Barton house.

Late at night, eleven o'clock.

"Ding --" the elevator on the 60th floor opened.

Mu Ning'an dragged her tired body out of the elevator.

The housekeeper stood respectfully at the entrance of the elevator: "good evening! Miss Mu

Mu Ning An nodded her head in response. She was too tired.

After a few steps, she suddenly remembered something

Although Barton mansion is a hotel apartment, it is famous for its super star service.

However, in the previous introduction on household services, she did not hear that the residence would provide housekeepers for residents.

That is to say, the housekeeper is not among the essential services provided by the residence.

Thinking of this, Mu Ning'an looked at the housekeeper who was following her and asked, "is there a housekeeper on every floor of Barton mansion?"

The housekeeper smiles and says, "no! To be exact, I'm miss Mu's exclusive housekeeper. I only serve you. "

After listening, Mu Ning'an's eyebrows moved.

When she first looked at this man, she could see that he must have experienced systematic English housekeeper training.

The salary of such a private housekeeper must not be low.

With her years of experience, living in such an apartment is worth living in. It's just a luxury to use such a housekeeper.

Mu Ning'an's lips move and smile. She's not a nobleman. It's better to hire such a housekeeper to pay for her face than an hour's work.

Think about it, Mu Ning An thin lips slightly open: "at the end of the month, I will pay you this month's salary, next month, you don't have to come!"

After that, Mu Ning'an opens her handbag and takes out her wallet.

The housekeeper said respectfully, "my salary doesn't need to be paid by Miss mu. I'm a private housekeeper employed by the owner here. The contract is three years! At present, the contract continues! The owner said, let me continue to work here until the end of the contract! During this period, all the salary will be paid by the owner! "

Mu Ning'an's eyebrows are slightly selected, free of charge? It seems that when I decided to rent this house, I really got it right. It's a good deal to rent a house for the housekeeper and buy one for one!

Mu Ning'an asked him: "Na... What should I call you in the future?"

The housekeeper smiles: "my name is Zhou Shang! It's my honor to serve Miss Mu! "

Zhou Shang's words are true, but half of what he said and half of what he hid.

His housekeeper contract with Jin Han is really limited to three years, but before Jin Han moved out, he promised that when the new tenant moved in, his contract could be terminated ahead of time, and Jin Han would pay him all the salary according to the contract.

However, this morning, he suddenly got Jin Han's latest order and stayed to take care of Mu Ning'an.

Just these words, Zhou Shang won't tell Mu Ning'an.

Speaking, Mu Ning An went to the security door.

Looking at the code lock, she could not help but frown and mutter, "it's broken! What's the password? "

When the agent left, she once left her a card with a password, but she had to see a lawyer in the morning. She was in a hurry and forgot to put the card in her bag.

Even if she was careful, it was a miscalculation.

All this, is not to blame Jin Han that dead pervert?

After thinking about it, Mu Ning'an scolded him a hundred times.

Zhou Shang leaned forward, stretched out his index finger, and his fingertips flew.

"Zi --" a sound, the sound of anti-theft system operation, the door opened.

Mu Ning An sees a Leng, but turns to think, he is housekeeper, how can not know the password here?

Zhou Shang pushed the door open, made a gesture of invitation and leaned slightly: "Miss Mu! Please

"Thank you

"My room is at the entrance of the elevator, inside 921! Miss Mu! Good night

Seeing Mu Ning an enter the door, Zhou Shang turns and leaves.

As soon as she entered the door, Mu Ning'an kicked off her high heels.

For a moment, the fatigue of the whole body came to her.

Mu Ning An reaches for the power switch, and the lights are on in the living room.

There seems to be some leisurely fragrance in the air, like the taste of food.

Working overtime so late, she was really hungry. Mu Ning'an thought that she was hungry and had an illusion, but when she followed the aroma to the restaurant, she was shocked.

Decorated with rose petals on the table, lit a tall European candle.

By candlelight, a steak, a soup, and a glass of wine.

Mu Ning'an couldn't believe what she saw. She went to the table and sat down.

Slender fingers slide over the edge of the plate, with temperature, as if the food had just been prepared.

Did the housekeeper prepare it? He really deserves the high salary!

See a wireless landline standing on one side, Mu Ning An picked up the phone and dialed the housekeeping line of 921.

"Good evening! Miss Mu On the other side of the phone, Zhou Shang's calm voice.

"Thank you Mu Ning'an said that although it was a part of his work, Mu Ning'an unconsciously expressed her thanks. After all, it made her feel flattered for the first time.

"Is it to your taste?"

"Very good!"

"Good! Have an early rest! Miss Mu! Good night

Hang up the phone, Mu Ning An picked up the glass of red wine, micro sip.

Although she usually drinks wine, most of it is for social intercourse. She never thinks that wine is a good thing to drink, but this glass of wine in front of her has a pleasant aroma and a lingering fragrance of flowers.

She doesn't like to eat raw things. The steak in front of her is medium cooked, without blood, and retains the delicious of gravy.

With the taste, she twisted her eyebrows and guessed that it couldn't be Japan and cattle, could it?

Mushroom soup is also salty and delicious.

A good night's supper, a comfortable and rich life.

These days since her return to China, it's really troublesome for her. She has no appetite to eat. Unexpectedly, the snack in front of her has become the most comfortable dinner she's had since her return to China.

Sipping the last sip of red wine, Mu Ning'an gets up and goes to the bathroom.

The bathroom was in good order. All the bath towels and towels she used in the morning were replaced with new ones. Even the toiletries she didn't clean out of her suitcase were put in order.

Zhou Shang! Zhou Shang! How much salary does the owner give him to make him do his best?

Although you Tianze had a housekeeper in her villa when she lived in Los Angeles, it is not worth mentioning that he is compared with Zhou Shangyi, who is very considerate.

Put off makeup, wash your face, put on a mask, wear down the clothes of Mu Ning, and lie in the warm massage bathtub.

A body of tired, in her body immersed in the water that moment, release.

The bubbles beat her porcelain white skin, which made her crisp, but very comfortable.

"Well..." Mu Ning an almost unconsciously hummed softly.

Maybe it's wine. Mu Ning'an leans on the white porcelain pillow behind her. Her eyes are more and more heavy and her sight is more and more blurred. She gradually sleeps.

There was a ripple of heat in the bathroom.

"Click -" a glottal sound, someone pushed the door into.

The figure of a man is tall and straight, and his brown red shirt sets off his dignity.

It's Jin Han.

Jin Hanli was at the door, looking at the sleeping woman with a slight hook on her lips.

He raised his arm, untied the two delicate cuffs at the wrist in turn, and rolled up the cuffs without delay. Then he walked to Mu Ning'an's side.

Jin Han walked to the edge of the bathtub and sat down. He put out his right hand, and explored the forehead of Mu Ning, gently tearing the mask that was attached to her cheek.

Women's moist cheeks, because of the moisture of the mask, looks more and more clear.

Jin Han put her hands on her face and gently rubbed them to make the residual essence go deeper into the woman's skin.

Mu Ning An slightly side head, light "Er" a, but did not wake up sign.

Jin Han presses the valve and empties the water in the bathtub. Then he takes down a bath towel and wraps it around Mu Ning'an. He picks her up and walks to the bedroom.

Twenty minutes later.

Jin Han, who was only wrapped in a bath towel, walked out of the bathroom and went back to the bedroom.

Mu Ning'an lay on his side on the bed, sleeping soundly.

Jin Han came to her, pulled off the bath towel, gently lifted a corner of the quilt, and leaned into the quilt.

He put his arm under Mu Ning'an's neck and gently held the woman in his arms.

Mu Ning'an seemed to be unconscious and continued to fall asleep. Her thin lips moved slightly and made a gesture of absorption.

Jin Han looked in his eyes and gently lifted her cheek with his finger back. He asked softly, "honey, are you thirsty again?"

The night before, she was so thirsty that she wanted to swallow all his lips and tongue, and asked him for a kiss like crazy.

But now, Mu Ning'an did not answer, quiet like a sleeping baby.

Jin Han attached his lips and bit on her lips. He felt slightly. Seeing that she didn't respond, he gradually strengthened her strength.

Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!

Lingering kiss, hook heavy man's breathing.

Men warm palm, restless walk.

Until it comforts the woman

Jin Han's hand was fierce.

The slight redness and swelling deterred him

It's over.

Jin Han turned over and lay down on his back, trying to take a deep breath to suppress his desire for fire.

Breathing gradually steady, Jin Han unconsciously snorted and laughed.

Did he just feel distressed? Will he love this woman? Apart from causing herself so much trouble, what's good about her? Can it hurt him?


Jin Han glanced at Mu Ning'an in her deep sleep. The woman who had taken off her make-up looked as if she had a delicate charm.

It's a good foundation for Jin Han to curl his lips. He has to outline his imposing make-up and be a little woman. Isn't it good?

Do women have to do everything to find the value of their existence?

Thinking like this, Jin Han's vision crosses Mu Ning'an and sees a bottle of Medicine on the bedside table.

Suddenly curious, Jin Han reaches out and hooks the medicine bottle into his hand.

All English drug instructions make people dizzy, but it is not difficult for Jin Han, who studied abroad and grew up abroad when he was very young, to understand such instructions.

"Sleeping pills?" Jin Han's mouth curls. This woman has to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep.

Since breaking up with you Tianze, she has been thinking about things day by day and dreaming at night. She often finds it hard to fall asleep late at night. It is also under the recommendation of her friends that Mu Ning'an begins to take this sleeping pill.

Taking one pill an hour before going to bed does have some effect. At least, she doesn't have to lose sleep any more.

Jin Han put the medicine bottle back to its original place, looked down at the woman sleeping beside him, and said with a smile: "crazy woman, if I knew you could sleep only by this kind of thing, I would not have to add ingredients to your red wine!"

The night is deep and zero is past.

The silence of Barton house, a night without words.

The next morning.

Mu Ning'an wakes up from her deep sleep. She moves her body. The touch of cicada silk quilt and the real experience lie in her delicate skin.


Shallow smile rippling in her lips, last night, she slept well!

Mu Ning An subconsciously stroked her body with her hands. She was suddenly surprised and sat up from the bed.

She didn't wear anything in the thin quilt.

Mu Ning'an was very surprised.

Isn't she lying in the bathtub? Is she asleep? But why does she sleep in bed again?

She sleepwalking? Or is she too tired to remember how she got back to bed from the bathroom?

Mu Ning'an shook her head abruptly. She saw the sleeping pills on the bedside table. Last night, she didn't remember that she had taken sleeping pills. How could she fall asleep so easily?

Is it because of that glass of red wine?

More and more thoughts, but she felt that her brain suddenly, a blank.

The landline phone rang, breaking the silence in the air.

Suddenly, Mu Ning'an was shocked by the sound. After a while, she calmed down and picked up the phone.


"Good morning! Miss Mu! Breakfast is ready for you Zhou Shang's voice.

"All right! Thank you

Mu Ning'an hung up.

A frightened thought appeared in Mu Ning'an's mind!

Last night, can't Zhou Shang carry her from the bathroom to the bed? In that case, the housekeeper is absolutely not responsible, but completely out of line!

With this thought, Mu Ning'an got out of bed, put on her pajamas and went to the bedroom door.

She twisted the door handle a few times to make sure the door was locked. Then she let go.

When she entered the bedroom last night, she did lock the door. Seeing that everything had not changed, she relaxed from the tense atmosphere

"Mu Ning'an... You're not just insomnia... You're so nervous now that you have hallucinations..."

Mu Ning'an muttered and went to the bathroom, ready to wash.

With a pair of delicate make-up and a suit of work clothes, Mu Ning'an comes out of the bedroom in response to the door, which is her capable and arrogant appearance.

Come to the restaurant, breakfast is ready.

Fruit and vegetable cereal, milk, fried eggs, fruit salad.

Simple and nutritious.

When Mu Ning'an drinks her last mouthful of milk, her mobile phone rings.

It's Jin Sheng, the unreliable lawyer in her eyes.

"Good morning! Miss Mu Jin Sheng's crisp voice came from the microphone.

"Good morning!"

"I've arranged for a forensic doctor to collect evidence for you. At 9:30, 600 middle Qibei Road, forensic center! In terms of time, should miss Mu have no problem? "

Mu Ning'an's eyes were totally different. At the thought of Jin Han's successful face, she said: "of course, there is no problem!"


600 middle Qibei Road, forensic center.

Mu Ning'an was taken to an examination room by the female forensic doctor.

Bright light, is everywhere silver stainless steel cupboard.

In the large and small glass jars that can be seen everywhere, there are all kinds of human organs soaked in formalin. In the corner of the room, there are two pairs of human bones.

Everything looks so gloomy and terrifying, even in the late summer, the room temperature here is cool.

There was a strong smell of disinfectant in the air.

Mu Ning'an followed the female forensic doctor and walked shivering, rubbing her arms tightly. She realized that she had goose bumps.

The female forensic doctor stopped, pointed to a similar operating platform and said, "Miss mu, take off your pants and lie down!"

Mu Ning'an twisted her eyebrows and then asked, "have you ever laid dead people on it?"

Female forensic a Zheng, but instantly showed a smile, she guessed what Mu Ning An was worried about: "anatomy room is not here, there is a separate operating room, here is very clean, no dead people."

Mu Ning'an's lips twitched and glanced at the specimen of human organs in the glass jar. What does it mean that there is no dead? In her eyes, there are dead people everywhere.

Two minutes later, Mu Ning An lay flat on the examination bed.

Even if she was examined by a female forensic doctor, the location of the examination was, after all, a private place, which burned her cheeks.

The female forensic expert was skilled in her technique. She quickly took samples from several test tubes and collected the utensils. She turned to Mu Ning'an and said, "Miss Mu! okay! You can get up! "

Mu Ning'an got up from the examination bed, put on her clothes and asked her, "how long will it take to get the results?"

"The DNA test report will be sent to the superior department in five to seven working days! However, there are a lot of samples to be tested recently, which may take a longer time! "

Mu Ning'an snorted. Are there many specimens? Are they all women who have been devastated like her?

Man! There are few good things!

Mu Ning'an scolds secretly, and her heart is scattered.

Female forensic continued: "however, it also has to be on the premise that the specimen is available. If the specimen is missing and DNA cannot be extracted, even if the waiting time is too long, there will be no result."

Mu Ning'an was surprised and asked the female forensic doctor, "is my specimen available?"

"You don't know until you have tested it!"

"How long does it take for me to know if I can get DNA from it?"

The female forensic doctor replied casually: "you can know after a while!"

In the rest room, Jin Sheng and Mu Ning'an quietly wait for the result.

Jin Sheng, with one leg up, fiddles with his mobile phone and sends messages from time to time. He looks very busy.

Mu Ning An Duan sat on one side, with no expression on her face, but only she knew how anxious she was at the moment.

"Miss Mu! take it easy! When the result comes out, they will come and tell us the first time! "

Jin Sheng said calmly.

Mu Ning'an looks at him with an eyebrow. Jin Sheng fiddles with his mobile phone. There is no tension in his face.

I don't know whether this case is not challenging for him at all, or whether he was born with this indifferent temperament.

In a word, the man in front of us looks like

Too calm!

Mu Ning An asked with a smile: "I look very nervous?"

Her emotion control has always been very good, always think that they have done enough to cover up, and did not show any uneasy mood.

Jin Sheng put out his cell phone, raised his eyebrows and looked at her, with a smile of evil charm on his lips, saying: "women are inevitably a little nervous when they encounter this kind of thing, especially for the first time. Am I right? "Miss Mok?"

"How do you know it's my first time?" Mu Ning'an put away her smile and looked awe inspiring.

From the beginning to the end, she did not tell her lawyer that night was her first time.

Jin Sheng pursed her lips. Virgo's elder brother is always picky about women. Although he didn't say it clearly, even if he guessed it, he could guess that he must have a virgin complex.

But he didn't dare to say that.

After thinking about it, Jin Sheng said, "Mr. Jin's lawyer and I talked on the phone. The other lawyer said that in view of Ms. Mu's valuable first night, Mr. Jin would give some compensation appropriately."

Mu Ning'an bites her lips and is angry.

Compensation? She's not rare!

She does not hesitate to appear in court to bet on her reputation. What she wants is that he will be put in prison and be disgraced!

"But..." Jin Sheng's words changed, "I know that Miss Mu must have the original intention of looking death in the face of fame and honor! So, I refuse for you without hesitation! "

Jin Sheng felt that he was a lawyer! What nonsense!

"Did I do it right? "Miss Mok?" Jin Sheng is waiting for a response.

Mu Ning'an is dubious.

However, before she could continue to think about something, there was a knock at the door.

The forensic woman came in with a folder in her hand.

I saw her face dignified to go to Mu Ning An.

Mu Ning'an slowly stood up from his seat and felt a faint uneasiness in his heart.

"It turns out, doesn't it?" Mu Ning An asked, his voice trembled.

The forensic woman nodded.

"How's it going? Is there a DNA sample that can be extracted? " Mu Ning An asked.

After a long pause, the forensic woman shook her head: "sorry! Miss Mu! Very regret! No DNA samples were extracted! "

For a moment, a bolt from the blue.

How could it not? Why not? This forensic doctor must be playing a trick on her!

Mu Ning'an's mood surged up. For a moment, she couldn't stand steadily. She took two steps backward. Her calf hit the sofa and nearly fell back.

Jin Sheng gave her a hand, stood her up and said with relief, "Miss Mu! don't worry! We can look for other evidence! "

"Other evidence? DNA is the most direct evidence! If DNA can't be extracted, it's not easy for him to escape the legal sanction by Jin Han's means? " Mu Ning'an was excited.

After that, Mu Ning'an grabbed the forensics' arms and said, "no! Check again! How can it not be extracted? When I took a bath that day, I washed out so much! "

However, the voice, Mu Ning an understand, she took a bath, the evidence was washed away by her.

She only thought that she was dirty and tried her best to clean it. At the same time, she also washed away the most important evidence.

The female forensic doctor asked in a low voice, "did you take a bath?"

Mu Ning An nodded in silence.

"In fact, if we take a bath, we won't be able to extract DNA, but after all, more than 24 hours have passed... It's a pity, Miss mu... There's nothing we can do!" Female forensic finish saying, slightly bowed a head, avoided Mu Ning An I see still pitiful, despairing eyes.

Mu Ning An can't accept the truth for a moment. She passes by the forensic woman without eyes and walks out of the lounge.

In the corridor, came the sound of her high heels walking slowly.

Vaguely, even can hear a woman, forced to suppress the low voice sobbing.

The rest room.

Jin Sheng attached his ear to the forensic woman and said with a smile, "sister Jinghua! You are wonderful

Female forensic smile, no just cold appearance, with a trace of girl's shame.

She pushed Jin Sheng away, pretending to be angry and said, "go! I'm business

Jin Sheng blinked and said, "Oh! Is it true that DNA can't be extracted? "

Female forensic doctor Du Du lip, smile said: "you don't believe me?"

"Believe it! Believe it! I believe in you the most With that, Jin Sheng gently swept the forensic woman's waist and whispered to her: "I invite you to dinner in the evening! Authentic French cuisine! I've already made a reservation! I'll pick you up in the evening! "

The female forensic doctor did not nod her head and raised her head slightly with a smile.

Jin Sheng knows that this is the default.

He let go of the female forensic, and returned to a serious tone, said: "thank you! I'm going to comfort my client now! Goodbye

After that, the tall figure quickly walked out of the lounge and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

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