, took the resume and scanned it. The words on the resume are very simple, and grammatical errors can be seen everywhere.

Since the last time when Muqiqi appeared on the stage and sang with Ou De, Jin Yu had neglected his duty and excluded Dai Qiyue from the core work of the embassy.

For an important performance occasion like that day, the list of performances often has to be checked and recorded for many times. Even if he is a popular artist, he can't play a big card in such an occasion and arbitrarily bring a guest to the stage.

In the host's draft on that day, the host obviously mentioned that Ou de would bring a partner. Obviously, Muqiqi's appearance was not a hasty decision.

Since there was a premeditation, how could Dai Qiyue not know? Since she knew it, she didn't tell Jin Yu. It was obvious that she had ulterior motives.

If she was not Dai Liping's daughter, I'm afraid she would have been driven back to Jinling for dereliction of duty.

Dai Qiyue has a sneer in her heart. Since Mu Qiqi doesn't want others present to know her identity, she can simply follow the process. How can Jin Yu make trouble for her? Why don't she make trouble for the wife whom Jin Yu holds in her heart?

Dai Qiyue opens the computer, opens the Foreign Affairs College's website, enters the student number on her resume, and calls up Mu Qiqi's student status information.

"Mu Qiqi, two years in college, failed numerous subjects. He should have been a junior, but he kept repeating his grade in his freshman year." What Dai Qiyue said is light.

Although these were all facts, Muqiqi felt that his cheeks were red and hot, burning with pain.

When the two interviewers heard Dai Qiyue's words, they forced to smile, but outside the meeting room, it was already a whisper.

"My God! Isn't that a scum? "

"How did such a person become a" Cultural Promotion Ambassador "in Paris? Is she literate? How ironic

Mu Qiqi argued: "I have made up more than half of the courses, and now I am a junior! It's not a freshman! "

"You said it, too!" Dai Qiyue stopped, "it's a make-up exam! A person who once slack off his studies, even if later changed, we have to question her character! so sorry! Please take back your resume! "

Mu Qiqi had already expected such a result. If it was someone else, she would turn around and leave. But this person is Dai Qiyue. This woman knows her relationship with Jin Yu, but she still humiliates her so openly, which is obviously aimed at her.

"Everyone has a time when they are young and have fun. It's very unfair to deny a person's present with her past." Mu Qiqi argued.

"This is the embassy. It's a country's facade to the outside world. We can't allow anyone with a stain to tarnish our national prestige here!"

Dai Qiyue's voice fell, and there was a burst of applause outside the door.

In the eyes of outsiders, even Muqiqi, who has a "deep background", dares to denounce the interviewers. It's too generous! It's a model and model of fearless power!

Muqiqi snorted, "what about Miss Dai? Don't you have a stain? Are you not guilty? "

Dai Qiyue smiles and confidently says, "of course not!"

From the beginning of her study, her achievements were all the way up. She graduated from a famous school and entered the Ministry of foreign affairs. In just three years, she became the first Secretary of the embassy from an intern. No one else can match her promotion channel.

"Since you didn't make any mistakes, why would a first secretary be demoted to be an interviewer? Is the work of the embassy very leisurely? "

Mu Qiqi asked in reply, like a sharp sword stabbing into Dai Qiyue's wound, his face was very ugly.

In the conference room, there was a stalemate between the interviewer and the interviewer.

Muqiqi only felt a heat behind him, like a person's weight. He was about to look back when he reached out a hand behind him and passed the resume on the desk.

Who else is this hand besides Jin Yu?

In the conference room, everyone stood up at the same time.

"Mr. Jin!" Rare greetings.

Muqiqi also caters to get up and takes a step back, leaving a distance with Jin Yu.

Jin Yu quickly scanned his resume, looked at Xiang Mu Qiqi and asked, "are you here to interview interns?"

"Well!" Muqiqi bowed his head and answered.

Jin Yu looked at Dai Qiyue and said, "that's her!"

The uproar at the scene does not mean that the "Paris angel" really has a "deep background"?

She was escorted by the most popular stars in France. Then she became the cultural ambassador of Paris. Even if that's OK, she was even more in front of a number of top students who graduated from famous universities and were directly employed as interns in the embassy!

"Black curtain!" Finally, someone in the crowd was indignant and retorted.

"Mr. Jin! With Ms. Mu's qualifications, even if we lower our requirements, she can't become an intern in the embassy! " Dai Qiyue refuted.

"Who said I'm going to make her an intern? I'm short of a secretary, aren't I Jin Yu said faintly.

When Dai Qiyue was demoted, he was really short of a secretary.

"Mr. Jin, I'm afraid miss Mu's French level is not enough for your secretary."

"I know French. I don't need her to translate."

"Mr. Jin, Ms. mu can't use office software skillfully."

"She's not the only Secretary I have."

"Mr. Jin, Miss mu can't master the local social etiquette very well."

"I have the patience to teach her slowly."

Dai Qiyue choked and said, "Mr. Jin, Miss Mu is a repeater who can't do anything!"

"She will, none of you will."

Dai Qiyue snorted and asked, "what will she do?"

All the people listened eagerly, and they were curious about what kind of advantages Jin Yu could treat her with such a high regard.

Jin Yu looked at Xiang Muqiqi and asked, "how many moves have you learned so far?"

What's the trick? Self defense? Everyone looked at each other, so it's reasonable that there should be no shortage of bodyguards around Jin Yu, right?

Mu Qiqi stares. Does she want to calculate how many new postures she has been unlocked by animals?

"Forget so soon? Go back to make up the lessons

Supplement? Class!

Muqiqi snorted. She is pregnant now. He dares to touch her!


No one can question Jin Yu's decision, so no one can change the fact that Mu Qiqi has become the Secretary of the embassy.

When the last person left, situ Chen closed the door with a "click" and a clear locking sound.

"Baby! What are you doing here? " Jin Yu asked softly, rubbing Muqiqi's slender waist with both hands.

Muqiqi looked up at him, but just met his low face. Without waiting for her to speak, she had sealed her lips.

He hugs her back tightly, holds her neck, and kisses her deeply. She pushes him away, and he chases her. No matter how she breaks free, he can always lock her lips and follow her like a shadow.

Just when she felt suffocated and her breathing became more and more rapid, Jin Yu released her, held her neck, and attached her thin lips to her forehead.

"The president of the University of Paris has come to see me!" Muqiqi gasped.

"Well! Is the baby good in the stomach today Jin Yu didn't seem surprised at all.

"He gave me an invitation!" Muqiqi continued.

"Well! Do you have morning sickness Jin Yu answered and went to look for her lips again.

Muqiqi dodged him, "I've been admitted to the University of Paris!"

"Well!" Jin Yu casually answered, anxiously went to ask for the pair of lip petals that dodged and didn't let him succeed.

Muqiqi uses all her strength to push Jin Yu away from her. His eyes full of fire look at him: "is this your arrangement?"

"What have I arranged?" Jin Yurou asked with a smile.

"Put me in the University of Paris! It's the best major of Paris University! "

Jin Yu was silent, and no doubt he acquiesced.

"I can take the University of Paris by myself! I don't need you to arrange everything for me! You have blocked my mobile phone and my computer. I am not allowed to go anywhere except for the set. Do you think that I can't hear the query from the outside world? " Muqiqi said, with the smell of inquiry.

Jin Yu frowned: "what did you hear?"

He was worried that the rumors would affect her mood, and he kept it from her carefully for fear that it would affect her mood during the pregnancy.

"I've heard what I should and shouldn't have heard!"

Jin Yu frowned, damn it! Hired 16 people to watch her all day, but still can't hide.

"You must be very angry that sixteen people didn't look at me? The next step is to fire them, right? " Mu Qiqi asked.

Jin Yu couldn't help laughing. It was the first time that she was guessed by a little girl.

"Baby..." Jin Yu chuckled, like coaxing a willful child.

Muqiqi didn't eat his way and said obstinately, "I'm not as vulnerable as you think! also! I don't have to rely on you to get into the University of Paris! "

Jin Yu picks an eyebrow, "what I arrange for you is the best major of Paris University!"

To Muqiqi, it is clear that he is agitating, "what's wrong with the best major? Don't you believe I can't get into the top 30? "

Muqiqi only felt that his belly was hot, and his warm palm was attached to it. "It's not that I don't believe it. It's that you have a baby now. I don't want you to be too tired! Since the results are all the same, what if the process is omitted? When you give birth to a baby, the University of Paris will start school. It's not wrong to have a child and go to school. Isn't that just right? "

"So many single mothers with big stomachs, why don't you marry one to go home? Since the results are all the same, what if the process is omitted? Marry one and get one free! It's not wrong to marry and have children! What a bargain! Why don't you do that? "

Jin Yu's face twisted, forgetting that she was a sharp talker. This kind of refutation was her skill.

Muqiqi opens the envelope that he has been holding in his hand, pulls out the invitation letter, and tears it angrily in front of Jin Yu.

"Baby! Not everyone has this opportunity! " Jin Yu frowned slightly.

Mu Qiqi stubbornly raised the scraps of paper in his hands, and his eyes could not hide his stubbornness: "sooner or later, I will let them know that I can enter the Ministry of foreign affairs because I am good enough, not because I am the daughter of the former minister, the daughter-in-law of the prime minister, and not the wife of a diplomat!"

After listening to Mu Qiqi's words, Jin Yu had something to say. It seemed that he had been waiting for a long time.

I thought it was a kind of protection to hide those negative things for her, but now the barrier has been lifted, which should be a kind of harm for her, but I don't want to get a blessing in disguise, instead, it makes her understand some things.

Anyway, his seven princesses have really grown up.


Jinling in January, heavy snow.

At the door of the Foreign Affairs College, there is a new white Maserati.

Beside the car door, Mu Ning'an was wearing a pure white mink coat with red lips. Against the backdrop of snow, she was particularly elegant. Her high abdomen attracted the attention of many people.

Muqiqi came out from the school gate, dressed in a thick pink velvet coat, a white velvet hat, a pair of matching gloves, a pair of big pink earmuffs, a mask and snow boots, armed like a small ball of wool.

Thanks to her cover up, I can't see that she has been pregnant for more than five months.

If it wasn't for someone standing on the left and right, Mu Qiqi would have forgotten that he was pregnant. At this time, he would have rushed to Mu Ning'an.

Without waiting for Muqiqi to come near, Mu Ning'an greets him and sticks out a hand from his coat pocket, attaching Muqiqi's cheek.

"Slow down! Watch out for the baby in your stomach The tone of elder sister is like mother.

"Sister! Are you all right? " Muqiqi is worried.

The news of you Tianze's divorce has caused a lot of trouble recently. You've had a paternity test. The eldest grandson of you, who Huo linger gave birth to not long ago, is not your child.

This should have been a scandal of Youjia, but it was picked up by some media. Last year, Jin Han and Huo ling'er visited France together.

Reckoning the date, they speculated that Huo ling'er's child was not born prematurely. Since the baby in his stomach was not from you Tianze, it must be Jin Han's.

But in the end, Jin Han doesn't admit the identity of Huo ling'er's baby. Huo ling'er takes up the upper reaches of Tianze. His mother takes advantage of his son, and becomes the young grandmother of you family.

A DNA identification triggered by the big drama, has become a gourd eating people after dinner interesting conversation.

Mu Ning'an is a figure in the limelight at this time, but now, she is standing here, as if everything has nothing to do with her, especially the gentle eyebrows, really have the style of a rich young lady.

Not far away, the spotlight is flashing, don't think about it, paparazzi must even think about the title.

The rich family is not affected by the rumors of illegitimate children, so it's a good mood to travel in a luxury car.

Mu Ning'an wiped the frost between Mu Qi's eyebrows and eyes with both hands, changed the topic and asked faintly: "did you do well in the exam?"

Muqiqi has been settling down in France. This time, if not for the final examination of the school, he will not come back.

Muqiqi nodded, indicating that she did well in the exam. With a glance, she found a reporter hiding in the car not far away, and said, "sister! step on it! There are reporters

She is not that ignorant little girl. She has accumulated some experience in dealing with reporters.

Mu Qiqi opens the door and gets on the car. He thought there would be a driver inside, but he doesn't want to. Mu Ning'an opens the door of the driver's seat and goes in directly.

"Sister? Can you drive with such a big stomach? "

"Who says you can't drive if you're pregnant?"

"I think so, too!" Muqiqi pursed his lips and looked disdainful. "But some people, let alone driving, even limit the number of times they go out by car every week! My brother-in-law is better! Everything is up to you! "

In Jin's family, she calls her brother-in-law, and in Mu's family, she calls her brother-in-law. Anyway, they don't offend each other, but maybe they have a closer relationship with her sister. She always thinks that it's more agreeable to call her brother-in-law.

There was silence in the car. Mu Ning'an looked at Mu Qiqi, but she had no choice but to smile. She wanted to tell her that sometimes she was not free, and being controlled didn't mean she lost anything. On the contrary, someone was watching, managing and caring, which meant that she was being loved, read and spoiled.

Muqiqi pursed her lips and realized that maybe her sister didn't seem as indifferent as she seemed. Maybe the rumors were not all without wind and waves.

Mu Ning An light sentence, "he is not by me, just mind is not in me!"


President's office.

Jin Han stares at the mobile phone screen on his desk, eager for it to light up.

These two days, he blocked all the phone calls. Now there is only one person who can call into his mobile phone, but the woman seems to have nothing to do with it. She doesn't look for, scold or make trouble.

If it's someone else's wife and her husband has an illegitimate child outside, and everyone in the city knows about it, even if it's not to the extent of divorce, you should at least ask?

She's good. It's been three days since it happened. She didn't even send a phone call or a message to him. It seems that this matter has nothing to do with her.

He is like the husband of others, and she is like a woman who has nothing to do with him.

"Mu Ning'an, don't you really care about me at all?"

Jin Han muttered and took out a piece of A4 paper at random. He kept folding it in half, in half, and then in half

"Call her, don't call her, call her, don't call her... Call her!"

Finally, a piece of paper couldn't be folded any more. Jin Han chuckled, "call her!", At this moment, as if to admit defeat to find a reasonable excuse, as if this is not to admit defeat, but fate.

Jin hanshun got on the phone and was about to call her when Gu Yue slammed the door in.

Jin Han twisted his eyebrows. "Don't you know how to knock?"

Just plucked up the courage to dial out this call, he was suddenly hit, all scattered.

"Mr. Jin! In the afternoon, my wife drove home, in order to avoid the paparazzi's tracking! Drag racing on the elevated road... There's been an accident! " Gu Yue said breathlessly that he came as soon as he got the news.

Jin Han's heart sank, the temples on both sides suddenly burst, and he dropped his mobile phone. What do you care? Proud of what? What if you give up? Do you have to wait until something happens to regret it?

She was pregnant, it was time for him to stay with her and take care of her, but what did he do? Angry? immature!

"Two paparazzi's cars collided! It's all right, madam. I'm home! " Gu Yue explained in a hurry that he had just run so fast that he couldn't finish all these words in one breath.

He gasped for breath. Jin Han was really scared. He felt that he had recovered from the loss, which made his back covered with a layer of cold sweat.

"Go away!" Jin Han gave a sharp drink.

Gu Yue was so scared that he staggered. After that, he must have lost his job! But just now I really don't blame him!

When he got the news, he was on the 27th floor. He wanted to call the boss to inform him of the news, but the inside line of the president's office's landline was pulled out, and the boss's mobile phone was blocked. No one could get in except his wife. By this time, the elevator broke down again, but he ran from the 27th floor to the 66th floor without breathing.

At that moment, he fully understood why the first strong man who finished the Marathon would fall to the ground and die at the first moment after delivering the news. That's tiring!

Dead! Dead! What's the difference between losing your job and dying?

"Come back!"

Just as he was about to leave, Gu Yue turned around and nodded and said, "Mr. Jin! Please give instructions! "

"Stand by! Go home

"Yes Gu Yue should be very happy.

The boss has finally gone home. Gu Yue is very happy. These days Jin Han lives in the office. As a personal assistant, he can only stay here. He doesn't even dare to return home. He hears from his wife on the phone that his six-month-old son will sit down. However, as a father, he can only share the joy by phone, which is also sad.

The boss finally went home. It seems that he can go home to see his wife and children tonight.

Jin Han was about to get up and leave when Gu Yue's voice came from the corridor: "Miss Li! Jin is not here! Miss Li! Jin always has something to do! No one! Miss Li! Miss Li

After all, it didn't stop.

“Helson!” After a few steps, Li Manli has come to the door of the president's office.

Jin Han stood in front of the door and said, "get out of the way!"

"Give me two minutes!" Li Manli insists.

"Get out of the way!" After that, Jin Han pushed her arm and strode forward.

"The child in Mu Ning's stomach is not yours!"

Jin Handun takes a step, but this is not the first time Li Manli aims at Mu Ning'an. After a moment's hesitation, Jin Yu steps away again.

"I have proof! Don't you want to see it? "

As if Jin Han had not heard of it, he continued to move on.

Li Manli caught up with her, shook a copy of the case and said, "Mu Ning'an had a repair operation when she was 17 years old! This kind of undisciplined woman, can do such an operation, can do the second time, the third time! Have you been cheated by her, too? "

Jin Han strides forward, with a posture that has nothing to do with him.

Li Manli kept on chasing her. "She approached you just for revenge! She wants to use you to revenge you Tianze! If she really cares about you and such a big thing has happened, can she ignore it these days? How much determination does she have to have to know that you are in the company and can't resist asking for a result? All this can only show that she doesn't care about you at all. She approaches you just for a different purpose! "

Jin Han suddenly stopped. It's not that he hasn't thought about these words these days, but whenever they appear in his mind, he will be shot.

Just this time, Li Manli's sharp questions reverberated in the corridor, forcing him to face the facts and making him unable to escape.


Barton house.

The night is deep.

Jin Han opened the door and went in. The living room was dark.

Is this woman asleep? Jin Leng laughs. This woman really has a big heart. No, it should be that she never cares about him. He comes or goes, and he treats her warm or cold, which makes no difference to her. She is always so lukewarm from beginning to end.

"Back?" The husky voice of a woman sounded in the living room.

Jin Han pressed the switch and the light came on. When she went, she saw Mu Ning'an lying on the sofa, covered with a blanket. Her high abdomen made it difficult for her to get up.

Jin Han stepped forward and gave her a hand. Mu Ning'an sat down and said politely, "thank you!"

Even though they have been married for nearly half a year, she is always so polite to him. There always seems to be such a distance between them that they can't see each other, but they can't.

"Why sleep on the sofa?" Asked Jin Han.

Mu Ning'an didn't answer. Does she want to say that the bed in the bedroom is too big for her to sleep without him? On the contrary, she can sleep on the sofa more steadily. At least she has something on her back. It's like leaning against him. It's not so empty.

"In the afternoon, are you scared?" Jin Han asked again.

Mu Ning An shakes his head and smiles bitterly in his heart. What about nodding? Is it not good to take a soft suit?

"Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing?"

"You are so busy, I tell you, can you come here and help me get rid of those reporters?" Mu Ning'an smiles bitterly.

Jin Han held her in his arms, thin lips against her forehead, affectionate kiss: "out of such a big thing, don't you want to ask me something?"

"You mean Mu Ning An chuckles, pauses and stops.

"You're not angry at all. It doesn't matter what the facts are. You don't even need me to explain anything to you." His tone is so gentle, but his words are cold without temperature.

Mu Ning An sneered, "shouldn't you take the initiative to give me an explanation?"

"Do you want to hear it?"

"No!" After that, Mu Ning'an gets up, holds her stomach and goes to the bedroom.

"You approach me just to revenge you Tianze?" Behind him, Jin Han's questions were calm.

Mu Ning settles down. Jin Han thinks that, and she can't argue. After all, for more than half a year, the former media empire has been haunted by dark scenes, and Jin Han's operation is indispensable. Undoubtedly, he did it to fulfill the promise he made with her when he proposed.

Silence, long silence.

"Is it mine, child?" For a long time, Jin Han asked.

Mu Ning'an sneers. These days, rumors have been surging from the outside world. Naturally, the news that she and you Tianze have contacted can't escape the gossip of the media.

The most widely spread and absurd version is undoubtedly that she is pregnant with you Tianze's child, but in order to revenge her boyfriend for cheating, she designs to hook up with Jin Han and force her husband to marry a rich family, so that her baby can recognize others as a father, so as to revenge her boyfriend's unfaithfulness.

In such a dog blood plot, she thought Jin Han would not believe it. The two people had been together for such a long time, just as she intuitively did not believe that Huo ling'er's baby would be Jin Han's. she always thought that trust should be mutual, but now it seems that she was wrong.

"Someone told me that when you were 17 years old, you had a prosthetic operation..." Jin Han took a meal.

Without waiting for him to go on, Mu Ning'an said, "so you think I cheat you with artificial things, and the children are not yours, but my forced marriage trick? Jin Han! It's you who propose to me, and it's you who keep pestering me! "

Mu Ning An sneered, "you don't think that the reason why you do this is that I designed it in advance, do you?"? Are you trapped by me? Are you awake now? So regret marrying me? "

"Don't be angry, I think those are rumors, I just..." he is willing to believe that rumors are false, must be false.

It's just... For a while, he really can't convince himself completely, he needs some time.

"It's true! When I was 17, I did have an operation! More than once! More than one person cheated! Including you! Are you satisfied? "

Jin Han raised his eyes and looked at her. His eyes were red. What could be more naked than that?

"Divorce!" Mu Ning An light sentence.

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