One night, Muqiqi sleeps deeply. In the fog, she opens her eyes and the room is dark. She subconsciously turns over and probes into the familiar arms.

In the palm of his hand came the cool feeling of the quilt sheet. Jin Yu was not around.

Muqiqi fumbles to the mobile phone, has a look, the time is already 8:58.

She slept nearly three hours more, but she didn't know it.

Press the switch of bedside curtain, sunlight slants in, outside the window is already a sunny day.

Muqiqi sat up. She felt that she was sleeping heavily that night, but somehow she always felt heavy. There was an illusion that she couldn't wake up.

Just about to get up, the landline at the head of the bed rang.

Muqiqi answered the phone and said, "hello?"

Gu Chenyu's voice came from the phone. "Good morning, madam premier. Mr. Jin has told me to wake you up if you haven't got up at nine o'clock and remind you to have breakfast."

"You help me prepare the car. I'll clean it up and start right away."

"Mr. Jin asked you to have a good rest today before you left."

Has Jin Yu left? Muqiqi rubs her temple. Maybe he feels that she is not in good condition, so he doesn't allow her to continue to work.

Seeing the silence on the other end of the phone, Gu Chenyu asked, "Madam premier, what would you like for breakfast? I'll send it to you later. "

"Whatever." Muqi answered and hung up.

She touched the phone again, the ring was switched to do not disturb, and all the alarms were turned off.

Looking at her nightgown again, she can't remember when she put it on. In the reflection of the mobile phone screen, it's obvious that the makeup on her face has been removed. It's obvious that Jin Yu made it for her when she was asleep.

She only felt tired these two days, but it was probably the first time that she could sleep to such an unconscious level.

After all, she had a rest. Muqiqi was no longer in a hurry. She got up step by step to wash. When she changed her clothes, the doorbell of the guest room rang.

Mu Qiqi went over and opened the door. Gu Chenyu was standing at the door. Beside him was the hotel waiter pushing the dining car.

"Good morning, madam prime minister." Gu Chenyu leans over to greet.

"Mrs. Jin, did you order breakfast?" The man in black, who was guarding the door, asked cautiously.

Muqi nodded.

According to the routine, the man in black checked the dining car and found that there was no problem, so he let it go.

Muqiqi turns and walks in. While the waiter is at the table, she goes to the wardrobe to get her wallet.

Back at the table, Muqiqi opens her wallet and is ready to tip the waiter. The moment she opens her wallet, she remembers that she doesn't have local currency.

She couldn't help feeling embarrassed and suddenly wanted to call situ Chen. At this time, she suddenly realized that it was so important to have a versatile assistant at the critical moment. In the past, she and Jin Yu went out. Most of these trivial things were handled by situ, and she never had to worry about anything.

At the moment of her dilemma, Gu Chenyu has handed the tip to the waiter.

The waiter said "thank you" with a smile, then looked at Xiangmu Qiqi's polite way and said "have a nice meal", and then walked away.

"Thank you Mu Qiqi looks at Gu Chenyu with a slightly embarrassed smile.

"You're welcome!" Gu Chen Yu should way, "this time the journey is in a hurry, I also after arriving the hotel, just changed some foreign currency in the front desk."

"Can I trouble you for one thing?" Muqiqi said, and took out a dozen notes from his wallet, "help me change some foreign currency downstairs?"

Gu Chenyu took over, nodded, "then you use slowly, I will come."

After that, Gu Chenyu turns to leave. Yu Guang looks back and sees Mu Qiqi sitting at the table. He picks up the orange juice and drinks it.

Gu Chenyu saw this, brow deep a few Xu, hands inadvertently clench fist, dun a step, then step away.

In the corridor.

Gu Chenyu gradually goes away. When he finally leaves the monitoring range of the man in black, he takes out his mobile phone and dials a foreign number.

Ren Weiwan's voice came from the phone, "is it done?"

"When did you let my mother go?" Gu Chen Yu lowered a voice to ask a way.

"When someone comes to me, I'll let your mother go."

"Mean!" Gu Chenyu scolds a way.

At the end of the receiver, Ren Weiwan gave a cold warning, "don't play tricks with me."

The phone hung up.


More than ten minutes later, Gu Chenyu returned to the door of Muqi's room with the changed foreign currency.

After he explained his intention, the man in black at the door rang the doorbell of the room.

The bell rang for a long time, but there was no response.

Then the man in black became alert, clapping the door with his palm and calling the people inside.

After knocking on the door for nearly a minute, the man in black took out his spare room card and broke into the room.

As soon as the door opened, the first two men in black rushed in.

At the dining table, they found Mu Qiqi's figure. She was lying on the dining table weakly, panting and sweating. Her bloodless face was soaked with weak sweat.

"Poisonous in food!" The man in black was alert.

Another man in black has turned on his walkie talkie and said, "activate level one alert immediately. My wife is poisoned."

"There's something wrong with the waiter! Take him under control at once

Gu Chenyu quickly drank and said: "my wife is not poisoned, she has asthma attack!"

After hearing this, the man in black was stunned. Muqiqi had mild asthma, which they knew as a close guard. But in recent years, they had never seen Muqiqi get sick, and they did not expect that her asthma would be so serious.

"Come on! Open the window for ventilation! Call an ambulance Gu Chenyu takes the lead in action, sets up Mu Qiqi, then goes to the side sofa, puts her flat on the sofa.

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