School of foreign affairs.

The military training is not over yet. In the distance, the voice of team training is heard.

In the scorching summer sun, Mu Qiqi took out a pair of sunglasses from his backpack and put them on.

The big and exaggerated red lens is on the bridge of her nose. It's a delicate face. It looks like a small circle.

Passing by the library, Mu Qiqi glanced at the building but didn't go in.

Check the information? It's just an excuse for Jin Yu!

Mu Qiqi takes out his mobile phone and sends a message to Gong Shanshan: "are you in the dormitory? I have no key with me

She left in a hurry that day. There were still some things left in the dormitory. Today, she seldom went back to school, so she just packed them together.

Soon, Gong Shanshan sent a reply: "all three are here!"

Muqiqi snorted, that is to say, Vivian is also here? It's really a narrow road.

Another message came in.

"Honey, what would you like for lunch?" It's Jin Yu.

"I eat in the school canteen!" Muqi replied.

"My husband will take you to the whole fish feast."

Mu Qi twists her eyebrows and says that she will come to meet her in the evening. In less than five minutes, she turns back.

"No!" Muqiqi made six exclamation marks in a row, showing his determination.

"That's settled! Two hours later, my husband will pick you up! "

Mu Qiqi grits his teeth. Just now, he gets rid of the devil himself, but he doesn't know that someone is haunted.

Just angry, Muqiqi has come to the dormitory.

Low hair with information, ear came the voice of the old lady.

"Today, even if you are talking about breaking the sky, this is the girls' dormitory, you boys just can't get in!"

"Auntie! My girlfriend is sick! I just went in and gave her some medicine! "

"You let her come out and get it by herself!" The old lady of cebuan was eating melon seeds, and she couldn't bear it.

"She's been in bed for two days! Auntie, please let me in! by my troth! I'll be out in five minutes! "

The hostess snorted, "have you been lying for two days? Then you should call 120! Even if I let you up, can she jump out of bed right away? "

The tone of the housekeeper is disdainful. She has been a dormitory administrator for so many years. She has never heard of any wonderful reasons. After all, she just wants to sneak into the girls' dormitory to meet her little girlfriend.

Mu Qiqi thinks the boy's voice is familiar. When he looks up, it's Xin ziyao.

Mu Qiqi, who turns a blind eye, swaggers through Xin ziyao and Su Guan's aunt.

Without taking two steps, Xin ziyao recognized her: "Qiqi!"

Muqiqi ignored him and went on. Xin ziyao pressed Muqiqi's shoulder.

Muqiqi turned around, put aside the hand on her shoulder, a face unhappy: "don't touch me!"

Xin ziyao took back his hand, lifted a bag of medicine in his hand, looked at Mu Qiqi and said, "Qiqi! Can you help me take these medicine to Ann! Please

"Yo! ill! How sick Muqi and Qiqi spoke coldly to each other.

Xin ziyao said: "Qiqi! I don't know what you and Ann said in the room that day. Anyway, as soon as she came back, she fell ill! "

Muqiqi sneered: "if I have such great ability, I will curse you first!"

After that, Muqiqi turned and left.

"Qiqi! I beg you

Mu Qiqi turned around: "for her? You beg me? Good! You kneel down! I'll take the medicine for you! "

Xin ziyao pursed his lips and covered his angular face with a layer of depression.

"Forget it! You don't care much about her Muqiqi wants to go again.

"Qiqi!" Xin ziyao called again.

The old lady couldn't see it any more. She called out: "Muqiqi! You can take it to him! He's been bothering me for half an hour! "

Muqiqi looked at the old lady and asked playfully, "if I take it with me, what will you do for me?"

She shook her head.

Muqiqi closed his mouth and said in a low voice, "if you return my pink electric cup, I'll help you out of this trouble!"

SuGuan's head shakes even more.

"Forget it! Then I can't help! " Muqiqi pretends to leave.

The old lady sighed: "OK! All right! Come to me later! But I have to take it home. I'm not allowed to use it in my bedroom in the future! "

Mu Qiqi smiles and reaches for the white plastic bag in Xin ziyao's hand.

Xin ziyao's "thank you" has not been heard, Mu Qiqi has already run up the stairs.

All the way to the third floor, Muqiqi turns to the dormitory.

Passing by the door of the water room, there was a garbage can. Muqiqi stepped on the cover of the garbage can, and the white plastic bag fell heavily to the bottom of the box.

Open the door of the dormitory, three people are in.

Shu Yao is lying on the upper bunk, holding a bag of potato chips, with a laptop on her lap and headphones, as if she is chasing a drama.

Gong Shanshan is standing in front of her desk, tidying up.

Vivian is sitting in front of the desk, holding a book in her hand and reading it carefully. It doesn't look like a person who has been lying in bed for two days.

Shu Yao waved to Mu Qiqi, and Mu Qiqi nodded.

Gong Shanshan held the carton and said, "Qiqi, I've sorted out your things for you! Do you see what's missing? "

Muqiqi was very surprised: "how do you know I'm here to get things?"

Gong Shanshan should say: "the dormitory is moving to a new roommate! I'm afraid she'll mess up your things, so I'll help you sort them out ahead of time! "

Mu Qiqi pursed his lips: "I have paid the accommodation fee. I haven't dropped out of school yet. Why should I give my bed to others?"

Gong Shanshan turns her eyes and looks at Vivian. The answer is self-evident.

Vivian is the head of the dormitory management department. This kind of activity of changing beds is not the thing that she says one more word in front of the teacher.

Muqiqi took Gong Shanshan's carton and threw it on the table: "this bed is mine! I live well. Who dares to move it? "

Shu Yao took off her earphone, looked at Xiang Muqiqi and asked, "Qiqi, now you're passing on the news that you're going to drop out of school. Don't you go?"

"Go? Who says I'm leaving? "

With that, Muqiqi took out all the things in the carton box one by one, put them back in place, and continued: "although I have no official position in the student union, I can kill you even if I am a grain of sand in my eyes!"

Gong Shanshan pushes Mu Qiqi's arm and shakes her head. After all, she lives in the same dormitory. Everyone doesn't want to be too embarrassed.

Mu Qiqi glances at a piece of A4 paper on the desk, which is a notice for exchange students issued by the school.

"What is this?" Mu Qiqi asked.

Gong Shanshan said: "in the second semester of junior year, our major can apply for exchange students from foreign universities!"

"The University of Paris?" Mu Qiqi mumbles that this is the school Jin Yu wants her to go to?

Gong Shanshan continued: "the University of Paris has the highest requirement, with a GPA of 4. 0! There are many other additional conditions! We are professional, few of them can reach the standard! Only one person in our class has met the application requirements now. "

"Who is it?" Muqiqi is very interested.

Shu Yao then said, "apart from an an, who else can be such a bully?"

"Ha ha!" Muqiqi gave a dry smile.

Gong Shanshan continued: "I plan to apply for exchange students in Switzerland. The requirements there are not so high."

Mu Qiqi threw away A4 paper and asked, "when will you sign up?"

"Before the end of the month!" Gong Shanshan should say.

Muqiqi pats A4 paper on the table, looks at Gong Shanshan and says, "Shanshan! Help me fill out an application form then! I'm going to the University of Paris! "

Gong Shanshan looks at Mu Qiqi in amazement. Mu Qiqi with a GPA of 0 wants to apply for the exchange student of Paris University. It's just a fantasy.

Shu Yao chuckled: "Qiqi! You're kidding! My GPA is 3. 9! It's 0. 1! All the teachers said that I had no chance! dear! You're 0 now! "

Mu Qi looked at Xiao Yao and smiled. "I'll go to Paris then. I'll bring you a bottle of your little black dress perfume when you come back!"

Vivian turned her chair and looked at Muqiqi. There was no trace of the patient in her pink face: "Qiqi! Other people will come to live in your bed soon. I hope you can cooperate with the work of the dormitory management department! "

Muqi thin lips smile, vomit three words: "I don't go!"

"Don't you feel embarrassed living here?" Vivian asked indifferently.

"If you feel embarrassed, you go!" Muqi said word by word.

Then, after a pause, Muqiqi thought of something and added: "yes! Xin ziyao is down there. You're pretending to be sick and hiding from him. Are you serious about what I said that day? "

Vivian's thin lips trembled.

Muqiqi continued: "second hand goods used by others are not rare to me! As for the others, I can grab them! "


After two hours of laziness in the dormitory, when Jin Yu said he would come to meet her, Mu Qiqi left the dormitory and walked to the school gate.

Muqiqi lowers her head to play with her mobile phone. As soon as she walks out of the school gate, a business car suddenly stops less than half a meter away from her.

The screeching sound of the brakes startled her.

Muqiqi raised his head and let out a crash. The door of the business car was slid open. From the inside, several brawny thugs with tattoos on their arms came down.

underworld? Muqiqi retreated a few steps and wanted to leave by detour.

She was surrounded by a few people in a hurry.

"Your name is Muqiqi, right?"

"Little sister! Do you know my brother? "

"Girl! I can't see that such a pure girl has such a wave behind her back! "

"Yes! How about having fun with you today? Let you wave enough! "

Muqiqi was more and more confused, but it was obvious that she could not afford to provoke these people. She could only hang her head, wave her hand and say, "you recognize the wrong person!"

One of them crudely pinched Muqiqi's chin, lifted her chin up, and said: "it's this little face! Brothers will never admit their mistakes

Muqiqi turned his head, broke free and said in a loud voice, "who are you? What do you want to do? "

"What for?" The man sneered and pushed Muqiqi's back heavily, pushing her into the car.

Muqi stumbled on the floor of the business car.

Several gangsters get on the bus one after another, and the door is closed immediately.

"Go The man in the car whispered.

The car drove away.

The smoke in the car was diffused, and Muqiqi coughed a few times.

A little adapted to the dirty air in the car, she looked up at the person sitting in the seat.

Mu Qiqi's eyes widened in horror: "is it you?"

PK that, we continue to comment area about?


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&9 bunches of roses!

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&9 bunches of roses from Qian Mo Yi Ren!

Little cute wife's babies! kiss you!

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