In Paris, Muqiqi stayed for two days.

In those two days, France was very busy. The results of the presidential election were announced, and the whole country was enthusiastic. Red, white and blue flags were flying in the wind everywhere.

The newly elected president is no stranger to Mu Qiqi. When she was newly married and lived in France, the man often came to her home and was familiar with Jin Yu. However, Mu Qiqi was very surprised to hear that he became president.

After all, the new president used to be too low-key in politics. This time, he was able to stand out from the general election, which shocked the whole European political arena.

Although the last president's term of office lasted less than half a year, his tough domestic and foreign policies made the country a lot of enemies.

The failure of the negotiations on Liusu island made him lose the popular support, and the Oolong shelling incident completely ended his short presidential term.

In just half a year, the country suffered from internal and external troubles. At this time, the people can only put all their expectations on the new president, hoping that the dark horse in politics can also lead the French Republic back to its former peak.

This time back to Paris, Muqiqi wanted to go home to live, but Jin Yu refused to let her stay in the hospital for observation.

In the hospital, Mu Qiqi had her first pregnancy test. The doctor said that her HCG value was much higher than that of single birth pregnant women. It was preliminarily determined that she might be pregnant with twins, but the month was still early. Specifically, she would have to wait for a period of time to take B-ultrasound to confirm.

But Jin Yu has already taken it seriously, determined that Muqiqi's stomach is two Angel daughters.

Jin Yu stares at her abdomen from time to time and asks if she is uncomfortable. It's said that people who are pregnant with their daughter will always have a bigger reaction during pregnancy. Mu Qiqi shakes her head. Maybe it's because she is young or it's early in the month. She doesn't have any special feeling.

Every time he saw the gentle conversation between Jin Yu and the child in his stomach, Mu Qiqi couldn't help beating him. "I think this time, it's almost the same as when I was pregnant with the eighth master. Maybe it's another son or two?"

After that, looking at Jin Yu's sad face, she already bent her eyes with a smile.

However, what she said was true. When she was pregnant, she didn't have any reaction during pregnancy. She was in a good condition and even got into the University of Paris while she was pregnant. On the day when Baye was born, she just got the admission notice from the University of Paris. She always said that it was a double happiness day.

On the day of their return to Jinling, the new president came to see them off. In fact, this time, Jin Yu only went through France, and there was no diplomatic record. When the president saw them off in person, he could only say that they had a deep personal relationship. The French media, who had always been keen, speculated about the relationship between the two people based on clues, and even said that Jin Yu's support was indispensable for the new president's ascendancy.

The Scandinavian incident was so spectacular that the entire fleet of the European Union went on a tour. To some extent, the attention paid to Jin Yu's identity and influence in Europe even exceeded that of the "dark horse" president. It was just that the media did not dare to report openly because of some tacit understanding.

Just before boarding the plane, the new president looked at Xiang Muqiqi, whose blue eyes were as clear as sea blue. "Mrs. Jin, I have a surprise for you."

"Surprise?" Muqiqi smiles.

The handsome Frenchman just smiles like a gentleman, as if it is a secret that can't be told, which can only be verified by her.

With curiosity, Muqiqi boarded the plane. When she saw Sophie in the cabin, she suddenly understood what the so-called surprise was.

"Will Sophie come back with us?" Mu Qiqi asked, after all, Jin Yu once said that Sophie has no legal identity, and Jinling is very strict in the examination of entry and exit, and will not accept Sophie's illegal entry.

Jin Yu helped her forward and patiently replied, "ELFA has signed the refugee act and applied for refugee status for Sophie through a special channel. There should be no problem in transit."

Yesterday, the news of the formal implementation of the refugee act was reported on TV. Today, Sophie got the French nationality and the entry visa of Jinling. If it took several months to implement the normal procedure, it took less than a day to complete it. How many twists and turns and how many departments needed to relay it secretly? You don't have to think about the complexity.

"Why is Sophie in such a hurry?" Muqiqi asked. Once upon a time, she and Sima asked for many times, but Jin Yu refused. The matter of taking Sophie over was put on hold. In the end, Muqiqi simply didn't mention it.

During the conversation, Jin Yu helped her to sit down on the seat, adjusting her seat belt, and said: "when you were in Huai Si mu, didn't you like the tomato seafood soup made by Sophie the most? And said I couldn't cook Sophie. "

Mu Qiqi licked her lips. After listening to Jin Yu's words, she was really a little greedy.

I don't know if it's an illusion. Suddenly, the smell of tomato juice came into the air. Sophie, dressed in black robes, came to her, holding a bowl of rich tomato seafood soup.

Muqiqi took the soup bowl and looked at Sophie's sign language. She said that it was just cooked before she went out.

The next sign language makes Muqiqi inexplicably friendly. Sophie says, Miss Qiqi, Miss Baye.

In the final analysis, the inspiration of Baye is from Sophie. Every time Sophie uses sign language and mentions Muqiqi, she only compares a number of seven. Later, with Sima, Muqiqi says that she is 7 and that Sima is 8. In this way, communication is much more convenient for Sophie.

Sophie bent down, touched Muqiqi's stomach, and compared a 9.

Muqiqi smile, than a fist, "maybe there is a 10."

Reaction is twins, Sophie's eyes a bright, Muqiqi can see, Sophie is really happy for her.

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