A husband, a voice.

This was the first time that Muqiqi called him that after marriage. Jin Yu gazed at her, thin lipped and slightly hooked, and was intoxicated.


Seeing that Jin Yu didn't answer, Mu Qiqi called again, and his voice increased one degree.

If he didn't have to deal with the current situation, he really wanted to settle down and listen to her call twice.

It's just that she is so angry that she has to be angry if she doesn't want to be.

Jin Yu opened his thin lips and said in a mellow voice: "Naughty! How can second hand goods used by others get on the stage? Even if you don't mind, you have to take care of the face of the Jin family. "

After hearing this, Huo ling'er turned red.

Jin Yu's words are puny. At the beginning, Huo ling'er and Jin Han had been entangled for a period of time, and they had been traveling with each other in France. They happened to be caught by him. A word "second hand goods" is really ironic enough.

Mu Qiqi didn't know the metaphor in Jin Yu's words. He just got angry: "I'll take it!"

Although you Tianze has never met Jin Yu, his family runs the largest media enterprise in Jinling. Naturally, you are not new to Jin's family of high officials, and you have some knowledge of Jin Yu.

You Tianze looked at Jin Yu and said, "Mr. Jin, although we haven't met each other, my father and the premier have some friendship! Now, because of Ning'an and me, Qiqi has some prejudice against me, but it has nothing to do with ling'er. Please help me persuade Qiqi! "

"What is prejudice? Half a month ago, I heard my sister say that you went to America to see her. Half a month later, you even want to marry another woman. That's all! You've got a fox in your stomach! You betrayed my sister! You are not as good as a beast The more Muqi said, the more excited he was.

You Tianze didn't want to argue any more. He immediately said to Jin Yu, "Mr. Jin, I'll go ahead!"

After that, you Tianze takes Huo linger's hand and wants to leave.

Muqiqi naturally is not reconciled, horizontal in the middle of the road, not willing to give up half a step.

Jin Yu looks at you Tianze and says in a deep voice: "Mr. you, you have been with Miss mu for a long time. You should know something about Qiqi's temper. If Miss Huo doesn't take off her wedding dress, no one will want to go out of this room today."

Huo Ling Er turned his head, his eyes filled with anger, but now, he could only bear it.

A long silence.

You Tianze kneaded Huo ling'er's hand in the palm of his hand, looked at her and said softly, "ling'er! Take off your wedding dress

"Husband!" Hollinger was angry in a low voice.

You Tianze looks at him and avoids Huo ling'er's aggrieved eyes.

He knew that if he didn't give in, it would be endless today.

Huo Ling Er is deadlocked, but you Tianze's silence has given her the answer.

Huo Ling Er shakes off skirt and walks straight into one side of the dressing room.


Coming out of the wedding dress shop, Mu Qiqi rushed back to the car, opened the front passenger's door and sat in.

Just sit steady, she turned over the mobile phone to dial out Mu Ning An's phone.

"Hello Mu Ning'an's short greetings came from the other end of the phone, which was very capable.


"What's the matter? Seven seven Mu Ning'an's voice is full of flattering smile.

"I just met you Tianze! He's trying on a wedding dress with a fox! The fox spirit is pregnant Mu Qiqi said angrily.

On the other end of the phone, Mu Ning An's voice said: "I know, he's getting married!"

Mu Qiqi was stunned to move the mobile phone away from his ear and looked at the screen. He was very surprised.

When a woman hears that her boyfriend has cheated on her, and that she has enlarged other people's stomachs, shouldn't she be angry and try to force her husband to the palace?

But mu Ning'an... Seems calm, just like talking about things that have nothing to do with her.

"Sister, aren't you angry?"

"Angry? Should I still cry? And then go to his wedding and make a scene? " Mu Ning An said with a light smile, in a joking tone.

"Shouldn't it?" Muqiqi thinks this is the normal reaction.

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone.

Anger gradually subsided, Muqiqi suddenly felt that their sisters had a kind of pain.

Muqiqi asked in a low voice, "sister! Can't a man resist the temptation of fox spirit? "

Xin ziyao, you Tianze

On the phone, Mu Ning'an said faintly: "Qiqi, you are still so young, you must meet a good man! My sister will take good care of it for you! "

It seems that Mu Ning'an doesn't know that she and Jin Yu have already obtained the certificate. Mu Qiqi doesn't want to worry about it. He turns the topic and says, "half a month ago, didn't you Tianze go to America to celebrate your birthday? Aren't you still fine? "

Mu Ning'an snorted and laughed: "he came to break up with me!"


Mu Qiqi tries to say something else. Mu Ning'an steals and says: "Qi Qi! My sister has something else to do. Let's not talk about it! In two days, my sister will visit you at school! "

The phone hung up.

Jin Yu sat in the driver's seat, looking at Mu Qi Qi with low eyes. He looked like a lost ball.

Jin Yu lifted his fingers and circled the circle on Muqiqi's cheek.

Muqiqi glanced at him and asked seriously, "will you cheat?"

Jin Yu can't help but want to smile. Seeing Mu Qiqi's serious appearance, he can't help but smile. Just as he wants to shake his head, Mu Qiqi spreads his two palms and pats Jin Yu's cheek.

While shooting, he said word by word: "if you dare to mess with the fox spirit, you will die! I'm not as good tempered as my sister

Jin Yu grasped Mu Qiqi's hand and gently rubbed it against his lips: "you've cut the wedding dress, but it's still fresh?"

"No! I'm so angry

Jin Yu asked her, "what did you call me just now?"

Mu Qiqi glanced at him and saw that Jin Yu flashed a pair of electric eyes, a narcissistic look.

Jin Yu went forward and said softly, "call again!"

In the air, it was Jin Yu's breath. Mu Qiqi drew back, poked Jin Yu's nose with his finger and said, "you have no use now! Stay away from me

"How can the utilization value of my husband be only a little? Like... "

A kiss sealed the lips.

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