Leaving Jin Fu, Jin Yu drove Muqiqi all the way to the city center.

The dead silence in the car and muqiyi's unusual silence made Jin Yu a little unaccustomed.

Jin Yu took a look at Mu Qiqi, and saw Mu Qiqi holding his mobile phone with his head down. In the chat interface of the mobile phone screen, the note name says Yan Ranran.

"Can't wait to share your good news with your little friends?" Jin Yu asked.

Muqiqi was too lazy to look at him and choked: "you are sick!"

Soon after Muqiqi's voice fell, the white Mercedes stopped steadily.

"Get out of the car!" Jin Yu said, untied the safety belt tied on the body, conveniently also loosened Muqiqi's safety belt.

Mu Qiqi looks up and faces a billboard with the words "mental health center" on the White Panel on a blue background.

Mu Qiqi snorted coldly: "do you want to see a doctor? You really should see that brain! "

"Not me! It's you

Muqiqi glared: "you have mental illness!"


Even dragging, Jin Yu finally dragged Mu Qi into the elevator.

"Beast! You let me go! You can't collude with the doctor to give me a name of mental illness! You want to imprison me? No way Muqiqi roared loudly.

Jin Yu tightly hooped Mu Qiqi's hands, looked down at Mu Qiqi, who was blowing his beard and staring at him, and said, "do you have persecution delusion?"

"You want to persecute me!"

"It's not light yet!"

The elevator opens head on.

Jin Yu drags Mu Qiqi out of the elevator and goes straight to the psychological clinic at the end of the corridor.

"I'm not sick! I'm not sick

The quiet corridor was full of Muqiqi's shouts.

Jin Yu frowned slightly, and finally couldn't help it. He raised his hand and covered Mu Qiqi's lips and pushed her against the wall.

Muqiqi can't speak, only the vague "Wuwu" sound.

"This is the hospital. Be quiet!" Jin Yu warned.

Mu Qiqi couldn't refute, and widened his eyes to show his anger.

"Good boy Jin Yu said in a soft voice, and gradually released his hand on Mu Qiqi's lips.

"I'm not sick!" Muqiqi screamed again.

Jin Yu covered Muqiqi's lips again, thin lips attached to Muqiqi's ears, and said softly, "be quiet! Otherwise, I don't mind blocking your mouth with mine! "

Muqiqi's "Wuwu" stopped in an instant, and the corridor was silent.

Jin Yu gradually released his hand and took care of Mu Qiqi's slightly disordered hair. He was very satisfied and said, "good

Just the noise attracted the attention of the doctors in the room, the door of the consulting room opened, and a woman doctor in a white coat came out.

The woman doctor asked tentatively, "is it Mr. Jin?"

Jin Yu leaned over, showed a gentleman's smile, nodded slightly and said, "Hello! Dr. Chung

"It's this lady who needs psychological treatment, isn't it?" Asked the woman doctor.

Jin Yu nodded.

Muqiqi Du mouth, with an angry rush to say: "I have no mental illness! I don't need treatment! "

The female doctor said with a smile, "is Miss mu? I'm afraid you have misunderstandings about mental health centers! I believe you are not mentally ill. Today I just want to have a chat with you, so you don't have to be so nervous, OK? "

Mu Qiqi turned his head and looked lazy.

Jin Yu said: "sorry, Dr. Zhong! I hope you don't mind if she's a bit headstrong and not sensible! "

With that, Jin Yu looked at Mu Qiqi and said, "go! Cooperate with Dr. Zhong! She is the top expert in psychology in China

Muqiqi was there, and he didn't mean to move.

Seeing this, Jin Yu attached to Mu Qiqi's ear and asked in a low voice, "do you think I dare not touch you when there are outsiders?"

Mu Qi Qi can't help shivering at the sound, and muttered in a low voice: "animals!"

The woman doctor compared a please gesture and said with a smile, "follow me! Miss Mu


Half an hour later, Jin Yu walked into the diagnosis and treatment room, and Mu Qiqi, with a leisurely appearance, lay comfortably on the diagnosis and treatment chair.

The woman doctor handed the medical record book to Jin Yu and reported, "Mr. Jin, please don't worry! There is nothing abnormal about Miss Mu's psychological condition! What happened last night was just too much shock, and it didn't affect her mental health! "

Muqiqi interjected: "I said I'm not sick! You are sick

Jin Yu took a look at the diagnosis and treatment record, and then looked at the proud little face lying on the diagnosis and treatment chair. With a slight hook on the corner of his lip, he looked at the female doctor and said, "Dr. Zhong, please go out first! I want to talk to her alone for a while! "

The woman doctor immediately agreed and went straight out of the clinic.

Jin Yu put the diagnosis and treatment record on the table and walked around the diagnosis and treatment chair to Mu Qiqi.

Muqiqi shrank back, and an ominous premonition gradually approached: "what are you going to do?"

Jin Yu bent down and pressed his hands on both sides of the chair. His black eyes were like a black hole, as if he was about to swallow the small prey in front of him at any time.

Muqiqi bends down dexterously to escape from Jin Yu's armpit. Jin Yu grabs the bow tied to the back of Muqiqi's neck.

Muqiqi only felt that his clothes were loose, and subconsciously he leaned back and lay on the back of the chair again. He could not help but scold Jin Yu secretly. Animals are animals, and the clothes he chose are so hooligans!

Jin Yu puts his left hand under Mu Qiqi's waist and gently closes up. Mu Qiqi's petite body is taken into his arms in an instant.

"Want to run again?" Jin Yu's voice sounds enchanting in Mu Qi Qi's ears.

"I won't run! Don't touch me Muqiqi's voice trembled.


Muqiqi pursed her lips, and she could not help cursing. But at the moment, she could only deal with it in a low voice: "I beg you... Don't touch me!"

"I said, ask for what you like!"

"What do you want?"

Jin Yu picked up Muqiqi's jaw with his right hand and gently rubbed the tip of Muqiqi's nose with his high nose. Between his nose and breath, Jin Yu said, "I want you!"


Ten minutes.

Muqiqi gives up the struggle and blushes shyly. Who knows what she has just experienced.

Jin Yu arranged her clothes, bent down her head and whispered in a low voice: "good! Cooperate with the doctor to check again! "


Time goes by.

The female doctor handed the second diagnosis and treatment record to Jin Yu.

Jin Yu took the record and asked, "this time, is there still no problem?"

The female doctor frowned slightly and said, "Miss Mu is a little anxious. She doesn't cooperate with my question just now, and her reaction is slow. Moreover, according to the data displayed on the instrument, her heartbeat is abnormal. For such a case, I need to do a systematic analysis, and I'll send you a detailed report later!"

"In other words, there may be some problems with her psychological condition?" Jin Yu seems to want to confirm the answer.

The woman doctor nodded.

With satisfaction, Jin Yu raised the corner of his lip and returned the diagnosis and treatment record to the female doctor, saying, "after the report is finished, one will be sent to me and the other to lawyer Jin!"

Muqiqi is paralyzed in the diagnosis and treatment chair, no longer has just arrogance, soft lying there.

Jin Yu went over, looked at Mu Qiqi and said, "good! Let's go home! "

Muqiqi doesn't move.

"Like this chair? Or just not having a good time? " Jin Yu asked.

Muqiqi was so excited that he bounced up from his chair.

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