The Director of Music Department

Chapter 894: .Hong Kong Films

Time passed, because Chen Junxiu and Li brought back the same material, and they added their jealousy to "Mad Max Fury Road" for a series of reports.

On the domestic side, a very speechless situation has emerged.

Obviously, "Crazy Max Fury Road" could not be released in China, but as a result, various information about the film was rushing.

Even many people began to discuss and began to look forward to this movie.

Many people are speechless!

Of course, this is also related to Wang Yifan's identity. After all, no matter what, he is also the number one commercial director in China.

The filming of "Crazy Max Fury Road" is certainly not going to be smooth sailing, but in the end, it was only about ten days after the deadline, and the whole movie was declared complete.

Of course, completion does not mean that the movie is complete.

In post-production, although "Mad Max Fury Road" does not require CG special effects, there are still a lot of special effects shots that need to be processed, which will definitely not be completed in a short time.

At this time, several movies of Wang Yifan's previous Hongmen Banquet were also announced.

The first to be released is Cao Meng's Hong Kong-style police film "Dark War"!

Regarding the movie "Dark War", whether it is the light and shadow of the times, or Cao Meng, it can be said that it is extremely important.

This movie was shot on Hong Kong Island throughout the entire filming process. All the actors, many of them are from Hong Kong Island.

Although there was a gap between Hong Kong Island movies and Chinese-language movies at one time, because some Hong Kong Islanders could not get out of the reality that Hong Kong Island movies had already declined, so they had always held a "look down" attitude towards mainland filmmakers.

As a result, in the early years, the films that mainland filmmakers collaborated with Hong Kong Island filmmakers were piles of bad films.

At that time, mainland filmmakers did lack experience, and they did take a learning attitude. However, filmmakers on Hong Kong Island were still stuck in the glory of the golden age of Hong Kong Island film. For this reason, it is naturally difficult to really work together. , As a result, bad films appeared frequently during the honeymoon period of the early cooperation.

But what is worthy of recognition is that those Hong Kong Island filmmakers and movie stars who are getting older are indeed still an indispensable force.

This time, Cao Meng's "Dark War" can be said to be a crowd of stars, and many stars on Hong Kong Island have since dropped their pay.

Including Chen Dahua and others, strongly support this film.

And, before the release of "Dark War", these people spare no effort to promote the movie.

The slogan was to reproduce the funding blockbuster of the golden age of Hong Kong Island cinema!

Full of Hong Kong flavor!

For this reason, the premiere of "Dark War" is also a gathering of stars!

Wang Yifan, the screenwriter of "Dark War", naturally can't refute the face of Cao Meng and Time's light and shadow. Coupled with the shooting period of "Mad Max Fury Road", he was really tired enough, so it was considered too Come back and relax.

When Wang Yifan arrived with Zhang Zirong, Cao Meng also took Chen Dahua, waiting for the movie stars of Hong Kong Island to come out to greet him.

In fact, not only Times Light and Cao Meng and Hong Kong Island film people pay attention to this film, but other major giants also pay great attention to this film.

No one, because this is the first one of those scripts given by Wang Yifan.

Whether "Dark War" can be successful, and whether Cao Meng can temporarily revive Hong Kong Island movies, these are all of their concerns.

If "Dark War" can achieve the expected success, then they will naturally continue to maintain this cooperative relationship with Wang Yifan, even if they give up a lot of profits, but they are still content.

But if "Dark War" fails to meet expectations, then the strategy must be changed.

However, Cao Meng has great confidence in "Dark War". In fact, Chen Dahua and others are also very confident in this movie.

Because this movie, even if it is in the golden age of Hong Kong Island movies, is definitely a rare boutique.

In addition, there are many gimmicks, so for this movie, they are very much looking forward to it.

At the same time, many filmmakers and film directors on Hong Kong Island have also paid special attention. "Dark War" means that, after all, can Hong Kong-style police films continue to gain market recognition?

In fact, why are most of Hong Kong Island movies cop movies?

No way, Hong Kong Island is small, it is just a city after all, and Hong Kong Island is a hollow city. Although this city was once known as the Asian financial center, in fact, apart from real estate, it is difficult to see this city. Other large-scale industries.

In the same way, because of the historical reasons of Hong Kong Island, cop movies have always been the most mainstream and core genre of Hong Kong Island movies!

Some old film critics from Hong Kong Island also rushed over from Hong Kong Island!

Liu Yu is one of them.

Liu Yu has been dealing with movies all his life. He has been a senior film critic since the golden age of movies on Hong Kong Island.

At the same time, he is also one of the initiators of the Hong Kong Island Film Awards. Liu Yu, who is now almost old, still has an unabated love for Hong Kong Island movies.

Once Liu Yu also called for filmmakers on Hong Kong Island to reflect on the future of Hong Kong Island films in the Mainland.

It is a pity that he is only the editor-in-chief of a film magazine after all, and he can't influence so many people.

And it was also when Liu Yu's top film box office in the mainland exceeded 1 billion, but the Hong Kong Island movie was still cold rice. Disappointed, he was the first to shout out the slogan that Hong Kong Island movie is dead.

Love is deep and responsible!

As for the news of "Dark War", Liu Yu, who has always paid great attention to Hong Kong Island movies, naturally knows.

Cao Meng can be said to be one of the few Hong Kong Island film directors who can not continue to die.

This time "Dark War" is still a story produced by Wang Yifan, a golden master, so Liu Yu paid special attention.

Not only Liu Yu, there are actually many Hong Kong movie fans in the Mainland.

At one time, Hong Kong films were the enlightenment films for domestic movie audiences.

It can be said that many people have had the experience of watching Hong Kong Island police movies in the video studio.

Therefore, Hong Kong movies are also a kind of sentiment for many people, but gradually those Hong Kong movies that look rough, but are full of interesting stories, gradually disappear.

Those well-known directors on Hong Kong Island initially lost the creative passion of the year, and the movies are always fried rice over and over again.

Various sequels, various selling feelings, but as a result, there is no sincerity.

Therefore, at the beginning, they could also take the opportunity to deceive some expectant and enthusiastic audiences into the cinema to watch their films.

But the audience is not a fool. As more and more movies appear, their feelings can be sold once or twice, but not a third time.

As a result, the Hong Kong Island movie, once called a fine quality movie, has become synonymous with bad movies!

At the premiere of "Dark War", many movie fans are not young, even those in their 40s or 50s.

This also means that Hong Kong Island movies now really only have feelings left, but as these fans age, the younger generation of consumer groups has no so-called Hong Kong movie feelings at all!

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