Jin Yu asked her to change into a dress. Mu Qiqi happily chose a dress that was as long as the ground and dressed beautifully.

He thought to himself that Jin Yu must want to take her to a high-end restaurant. He knew that these two days, she had been squeezed hard, and he knew how to make up for her

Yeah! It must be! Muqiqi thought, and his stomach was squirming again.

"Baby! Are you ready? " Jin Yu's voice floated in.

Muqiqi was startled. Looking back, Jin Yu didn't know when he came. He was already standing at the door of the cloakroom.

Mu Qiqi's eyebrows, are you a ghost? There was no sound when I walked.

"My husband is asking you! Answer

Muqi nodded.

Jin Yu turned and walked out, and Mu Qiqi followed him.

Looking down slowly from Jin Yu's head to his waist, Mu Qiqi curled his mouth and wanted to kick his leg immediately.

Kick you a serious waist injury, see how you bully me at night!

Muqiqi's eyes narrowed slightly. He really stepped back and raised his foot to make a kick.

But he didn't want to. Jin Yu suddenly turned back and tried to hold her hand.

Muqiqi can't stop, this foot directly kicked Jin Yu's key.

Although she just made a fake move and didn't want to kick him really, her strength was not very strong, but after all, it was special and she couldn't feel pain. Jin Yu tightened her brows when she stepped down.

Muqiqi covers his mouth with both hands. Knowing that he's in trouble, Nuo Nuo asks him, "is your... OK?"

Jin Yu shakes his legs and reaches for his belt. The eagle's eyes stare at her and says naturally: "I don't know. I only know if I try."

After that, the man's slender finger touched the belt.

He just made a fake move, but Muqiqi took it seriously, widened his eyes, even stuttered: "no... you don't have to try to know, it's OK!"

Then she reached forward with her hands, trying to cover his belt buckle.

However, when she was excited, her hand touched the wrong place.

Mu Qiqi flurried to loosen a hand, backward.

Jin Yu raised his wrist and looked at his watch: "it's too late!"

After that, he pinched Muqiqi's buttocks, lifted her up and held her on the platform.

The man's hot kiss fell down.

Muqi wants to cry without tears. Well, what do you want to kick him for?

This time, we are doomed


Bihai international hotel.

The white Benz drove up the ramp and stopped at the door of the hotel.

Muqiqi can't wait to untie his seat belt, and then he is going to open the door.

She is now like a hungry wolf, eager to run into the hotel, there is a big dinner waiting for her.

"Wait!" Jin Yu's voice rang out.

Muqiqi glanced at him impatiently: "please! I'm starving! "

Jin Yu held the steering wheel and looked at her: "you have an elective course of banquet etiquette. You need to submit a graduation thesis!"

"Yes! So what? "

"From now on, I will take you through a complete set of banquet procedures, and tomorrow you will write a paper based on what you have seen and heard!"

Muqiqi laughs twice. Originally, he thought that the beast was distressed by her hard work and wanted to take her to eat something good to make up for it. He was so good that he dared to bring her here for class?

Muqiqi's lips twitch.

Jin Yu continued: "first of all, as a guest of honor invited by the host party, it is not up to you to open the door."

After that, Jin Yu unlocked the door.

"Click!" After a crisp sound, two hotel security personnel in Black opened the door.

Muqiqi's legs are about to stretch out of the car.

"Wait!" Jin Yu's voice sounded again.

"What else do you want?" Muqiqi was completely angry this time.

"When you get out of the car, when your feet fall to the ground, you can get up from your seat. Don't forget to cover your chest with your hands when you get up! If you are photographed by a reporter, I will show you

Jin Yu's serious warning, how can her spring light be seen by the second person besides him? over my dead body!

After listening to this, Mu Qiqi didn't understand what Jin Yu said, but turned his attention to another thing: "what did you say? reporter? Is there a reporter here? "

How can there be a reporter in the open air?

"How can those paparazzi take pictures of you in front of you? The high-definition cameras in their hands, even if they are 100 meters away, can take a clear picture of the acne on your face!"

Mu Qiqi bit his lips, as if he was scared: "but... Why do they want to take pictures of me?"

Jin Yu clenched her hand tightly: "because you are Mrs. Jin!"

From the car down, Muqiqi every step has become cautious.

At the door of the hotel, Jin Yu bent up his left arm, Muqiqi understood and raised his hand to help him up.

"I want to go home..." Muqiqi looks at Jin Yu with nervous eyes.

Jin Yu's warm fingertips crossed her cheek: "this is my husband's first practice class with you. You can't skip class!"

Muqiqi leads Jin Yu into the banquet hall. Along the way, Jin Yu whispers some banquet rules to her from time to time, and her eyes are full of doting.

Jin Yu, who has always been on his own, brought a female companion with him for the first time. Naturally, he caused quite a stir in the crowd.

Not far away, a few celebrities whispered.

"Who is she?"

"Mr. Jin has a girlfriend?"

"I've never seen Mr. Jin smile, but look! He's laughing at the goblin

"I've never seen him look at a woman, but look at the way he looks now, he's almost eating the goblin!"

"My abstinence male God fell in love... It's over, I'm lovelorn!"

"Or that question, who is that goblin?"

For a moment, several people looked at each other in silence.

Although they deliberately lowered their voices, they were still heard by Muqiqi. Who can make her ears work well?

Muqiqi glared at several red and green Yingyan and whispered: "goblin! Goblin! You are the devil

After that, she looked up at Jin Yu beside her, just him? Abstinence?

Are you blind? He is a wolf! Starving wolf!

Jin Yu looked down at her and asked softly, "what's babe mumbling about?"

Muqi curled his lips and said, "after listening to you for such a long time, should I have something to eat?"

Jin Yu thought for a moment and nodded: "you can have some dessert first. Wait a minute, there will be dinner!"

With that, Jin Yu took Muqiqi's hand and went to the buffet. On the 10 meter long platform, there were a variety of drinks and desserts.

Muqiqi is about to grab a Matcha cake.

"Baby!" Jin Yu's voice was short and warning.

Mu Qi bit his lip and took back his hand reluctantly.

Jin Yu took a plate from the shelf, picked up the clip and selected some small cakes for her.

"What would you like to drink?" Jin Yu asked.

Muqiqi glanced at the beverage counter and didn't see what she wanted to drink. She was disappointed and said, "I want to drink coke!"

Jin Yu twisted his eyebrows.

Muqiqi knew that he had said something wrong and said in a low voice, "drink whatever you say."

"If the host is unable to provide the drink you want, you should not ask too much for it out of politeness. At this time, drink some water!"

After that, Jin Yu picked up the glass kettle and poured a glass of water.

"Oh Muqiqi answered weakly.

I can't help but mutter, a bunch of boring people, get together, say the scene words that she can't understand, and set up a bunch of bullshit rules that let her never tire of.

With this thought, Mu Qiqi glanced at the women who called her goblin in the distance and gave a cold hum. Where is the banquet? Daren Qing is the senior blind date meeting of these high-class celebrities, isn't it?

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