National Art Center.

The magnificent performance hall is full of artistic atmosphere.

The reception hall.

Muqiqi is dressed in a white shirt, a slim black trousers, wrapped with a pair of slender legs, and five centimeter black high heels on his feet, which makes him more capable in the workplace.

"Baby! Hard work

Jin Yu's voice suddenly rang out in the headset. Mu Qiqi was stunned and quickly held the headset with his hand. This is the public signal channel. Isn't Jin Yu's words going to be heard by everyone?

"Baby, don't look, I haven't arrived yet!" Jin Yu's voice rang out again.

Muqiqi stopped looking left and right, since the person has not arrived, how does he know she is looking for him?

Mu Qi Qi suddenly, looked up at the high surveillance camera.

Jin Yu sits in the car and looks at Mu Qi's face in the video. He slightly hooks his lips: "baby, kiss me!"

Muqiqi grinds his teeth and his eyes are angry.

Since that rainstorm made Jin Yu succeed in the car, he has become more and more courageous. Now he dare to call her baby on the announcement signal platform. How many people are occupying this signal channel in the Art Center tonight? Isn't he worried about being heard?

"I cut off their signal, no one else can hear it!" Jin Yu saw through her doubts.

Muqiqi breathed a sigh of relief, took a step back, shrunk to the corner, and whispered, "how boring are you? I'm busy! Don't delay me in my business

Mu Qiqi sighed. Maybe it's because of Si mu. Somehow, sometimes he felt that Jin Yu's willfulness was no different from that of a child, or even worse.

There was a wheezing cry in the headset: "Ma Ma! Does Ma Ma miss me

"Eight ye?" Muqiqi was stunned, "how do you stay with dad?"

"In the morning, Baba said that if Sima did well in the daytime, he would take Sima to find Ma Ma in the evening! Si Mu is very good today, so Ma Ma, you can see Si Mu soon! Are you happy In the headset, Jin simu's voice was like a child who had got candy. He couldn't hide his joy.

Muqiqi smiles happily. These days, she is busy performing. She goes out early and comes back late. Most of Sima is asleep. Although she lives under the same roof, she hasn't said a word to the little guy for two days.

How can she not be happy to see the little guy? It's just that if the people are coming and going, if they are bumped into, the child Jin Yu brought is actually called her mother. The news will be a great surprise.

Jin Yu naturally took this into consideration and informed Jin simu in advance.

In the headset, Jin simu said in the tone of a little adult: "numb! You can relax! Si Mu just wants to see you and won't disturb your work

This end, Mu Qiqi smile of a face gratified, "eight Ye really good!"

After a burst of electrical frequency nuisance, communication returned to normal.

Gu Chenxi frowned and came to Mu Qiqi: "Mu Qiqi, who are you talking to?"

Mu Qiqi was slightly flustered: "me... And security! The minister's car is coming

Gu Chenxi's brow is more and more tight Cu, more show doubt, mumble to say: "is my earphone broken?"? Just a few minutes ago, the signal was interrupted, and it was ringing in disorder... "

Muqiqi laughed and interrupted, "maybe your equipment is out of power?"

Gu Chenxi solemnly took down the equipment and saw that the power was full. Before a large-scale event, checking the communication equipment was originally an important preparatory work. Such omissions are rarely committed. Gu Chenxi is even more confused.

After contacting for a period of time, Mu Qiqi knows that Gu Chenxi is a real person in his work. If you let him tangle like this, you have to find something wrong with him.

Mu Qiqi thought for a while, and turned his attention to Gu Chenxi's dress. On weekdays, although he is also the workplace dress of shirt and trousers, today he is the first time to wear a tie.

Muqiqi took a look at his tie knot, changed the topic and said: "the tie is not so tied!"

In a light sentence, Gu Chenxi was as shy as a big boy. He scratched his head and said, "I haven't learned to watch the video for a long time. Maybe I'm too stupid?"

"I'll teach you!" Muqiqi was relieved and successfully changed the topic!

In less than a minute, a beautiful Windsor knot came into being in Muqiqi's hands.

"Have you learned?" Mu Qiqi looks up and asks Gu Chenxi, only to find that there is something wrong with the tall boy on the opposite side. His face is red like a burning charcoal, which is exaggerated.

"Er..." Muqi bit his lip. He didn't show too much initiative. What did he misunderstand?

36 stratagems, escape is the best!

"I have something else to do! Go ahead After that, Mu Qiqi turned and left.

Not far away, I heard someone whispering.

"Whose child is that? How lovely!"

"Very much like Mr. Jin!"

"It can't be Mr. Jin..."

On such a solemn occasion, a child, a small figure, appeared, walking on the red carpet in a pure white suit, wearing a beige windbreaker, just like an adult.

There are so many distinguished guests around him, but the little guy has no stage fright. He greets him generously. If someone shakes hands with him, he can deal with it freely.

Jin Yu, who had always been frost faced, was following the little guy at the moment. His lips were always hooked, and he looked like a kind father.

As soon as Muqiqi raises his head, he just meets Jin Yu's eyes. Ordinary people can't see anything, but Muqiqi has a keen sense of coldness.

She just tied a tie for someone else. She was not caught in the vinegar jar at home, was she?

"Alas..." Muqiqi couldn't help looking for breath.

According to the etiquette, when a VIP passes by, everyone must stop and wait. Muqiqi is no exception. At the end of the crowd, she stands quietly.

When everyone around him was talking about Jin simu, only mu Qiqi was quiet and didn't interrupt.

The little guy came closer and closer, and everyone waved to him frequently. Jin simu nodded, though not enthusiastic, he didn't pretend to be distant.

Muqiqi hung her head and felt that a familiar smell of milk was in her breath.

Sure enough, as soon as he raised his head, Jin Sima stood in front of her with a small hand on his back. His big eyes blinked and blinked. He didn't know how many people he wanted to turn.

Muqiqi's heart raised his throat, happy and worried.

I'm happy to finally meet my son, but I'm worried about

Eight ye, don't call Mom

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