It took 40 minutes to get to Haydn Manor on the top of the mountain.

No accident, the car to the door was stopped by security.

Outside the car, Luochuan had a hard time communicating with the security guard, who refused to let go.

Inside the car, Jin Sheng is holding a mobile phone. After so long, in the video, Yan Ranran is still sitting at the dining table, listening to the man's endless stories.

After such a long meal, Jin Sheng exits the video interface, cuts to the call interface, finds Yan Ranran's mobile phone number, and dials it out.

The phone is connected. After thinking twice, there comes a mechanized female voice.

"Sorry, the number you dialed can't be connected at the moment, please redial later!"

Jin Sheng was stunned. The girl hung up on him!

He tried to hold back his anger and was hung up again.

The third time!

I was hung up again!

In a hurry, Jin Sheng switched his mobile phone to the video interface.

Gao Fangnan, who was called Jinsheng, asked Yan Ranran, who was sitting opposite him, with a smile: "won't you take it? There seems to be something urgent on the other side! "

Yan Ran turns the mobile phone upside down and says, "it's OK! No matter

At this end of the screen, Jin Sheng's face changed. His face was as white as paper.

How can you say he's unimportant?!

The next second, Jin Sheng pushed the door open, strode down, opened the driver's door and sat in. The engine roared and went straight ahead.

The security guard in front of the door saw the car rushing to the side. In order to save his life, he subconsciously jumped to one side. The car passed by, and he was shocked in a cold sweat.

Also standing on one side, a tottering Luochuan was rushed by the security guard.

Master, this is going to kill people!

Slow over God to the security, shaking raised the walkie talkie: "a level of alert! Someone drove into the recording scene! "

Jin Sheng drives his car to the main house of the manor. With a beautiful brake, he stops at the door of the villa.

Hearing the security report, the door opened, and the director rushed out more than 20 staff with work cards.

It's not the first time that people stare at every move of the car nervously, thinking that it's fans who have been making trouble and doing entertainment programs for so long. Everyone is ready for it.

When the door opened and Jin Sheng came out of the car, the director came forward with a sigh of relief and said, "Jin Shao, the program is being recorded in the manor. More than 300 cameras are recording simultaneously and live on the Internet in real time."

The director gently reminded him that he hoped Jin Sheng would not mess around and affect the progress of the program. If things get big, everything will be broadcast live on the Internet.

Jin Sheng rubbed his eyebrows, pressed his voice and said in a deep voice, "let Yan Ranran come down to see me!"

"All right! Just a moment! " The director should be, busy send hand down call people.

After a while, the man came back, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and stammered: "Yan, Miss Yan said, she's gone!"

The scene was once awkward.

Jin Sheng's face was convulsed.

Upstairs, Yan Ranran picked up her mobile phone and went to the balcony. The photographer heard what happened below through the headset. She didn't follow her and gave her space to deal with her private affairs.

Yan Ran Ran went to the railing and looked down. When she saw Jin Sheng's familiar figure, she took a breath and couldn't hide her panic.

When the staff just delivered the message, they looked very nervous, because they had to avoid cameras and radio equipment, so they could only whisper in her ear.

She only heard that there was one person who wanted to see her. Naturally, she had no reason to deal with those who had little power, and she should also refuse.

However, she did not expect that it was Jin Shao who wanted to see her! It's her brother Sheng!

The mobile phone rings again. Yan Ran looks at it and it's Jin Sheng again.

This time, she didn't hang up in a hurry. She hesitated in her heart whether or not to pick up······

She didn't hang up, he just kept holding it.

Jin Sheng subconsciously raised his head and always felt that the little girl might be looking at her by some window.

Yan Ran Ran see this, guilty of a step back, for fear of being found like him.

But she was still a little slow. Jin Sheng saw her skirt beside the fence.

Just now she was in a hurry, but she didn't notice that the skirt scraped onto the rail.

For a moment, Yan Ran Ran could not advance or retreat, and his tears were almost falling.

The ring stopped. After a while, the phone rang in again.

Yan Ran Ran opened the screen and asked angrily, "what's the matter?"

Jin Sheng listened to the crying voice on the phone and said in a low voice, "don't cry! The skirt is hooked on the railing, and you can step forward and untie it. "

"I don't want to listen to you!" Yan Ran said obstinately.

"Good boy! Be obedient On the phone, Jin Sheng's voice was extremely patient.

"Why should I listen to you?" Yan Ran asked, and then he cried.

There was silence on the other end of the phone. There was a whine of wind in the microphone and the voice of conversation. It seemed that the other side blocked the microphone, but Yan Ranran couldn't hear what the other side said.

Yan Ran Ran was tied up and couldn't move. He simply squatted in the same place and buried his head between his legs. His tears fell uncontrollably.

She can't understand why she chased him for so long in exchange for his indifference. Now, she has decided to put him down and start over, but he suddenly took the initiative to contact her and treat her so gently.

In the dining room, Jinsheng heard the cry, went forward to comfort her and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter with you?"

"You go! Go away Yan Ran pushed him away.

Jinsheng handed her a handkerchief and said in a low voice, "I've asked the cameraman to leave. There's no one here to photograph you. Just be quiet!"

Then he got up and left.

After a while, there was a sound of footwork in my ear. Yan Ran opened his eyes, and there was a pair of golden men's shoes on the ground.

Yan Ran thought that Jinsheng had not gone yet, and he roared again: "why haven't you gone yet?"

The man did not speak, went to the railing, bent down, took off the skirt hanging on the railing, then took off the suit coat, squatted down, put on Yan Ran Ran's body.

Yan Ran Ran, with a pair of red eyes, looked up and saw Jin Sheng.

A pair of familiar eyes, full of men's gentle light.

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