On the plane to Jinling.

Jin Yu holds Muqiqi in his arms and calls her, baby and princess. From time to time, he touches her sleeping face, and from time to time he holds her hand and kisses her green fingers. He is infatuated with her.

Although the doctor said that Muqiqi was just over frightened and would soon wake up, it has been more than four hours since the incident happened and she got on the return flight. The little girl in her arms is like a sleeping beauty and has no sign of waking up.

"When will she wake up?" Jin Yu asked the waiting doctor.

He asked this question almost every few minutes.

The doctor could only cautiously repeat the same answer: "Mrs. Jin was shocked too much, and was shocked by the blast wave..."

Jin Yu waved his hand and didn't let him go on.

A few hours ago.

At Luo Cheng's command, almost all the muzzles were aimed at Jin Yu and Mu Qiqi.

But at the same time, Yan Yuchen's vanguard troops rushed into the chemical plant. Soon, the well-trained team escorted them out of the dangerous area.

Almost at the same time, Luo Cheng's men detonated the bomb, and the whole chemical plant was destroyed in an instant. The rebels from Yanting were buried together.

At the moment, Jin Yu was very grateful for the few seconds. If it wasn't for the few seconds, he or Muqiqi would disappear in the world with that loud sound.

It's good that she's alive.

It's good to be alive and watch her.

It's nice to hold her like this.

Jin Yu held Mu Qiqi's hand and put it on his face. "Baby, you've been sleeping for a long time. We're almost home. Everything's over..."

He whispered.

Suddenly, he felt her fingers move.

"Husband..." Muqiqi shriveled.

"I am! Baby, I'm here Jin Yu was very excited.

"Husband... Let's go... There's a bomb..." it turned out that she was talking in a dream. In the dream, she would rather be buried in the sea of fire than be buried with him.

She wanted him to live just as he didn't want her to be.

Jin Yu suddenly felt that his nose was sour, even his breath was painful. He raised his head and restrained the urge to cry.

"Husband..." Muqiqi's voice.

"I'm here!" Jin Yu continued to talk to the little girl who was dreaming.

"Husband... I'm so afraid I'll die like this..."

Jin Yu raised his head and sucked his nose. "No... I'm here... No..."

"Husband... Did you cry?" Mu Qiqi asked.

Jin Yu was shocked and lowered his head. Then he saw that the little man in his arms was looking at him with round eyes.

"Baby! You wake up at last Jin Yu's excitement is beyond expression.

Mu Qi Qi slightly raised the corners of his lips, but the tears in his eyes, like irrepressible, drop by drop.

Jin Yu bowed his head and kisses her soft lips excitedly. His nose is full of sweetness that is exclusive to her. He sucks and breathes greedily.

Muqiqi is almost breathless when he kisses her, but she still puts her hand around his neck and uses all her strength to respond to him.

It was a kind of lucky for the rest of her life. She was alive and held by him. Everything was like a dream.

In the air, Muqiqi's breathing became more and more heavy. She just woke up and was very weak. Jin Yu relaxed her kiss and stroked her red and swollen lips with her finger pulp. "Baby, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Mu Qiqi screwed his eyebrows: "my ears hurt, my brain is buzzing."

Jin Yu was so nervous that he cried out: "doctor! What's the matter with her? "

The doctor replied, "this is the normal response to the stimulation of the eardrum."

First, she was injured in the eardrum by Luo Cheng's shot, and then she experienced an explosion, which made her feel even more painful.

"What can be done to relieve her pain?" Jin Yu asked anxiously.

If he could, he would like to transfer the pain to himself.

The doctor said, "this kind of symptom will last for two to three days, and there is no good way at present, but you can massage Mrs. Jin's temples to help her divert her attention."

Before the doctor finished, Jin Yu had already pressed his thumb to Mu Qiqi's temple, and rubbed it gently.

"Baby, do you feel better?" Jin Yu asked.

Muqiqi frowned slightly. As the senses around his body gradually came to life, the headache became more and more obvious.

"It still hurts?" Jin Yu asked anxiously.

Muqi nodded.

Jin Yu frowned and regretted that he could not share the pain for her. Next second, he lowered his head and held her lips firmly as if he thought of something.

"Asshole... Let go..." Muqiqi blushed and struggled to push him away. Just now she didn't know that there was an outsider. Now she knows, she must not let him do so.

Jin Yu held her body tightly, as if to melt her into his own body. He pressed her lip and said, "the doctor said, let me help baby to divert attention!"

Mu Qi glared at him, what diverts attention! It's just taking advantage of her!

Muqiqi beat his shoulder, blushed and said: "but... The doctor... Is still there..."

Voice down, the doctor recoiled a few steps.

Jin Yu didn't care, gently pushed her teeth away, and pestered her gently in her lips.

Muqiqi was kissed by him. His feelings and shyness were presented together. All the blood in his body gathered to his brain. His brain was buzzing, and the whole world seemed to have no sound.

For a long time, Jin Yu held her head, gently rubbed her hair and asked her, "baby, do you feel better?"

Muqiqi frowned slightly, as if, really, a little better, the buzzing in his brain seemed not so loud, and the pain in his ears was much weaker.

Hearing recovery a lot, gradually she vaguely heard some sound, the sound of the keyboard, the sound of the printer, the sound of the phone

Mu Qiqi's scalp was numb. She turned her head to the back and saw a circle of people on the opposite conference table, each of whom had his own job. They were busy one after another. They seemed to turn a blind eye to what had just happened to them.

Muqiqi thinks that she is dazzled. She shakes her head and rubs her eyes. The scene in front of her becomes clearer and clearer.

Oh, my God! Just now, she was kissed by Jin Yu in front of so many people? More than once?

Is there anything more humiliating?

"Put... Put... Put me down!" Mu Qiqi was incoherent.

"No!" Jin Yu hugged her tightly. At the moment, he didn't want to leave her. He just wanted to hold her like this.

"It's dead!" Muqiqi put his hands over her red face and asked, "Why are they here?"

Jin Yu raised his eyebrows. "Our army has already started a war against Yunan, so there are many things to deal with."

He replied, one side is her, the other is state affairs. Under the two powers, he can only hold her and preside over the whole meeting.

"Can't you find me a place to lie down and go to the meeting by yourself?" Mu Qiqi is ashamed to question.

"No!" Jin Yu steals, "from now on, I want my baby to stay with me all the time!"

He was afraid, afraid to lose her again.

Situ Chen approached, opened a document and put it in front of Jin Yu. He said, "this is the war report from the front. Our army has bombed three important military areas! At present, the army continues to advance, and it is expected to approach the capital of Yunan early tomorrow morning! "

Jin Yu nodded.

Situ Chen continued: "in addition, the special police have won the Yanting city hall at one stroke. A group of people have been controlled. The Deputy General of Yanting garrison knows the current affairs. After being surrounded, he has no resistance and has surrendered."

Jin Yu nodded again.

"The Ministry of foreign affairs will soon hold a press conference to answer questions from domestic and foreign media about the war against Yu Nan. This is the outline sent by the information department. Please have a look."

After that, situ Chen handed over a pen, Jin Yu took it, and on the writing paper, Jin Yu's hand could not help shaking because he had just held Mu Qiqi for too long.

Situ Chen whispered in his ear, "Mr. Jin, your wife is awake. Why don't you have a rest?"

Jin Yu stares at him. Situ Chen feels a chill coming up from his neck. He straightens up and shrinks back.

These few hours, Jin Yu didn't think it was too boring, but they, the people below, saw an idol drama alive! The male master hugs the unconscious female master, hugs and hugs her, and the baby calls her numbness. The scenes are eye opening for these people. The most important problem is that they can't avoid it, and they have to discuss political affairs with a serious face.

Mr. Jin, have you ever worried about the feelings of these subordinates?

After signing, Jin Yu threw the folder into situ Chen's arms, and then told him, "let them keep their voices down when they call. My baby needs a good rest!"

"Yes! Mr. Jin Situ Chen's lips twitched. Their voice was so low that everyone in the cabin could hear the sound of your kissing with his wife. OK? How much smaller? Do you want to make a call? Are things done or not?

However, he did not dare to talk to Jin Yu.

Jin Yu then wrapped the blanket on Muqiqi tightly, patted her body like a baby, and said softly, "baby! Go to sleep

Muqiqi pulls up the blanket and buries the whole face. Is it better to pretend to sleep than to face this circle of people in embarrassment?

Jin Yu pulled down the blanket, looked at her red face and said, "let my husband watch you sleep!"

He would look at her all the time and hold her.

"Can you stop it?" Muqi came to his temper and choked him in a low voice.

"No!" Jin Yu pinched her little face, then another kiss on her cheek.

Oh, my God! Muqiqi was angry and angry, but in front of so many people, she always had to keep her temper and keep a good image. She couldn't be like Jin Yu and ignore everything.

She can only close her eyes and pretend to sleep all the way.

Finally, the plane landed.

Mu Qiqi opens his eyes from feint sleep. It's time to let her down this time, isn't it?

Unexpectedly, Jin Yu picked her up.

"Put me down! I'm all right! You can go Muqiqi said, almost begging.

Through the window, she saw a crowd of people coming to pick up the plane, including some media reporters. She was taken out by him in such a good way that she was dead.

"No! I'm going to hold you like this! " It's shameless of someone to look difficult.

Mu Qiqi

The cabin door opened, and Jin Yu took her down the stairs.

There was thunderous applause in the crowd.

Whether it is the hijacking or the rescue operation, they will go down in history as a milestone memory together with the recovery of Yanting military power.

Mu Qiqi can only lean his head on Jin Yu's shoulder to avoid the media lens.

The medical staff are already in place. The doctor sees Mu Qiqi being held down by Jin Yu and pushes the stretcher forward quickly, waiting for treatment.

"Is Qiqi hurt? Where did it hurt? " Xuanyaru's voice of anxious choking, the crowd automatically spread to both sides, making way for the first lady.

Xuanyaru stepped forward and touched Muqiqi's face, "my good daughter-in-law! Just come back safely! I don't know how worried my grandparents are about you! Mu family also called many times! Everyone is worried about you! "

Mu Qiqi bit his lip. "Did he disturb his grandparents? I'm going back to Yiyuan to report peace to ER Lao! "

Xuanyaru shook her head: "this time you must have suffered a lot of fright. First let Jin Yu take you back to Taoyuan to have a good rest. After two days, you can go to see your grandparents. The whole family won't pick on you."

Listening to her mother-in-law mentioning Jin Yu, Mu Qiqi looks at her helplessly and says, "mother-in-law, can you let him let me down? He won't listen to anything I say now

Xuanyaru looked at Jin Yu with reproachful eyes: "if you want to come down, don't hold it!"

"Don't listen to her! She had just taken two steps by herself, and her legs were weak. She nearly fell down! " You don't have to draft a lie.

Muqiqi stares at him. When did he let her down? All the way to the bathroom, I was held by him, OK?

Xuanyaru was scared, "the ambulance has arrived, send Qiqi to the hospital to have a good look, is it hurt where?"

Jin Yu picks eyebrows, "it's OK. I'll give her a massage when I go back!"

"Don't be careless! After all, it's hijacking and explosion! " Xuanyaru frowned.

"Ma Ma!" Jin Sima, who had been ignored, yelled at this time.

The voice of milk successfully attracted everyone's attention.

Muqiqi lowers his head, and then he sees the little Jin simu standing beside xuanyaru, looking up at her.

"Eight ye?" The moment she saw her son, her tears rolled down.

Their mother and son are almost dead, aren't they?

Jin Yu's special car stops at one side. He bends down and hugs Mu Qi to the car. Jin simu climbs to the car.

Small hand holding Mu Qi Qi's hand said: "Ma Ma, don't cry!"

Muqiqi rubbed his little face, "mom is so happy to see eighth master!"

"Ma Ma! I miss you so much! How about sleeping with Sima tonight? " The little guy asked cleverly.

Muqiqi nodded busily.

Jin Yu looked at his baby so easily and was occupied by the "little rival" in front of him. He suddenly overcame his face and pursed his lips and said, "Mom needs to recuperate. You are living in Yiyuan these days. When mom is better, I will take you back!"

Almost at the same time, Muqiqi and Jin simu asked: "why?"

Jin Yu winked at situ Chen outside the car. With understanding, situ Chen put his hands into the car and took Jin Sima out of the car. He apologized and said, "eighth master! I'm sorry to see you! "

I continue to say in my heart, if I want to blame you, I'll blame you for your crazy wife!

Yan Ran Ran's phone call came in three days later.

It was bright and the morning was bright.

"Qiqi! You can answer the phone at last Yan Ran Ran's joyful voice.

These days, Muqiqi has a serious tinnitus and seldom answers or makes calls. Even when she talks to people face to face, she has to look at each other and distinguish what they say according to their mouth shape.

"Well! The symptoms of tinnitus are much better! " Reply from Muqiqi.

"So early, who?" Jin Yu's impatient voice, with a hint of laziness, hugged the people in his arms.

"Ran Ran!" Muqiqi impatiently pushed away someone's hand that was ravaging her.

On the phone, Yan Ran Ran continued: "I'm going to attend a press conference now. When it's over, I'll go to Taoyuan to see you at noon, OK?"

"At noon?" Muqiqi hesitated for a moment.

"Inconvenient?" Yan Ran Ran asked, "if it's inconvenient, forget it!"

"Inconvenient!" Jin Yu bit Mu Qi's ear and whispered that his hands were more and more unbridled.

Mu Qiqi pushed away his face and said to Yan Ranran, "no! I want to go out for lunch! "

"All right!" On the other side of the phone, Yan Ran answered.

Jin Yu suddenly became hairy, "don't go! No going anywhere at noon! I want my baby with me

Mu Qiqi sat up from the bed and said, "asshole! What do you want? These days, you follow me like a pug every day, even when you go to the toilet! These also calculate, go to work everyday also want me to accompany! I have to accompany you to dinner! I'll be with you in the shower! Regardless of the occasion of the kiss, do! What's more, you don't want me to come back! What do you want? "

Muqiqi finished in one breath, out of breath.

At the end of the phone, Yan Ranran advised her, "Qiqi! Don't be angry! My cousin wants you to accompany him, so we'll make another appointment! "

Someone stood up, took Muqiqi back to bed, rubbed it into his arms and said wrongly, "I just want to have my baby with me."

With that, the warm lip bit her earlobe.

Muqi is panting. He knows that this is her sensitive zone, but he always tries hard.

Love has been unable to stop anger, Muqiqi struggling, staring at him: "you are so sticky, believe I ran away from home?"

Jin Yu took her waist, as if to break the waist tightly: "baby, don't go!"

Muqiqi breathed a breath, someone is really a dead pig, not afraid of hot water, no matter how she is angry, how dislike him, someone will always be a pair of you how to say he does not care about the appearance.

Jin Yu held her hand and attached it to his firm abdominal muscles, all the way downstream.

"What to do? Baby? What a pain Someone's hoarse voice.

"Damn it Muqiqi rebuked, she just lost her temper, someone dare to fall in love, this kind of situation can be high in mood, daydream?

Jin Yu held her hand and moved it slightly.

"Well..." a comfortable murmur.

"Hands off!" Muqiqi had a drink.

"It's hard..." Jin Yu looked at her pitifully.

"I'm sick of you, too, OK?" Muqiqi sighs helplessly. These days, she feels that she is going to become a lemon that can't squeeze out juice, but someone is still happy and has no scale.

Jin Yu picks eyebrows, "since this is the case, let's do it!"

When someone's voice falls, Muqiqi only feels that a dark cloud covers the top.

Ah, ah! That's not what she meant, okay?

At the other end of the phone, Yan Ran Ran had a black line, as if this was not the first time she had listened to someone's live broadcast.

The panting comes and goes.

In a burst of blushing, Yan Ran Ran hung up and sent a message to Mu Qi Qi, "I'll see you another day!"

The scene of the press conference of the second season of "a date with a beautiful woman".

Because of the novel creativity of the program and the romantic performance of several beautiful men and women CP, the website has received super high ratings. The website decided to make the second season of "beautiful woman has an appointment" immediately while the iron is hot.

Yan Ranran, who has numerous fans in the first season, attended the press conference as a guest invited by the organizer.

At the scene of the press conference, reporters will not miss such an interview opportunity.

"Miss Yan! In the first season of the program, you and Mr. Jin are countless fans. Netizens all call you "Yan Sheng" couple. One of them looks like a fairy online, and one of them is romantic. Many netizens think you should be together! I don't know if you will meet the wishes of netizens and try to develop them in real life? "

"Well... Mr. king and I are very good friends! He took care of me on the show, too! " Yan Ran said about him.

"Mr. Jin, can a goddess like Miss Yan be the ideal type for your future wife?"

Jinsheng side head, affectionately looking at sitting beside him Yan Ran Ran, should say: "of course! I'm very grateful to miss Yan for letting me get to know her. It's Miss Yan who makes the image that has always been blurred in my heart clear. "

"Confession! Make a confession There was a commotion under the stage.

Jinsheng didn't know where to hold a bunch of roses. He knelt down beside Yan Ran in front of the crowd and said, "Ran Ran! I love you more than ever! Would you like to be my girlfriend? "

Yan Ran Ran feels hot. Fortunately, brother Sheng is in England now, so she should not see the press conference. Otherwise, she is really worried about whether her brother Sheng will be jealous after hearing these words.

This is a good communication between the program group and her before. At the press conference, she only needs to cooperate to do some small activities, so that she can provide topics for the media and hype the popularity of the program.

Yan Ran hung her head shyly. She had agreed with the director group that she would not accept this bunch of flowers.

Jinsheng didn't force her because of the crowd's coaxing, but a gentleman got up and said with a warm smile, "it doesn't matter! I can wait for you! But please take this bunch of flowers, will you

Yan Ran pursed her lips and said softly, "please give me some time! Thank you

Of course, this is also a pre arranged line.

In this way, it gives the media space for reverie.

The press conference is over.

Yan Ran Ran was escorted down to the backstage by the staff and came to the chief director with a smile, "Miss Yan!"

"Director!" Yan Ran responded.

"Miss Yan, if you have something to talk about, can I take a step?"

Yan Ran nodded, and the director came to a reception room.

After hearing the director's narration, Yan Ran was surprised: "what? You want me to have dinner with Mr. king? What about the media? "

Chief director nodded, "this is also the need for hype!"

"If the netizen misunderstands me and Mr. Jin at that time, what should I do?" Yan Ran's lips.

Compared with netizens, she is more worried that her brother Sheng will misunderstand her.

The chief director explained: "Miss Yan, don't worry. The heat will pass soon. And I promise, this is the last time! When you look at the first season, I paid a lot of attention to miss Yan. At that time, many people saw Jin Shao's visit to you. It was I who told everyone to keep it absolutely secret. What would netizens think if it was spread out? Do you think Miss Yan is disguised as a single to participate in the program, so as to increase the exposure? "

The chief director played the emotional card, but he did not forget to add some interests at the right time.

Yan Ranran is very nervous. Even if she refuses to cooperate with the hype, the director tells her that Jin Sheng's visit to the studio has made her dizzy, which is enough to make her headlines.

What's more, the relationship between her and Jin Sheng is not clear. This matter can't be known to her family, and it can't be exposed.

After thinking about it, Yan Ran said, "OK! But... This is really the last time! "

The chief director said with a smile: "thank you, Miss Yan! Then I'll arrange it now! "

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