Jin Sheng changed his car and drove a royal blue Audi Q7.

Yan Ran Ran sat in the co pilot's seat and glanced out of the bed without looking at Jin Sheng.

"Sister ran ran?"

Jin Sheng gave a call, as if calling a five-year-old or six-year-old.

But in his eyes, sometimes, Yan Ran Ran was just like a child of five or six years old.

"Who is your sister?" Yan Ran Du lips, lazy to take care of.

"Your brother and I are brothers who have carried guns and shot together! His sister, of course, is also my sister

Shot? Ambiguous words, burning Yan Ran's cheeks burning hot, bullying her can't understand, right? As for Jin Sheng's bad comments, he immediately added another one.

"My brother is not like that! He won't mess around outside Yan Ran said firmly.

To Jin Sheng's surprise, Yan Ran Ran understood his glib tone and said, "our sister Ran Ran Ran is not simply stupid, white and sweet! However, your brother and I are indeed comrades in arms who have gone through life and death together

"I've been a soldier for two years? go through fire and water? Have you ever touched a real gun! " Yan Ran muttered in a low voice.

Jin Sheng heard this and did not argue with her. He changed the topic and asked, "did you send Ke ruoshue's video to the Internet?"


"Not you? That's Qiqi! On the surveillance video of the bar that day, it was just the two of you! "

"It's not Qiqi!"

"That's Xiao Kaiyu!"

"Not Kaiyu..." this sentence, Yan Ran Ran himself listen, there is no base.

Jin Sheng continued: "I don't know the relationship between Xiao Kaiyu and Ke Ruoxue! The last time Qiqi drove into Xiao Kaiyu, it was because Qiqi saw them together, so she wanted to vent her anger for you? "

Yan Ran dropped his head in silence.

Jin Sheng said almost in a commanding tone: "break up with him immediately!"

"I won't break up with Kaiyu! I love him

At the intersection of red lights, Jin Sheng slams on the brake, but Yan Ran can't react. He rushes forward and is bounced back by the seat belt. The place where he is strangled by the seat belt is painful.

"Oh dear!" Yan Ran twisted her eyebrows and whispered.

Jin Sheng looked sideways at Yan Ran Ran and said solemnly, "Xiao is not a good thing! A man can upload his ex girlfriend's email to the Internet. That's the behavior of animals

Yan Ran Ran's eyes were red, he looked at Jin Sheng and explained: "Kaiyu won't do such a thing! I won't break up with him, either

Jin Sheng's eyebrows were awe inspiring, and he tentatively asked, "you don't have something to do with it, do you?"

"What's the matter?" Yan Ran didn't understand.

Jin Sheng reminded: "it's Ke ruoshue's kind of video, or photos!"

"No!" Yan Ran Ran's face turned red in an instant.

Xiao Kaiyu first came to Ke Ruoxue to stimulate her, but it was because they had been together for so long that Yan Ranran never let him touch her.

Once Xiao Kaiyu wanted to kiss her on the lips. Yan Ran agreed, but at the last moment, she hesitated and pushed Xiao Kaiyu away.

Xiao Kaiyu was not willing to be tough. Yan Ran slapped him in the face in a rage.

Therefore, Yan Ranran always thought that Xiao Kaiyu wanted to stimulate Ke Ruoxue. Afterwards, she also felt regret that the slap was too much.

Jin Sheng attached his palm to Yan Ran's head and rubbed it gently: "there is no best! If so, we must find a way to delete it! "

Yan Ran began to cry: "did you say that! No, It's just not! "

Two people did not kiss, where the kind of photos, Yan Ran cry grievance.

"All right! okay! No, No! "

Jin Sheng had nothing to do with Yan Ran's tears.

After that, Jin Sheng added: "break up! You have to break up with him! "

Yan Ran listened and cried even more.

Jin Sheng quickly got a box of tissue from the back seat, took two, and coaxed her while wiping her tears.

"Sister ran ran! I was wrong! Don't cry, will you? "

"Sister ran ran! I'll treat you to your favorite... "

What does she like to eat? As Jin Sheng thought, the sound of the car flute began to ring.

Jin Sheng glanced out of the window and saw that the green light was on. In the current situation, he couldn't let go of Yan Ranran. He had to turn off the car, stop in the middle of the road and turn on the double flashing light.

A whole box of tissue, Yan Ran Ran finally stopped.

Jin Sheng took a breath, opened the car window, drew a cigarette from the cigarette box, made a fire and lit it.

After taking a deep puff of smoke, Jin Sheng exhaled slowly until his lungs were filled with smoke. The white smoke rose from his nose, soothing his nervous system.

Jin Sheng screwed his eyebrows. What a meddler! Knowing that she is a crying ghost, what does she do?

When the mobile phone rings, Jin Sheng answers the phone.

"Where did you send my sister?" Yan Yuchen's voice, take interrogative tone.

"Can I still sell her?" Jin Sheng angrily finished, hung up the phone and threw his cell phone aside.

Yan Yuchen listens to the "doodle" sound in the mobile phone, thinks Jin Sheng's attitude is inexplicable, and mumbles: "others can't, you're really hard to say!"


Jin Yu finished his bath and came to the bedroom wrapped in his nightgown. He saw Mu Qiqi lying on the bed with his head beside the bed, and his wet hair fell to the ground along the edge of the bed.

Her mouth was pouting, her eyes were staring round, her hands were holding the sheet, and she was exerting herself secretly.

Still thinking about texting? Jin Yu snorted, went to the bathroom to get the hair dryer, went back to the bed, and plugged the plug into the power supply at the head of the bed.

When he turned on the switch, the hot wind came. Jin Yu tried the temperature in his palm. Then he sat down at the head of the bed and began to blow a wisp of long hair.

Mu Qiqi's stiff eyes swept from the ceiling to Jin Yu: "I'm so angry! I'm so angry

Jin Yu said softly, "Shh!" He let out a cry.

Muqiqi is lying on the bed, closing her eyes. The hot wind blows on her head, making her lazy. Jin Yu's fingers knead between her hair. It's very comfortable. She feels sleepy.

The hair dryer stopped, and then the light went out.

Muqiqi's heart was tight, and his lazy nerves were tense again.

Mu Qiqi closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. Now she is lying on her side, occupying the whole bed. Should Jin Yu never sleep with her again?

Suddenly, the bed moved, Muqiqi felt that someone rubbed from the end of the bed and leaned to her side.

Then, carefully picked her up, turned 90 degrees, took her to the pillow, relaxed.

Mu Qiqi is holding his heart and can't say a word.

Pretend to sleep, pretend to sleep, Muqiqi reminds himself.

After a while, she felt Jin Yu lying down beside her.

For a while, it was calm.

Muqiqi was relieved.


A solid arm reached below Muqiqi's neck, and then Muqiqi's body stuck to a hot wall.

The next second, Jin Yu's warm lips bit Muqi's earlobe.

"Did you sleep?"

Muqiqi didn't answer, and his heart fluctuated violently.

Muqiqi feels Jin Yu's hand sliding down, as if he is searching for something.

That part is clearly

Mu Qi Qi's heart beat to his throat, his body trembled, and finally he cried out: "no!"

Jin Yu's hand slowly drew out, in the hand many one thing, he grasped that thing to Mu Qi Qi's hand.

It's cool and round. I don't know what it is. It feels like frosted. It feels very comfortable.

Jin Yu holds Mu Qiqi's hand, points to the ceiling and presses the switch.

Two lines appeared on the ceiling.

First line, happy birthday!

The second line is a sentence in French.

Muqiqi suddenly turned out to be a small night light.

Jin Yu's thin lips rubbed Muqiqi's hair: "it's still your birthday before twelve o'clock! Happy birthday! My baby

"What does that French mean?" Mu Qiqi asked.

"Qiqi, my dear."

Mu Qiqi's face became hot: "did you buy it in France?"


"You've been well in France. What are you doing back here?"

"Marry you!"


"Where did I lie to you? Isn't he already married? "

"Don't think about it! I want to get the certificate with you just for your money.... "

Before Muqiqi's words were finished, the lip was pried open, and the tip of the tongue slid her teeth and lifted her soft tongue.

Long kiss provokes strong ambiguity, Muqiqi from soft gradually numb, until lax consciousness.

But he stopped and whispered, "sleep!"

So, that's the end? Is it really over?

ok Anyway, she was not ready. Muqiqi even felt a little lucky. She fell asleep in Jin Yu's arms unconsciously.

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