Situ Chen came in from the outside. Before he could put away the phone call he had just hung up, he walked to Jin Yu with deep feeling. It seemed that there was an urgent report. When he came near, he heard the background sound of the news coming from the living room. It seemed that he was still a step late.

Jin Yu was dissatisfied with the way he wanted to talk, and a cold light swept over.

Situ Chen knew he was ashamed that he was a step slower than the news when such a big thing happened. He was derelict in his duty. He just followed Jin Yu for a long time. He was calm in the end and said with emphasis: "there have been strict guards in sheng'anshan hospital all the time. It will never leak from the inside of the hospital."

Jin Yu put down the little Sima in his arms and ordered the man in black to send him to school. Instead, he asked situ, "how long can Bai Zhenting last?"

"I can't make it to the end of the month. It's just these days." Situ Chen replied.

In recent years, this is not the first time that Bai Zhenting was seriously ill and admitted to hospital, but in the end, he made a false alarm.

But this time, the old man has run out of oil and lights. He can always stabilize the overall situation. Without Bai Zhenting as the backing, Bai Suxin's position as president will not be as stable as ever.

"Where is Bai Suxin?" Jin Yu asked again.

"Mr. Bai has been in the hospital all the time. Looking at the situation, Mr. Bai is probably not good." Situ Chen replied.

"To the presidential palace." Jin Yu said in a low voice.

Situ Chen leaned over, turned to leave and went out to wait.

Jin Yu looked at Xiangmu Qiqi, his eyes turned soft.

"You knew that Aunt Xin had come back early, why didn't you tell me?" Mu Qiqi asked. After listening to the conversation between them, it was obvious that Jin Yu had known many things for a long time, but he didn't tell her that she was annoyed. Let alone anything else. He knew that she was concerned about Xinyi.

"Not early in the morning, but it's just two or three days." Someone laughs and quibbles, but it's also true. If it wasn't for Bai Zhenting's sudden illness, Bai Suxin would not have chosen to appear at this time.

"I want to see Aunt Xin." Muqiqi said directly.

She knew that Jin Yu was biased against aunt Xin. In the past, she always evaded the topic of aunt Xin in front of him. But this time, her tone of non discussion seemed to be firm. It seemed that no matter whether Jin Yu agreed or not, she would definitely go this way.

"When?" Jin Yu stroked her stomach and asked.

Mu Qiqi thought Jin Yu would refuse her request. After all, she was in labor. In order not to let her work hard, he even refused to let her go to the Ministry of foreign affairs. How could he agree to let her go to see her aunt at this time?

However, Jin Yu agreed.

"For a while?" Muqiqi's tone was tentative.

"You heard that just now. I'm going to the presidential palace later. I can't go with you, or tomorrow?" Jin Yu's gentle tone, in recent months, as long as she wants to go out, most of them are accompanied by him.

"No, in a moment." Muqiqi is sure that she can't wait for a moment.

"Well..." Jin Yu sighed a little, then looked at Sophie standing on one side, "you go with your wife! With you, I can rest assured. "

Muqiqi is surprised at Jin Yu's arrangement. Sophie's appearance is destroyed. For many years, she has locked herself in the castle out of self-confidence or self abasement. She can't get out of the gate, and she can't walk out of the gate, let alone go out. Even her garden is closed to herself. If Jin Yu asks Sophie to go out with her, will Sophie agree?

The black gauze covers her face. I can't see Sophie's excessive expression clearly. I can only see a flash in her eyes. It seems that she hesitates and resists.

Muqiqi then said, "Sophie doesn't want to go out. She hasn't been out for so many years. Don't force her."

Jin Yu still looks at Sophie solemnly, and examines her exposed eyes.

Muqiqi looks at Sophie together. She wants to persuade her not to be forced to do something, but she doesn't want to. Sophie nods and agrees.

Muqiqi is surprised, but it's also a good thing for her to think that Sophie can choose to go out and integrate into the normal life circle.

Over there, Jin Yu has already withdrawn his eyes, holding Mu Qiqi's belly, leaning slightly forward, kissing her forehead, and saying, "come back early."


San Anshan hospital.

There is a row of neat black cars parked in front of the hospital. Jin Yu strengthens the security for her. If she wants to go out, this is the condition she must agree to and can't be refused.

Being guarded by dozens of people in black, Mu Qiqi doesn't feel secure. On the contrary, she feels a little depressed. However, the situation makes her understand Jin Yu's worries.

After getting out of the car, she took a look at Sophie, who was behind her. She was obviously frightened by the situation.

Before going out, Muqiqi changed Sophie into a sportswear, with a hat and mask.

Although the clothes are hers, they fit Sophie. After all, in China, wearing a nun's dress is really eye-catching. Now, Sophie looks much more approachable when she is dressed in normal clothes.

Muqiqi goes to pull Sophie's hand and touches a layer of cold sweat in the palm of the other person's hand.

"Later, I'll take you out for a walk." Muqiqi smiles.

Sophie looked at her and nodded.

Someone was coming in front of her. Sophie quickly lowered her head and habitually shrank back.

Muqiqi pursed her lips. Seeing Sophie's inferiority reaction, she felt a little distressed.


A high-level ward on the top floor of the hospital.

In the hospital bed, Bai Zhenting has been in a coma for two days. Occasionally, he wakes up. Most of them are delirious, and soon he falls asleep.

Bai Suxin holds the old man's hand and sits beside the bed. For the old man who has no blood relationship, she is doing her duty as a child.

Bai Suxin is tired and sleeps at the head of the bed. She seems to feel that in the palm of her hand, the old man's fingers move. As soon as she opens her eyes, sure enough, the old man wakes up. A pair of withered eyes are looking at him. The eyes without focal length are a little absent.

"Dad Bai Suxin called out, "you wait, I'll call the doctor."

Then she got up to ring the call bell.

The old man snorted a few times, shook his head, and motioned her not to do that. They all said that people who had run out of oil and lights knew their bodies best. Bai Zhenting knew that the doctor's coming was nothing more than another emergency treatment. Instead of spending his time on meaningless treatment, he would rather talk quietly for a while.

"Dad, what do you want to say?" Bai Suxin got up and asked.

The old man raised his hand to pull the oxygen mask. Bai Suxin and Dai Mei frowned slightly. Seeing that the old man insisted on doing so, he could only help him.

The old man breathed for a while before he got used to the outside air.

Bai Suxin raised the bed slightly.

"Dad, have some water." Bai Suxin said, holding a spoon in the old man's mouth slightly touched, such action is just to wet the old man's lips, in the final analysis, the old man has no strength to drink water.

"Has everything been arranged?" Bai Zhenting's hoarse voice was almost inaudible.

Bai Suxin nodded, "it's all arranged. Elder brother, second brother and younger sister, I've arranged a way out for them. I'll arrange the Bai family to go abroad in the shortest time and protect them properly."

The old man nodded, a pair of dry eyes, through a little bit of tears, not sad, but the wish has been relieved.

"Thank you so much." The old man held Bai Suxin's hand, "Bai Jia, thank you."

"Dad, I'm your daughter, too!" White heart with tears, a little coquettish tone, even over 40 years old, in front of their parents, after all, are just a child.

The old man stared at her delicate face for a long time, then said softly, "in fact, I know that you are not my plain heart."

Bai Suxin's palm was tight, but the agent's professional instinct still made her keep her rational, "Dad, what do you say?"

"After so many things, I don't think you are Zhou Boqi's person." The old man's self-care is another sentence.

Bai Suxin said softly, "how can I be Zhou Boqi's person?"

The old man is suspicious. How can Bai Suxin not know when he has been together for ten years?

"Are you... The president's man?" The old man asked, and then denied, "no, it's impossible. Ten years ago, Jin Hanlin was not in politics, so his layout should not be so long..."

Bai Su's heart pursed her lips, and the old man speculated about her identity one by one. It was obvious that her identity had been suspected. She had been undercover for ten years, and she was always worried. She knew that one day she would face such a situation, but when that day came, instead of panic, she was relieved.

Bai Zhenting had a showdown with her. It was obvious that the old man knew that his life would not be long. When he was in a coma for such a long time, he suddenly woke up and said these words to her. It is very likely that this is a reflection.

"Aren't you the Yan family?" There was a flash of panic in the old man's eyes.

"Dad." Bai Suxin called softly, "you are too tired. Have a rest."

Then she tucked in the old man's quilt.

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