In the auditorium, students with the atmosphere whistled.

"Chairman! Make a confession There are already people under the stage.

In the middle of the platform, Cheng ye, who has always been domineering among his classmates, is chuckling now. All his strength is gone. He is shy like a boy next door.

"Chairman! We support you! " There was another cheer.

Muqi gets up and wants to leave.

Gong Shanshan didn't know where her strength came from. She held her arm tightly, pressed her on the seat and said in a low voice, "Qiqi! Don't go! This kind of thing can experience several times in one's life! Stay and see the excitement

Mu Qiqi frowned: "I have something else to do! I have to go first

Voice down, Muqiqi to go.

Shu Yao also grasped Mu Qiqi's arm: "Qiqi! Don't you always like to watch the crowd? Look at it for a while

"You two, let go!" Muqiqi struggled, but they couldn't resist their strength.

Cheng Ye moved the microphone to his mouth, and his clear voice said from the microphone: "I met you two years ago. Remember, it was the first class meeting of the freshman class. Everyone had to introduce themselves according to the rules. When it's your turn, you only said one thing, let everyone not remember you, because you won't stay in this class for long. Sure enough, a year later, you went to other classes. Two years, I passed you by countless times, just to see your dimple smile. Two years, I should have had countless opportunities to express myself to you, but I couldn't give you any promise that year. "

With that, Cheng ye took out a household register from the rose bouquet and continued: "this year, when you are 20 years old, you will fall in love with me for the purpose of marriage, OK?"

Under the stage, there was a scream.

"Chairman! Tell us out loud! Who is she? " There was a clamor in the crowd.

Cheng Ye's lips are slightly picked and he smiles.

In surround sound, the prelude of a song is played.

The cheerful rhythm seems familiar.

Soon someone heard it out and said aloud, "it's Jay Chou's" confession balloon "!"

On the platform, Cheng Ye's eyes filled with love, humming sweet melody, step by step down the steps, to the center of the crowd.

A cheering under the stage, all eyes are tightly staring at the direction of Cheng Ye.

"Create a romantic date, don't be afraid to screw up everything, have you, have the world.

Dear, fall in love with you, from that day on, sweet is very easy.

My dear, don't be willful. Your eyes are saying I will. "

Cheng Ye's singing is very good, and more and more people begin to unconsciously clap their hands with his rhythm.

Soon, Cheng ye came to the fifth row of the audience, and the people in the fifth row stood up one after another to make way for him.

Cheng Ye moves to the center of the fifth row step by step.

"Honey, don't be willful. Your eyes are saying I will."

With the end of the last sentence, Cheng Ye finally stops in front of Mu Qiqi.

Mu Qiqi twists his eyebrows and covers his face with both hands. He wants to find a ground crack and go in immediately.

Gong Shanshan agitated and said: "monitor! I've brought you people! My task has been completed successfully! Next, you must perform well! "

"Thank you Cheng Ye lips slightly hook, politely should be a sentence.

Muqiqi stares at Gong Shanshan through his fingers, purses his lips and says: "evil! You betrayed me? "

What do you get credit for attending lectures? Gong Shanshan must have cheated her! Muqiqi suddenly realized that all the words Gong Shanshan said to her from the beginning of the meeting were based on her routine in order to bring her here.

Mu Qiqi regrets that even if Gong Shanshan can get tickets for the lecture through the student union, it's the fifth row. She can't make such a position

Only Cheng Ye! As the president of the student union, he was able to get tickets for such a central position.

But... Muqiqi knew that it was too late for her to understand.

Cheng Ye stepped back, knelt down in front of her, and lifted up the huge bouquet of roses.

Gong Shanshan quickly takes the microphone from Cheng Ye's hand and reaches his mouth.

See Cheng Ye gentle smile, say aloud: "seven seven seven! Be my girlfriend! "All right?"

Mu Qiqi pushes away the rose with both hands, pulls Cheng Ye's sleeve, and wants to pull him up: "you get up quickly! Stop it

"You won't promise me! I won't get up! " Cheng Ye deserves to be determined.

"Promise him! Promise him The sound of cheering came one after another.

"Oh! It's impossible for both of us! " Mu Qiqi twisted his eyebrows in a worried tone.

But he didn't want to. Cheng Yeqing sang the "confession balloon" just now: "you say you are a little hard to catch up with. If you want me to retreat, you don't need to pick the most expensive gift, just the fallen leaves in the Champs Elysees..."

The scene is boiling.

"Promise him! Promise him

Muqiqi's face burned red, and this scene almost pushed her to the commanding height.

Seeing Mu Qiqi's Scarlet face, Shu Yao thought she was shy and advised her to say, "Qiqi! You agreed! Such a big scene! If anyone asks me to marry him today, I'll say yes! "

Muqiqi pinched Shuyao's waist and twisted: "I can't promise him! I have a husband! "

Shu Yao looked at her contemptuously: "Qiqi... Don't you think this excuse is a bit too bad?"

Cheng Ye didn't believe it, and continued: "Qiqi! My heart for you is just like the watch I gave you. I hope you have my company every moment of your life

Mu Qiqi turns around and wants to go, but before and after, she is blocked up by the students. There are Shu Yao and Gong Shanshan standing beside her. For a moment, she is hard to get away.

Frown, a suit straight man broke through the barrier, came to Muqiqi behind.

"Madame! Sir, let me pick you up! "

A few people were stunned.

As soon as Muqi turned around, he saw situ Chen standing there with his head slightly down, very respectful.

Muqiqi suddenly dizzy, a trouble is not enough, how come a trouble?

Seeing that Muqiqi did not move, situ Chen reminded him in a low voice: "madam! Sir, it's urgent

Shuyao was stunned and asked in a timid voice, "whose wife is he calling?"

Gong Shanshan also had a blank face: "Qiqi! Is he calling your wife? Are you married? "

Mu Qiqi waved his hands and said, "Oh! I'll explain to you later! "

After that, she took out the watch box from her backpack and put it on Cheng Ye's Rose: "here you are!"

With that, Mu Qiqi turned around and pushed situ Chen, saying, "hurry up!"

Several people looked at each other.

In addition to a few nearby people who know what happened, more people have become the majority of people who do not know the truth.


People only see Muqiqi in a man's escort, quickly out of the hall.

As for Cheng ye

He stood up and looked at the bright rose in his hand. It seemed that he had not sorted out the facts.

And the audience

Is this confession of arousing the masses like this a silent end?

After a sigh, they left the scene one after another.

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