White galloping on the city road.

Inside the car, the sound of Muqiqi kicking the back of the chair came from time to time.

"Bang! Bang! Bang

Every time Mu Qiqi kicks, situ Chen can't help but feel nervous.

Ma'am, do you know how much it costs to replace the seat you kicked? Money is of secondary importance. It's only a year and a half to customize a set of handmade seats

Situ Chen shook his head and was distressed when he thought about it.

"Stop the car!" Mu Qiqi suddenly scolded.

"Madame! What can I do for you Asked situ Chen.

Boss told him to send his wife home. If he lost someone in the middle of the way, he can't bear the responsibility.

"I won't take the car that the fox spirit has taken!"

"Calm down, madam! I swear, there is no other woman in this car but you Situ Chen said and made a gesture of swearing.

Muqiqi bit his lip and glared at him: "your master, you must protect him! I said it on the Internet! They're in the same car! "

"The gentleman sent Miss Morris into a car, and let him take one himself! I swear

"Morris? Is that fox called mollis? "

All the way, szetochen explained that Morris was the daughter of the French president, and the 1000th French gold medal came to Jinling because of some private affairs, so it was not convenient to announce to the media, and the whole process was low-key.

I just didn't expect that when I picked up the plane, I was caught in telephoto by the paparazzi who was following the star.

"Hum!" Muqiqi snorted coldly.

Private? It's a private matter to meet a adulterer in private! Can it be business?

No matter what he explained, Muqiqi couldn't listen at all.

All in all! It's a pair of adulterers!

Muqiqi pulls the door armrest several times, which makes situ Chen scared. Fortunately, he locks the door ahead of time. Otherwise, if Muqiqi opens the door on the elevated road, the consequences are unimaginable.

Finally back to the foreign ministry apartment.

After he escorted Muqiqi into his apartment, situ Chen relaxed and turned back.

Muqiqi goes into the room without changing his shoes. He angrily goes in and sweeps the living room. The room is full of traces left by Jin Yu. Even the air seems to have the smell left by him.

"Beast! You big turnip

Muqiqi roared and jumped onto the sofa.

On the snow-white carpet and the pure white sofa, she left black footprints everywhere.

Animals! Aren't you a cleanliness addict? Disgusting!

Tired of jumping, Mu Qiqi falls on the sofa, picks up the mobile phone hanging around his neck and dials Yan Ranran.

As soon as the phone got through: "send me a location! I'll find you

Finish saying, Mu Qi Qi can't allow her to refuse to hang up the phone.

Soon, when the mobile phone rings, Yan Ranran sends a location to show that she is in the Performing Arts Center.

Muqiqi remembered that Nizi had to rehearse for her performance in a few days. She couldn't manage so much. In a word, she didn't want to stay in this family for a moment.

Fiery came downstairs, out of the building, Muqiqi carefully visited the door.

Until it is confirmed that situ Chen has driven away, Mu Qiqi swaggers out of the building, stops a taxi and leaves.

Half an hour later, the Performing Arts Center.

When the taxi stops, Mu Qiqi presses down the window and sees Yan Ranran walking down the stairs with a cello box that doesn't match her figure.

The box is very heavy, and Nizi looks a little tired.

The driver of the family rushed forward and took the cello from her. Yan Ranran was relieved.

"Yan Ran Ran!" Muqiqi cried out, waved and motioned her to come.

Yan Ran Ran ran towards her, opened the car door, got into the back seat, and surrounded Mu Qi Qi's neck behind the co pilot: "Qi Qi! You remember my rehearsal today, so come and cheer me up, right? What a good sister! "MEDA!"

The next second, Muqi said coldly: "master! Twilight club

Yan Ran Ran recognized that Mu Qi Qi's mood was not very good, and tentatively asked her: "Qi Qi! Are you okay? It's still light! Why do you want to drink? "

"It's daybreak. What's the matter? Some people even choose to do such shameful things in broad daylight! "

"Qiqi! Did you quarrel with your cousin The face ran Du lips.

When you go shopping, aren't the two still as hot as glue? How long has it been like this?

"Cousin! Cousin! You don't have a cousin! "

Be mu seven seven so a blunt, Yan Ran Ran can't help but shrink neck, quietly lean on the back seat.

Yan Ran Ran can't be more clear. Mu Qi Qi in her anger is like a balloon that has been blown out. It's better to let go of her breath. You don't need to have the same opinion with her.

Ten minutes later, the twilight club.

As soon as the two little girls entered the hall, the hall manager met them nervously.

"Miss Mu! Miss Mu! Welcome! If you lose something, welcome it

"Open a private room! Bring me the rest of my wine Muqiqi orders.

The lobby manager frowned and said apologetically, "Miss Mu! I dare not! Mr. Jin has given us orders. If we do business with you in the future, I'm afraid the club won't be able to continue! "

Mu Qiqi's heart was kindled: "you take what animals say seriously! Do you think he farts like incense? "

"Miss Mu! Calm down The lobby manager repeatedly apologized: "Miss mu, what do you think of this? I will discount the balance on your membership card and return it to you. Would you like to have a try somewhere else? "

With that, the lobby manager gave a wink to the little girl at the front desk. Then he looked at Mu Qiqi and said, "Miss Mu! But... Even if you go to other clubs, no one will dare to take your business! To do your business is to offend Mr. Jin. No one in Jinling City will dare to take such a risk unless someone has eaten the gall of a bear heart leopard! "

After listening, Mu Qiqi gnashed his teeth.

Animals! Animals! Animals!

Even if she can't go anywhere, he's in charge of heaven and earth. It's not abnormal control. What else can it be?

The cashier girl sent an envelope, and the lobby manager took it and handed it to Mu Qiqi respectfully: "Miss Mu! Slow down

Muqiqi pulls out the envelope in his hand, pulls Yan Ranran's hand and walks out of the club.

Yan Ranran whispered behind her: "Qiqi! Or forget it! My cousin doesn't like you to drink, so don't drink! "

Mu Qiqi gave her a fierce meal and looked back at her: "don't call him cousin in front of me! He's not your cousin! "



As the sky turns dark, the main roads of Jinling usher in the evening peak.

The white Benz was stuck in the traffic and moved slowly.

Jin Yu raised his wrist and looked at the time. It was time for dinner. Thinking that Muqiqi was going to be hungry, he could not help but wring his eyebrows.

"How long will it take to get there?" Jin Yu asked.

"At the current speed, it will take about 20 minutes!" Situ Chen said.

Jin Yu pursed his lips, and his dark eyes were full of anxiety.

The mobile phone rang, and Jin Yu looked down. It was Jin Sheng.

As soon as the phone was connected, Jin Sheng could not help laughing.

I could tell that he wanted to bear it, but he didn't.

Jin Yu was in a bad mood and hung up directly.

Jin Sheng's phone call came in again, and Jin Yu hung up again.

Soon, a message came in.

Jin Sheng: "brother! Listen to FM818! There's a surprise

Jin Yu is too lazy to pay attention to him.

Jin Sheng felt his temper, worried that he would miss it, and ran into a message: "Qiqi is connecting with the anchor!"

After hearing this, Jin Yu's eyes sank. He thought of the laughter Jin Sheng had just endured. Suddenly, he had an ominous premonition.

"Turn on the radio! FM818!” Jin Yushen orders.

Soon, the soft voice of the female anchor came from the radio.

"Miss! Don't cry! Let's talk about the grievances slowly

"Can you really help me solve my depression?" A drunken voice came out from the radio. Jin Yu's palm was tight. It was Muqiqi's voice.

"Yes! miss! Take your time! Share the grievances in your heart, maybe I can tell you how to do it

After choking twice, Muqiqi said, "I'll tell you! I married a gay

Female anchor: "Oh... In other words, your marriage is just a form? Are you a form marriage

"What kind of marriage? I broke him straight! But since he became straight, he has been flirting everywhere! Bring me a French girl today, maybe an English girl tomorrow! Do you think this kind of life can go on? "

Female anchor: "listen to what you say, the other party is a person who is extremely irresponsible to his feelings. In this case, why did you choose to be with him at the beginning?"

Yan Ran Ran's voice, smiling and drunk, interjected: "because my cousin lives well! Charge for five minutes! The car shakes for an hour

In the driver's seat, situ Chen forced himself to smile, but when Yan Ranran's words came out, he couldn't help smiling any more and laughed.

"I'm sorry! Mr. Jin! Maybe it's just a little bit like the sound! I don't think it's Madame! "

Situ Chen's embarrassed excuse, but it's just a self accusation!

Then, a panic in my heart, dead, dead

On the back seat, Jin Yuyin looks at the stagnant traffic outside. He pushes the door open, slams the door and leaves the car.

Ten minutes later, Jin Yu ran all the way back to the apartment of the Ministry of foreign affairs. He pushed the door and came into the apartment. There was a strong smell of wine, vomit and turbid air.

Jin Yu strides to the living room and sees two little girls lying on the coffee table drunk, surrounded by a landline phone.

The speakerphone is still the voice of the anchor.

Today's radio stations, for the sake of listening rate, really have nothing to do with it. They know that two drunkards, for the sake of topic, can make this call last so long.

Jin Yu stepped forward and hung up.

He could not help frowning at the mess in the room.

White sofa, white carpet, have been all kinds of wine stains do not look like.

There are wine bottles all over the floor, all kinds of fruit snacks, and even more than a dozen men's shirts.

Jin Yu picked up a shirt and hooked it on his hand. Then he saw that a good dress had been cut into rags.

These are all custom shirts! Just this one! Little girl is really under the hand!

Look at the foot of the two little drunkard, do not know the phone has been hung up, the mouth is still mumbling.

Muqiqi: "Ran Ran! Choose a man must be distracted! You can't be like my sister! You can marry anyone you like

Yan Ran Ran: "I don't want a flash marriage! I want to fall in love

Muqiqi: "yes! fall in love! Only love! Don't get married! Play dead smelly man

Yan Ran: "find a good man to fall in love with!"

Muqiqi: "all good men are playful! Just like animals! Man's face and beast's heart

Yan Ran: "I'm not sure."

Muqiqi: "Ranran... Ranran... Don't sleep! Telephone! Call

Jin Yu listened. He didn't know how many layers of wrinkles he had wrinkled. Although he knew that it would be a toss when he came back at night, he didn't expect that the little girl went to the radio station with her husband.

This is in the evening rush hour. How many people are stuck in the road. She is not ashamed to listen to the two little girls talking about their husband and wife.

Jin Yu takes out his mobile phone and dials situ Chen.

"Come up as soon as you arrive! Send Miss Yan back to Langyue bay! "

Without waiting for a reply from situ Chen, Jin Yu has hung up.

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