The flight from Boston of the United States landed at Jinling International Airport.

After a long journey, Mu Ning'an stayed up all night.

On the way back, Mu Ning'an, who was silent all the way, finally said the first words to Jin Han, "call the police!"

Jin Han shook his head.

Mu Ning'an looked at him angrily, "it's been a day. The kidnappers didn't call to ask for ransom, which shows that they probably didn't do it for money. If it was for revenge, Mengmeng must be in a very dangerous situation now!"

"Mengmeng will be fine." Jin Han looks at her.

"If something happens to Mengmeng because of your wrong decision..."

She didn't want the same thing to happen again, but without waiting for her to go on, Jin Han replied, "there won't be such a if."

"I want to call the police." With that, Mu Ning'an has grasped the mobile phone.

Jin Han quickly pressed her hand, "Ning'er, believe me."

"Why should I believe you?" At this moment, Mu Ning'an really collapses. Along the way, she reminds herself to be restrained and calm. However, when she sees the man who is still calm and ordinary, and he is reluctant to call the police, Mu Ning'an can no longer bear it.

Jin Han pursed his lips, and his gloomy face also concealed his grief, but he still tried his best to control it.

"Trust me." Jin Han repeated again, the same night sleepless eyes with red blood.

During the dispute, Gu Yue, the driver, broke the situation and said, "Miss Mengmeng has found her."


The black SUV takes advantage of the dawn night to drive all the way up the winding mountain road, and finally to the Gobi desert at the end of the road, and then to the cliffs.

A few days ago, Li Manli saw with her own eyes that Jin Han's man pushed the bloody man down the cliff.

Now, she is standing here in a single dress, waiting for Jin Han to come to her. Her empty eyes are already fearless.

As soon as the car stopped, Mu Ning'an couldn't wait to get out of the car by pushing the door. Facing the salty sea breeze, the waves beat, and the playful sound sounded like bells and drums.

As the night receded, the sky was already gray.

Then, under the light of the lamp, Mu Ning'an saw an SUV parked on the cliff and a woman standing beside the car.

"Li Manli!" Mu Ning'an recognized the figure in an instant.

Li Manli slowly turns back and looks at Mu Ning'an. She can't help laughing bitterly.

"Where did you hide my daughter?" Mu Ning An asked.

"She's fine." Li Manli wrapped her shawl around her chest and answered lightly.

Li Manli said, opened the door of the car, and took out a sleeping little girl from the car.

"Cute!" Cried Mu Ning'an, trying to run over.

"Don't come here!" Li Manli suddenly scolded harshly, her face was fierce, and then she stepped back, with a posture of jumping off the cliff.

"Good! I won't go there! Don't hurt Mengmeng Mu Ning'an stops and doesn't move on.

Jin Han leans to Li Manli step by step, with no intention. "Don't do stupid things, or you should know the consequences."

Mu Ning'an quickly grabbed his arm, "don't go there! That woman, she's out of her mind! "

Jin Han looked at her, patted her hand and comforted her, but his steps didn't stop.

Looking at the man who didn't want to stop, Mu Ning'an said, "are you crazy? She's your daughter

Looking at the couple in the dispute, Li Manli suddenly laughs. She finally sees that the loving couple are stirred up by her.

Tears down the corner of the eye, against the arms of the girl's face.

Mengmeng, who just woke up, blinked a pair of watery eyes, looked at Li Manli and said, "Auntie, your makeup is crying."

Looking at the innocent girl, Li Manli suddenly shows a kind of extremely desperate sadness. Then, with a plop, she kneels down on the sand. Her snow-white knee bumps on the rocks, breaks her skin and bleeds. She doesn't seem to feel pain.

She looked at Jin Han and said, "Helson, please, let my brother go."

"I never make terms with people." Jin Han said in a deep voice that Li Manli kidnapped his daughter, which is not as simple as touching the bottom line.

"I just want to see you for the last time. The case is in Mengmeng's schoolbag." With that, Li Manli opens the small schoolbag behind Mengmeng, and there is a volume of cases hidden inside.

She continued: "I know you can't believe me, and you won't believe what I said. I'm afraid that only when you die can you completely save your worries and don't harm my brother. This is my only request."

After that day, she had confirmed that her brother's heart was indeed implanted with a micro crystal, once out of control, it would cause cardiac arrest.

"Promise me, will you?" Li Manli begged humbly.

Mu Ning'an was shocked and died? younger brother? What's the connection?

Jin Han didn't speak. He just squatted down and stretched out his hands and said, "Mengmeng, come here."

Mengmeng sips her mouth. The little schoolbag behind her is being pulled. She can't move at all.

"Promise me." Li Manli looks at Jin Han and says.

"Elena is lying in Boston, confused. Do you want to ask her if she will answer you? Or, if you kidnap my daughter, ask my wife if she will answer you? " Jin Han asked.

"You, let me beg her?" Li Manli's thin lips trembled.

Jin Han looks at her coldly, silence is the answer.

Li Manli smiles bitterly, "Mu Ning'an, why are you so lucky? I've been your stand in for 13 years, until you show up, everything I have is gone. I'd rather Jin Han didn't save me at the beginning, and I didn't make up for my guilt for you. I'd rather he never treated me well. I'd rather... "

Her voice sobbed, and it was hard to say the whole thing.

In excitement, Li Manli's hand suddenly loosens. Mengmeng breaks free from her palm and runs to Jin Han's arms.

"Daddy The little girl bumped into the man's arms and cried softly.

On one side, Mu Ning'an also held her, "Mengmeng, are you afraid? Did you hurt anything? "

Mengmeng shook her head, "no! It was my aunt who took me out from my bad uncle and bought me a lot of delicious food. "

Mu Ning'an's tears blurred, but she still forced herself to smile. She was glad for her child's innocence and the original kindness in her child's nature. What she saw in her eyes was only pure beauty.

Looking at the three members of the family, Li Manli only feels that everything is like a dream, as if all she has in the past ten years is just a magnificent dream. What movie queen, what fame and fortune, what wealth, all are nothing. Now she wakes up, she feels that she has nothing.

With the sea breeze on her back, she got up slowly, wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, looked at Mu Ning'an, and said without expression, "Mu Ning'an, do you think you won? No, in this life, you will live in endless whirlpool. You have given birth to the child of the man you used to hate the most. This is an indisputable fact. You will feel guilty for Elena all your life. She is crazy again because of you. I have consulted a psychologist. Once Elena collapses again, it is very difficult to cure. "

Mu Ning'an gets up. It's August weather, but she arouses a layer of cold sweat. Looking at Li Manli opposite, she feels unprecedented fear. The most exciting threat is not roar, not life and death. It's just the calm but painful warning in front of her.

With that, Li Manli's face gradually stirred up a smile of relief, and then stepped back step by step.

Mu Ning'an called out subconsciously, "no!"

At the last step, Li Manli looked at Jin Han and said softly, "Hello, goodbye!"

After that, she leaned back, and then, with a loud bang, the rough sea engulfed everything without a trace.

Dijing Bay.

In the baby room, Xiao Zhimeng has fallen asleep.

Mu Ning'an was lying beside her, holding her daughter tightly in her arms, for a moment.

The door was gently pushed open, and the dim night light pulled the man's figure very long.

Mu Ning An quickly closed her eyes.

Jin Han saw Mu Ning'an's legs curled up on the bed. The size of the crib was obviously not suitable for adults like her. He paced forward and bent over to pick her up.

"Don't touch me." Mu Ning'an said softly.

The man didn't pay attention to it. He broke off her hand and picked her up.

"If you want to wake your daughter, you shout." The man whispered.

Back in the bedroom, Jin Han put her on the bed. As soon as she fell to the ground, Mu Ning'an sat up.

"You haven't slept for more than 24 hours. Be obedient and go to bed at once." Jin Han held her on the shoulder to push her down.

Mu Ning'an grabbed his arm and asked, "what did you do to Li Manli's brother?"

"Nothing." He said faintly.

"For that case, Li Manli did not hesitate to die. Why? Is that case that important? " Mu Ning'an asked, thinking of the scene of Li Manli throwing herself into the sea in despair, she still felt a chill in her heart.

Jin Han seemed to expect that she would ask like this. He handed her the medical record book which had been placed near her in the morning. "This one is real."

Mu Ning'an took it, and was suspicious that it was true. Was the one in Elena's hand false?

After reading one by one, the first half of the case is exactly the same, but later there are differences. Someone did buy the video of the crime scene, but in this medical record, this person is not her, but Jin Han.

"You! Why don't you give this to the police? " Mu Ning An raises Mou quality to ask a way.

"You should know that there is no death penalty in American law." Jin Han said in a deep voice.

"What do you mean?" Mu Ning'an asked himself in a low voice, so these people were lynched by Jin Han?

Lenovo thought that she and Elena had seen the tragic scene of the suspect's body in the police station not long ago, and she seemed to understand everything.

"You killed them?" Mu Ning An asked softly.

Jin Han did not speak, sometimes silence is often an answer.

"Oh Mu Ning'an is bitter in her heart. If Elena knows such news, she will be relieved. But now she is ill and has no reason of her own. It's too late to hear such news.

Jin Han holds her in his arms and caresses her gentle hair. Mu Ning'an leans on the man's solid abdominal muscles without struggling. She quietly feels the familiar temperature of the man. For a long time, she says, "Jin Han, maybe Li Manli is right. In this life, I will live in a strange circle of guilt for Elena, I wish that person wasn't you... "

With that, she gently pushed him away and stood up.

"I promise that Elena will be fine. You can rest assured that Sabao is here." He guessed her concerns.

Mu Ning'an shook his head. "It's not just this problem. Maybe you think you have done everything you should do, and you have recovered justice for Elena and made up for the guilt in your heart, but I can't. she saved me, and now because of me, I owe her too much. "

She said, her voice choking.

The man's warm palm is attached to the woman's cool cheek, and the broad thumb slides away the crystal clear tears from her eyes, "Ning'er, I'm sorry."

"I need some time." After that, she left the bedroom, went to the corridor and pushed aside a guest room at will.

Close the door, Mu Ning'an leans on the door wearily.

After the storm, she returned to reason. She understood that she should not be morally kidnapped. That night, Jin Han didn't know and had no obligation to save her. However, in love, what Elena experienced today was caused by her and was harmed by Li Manli, who was just a half life obsession with Jin Han.

It's a strange circle that can't be solved. It's like a magic spell. She needs time to calm down.

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