President Office.

When Jin Yu arrived, in the conference room, all the cabinet members came together. Jin Hanlin was in the center of the big round table.

All of you must have heard about the early morning news.

Although the center of the typhoon is still calm, it can not stop the torrential rain.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Jin Yu walked steadily to the vice president's seat next to the president's seat. He sat down calmly and said, "I've been waiting for a long time."

When Jin Yu was seated, Jin Hanlin said calmly, "the sudden changes of the ordnance industry group will inevitably lead to the turbulence of the stock market. The top priority now is to stabilize the financial market and strictly prevent foreign capital from taking advantage of the opportunity at this juncture. This is a strategic event. Otherwise, in the international environment of value investment, China may face an unprecedented financial crisis."

Jin Hanlin's words are not alarmist. Military enterprises, as the foundation of the country, and the ordnance industry group, as the leading enterprise in the domestic military industry, are coveted by many foreign investors. In today's plan, all decisions must be made with caution. If there is any mistake, it may be doomed.

When Jin Hanlin's words were finished, the cabinet members did not express their own opinions. Instead, they looked at Jin Yu around the president with tacit understanding. They looked respectfully as if they were looking at Jin Yu.

Jin Hanlin slightly jumps his eyebrows and looks at Jin Yu. He looks down and ponders. Maybe he feels the gaze of the people. Jin Yu solemnly raises his eyes. A pair of eagle eyes sweep all the cabinet in the house and finally falls on Jin Hanlin.

"The continuous influx of foreign capital, although it increased the GDP output value in the first quarter, has also laid a hidden danger for the future. At that time, I was not in favor of it." Jin Yu's low words.

At the military and political conference at the beginning of the year, Jin Hanlin signed a presidential decree and issued a number of national policies to encourage the absorption of foreign capital. For a moment, the policy made it so. Keen foreign capital smelled business opportunities and rode the waves to rush into Jinling, a new international metropolis.

At that time, Jin Yu opposed the presidential decree. He knew that Jin Hanlin's deployment was too radical. Although Jin Hanlin had made great achievements in finance, his way of governing the country was by no means a single indicator of economy.

But Jin Hanlin is his father. No matter how dissatisfied he is, it is impossible for him to refute his father's resolution in front of the public. What's more, in such a sensitive situation as the military and political conference, even if he has the ability to control the situation, it is too early for him to reveal his identity.

Jin Yu only said that although the cabinet did not speak out, they all nodded and acquiesced, which made Jin Hanlin very angry. You should know that all the people here are his confidants. Isn't this a disgrace to him?

Jin Hanlin was annoyed, and Jin Yushen continued: "this crisis has been plotted for a long time, and it's coming fiercely. Now, we must plan ahead of the opening of the stock market, make good arrangements, hold the shares of ordnance industry group, and do not give foreign capital an opportunity."

"In your opinion, the turmoil in the arms industry group is also a good thing for foreign investors to plot early in the morning? Including Bai Zhenting seriously ill? Is it the result of their calculations? " Jin Hanlin asked coldly.

Jin Yu didn't answer, but he acquiesced.

Jin Hanlin is even more irritated. He is undoubtedly accused of his strategy by his own son in public.

Jin Yu calmly and solemnly looked at his father, "Mr. President, there is no time. In half an hour, the stock market will open."

"Don't you mean to manipulate the stock market? What's the crime? Do you know? " Jin Hanlin asked.

Jin Yu continued: "the most urgent task now is to immediately deploy funds to deal with it. On the way here, I have informed my elder brother."

Jin Hanlin clapped his hand at the table and said, "Jin Yu, do you know what you are doing? Have you forgotten all the Jin family's precepts? "

Jin Yu stood up solemnly and said respectfully, "I dare not forget that the Jin family's ancestors have instructions, and their descendants must not touch weapons!"

His father scolded him and his son stood up to be punished, which was a common move. But when Jin Yu got up, the cabinet also stood up together, and they had the tendency to follow him. This even annoyed Jin Hanlin.

"Since you know that the family precepts are here, how dare you collude with your elder brother to take advantage of the opportunity to take over the arms industry group? How many shady activities are there behind it? You really don't know? Or are you blinded by profit? " Jin Hanlin, who was extremely angry, was no longer a president. In a twinkling of an eye, he became a strict father and scolded his unfilial descendants.

Jin Yu replied in a deep voice: "father, calm down. I swear that what I have done is worthy of my ancestors. The ancestors have said that I can't borrow weapons to make a fortune in national calamity. But now, I'm doing this to save the country and the people, not to make a fortune."

"Before, when you encouraged your elder brother to cooperate with the ordnance industry group, you already angered my grandfather. I tried every means to protect him, but I didn't make him carry out the family law on you. This time, if you insist on doing so, if my grandfather chases you out of the house, no one can protect you! Do you want the whole Jinling to know that you are an unfaithful and unfilial descendant? "

Jin Yu calmly replied, "I will explain to my grandfather afterwards."

"In a word, you can't spend any money of ocean international!" Jin Hanlin said, looking at the Secretary-General on one side, "immediately order the central bank to freeze all deposit accounts under the name of ocean international!"

The Secretary General looked around, not knowing what to do.

"Not yet?" Jin Hanlin gave a big drink.

The secretary general turned to leave, and Jin Yu whispered, "no need."

Jin Hanlin looked up at him and thought that Jin Yu was wrong, but then he said, "I won't use any money from ocean international. I will solve the financial problem myself."

After that, he bowed his head slightly to Jin Hanlin, and then walked.

"Where to?" Jin Hanlin asked aloud.

"There's no time." Jin Yu said that and walked away.

Seeing this, many cabinet members followed Jin Yu out one after another.

There are only Jin Hanlin and the Secretary General left in such a large conference room. At this moment, the president of a country is suddenly overhead by the prime minister. If it's someone else, it's all right, but that person is still his most trusted son. That kind of blow is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue.

"Why don't you go? Are you not Jin Yu's man? " Jin Hanlin looks at the Secretary General and sneers.

"Mr. Jin has always been respectful to you. This is also an emergency. If you have to, please calm down." The secretary general exhorted.

"Mr. Jin?" Jin Hanlin asked, do you know that on weekdays, the Secretary General has always called Jin Yu "Premier" or "Mr. Premier". When he says "Mr. Jin", doesn't he pay no attention to his "Mr. Jin"?

The Secretary General bowed his head respectfully, saying nothing but silence.

Jin Hanlin grinned bitterly. Even the secretary general who is closest to him is not his own person. What a mockery.

In the corridor, Jin Yu marched forward quickly, "how much can I use at present?"

"The inherent reserve, together with the funds transferred from abroad since last year, is about 4 billion euros," he replied

"Not enough." Jin Yu replied in a deep voice that originally he wanted to take advantage of Jin Han's ocean international, but now it is impossible.

"It is estimated that about 500 million Euros can still be transferred from the tassel island." Situ Chen continued.

Obviously, it's still not enough. Jin Yu suddenly asked, "how much capital can the major European banks transfer at home?"

Situ Chen already understood Jin Yu's intention, "yes! Mr. Jin! I'm going to contact the European headquarters to transfer this part of funds urgently! "

The mobile phone vibrated. Yuchi Hongyi's call came in. Jin Yu picked it up and asked jokingly, "Mr. Premier, are you short of money? Do you need bank credit? You are satisfied with the lowest interest rate in the world

"No, but the interest I gave you to the military before is doubled!"

"No, no, no!"

There was obviously something else to talk about. Jin Yu interrupted in a hard voice, "less nonsense!"

Wei Chi also did not ink, "I have found out the whereabouts of Zhou's funds in Europe, do you need to copy the bottom?"

"You can copy as much as you want. You're welcome." After that, Jin Yu hung up.

Listening to the busy sound of "Dudu" on the phone, Yuchi Hong rolled his eyes. This time, in order to regain the real power of the ordnance industry group, Zhou Boqi has collected most of the funds and sent them to China. There are very few funds left in Europe. But Jin Yu's generous appearance seems to have made him pick up a big leak. This man is a real cheapskate and a big money fan.

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