Muqiqi leads Siqi to the door of Siyu's room.

"Dudu!" Muqiqi knocked on the door twice. "Siyu, it's mom. Open the door."

There was no response for a long time. Siqi cried again, "I'm going to find Dad!"

She knew that her brothers were not afraid of their mothers, but their fathers were different. Even if their fathers had a look in their eyes and a cough, they had to shake three times.

Muqiqi squatted down, wiped her daughter's tears, and said seriously, "you've swollen your eyes. Tomorrow you'll have to wear a pair of panda eyes, and you're not afraid of the jokes of the students!"

All the girls love beauty. As soon as she hears the panda eye, Siqi stops crying.

The door of the bedroom opened.

Jin Siyu stood at the door with a frozen face, overlooking his mother and sister.

Muqiqi got up, looked at Jin Siyu and asked, "what did you hide from your sister? Give it to her! It's a bit of a brother. "

Jin Siyu casually looked at his younger sister, who was a little shorter than him. He casually said, "I've already thrown it away."

After hearing this, Siqi began to cry again.

Jin simu came back from self-study in the evening. Downstairs, he heard a noisy voice coming from the corridor. When he was sure that it was his sister's cry, he could not help but quicken his pace.

When he went upstairs and saw Siqi's sad cry, Jin simu walked over, squatted down, hugged the little girl in her arms, stroked her little head and said, "what's wrong with Qiqi? Tell big brother who bullied you? "

"The second... The second brother hid something... And didn't give it to me..." the little girl fell on the elder brother's shoulder and was very aggrieved.

Jin Si Mu looks at Si Yu, turns a white eye contemptuously and asks, "what are you hiding?"

Si Yu stood at the door with his arms folded, a look of indifference.

"A postcard... A pink Postcard..." said Siqi.

After listening to this, Muqiqi can't help saying in his heart, postcard? It's not a love letter, is it? When Sima went to middle school, he would receive love letters from time to time, but every time he was torn to pieces by Siqi. However, even though Siyu was in the fifth grade, he was only eight years old. Did he start to receive love letters?

After hearing this, Si Mu looked at Si Yu, slightly angry, and then coaxed his younger sister to say, "isn't it a postcard? Brother, look for it

With that, Jin simu opened his schoolbag, took out a few books and shook them at will. Sure enough, he shook out the colored letter paper.

"Qiqi, take it and tear it!" The division Mu dotes on to knead the division Qi's small head, generous tone.

"Well!" Si Qi answers happily, squats down, picks up the letter paper on the ground and tears it to pieces. But he turns over the big brother's schoolbag until he is sure there is nothing else. Then he pouts his little mouth and closes the schoolbag.

"Big brother is the best!" Siqi Nuo Nuo said, then small eyes stare at Jin Siyu, forbidden nose, "hum" a.

Mu Qiqi is watching, with a serious face and a strong smile in her heart. She is really purposeful and ruthless. What would those female students think if they knew that they were full of heart and the other side didn't look at them, and they were torn to pieces?

Looking at Siqi's childish and unreasonable appearance, she suddenly thought of herself in those years. When she tore the love letter written to Jin Yu by others, should she be so unruly in other people's eyes?

Seeing that Siqi finally stopped crying, Muqiqi took her hand and said, "hurry back to the room, take a bath and sleep."

As he walked, Muqiqi reasoned with his daughter, "Siqi, it's impolite to rummage through his schoolbag without his brother's permission. Do you know?"

Siqi looks at her mother and blinks. She doesn't seem to understand, because she always does.

For example, Mu Qiqi said, "if your classmates rummaged your schoolbag, would you be happy?"

Siqi shook his head, but said, "but big brother won't be angry!"

The little girl looks superior, obviously spoiled by her brothers.

Muqiqi said solemnly: "you should remember that even if you are brothers, you should respect each other. For the simplest example, if you don't want others to look through your things, you should consult other people's consent before you touch other people's things."

Jin Siqi pursed her lips and looked thoughtful. As expected, she was still a good father and would never talk to her about this.

Mom and sister are gone.

Jin Siyu was about to take the door, but Sima stretched out his arm to hold it.

"What's the matter?" Jin Siyu asked chokingly.

Jin Si Mu's cold eyes glared at him, holding his elder brother's posture, "Si Qi is your sister, so you make her cry?"

"Why does she cry? Isn't it spoiled by you? " With that, Jin Siyu would take the door again.

"My sister, who am I not used to?" Jin simu is upright and vigorous.

Jin Siyu yawned and pretended to close the door.

Jin Si Mu stepped forward and opened the door again, warning: "I tell you! no Sure! Good morning! Love! A pupil, study hard

Since Jin simu jumped the grade, he had a sense of superiority in front of his younger brother and sister. Otherwise, at the age of 12, he was only a sixth grade student this year.

However, I have to say that since I came to junior high school, Jin simu, who is already sensible, has become more and more mature. The tone of speaking with his younger brother and sister is more and more like a brother.

Jin Siyu said with disdain, "do you think everyone is like you, books are on the table, anyone who wants to plug anything?"

The implication is that he will never give others the chance to give him a love letter.

Jin Si Mu didn't want to argue with him, "in a word, bullying Si Qi is that you are wrong. Buy her something delicious tomorrow and apologize by the way!"

"I'm right." Jin Siyu said immediately.

"Hiss!" Jin Si Mu took a breath. He was really angry. It doesn't matter if he wronged others. It's absolutely not if he wronged his sister.

Jin Siyu didn't want to deal with it any more, so he said, "the postcard is not mine. It's someone else who gave it to me after school and asked me to give it to you! I don't know how I was hit by Siqi. When I got home, I pestered me for postcards! "

Jin Si Mu Leng for a moment, the result is really beyond his expectation, "then you give Si Qi, let her tear it, isn't it over?"

"Throw it in the trash can at the school gate, or will you go and pick it up?"

Finish saying, just listen to "bang", Si Yu closed the door.

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