
The dance troupe of more than 100 people, together with makeup artists, costume artists, dance beauties and directors, is in awe inspiring order.

"It's a top international dance company. It's really professional!" Some people sigh.

"Isn't that Miss Elena's agent? How do you feel a little familiar? "

"You don't know her? Jin Han's ex-wife

"Oh Light pick with a trace of disdain.

Once upon a time, how many people envied their century wedding, and when, their divorce was also fired.

"Such an impudent woman deserves to be spurned by the rich family!" Women's jealousy is always so no reason, even if it has nothing to do with their own important things, but also acid on a few words.

"But this woman doesn't seem to be simple either. Isn't divorce just like that?"

That's the truth.

Elena's agent, in the eyes of others, is really full of gold.

You know what Elena is? Internationally, it's a master.

Mu Ning'an listens to the breeze and breaks the jade. She walks through the crowd and walks to the VIP dressing room in the corridor.

The door opened and the room was quiet.

Elena has changed into a white performance dress, sitting cross legged on the purple yoga mat on the ground, meditating.

This is a habit that she has developed over the years. Before every performance, she will integrate herself into the following roles in this way.

The way a master enters a play is always so different.

"Thank you so much!" Elena opened her eyes and said faintly, just like a woman who has seen through the world.

Mu Ning'an chuckled and muttered, "in the play!"

This dance drama is about a woman, from the lingering love and resentment, to the final madness and fragmentation, and then to the calm after the storm, which tests the dancer's physique, mood, physical strength and many other skills.

"I've been in the play all the time. Why should I be in the play?" Elena whispered.

This dance drama can be regarded as the representative work of Elena's peak period. She has performed for many years, but she never thought that one day, like the heroine in the drama, she would go through the twists and turns.

The storm is coming and the wind is coming.

Mu Ning'an embraces Elena and gives her a comforting hug: "dear! Everything will pass! "

Mu Ning'an's tone is firm. As a woman who comes out of a failed marriage, she can understand how much damage this will cause to a woman.

Mu Ning An holds two mobile phones in her hand. She looks down and sees that it's Elena's mobile phone.

Before the performance, in order to get involved in the role, Elena will put an end to all social ways and isolate herself for a short time, including mobile phones.

As her agent, Mu Ning'an helps her to take care of the phone, which is also a part of her job.

Cell phones keep shaking. The word "honey" on the screen is ironic. It's Elena's husband.

"I'll take a call!" Mu Ning An said and left the dressing room.

But the phone hung up at this time. Mu Ning'an found a quiet place and waited for the phone to call again, but she didn't want to. This time, it was her mobile phone.

It's her lawyer, Alex.

“Ann! Zhou Yunfei led people to occupy Elena's villa in Malibu, Los Angeles, smashed many things inside, and claimed to sell the house. "

"Hooligans!" Mu Ning An rebuked, "what about the property? What about security? Why would you let him in? "

"At present, Elena and he have not divorced, and Elena has not applied for the relevant prohibition order with the court. Therefore, the property has no relevant authority. Legally speaking, Zhou Yunfei is still the male owner of the house, and he has the right to dispose of it!"

"He's a gambler now! It's crazy Mu Ning'an is short of breath.

But Elena still has a series of very important activities in Jinling. After a while, she can't go back to deal with these troublesome things. After thinking about it, Mu Ning'an asks, "try to stabilize the rascal first!"

"You know, he's a hooligan now!" Alex's voice over is just trying to say that he's in a dilemma, too.

"You should know who will be the ultimate victim if a hooligan is allowed to expand the situation. If Elena's reputation is affected, can she still stay in the United States? I don't know, but I'm afraid your lawyer's fees will be greatly reduced!" Mu Ning An lightly says, clearly every sentence intimidates, but is handled by her cloud light breeze light.

Sure enough, Alex's voice speed on the other side of the phone obviously accelerated: "I see! This is how to help Miss Elena apply to the court for an injunction and property protection! "

The phone hung up.

Unconsciously, Mu Ning'an has walked out of a distance. She is not familiar with the art center. She has come to a strange place a few steps away.

A long and narrow passage is also an air inlet.

There is no constant temperature air conditioner here. The rustling autumn wind makes her shiver.

I was about to find my way back when I walked a few steps, but I found a familiar smell of cut tobacco.

Mu Ning'an twisted her eyebrows and walked forward. With a casual glance, she saw a golden cigarette end lying on the ground.

She could not be more familiar with this cigarette end. This kind of cigarette was privately made. It used to be in Jin Han's pocket.

Subconsciously, Mu Ning'an sweeps with the remaining light. As expected, in the shadow of darkness, Mu Ning'an stands a great shadow. In the dark, only the red smoke flashes.

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