A few days later, Luohu villa, located in the middle of the mountain, has a quiet environment. It is also because of its excellent privacy that the Alumni Association of the Institute of foreign affairs is located here.

Most of the people who came to the party took off from famous schools. Nowadays, they are either rich or expensive, so the requirements for security are naturally extraordinary.

The white Benz drove up the half moon shaped ring road and stopped steadily at the entrance of the villa.

Before getting out of the car, Muqiqi was shocked by the security form of the villa. On the outside of the villa, there are dozens of black bodyguards visible in the light, not including the secret sentries hidden in the dark.

She works in the Ministry of foreign affairs. She knows how to receive distinguished guests in the Department of protocol. She also knows that the hidden sentries in ambush are often several times more than the security in the open places, so that she can observe them in order to prevent accidents.

Looking at the posture in front of us, there are no less than 200 people participating in the security work of the villa, which is comparable to guarding the head of state.

As for it? Isn't it just a classmate party? Muqiqi muttered in his heart.

Five or six security personnel quickly gathered around the car. They whispered a few words in their ears. Then the bodyguard in black came forward and opened the door.

Jin Si mu, is it to please Jin Yu? But it is obvious that Jin Yu does not appreciate it.

Wait, the man just said, these people are all brought by Ren Weiwan from Yanting? Mu Qiqi had long heard that the Ren family was powerful in the southwest, but he did not expect that it was so huge that a miss Ren family could command such a large number of armed forces. The background of the Ren family can be seen.

Jin Yu took a look at Jin simu, then at Xiang Muqiqi, his eyes softened a lot, and said in a low voice, "you take simu around first, I'll go to see you later!"

Muqiqi nods and knows that Jin Yu is angry. He doesn't want them to see him angry. He can only lead Jin simu and walk away.

Jin Yu left the crowd and went upstairs alone to the French window.

Outside the window, you can overlook the night view of the villa. Inside, you can enjoy the bustling gathering crowd in the hall.

In a word, it's high and far away.

Jin Yu stood facing the French window with his pants in his hands and back.

The sound of high heels came from behind, clear and steady.

Looking at Jin Yu's back, Ren Weiwan was a little distracted. When she came near, she said, "elder martial brother, you're here!"

That day, she went to the Ministry of foreign affairs to find him. If she didn't hide her identity and ask someone else to introduce her, she was afraid that it would be difficult for her to meet him. Even if she met him, he treated her coldly and didn't say ten words before and after, so he found an excuse and left.

Just now, someone told her that when Jin Yu wanted to see her, there was a ripple in her heart.

Hearing this, Jin Yu turned to look at her. There was no warm voice. "You have done so many things. You just want to see me. What do you have to say here?"

On the occasion of the centennial anniversary of the Foreign Affairs College, alumni gathered and Xie Shi commented, she was sure that Jin Yu would show up. She wanted to force him to meet her.

Ren Weiwan lightly looked around, and finally fixed her eyes on Jin Yu's deep eyes, gentle as water: "because it's safe enough here."

Jin Yu slightly raises eyebrows. That day in the office, she didn't say anything. Is it because his office is "not safe enough"?

Jin Yu snorted. He couldn't help but feel ridiculous. Whether it was security or anti tracking eavesdropping, that room was as good as an iron wall.

Ren Weiwan suddenly changed the subject and asked, "elder martial brother, are you happy?"

Jin Yu was stunned by her question. He looked at Ren Weiwan. Seeing that she asked seriously, he nodded.

Ren Weiwan droops her head slightly, and her eyes show some loss. She knows that it will be such an answer, but she has to ask again, which is a bit humiliating.

But who let her fall in love with the man in front of her from the beginning? She can wait for him, year after year. When she is looking forward to returning to Jinling, what she gets is the wedding news of him and another woman.

On the day of the wedding banquet, his wedding attracted worldwide attention, but on that night, on the white sheet, she spilled hot red with the blood of her wrist.

Ren Weiwan almost subconsciously grasped his wrist and gently rubbed the burning wound.

Pain, even after such a long time, is still deep pain.

There was a moment of silence.

Jin Yu pursed his lips, "after all the tricks, do you want to ask me this sentence?"

As the words fell, he left.

Ren Weiwan stopped him: "elder martial brother, are you going to Jinman?"

Jin yudun stayed where he was, frowning. The southwest border was disturbed, and the small countries in Yunan kept making trouble. In order to pacify the border, the two countries decided to hold bilateral talks at the foreign minister level in a third country, which was in Jinman.

But these are all national secrets. Since leaving the foreign ministry, Ren Weiwan has been out of politics and far away from the center of the country. How does she know?

Jin Yu suddenly realized what Ren Weiwan's "unsafe" just meant. It seems that her purpose of returning to Jinling is not simple.

Jin Yu did not answer, neither admitted nor denied.

Ren Weiwan caught up and came to his opposite, "elder martial brother, can you not go?"

Ren Weiwan said, her eyes were moist, and she prayed with the love of a woman.

Bilateral foreign ministers' talks are a state affair. How can there be a reason to go without saying?

Perhaps aware of her abrupt words, Ren Weiwan calmed down and said, "elder martial brother, I mean, the border is not peaceful now. You must be careful when you go to Jinman this time!"

Finally, she tried to hold Jin Yu's wrist, "elder martial brother, I don't want you to have an accident..."

In the distance, a crisp milk sound, "pull out!"

Jin Yu sidles to follow the reputation, just avoids Ren Weiwan's arm and looks at the boy with a loving smile.

Ren Weiwan saw that a second ago, he was as cold as an iceberg, and a second later, he was as warm as spring water.

The boy ran over. Jin Yu leaned slightly and picked up the little guy almost effortlessly.

A man holds a child, with a white shirt on his wrist and classic blue cufflinks. In the past, he was most annoyed that his suit was crumpled and never liked to be touched by others. But now he holds the child, and the boy's little hand is writing his suit collar, but he doesn't care.

The boy's feet stare, inadvertently wipe his expensive suit, he has no angry face, in the past he was the most addicted to cleanliness, but in front of the children all taboos are gone.

Muqiqi follows up and glances at Ren Weiwan. The fire in her heart starts to burn. Fortunately, she comes in time. If she's a step late, isn't she supposed to succeed? Still want to touch his husband? Good idea!

"Eight Ye! Why don't you call someone? " Muqiqi called him.

Jin Sima was held by Jin Yu, and he could look at Ren Weiwan at the same height. He looked at the woman opposite him and said, "Hello, aunt!"

Auntie? Ren Weiwan Leng for a while, she is not married, asked, "aunt?"

"The younger one is called sister, the older one is called aunt, and the older one is called aunt." The little guy's analysis is right, with a look of "there should be no mistake.".

Muqiqi can't help but almost laugh. He's a real son. He satirizes people who don't use dirty words. She really taught the first two sentences, but the last one has nothing to do with her.

Ren Weiwan frowned and said, "I'm only eight years older than your mother."

Jin simu opened his mouth and made a surprised expression. He was eight years old! There is a big gap! He's not eight yet!

Little guy's reaction, silent let Ren Weiwan is very ugly, delicate makeup can't cover her a burst of green has been white embarrassed face.

Ren Weiwan looks at Jin Yu with a look of help. He doesn't care what his son looks like?

But it turned out that Jin Yu was standing there leisurely, looking at the little guy in his arms, without scolding.

Jin Yu of course understood that the little guy was venting his anger for his mother. At last, the atmosphere was dignified. He said, "don't mind if you are childish."

"Auntie!" Jin Si Mu still changed his mouth, "why do you want a tattoo?"

Jin simu pointed to Ren Weiwan's wrist and asked. On a woman's snow-white skin, a bloody manzhusha red was dazzling.

Ren Weiwan doesn't know how to answer for a moment. Should she tell the child that tattoo is to cover up the stupid things she once committed to herself? She killed herself for his father? It is obvious that Muqiqi will smile, but Jin Yu will not leave any pity for her.

Just as Ren Weiwan hesitated, Jin simu continued: "the third uncle said that women with tattoos are not good women!"

Well, Jin Sheng is the one who offends people. Anyway, Ma Ma Ma said that third uncle is in debt.

Ren Weiwan's face couldn't hang up any longer. "This... How can the child talk like this?"

Muqiqi only watched the play on one side. He was proud of his son!

Jin Yu said, "you know what kind of person Jin Sheng is. That's what he says. It has nothing to do with children."

Anyone could tell that he was protecting the child.

Ren Weiwan can only endure, can't blame this child, do you want to blame his reading female countless third brother said such a bastard's words?

The atmosphere was extremely awkward.

Suddenly, a shining crystal snowball rolled to Jin Yu's feet. Jin Yu naturally put out his feet to stop the colliding ball, bent down and picked up the ball with one hand.

At this time, a little girl ran over, two or three-year-old appearance, a pink princess dress, big eyes flickering, lovely, came to Jin Yu's side, the little girl stretched out her hands, smilingly said: "thank you uncle!"

Jin Yu put the ball into the girl's hand and said with a smile, "you're welcome!"

The girl's adult followed up and saw that it was Jin Yu. He was so scared that he bowed himself and apologized again and again, "I'm sorry, Mr. Jin, my little girl is ignorant and bumped into you! Miaomiao, please apologize to Mr. Jin! "

The little girl can't figure out the situation. She looks like she is a very kind uncle. Why should her father be so afraid of him?

"Never mind!" Jin Yu touched the little girl's cheek and answered politely, then praised, "your daughter is very lovely!"

When the man saw that Jin Yu liked his child so much, and that he was holding a little boy in his arms, he felt more worried, as if he had climbed up some high branch. But he didn't dare to say that Mr. Jin liked his little girl so much that he decided to have a baby kiss with his son. He could only tease and say, "Mr. Jin likes his daughter so much, why don't you let his wife have one for you?"

Muqiqi's face changed when he heard that. The animal was controlled by a daughter. How could this man not open the pot and mention it?

It was Jin Yu who got up gracefully without hesitation, and he was obsessed with his affectionate delusion.

Mu Qiqi stares at the beast. Isn't she going to give birth in public and make her unable to come down? She's not ready to have a second child!

The next second, Muqiqi only felt a heat around his waist. Jin Yu's palm came up, and the magnetic voice said: "I love my wife as my daughter!"

Muqiqi only felt goose bumps spilled on the ground, numb!

That person hears a Leng, he unexpectedly is such Mr. Jin! It's tiresome to show your love in public. It's not worth your life!

On the other side, Ren Weiwan bit her lip and turned her head. After all, she was not the one who was favored by him. How could she realize his tenderness?

Situ Chen came over and whispered, "Mr. Jin, the banquet is about to begin. Please go to the conference and give a speech!"

Jin Yu nodded, lifted Mu Qi Qi's face and gave her a soft kiss on her forehead: "watch Si mu, wait for me to come back!"

Mu Qi nodded and watched Jin Yu's back disappear in the distance.

Muqiqi comes back, eh? What about Sima?

As soon as she looked back, she saw Jin simu and the little girl whispering in the distance.

"Sister Miao! My name is Si mu, but I prefer to be called eighth master! "

"Sister Miao! I have a large peach forest at home. It's beautiful when it blooms. I'll invite you to play then, OK

"Sister Miao! Do you want to go to Disney? Although there are still two months to go before the official business, but I have a way to take you in! "

"Sister Miaomiao..."

Mu Qiqi has a black face. In the future, he must stay away from Jin Sheng. This little third son really doesn't teach. He teaches his younger sister a lot!

Muqiqi goes in that direction and wants to bring the boy back. She doesn't want to take a child's daughter-in-law back so early.

As he was about to step forward, Ren Weiwan's voice came from behind: "younger martial sister!"

Good strange name, Muqiqi know she is in their own, pause, look back to her: "are you calling me?"

Ren Weiwan nodded.

Mu Qiqi said with a smile, "I'm used to being called Mrs. Jin. Suddenly someone calls me younger martial sister. I'm really not used to it!"

Always remind the other party of their identity.

Ren Weiwan with a smile, "Jin Yu likes children more than you."

Mu Qiqi snorted, is this the beginning to sow discord? Is it necessary to say that Jin Yu married her for the sake of having children?

Sure enough, Ren Weiwan continued, "a man is in his thirties, so he can marry and have children naturally. Elder martial brother always has a plan, and you just appear on his plan node, which is your luck."

"You know my husband well?" Mu Qiqi asked.

Ren Weiwan looked at her and said with a faint smile, "brother and sister of the same teacher for ten years, what do you think?"

"Then I'll be a little longer than you. After all, I've known him since I was born!" Muqiqi said, in time, isn't she the winner?

"What a little girl Ren Weiwan pursed her lips and said with a smile. Her helpless tone seemed as if the one standing opposite was still a child.

She has been unable to understand, how can Jin Yu, who is so proud and calm, like a girl who jumps off like Mu Qiqi?

Mu Qiqi ends his conversation, turns around and goes on. Ren Weiwan continues: "one day you will regret marrying him!"

"You're so interesting. If I regret it, what can I do? I'm divorced, and you won't be the next one! "

Ren Weiwan light sentence, "not necessarily!"

Muqiqi smiles and doesn't care at all.

"I can die for him, can you?" Ren Weiwan said and raised the wrist with manjushahua.

On the slender wrist, scarlet flowers bloomed like blood. If you look closely, the slightly convex scar just became a part of the flower stem.

Mu Qiqi is shocked to see that all the rumors she hears are true. Ren Weiwan really committed suicide for Jin Yu.

Looking at Ren Weiwan again, there is no elegant appearance of a celebrity when Jin Yu was just here. The red corners of her lips clearly evoke a touch of enchanting radiance, and the look in her eyes. In the night light, it makes people feel gloomy and terrible.

"Madman!" Muqi skimmed a sentence.

After all, everyone gathered here for the centennial anniversary. Jin Yu didn't plan to seize the edge. He made a few regular speeches and then turned back.

Seeing the two women looking at each other coldly, he dared not to do well in his heart and could not help quickening his pace.

"Baby!" He called calmly, Muqiqi looked at him, the panic in his eyes, like seeing something terrible.

Jin Yu stepped forward quickly, but Ren Weiwan changed her face and regained her indifferent look. Looking at Jin Yu, she said, "elder martial brother! Then we'll see you in Yanting in a few days! "

The familiar and tacit tone seemed to have been discussed by two people in the morning.

With that, Ren Weiwan left.

Jin Yu took Muqiqi's waist and asked her gently, "what's the matter? What did she tell you? "

Muqiqi came back from the stupefied spirit. When he heard Jin Yu ask her, he was angry and said, "your sister! You're talking about it! What are you doing in Yanting? Why don't you date fox spirit behind my back? "

"You all know, it's called carrying?" Jin Yu's lips.

"I'm going too!" Muqiqi said.

Jin Yu saw that she pursed her lips. She was so cute that she wanted to take a bite.


The next second, someone leaned forward, regardless of the occasion, so it was put into action.

Muqiqi was hugged by him and arrived at the French window on one side. Although it was on the second floor, there was no one, and there were curtains next to it, it didn't mean that no one would pass by.

Mu Qiqi bit his teeth and pushed him away. He didn't give him a chance to plunder, "get away from..."

It's good not to talk, but this opening gave him a chance to attack and plunder.

Behind is the French window leading to the first floor, the suspended design, as long as the waist high railings block.

Mu Qiqi hid behind, looked at the height behind him, quickly drew back and hugged Jin Yu.

Jin Yu slightly hooked his lips, raised her thigh roots with both hands, and then held her for a turn. They were submerged in the heavy European curtains.

Around is very quiet, Muqiqi gradually soft body, no beginning of resistance, in the air, only left each other anxious breathing.

For a long time, a corner of the curtain was lifted. A small hand grabbed the corner of Jin Yu's suit and said crisply, "pull it out! I'm hungry

Jin Yu seemed to have nothing happened. He naturally released Muqiqi and straightened his clothes. Then he took Sima's hand and asked, "Dad, I'll take you to eat something delicious. What do you want to eat?"

"Whatever! All right The little guy is perfunctory.

Jin Yu picked his eyebrows. It didn't look like he was hungry.

Sure enough, the little guy said with an educational tone: "I don't know how to be restrained in public places. Someone just came. If I don't call you... Hum!"

Muqiqi calmed down behind the curtain for a long time, finishing clothes and mending makeup. After a long time, Muqiqi came out. Looking at the father and son, they had already gone a long way.

Muqiqi looks at Jin Yu's back and thinks about the embarrassment of being found by Sima. He looks like he's been found cheating. His face is red and in a mess. Looking at someone's calm figure, he unconsciously purses a sentence, "clothes, birds and beasts!"

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