From the hospital, back to Taoyuan, it was evening.

After getting out of the car, Jin Yu hugged her and walked into the room. Mu Qiqi shook his head. "Eighth master is going to finish school soon. I want to wait for him here."

Maybe she just wanted to blow the wind. When she came out of the hospital, there was a kind of inexplicable depression, which made her feel out of breath.

In autumn, Jinling was already cold in early winter. Jin Yu took off his suit and wrapped her up, then hugged her more tightly.

Muqiqi leaned in his arms, blowing the autumn wind, looking at the distance.

After a while, on Taoyuan Avenue, a black nanny car stopped steadily at the entrance of the villa from far to near.

Jin simu quickly jumped out of the car, called "Mom", and then rushed to Mu Qiqi's arms.

Mu Qiqi smiles and reaches out his hand. Jin Yu is frightened. He takes two or three steps forward and grabs the little guy's schoolbag behind him. He grabs it and lifts him up in the air.

All of a sudden, Jin Sima was raised so high that all he had left was a scream, a "mother", as if it was out of a baby's instinct.

Jin Yu put out his arm to catch him, put one arm in his arms, and said solemnly: "I didn't tell you that my mother is pregnant now. You have to look like a brother and be reckless. What do you do when you bump into my mother?"

The little guy looked at him coldly, fearless, and said solemnly, "then you should have the appearance of a husband. You are not allowed to sleep with your mother at night. What should you do when you meet your mother?"

The tone of reprimand was the same as that of Jin Yu. He learned a lot.

Mu Qiqi can't hold back his smile and chuckles out. In the past, Jin Yu didn't let Si Mu sleep with her. This time, he was finally waiting for the moment to fight back.

The little guy blinked his eyes and was very proud of his beautiful counterattack. Just seeing Jin Yu's eyes, the little guy instantly deflated his morale. The eyes were really terrible, as if he was going to eat him.

Jin Yu just slightly cushioned his arm, and the little guy's whole body was followed by a stagger. He was so scared that he quickly covered his eyes with his little hand.

Muqiqi quickly held the little guy's back, "you gently, be careful to fall."

Then she said to the little Si mu, "my father is not around. My mother wants to drink water at night. She doesn't even have a person to pour water."

"I can pour it for you!" The little guy raised his face, and then tooted his lips, "but I sleep soundly at night. Every time I fall asleep in your bed, I don't know how my father took me away, so let's forget it."

With that, he looked at Jin Yu, raised his little face and said, "it's nothing! I'll leave my mother to you at night! "

That serious tone, like a great reward.

Jin Yu's face became more overcast. Listening to the tone of the little guy, he seemed to be the one with the highest status in the family.

Muqiqi looks at the father and son, a burst of emotion, one thing down one thing, she can't cure the people, finally someone can help her to cure, especially to see Jin Yu was provoked by the eighth master that dare to anger but dare not beat, she felt funny.

In the evening, Sophie makes a table of dishes. These days, she prepares three meals a day for Muqiqi according to the menu ordered by the nutritionist.

Especially today, Muqiqi's pregnancy with twins was officially confirmed by the hospital, and the already rich dinner table was added several more dishes tonight.

It's just that Muqiqi doesn't have any appetite. Jin Yu knows what she's thinking, but she's pregnant now, and nutrition must keep up, so he can only change the dishes and give her a little bit of everything. Muqiqi doesn't waste. She will eat the food in the plate.

After a meal, Jin Yu's attention is always on Mu Qiqi, completely ignoring Jin simu, who is sitting on one side and enjoying himself.

The couple didn't look into the kitchen until the little guy's voice came.

I don't know when, Jin simu had already got off the table, ran to the kitchen, held Sophie's clothes and said, "mother Sophie, just give me one! Last piece! How about that? "

Sophie looked at him, shook her head, and then compared with a "2", which means that he has eaten two today and can't eat any more.

"Eight ye, come here!" Muqi waved.

Jin Si Mu came over and pouted, "I want to have another foie gras."

Muqiqi bent down and touched Jin simu's belly, which was full of meat. "Eighth master, I can't eat any more. Mother Sophie will stay here all the time. After that, mother Sophie can do whatever you want for you."

She knew what the little guy was worried about. She was afraid that one day Sophie would go back and he would never eat any more of these things. When xuanyaru came to visit her two days ago, she was surprised to see Sophie. It was not that she was biased against Sophie's appearance, but that she was always a servant in the prime minister's office. Sophie's image was really hard for ordinary people to accept.

When Xuan Yaru said these words, Jin simu was not far away. He heard them. If Sophie was sent back to France, he would have to go back to France to eat the food made by Sophie.

"Really?" Asked the little fellow, raising his cerebellar pouch.

Muqi nodded.

The little guy just touched his round stomach. He did eat a lot in the evening. At this time, he could only bear the greedy insects and listened to his mother's words.

"Mom, I'll go out with you?" The little guy took Muqiqi's hand.

It is clear that they eat too much and want to go out for activities. At this time, they look like filial piety, looking at their mother sincerely.

Muqiqi had no appetite at all, so he put down the dishes and chopsticks.

"Mom is tired." Jin Yu opened the little guy's hand and said, "there's so much meat in the garden. You move in and put it on the flower rack."

The little guy frowned wrongly and looked at him reluctantly, with a question of "why am I?".

"Eating too much, isn't it time to exercise?" Jin Yu penetrated his careful thinking.

"What kind of sport is moving flowerpots..." the little guy pursed.

"Also..." Jin Yu slightly pressure voice, "otherwise run a few laps?"

"I'll move the flowerpots." The little guy turned and ran away.

The time of running around the peach garden is enough for him to move dozens of flowerpots, not to mention a few laps? Didn't it kill him?

That night, she had a dream.

In the clinic, the doctor told her that one of the children had no heartbeat.

As soon as the picture turns, I come to the cold operating table, with dazzling white light in my eyes and staggered voices of doctors and nurses in my ears.

"Prepare for surgery and remove the stillbirth."

"Prepare for an injection."

She can feel a cold medicine flowing into the blood, but she can't speak. She can only see that her vision is gradually blurred. She clearly feels that the baby in her stomach still has the rhythm of life. She wants to save the baby, but she can't do anything. Her tight throat can't make any sound at all.

"Qiqi, Qiqi..." she heard Jin Yu's voice. It was very far away, as if he was outside the operating room, but it seemed that he was stopped by someone and couldn't get in.

Muqiqi felt helpless, and her vision became blurred until she couldn't see any image clearly. She could only let the cold instruments across her bloody body.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes, her thin lips without blood color trembled slightly, her eyes were the Yellow night light, and Jin Yu's nervous staring face.

Like in a dream, he called her "Qiqi", one after another, but it was much softer than the voice in the dream.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Jin Yu kisses the tip of her forehead and asks in a low voice. His lips are stained with her cool sweat, but he doesn't realize it. He kisses her gently.

Muqiqi gasped loudly, "I dream, I dream that our children are gone, I only keep one..."

Jin Yu got up slightly, hugged her in his arms and gently kissed her, "it's a dream, and dreams are all opposite."

"Yes, dreams are all the opposite." Muqi pursed her lips and comforted herself.

She touched her flat abdomen again and asked, "where's the child?"

When Jin Yu saw that she was in a panic, he seemed to be shocked. He could only comfort her in a soft voice and said, "it's only two months. The last time I was pregnant, it was almost four months before I showed my body."

Mu Qiqi helps the forehead, just seems to wake up from the nightmare at this time.

Jin Yu took a look at the time, then stroked her hair to comfort her, "go to sleep, it's still early."

Mu Qi Qi propped up, "you sleep first, I'll go to see the eighth master."

Jin Yu stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms, "don't think wildly, eh?"

Muqi nodded.

"If I can't sleep, I'll tell you a story." Jin Yu asked.

Muqiqi nodded again.

Jin Yu erect the pillow, lean on his back, and then pull Mu Qiqi to his arms.

She leaned on his chest. Jin Yu stretched out his hand to open the bedside table and took out a thin colored book from it.

Fetal education story?

Muqiqi smiles, thinking that the two little guys in her stomach must have been as scared as she is, so it's time to calm them down.

The man's gentle voice is long and melodious, and the thin book will be finished soon.

"Seven seven?" Jin Yu gave a low cry. For a long time, he didn't get any response. He made sure that Muqiqi had fallen asleep. Then he gave her a kiss on the tip of her forehead and turned off the night light at the head of the bed.

The next day, Muqiqi woke up at eight o'clock, a little tired. When it was more than four o'clock, she woke up again. It was a similar dream.

When I opened my eyes, I found that Jin Yu was still around. Her gentle eyes seemed to wake up long ago.

When he knew the time, Muqi was surprised, "don't you have to go to the Capitol today?"

"I'm not going anywhere today. I'll be with you." Jin Yu said gently.

This night, she couldn't sleep steadily, but he accompanied her, and almost didn't sleep all night. Muqiqi's heart was evil. He knew that he couldn't persuade her. Only when the two children were stable in the future, could she gradually walk out of the nightmare.

What Muqiqi didn't expect was that Jin Yu's company would last for a few days.

She knows that he is very busy, but she is willing to spare all the time to accompany her patiently, walk with her, bask in the sun, listen to songs and study for her

Mu Qiqi knows that Jin Yu's phone has never been cut off these days when he is at home, but when he answers the phone, he mostly carries her behind his back, so as not to worry her.

"You go to work!" Suddenly one day, Muqiqi got up and said to him.

It was his fifth day at home with her.

"Listen, do you dislike me so soon?" The man asked.

Muqiqi nodded, "grandma wants to see me, you don't agree, grandma wants to see me, you don't agree, you don't offend people for me?"

Jin Yu hooked her lips. In the end, she was not worried that the people coming and going would quarrel with her? After all, grandma and mother are elders. Even if they are family members, they have to be distracted and not so comfortable.

But the old man didn't have so much to say. When he heard the news about the twins, it was already great news. He just told her to take good care of her for the first three months, and come back to see her when the month was full, so that she would be more comfortable and less constrained.

"If everyone who wants to see you agrees, you won't have a minute to rest." Jin Yu's lips.

Mu Qiqi rolled his eyes and felt that this was a bit exaggerated.

But a month later, as her stomach grew bigger and bigger, the news of her pregnancy became more and more popular. People in Taoyuan came to give gifts every day, although most of them were stopped by people in black at the guard box.

The gifts are piled up in one room after another, everyday.

Grandma and mother-in-law would visit her from time to time, and uncle and aunt would call to express their sympathy. The twins really surprised a large family.

My aunt and Ran Ran Ran went abroad and couldn't come to see her, but they congratulated her through the video. Ran Ran said that she was in England, but in one video, she clearly saw an old castle dome out of the window behind Ran Ran Ran, which was the only architectural style in Moscow.

She didn't know why Ran Ran wanted to hide it from her. Jin Sheng also came to see her. When she asked about the relationship between him and ran ran, Jin Sheng was still slick. His tone seemed that the gap between him and his uncle was not so deep. After all, he had changed his name from Yan Zuo to Uncle Yan. I don't know if he would change his name to father-in-law next time?

It's the weekend again.

It's late autumn in Jinling.

In the garden, Muqiqi sat on the swing wrapped in a blanket, with his hands caressing his slightly raised abdomen.

In the distance, Jin Si Mu was flying a kite and was tired. The little guy ran to her and asked, "Mom, there are so many people coming to see you these days. Why doesn't she come to see you?"

Muqiqi bent slightly and touched her face. "Suxin's mother-in-law is very busy. She is the president of ordnance industry group. She has a lot of things to do."

Although Muqiqi explains this, there are many doubts in her heart. Since she came back from northern Europe, she has lost contact with Bai Suxin. Aunt Xin seems to be missing. There is no news.

Her pregnancy is an open secret. Aunt Xin can't have no idea. If it was in the past, she would have come to congratulate her. Is something wrong with aunt Xin?

Mu Qiqi quickly shook his head and denied this unrealistic idea.

The little guy tilted his head and said, "last time Suxin's mother-in-law promised me that she would send me a new kite during the Mid Autumn Festival, but now the Double Ninth Festival is over..."

Muqiqi rubbed his little head, "Suxin's mother-in-law is not a person who will easily break an appointment. She may have forgotten, otherwise, the next time I see her, I'll help you remind her, OK?"

"Really?" The little guy has big eyes.

Muqi nodded.

Jin simu turned around and ran happily. He watched Sophie coming with soup in the distance. The little guy ran up to show off and said, "mother Sophie, I'm going to have a new kite soon! Invisible coating! A kite that can change color

Sophie made a gesture to congratulate you.

The little guy squinted, then turned around and asked Mu Qiqi, "Mom, when will you see Suxin's mother-in-law?"

Hearing the word "Suxin", Sophie nearly loosened her hand holding the soup bowl.

Muqiqi sighed and said with a smile, "it should be soon."

Such saying is also a kind of expectation. She doesn't want to have an accident with aunt Xin.

Sophie came over and handed the soup bowl to Muqiqi.

Muqiqi took the soup bowl at the same time, also wet sticky fingertips, it was found that the soup overflowed some, dirty the soup bowl.

Muqiqi is in a daze. Sophie is always neat and has never committed such negligence. She looks up and sees Sophie's absent eyes.

I'm sorry.

Sophie, who had come back to herself, made a gesture.

"What's the matter? Is it uncomfortable? " Mu Qiqi asked.

Sophie shook her head and then made a "sorry" gesture.

Muqiqi got up and said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. I'll wash my hands. When it's cold, it's time to go in."

Sophie put away the blanket she left behind, followed her, staring at the back of Muqiqi's departure for a long time.

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