Maybe the voice in the ward has disturbed the nerves of the people on the bed who have been in a coma for a long time. Yan Kecheng wakes up leisurely. The first sentence when he wakes up is "Yuchen."

Yan Yuchen hurriedly walked past, Fu is in front of sickbed, holding father's hand tightly, excited called a, "Dad."

Maybe it's just a subconscious call. Yan Kecheng's eyes have been lax for a long time and haven't gathered together for a long time.

Beside the bed, Yan Ran Ran and Li Rong then gathered around. Yan Kecheng gradually woke up and said angrily, "how did you two come back?"

"Kecheng." Li Rong clutched his hand. "I won't leave this time, whatever you say."

"Nonsense." If it's normal, it's a voice after all, but at present, Yan Kecheng has no strength, and his vomit is just a weak sigh.

After that, Yan Kecheng turned to Yan Yuchen, "two women can't see, you let me down too much."

"The doctor gave three critical notices one after another, I was worried..." Yan Yuchen said his helplessness.

"It's not that easy to die." Yan Kecheng's low sentence.

"Uncle." Muqiqi came up.

Yan Kecheng gave her a weak look and nodded. That kind of look contained too many emotions. He wanted to tell her too many things, such as her mother was still alive.

Muqiqi said softly, "uncle, you have a good rest and get better soon."

Beyond Muqiqi, Yan Kecheng saw Jin Yu's figure. The people on the bed fixed their eyes on Jin Yu's upright body. Finally, they hissed: "as you wish, I won't participate in Jinling's affairs for the time being."

A "as you wish", Li Rong listen to, instant burst, she stared at Yan Kecheng sternly asked: "really he did it?"

When a woman's mind is extreme, it's hard to avoid some simplicity. What's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what '.

A cry is inevitable.

Xu was annoyed by the noise. Yan Kecheng sighed, "don't cry, it has nothing to do with Jin Yu."

Although he didn't have any concrete evidence, Jin Yu, whom he could understand, was not able to do such a thing. He could only say that such a method was too mean.

Muqiqi was relieved to hear that, at last, her uncle was a rational person. Otherwise, she was really worried that her uncle's temper would rush up and she would draw a gun regardless of her old feelings.

Jin Yu didn't stay in Jinghai for long, so he took muqizhe back to Jinling overnight. The huge Jinling can't be without owner for a day.


Yan Kecheng woke up for two days and became more and more conscious, but he could not get out of bed.

The roof collapsed and hit him. In a flash, he couldn't dodge and hurt his spine. The doctor nailed him to fix the displaced spine by external force.

Experts who operated on him can't help saying that Yan Kecheng's life is very big. If he is hurt a little more, he may be paralyzed for life. Now, although he has saved his life, he still has to be cared for carefully. As for the recovery period, the doctor can't give a specific answer.

Li Rong always takes good care of her every step of the way. No one tries to persuade her to leave. She is afraid that if she leaves half a step, the people on the bed will disappear in the next second. She has never had that kind of panic. Even if this man is a soldier on the battlefield, death is not a distant topic, but she has never experienced it like this.

Every time she wiped Yan Kecheng's body, her body was covered with sweat. She was flustered. She went to ask the doctor. The doctor comforted her and told her that Yan Zuo was mostly in pain. If Yan Zuo was not from a military background, but from an ordinary person, she would have yelled and screamed at this moment, which is not the pain that ordinary people can bear.

"Why don't you give him a pain shot?" Li Rong asked with tears in her eyes.

The doctor shook his head and replied that Yan Zuo meant that the patient was injured in the spinal nerve. If he blindly used painkillers, the recovery period would be prolonged. In more serious cases, he might be paralyzed for life.

These two kinds, no matter which one, must be Yan Kecheng put an end to let it happen.

In the end, pain, but can only endure.

In her eyes, Lilong is even more miserable.


Yan Yuchen returned to Jinling, Jinling military region can not be a day without generals.

Before leaving Jinghai, he could not rest assured of the situation here. After all, Yan Kecheng's current situation was not suitable for long-distance bumps, so it became impractical to transfer to Jinling.

Jin Sheng stands up and assures Yan Yuchen to give him the Beijing sea affair. How can he show filial respect to Yan Zuo's mother? What kind of brother? He will treat his brother's parents as if they were his own parents. What he says is that he will dig out his heart and lungs. It's touching and brotherly

Finally, Yan Yuchen coldly left him a, "don't think I don't know what mind you're in!"

Yan Ran Ran came back, otherwise Jin Sheng could work so hard? Who doesn't know that the gold medal general's interests are the most important. His law firm has millions of business orders every minute. He is willing to give up Jinling's business and come to this coastal town? If there is no vital interest, can it restrain him?

And Ran Ran is the great "interest" in his eyes!

Jin Sheng's big deal is that Gu said to him, "don't worry, I will take good care of your parents!" At last, he said, "and sister ran ran."

That sound Ran Ran younger sister, call that call a cordial.

Yan Yuchen sighed. Now Jin Sheng is a suitable person.

Beijing and Haiti are remote and far from the political center. If a large number of troops are sent to Beijing, it will certainly cause public panic. Jin Sheng called a group of people from Daoyi hall. Although the background of these people is not very clear, they will not attract too much attention in this small city. After all, they are not as good as soldiers, and they may not have much insight.

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