The Director of Music Department

Chapter 916: .Just one word, crazy!

The rhythm of the movie "Mad Max Fury Road" can be said to be super fast. Before the audience can recollect, the movie enters the action scene directly, and this state occupies most of the movie's time, all The stories almost all take place in such a high-speed motion state, and the clues are clear. The characters are chasing and fleeing, chasing and searching, and fighting each other at the same time.

This can easily give people a sense of joy.

David Lynn's eyes widened. Of course, he is one of the best directors, but this movie still gave him an indescribable sense of shock, bursting! violence! desolate! Magnificent! These words are not enough to describe the beauty and greatness of this movie.

The exclamation sounds from time to time in the theater, and one by one, one after another, one by one, either fanatical, or inexplicably shocked, but no one has ever left the big screen!

And Bik Downey was dumbfounded!

He thinks he has seen countless movies, all kinds of movies, but this movie, he is still a little dumbfounded.

This Nima, why is this, such...Anyway, he can't describe it, just think, this movie, people can't help but want to swear, fucking, really handsome, really The horse is so cool, so handsome, so cool!

How could there be such a blazing movie, and this is just the beginning, and as a result, it was crazy all the way, really didn't take the wrong name, Fury Road, this is really Fury Road!

Countless cool-looking cars were chasing wildly, and the collision between the yellow sand and the fight made people excited. During the period, there was no nonsense or extra emotional expression, only the collision and killing of lives.

Speaking of "Mad Max Fury Road", there are not too many lines and very few dialogues, but it does not make people feel any discomfort. Instead, they feel that this is what this movie should have. .

When a rock warrior in a red suit appeared accompanied by a super-burning soundtrack, Saburo Ono burned all over. He couldn't believe his eyes, but everything that appeared in the next scene instantly made him orgasm.

When the strumming arrived, the rock soldier’s electric guitar spewed out flames, it spewed out flames!

How big should this brain hole be to come up with such a creative picture?

If there were still some people who were still questioning and disdainful of a Chinese director like Wang Yifan who made such a movie full of various western cultures, then at this moment, they are all following the flame guitar of the rock fighter The flamethrower completely forgot Wang Yifan's identity as a Chinese director, but everyone went crazy.

This is the Cannes Film Festival. The audience here, especially those who can enter the premiere of this opening film, represents most of them and understands movies.

But at this moment, they discovered that this kind of movie like this special cat had never seen it before!

"Fuck, who came up with this particular idea? It's so cool!"

Special effects and art are often opposed to each other, which is recognized by many people present.

After all, special effects mean cost, burn money, and commerce, as opposed to the natural existence of art.

Why did "Mad Max Fury Road" become the opening film in Cannes and cause so much controversy? What would make so many people say that Cannes has fallen?

Because this is a blockbuster, action blockbuster, and special effects blockbuster with an investment of more than 100 million US dollars.

But at this moment, everyone, even if they have seen countless cool special effects, countless special effects that bring visual feasts, but today's "Mad Max Fury Road" has completely subverted their imagination!

Because they never thought that action movies would be cool to this level now!

When they are already immune to a series of standard special effects movies, this movie makes them look straight from the first shot, and then uses the following beautiful wasteland scenery, cult settings, and blood-boiled action scenes. And the passionate music pressed them firmly on the seats.

Sitting in the theater, Chen Junxiu and Li Tong from China, it can be said that they were also very excited at this time.

"Fucking, fucking, fucking!" This is their mood at this moment. They don't know how to describe the movie except for expressing their feelings about the movie in their hearts at this time. Up.

Even if they had gone to the crew to visit, even if they had seen these tanks, when they really saw the movie show smoothly on the big screen, they were completely conquered.

Being shocked, at the same time, looking at the audience in the crazy theater, Li Tong and Chen Junxiu both felt a deep sense of pride from their hearts.

This movie was made by Chinese, and by Chinese director Wang Yifan.

In fact, Hollywood, or European directors, can play, crazy directors, there are countless, but Wang Yifan, a guy who is recognized as a mainstream commercial director, can even play better than these lunatics!

Of course, being able to play is one aspect, and whether you can play well is another aspect.

But "Mad Max Fury Road" tells them that Wang Yifan not only can play, but also can play better than those who are called crazy directors, and the key is that this movie was played epic by him. a feeling of!

If one word is used to describe this movie, then the word "crazy" is definitely the most appropriate.

Because the core thing that this movie shows is crazy, crazy, crazy again!

And when the madness reaches its extreme, then this madness will evolve into art, isn’t it?

And the point is, this movie is not only crazy, it also has an extremely pleasing photography.

Because many people are suddenly surprised to find that there has never been a movie in their memory that can take such a magnificent scene of violence!

The vast desert with the scorching sun. The faint blue night scene of the bright moon thousands of miles, the red-hot flame that ignites the eyeballs, and the night when the thunder and lightning strikes are like white snow. Even if it is a few still images, there is a kind of suction that draws the audience's eyes into it, as if it will be followed The protagonist gets into the driver's seat. The feeling of launching a violent engine into the boundless desert.

"The key to this film is madness!" I don't know which audience sent such emotions!

Yes, the key to this movie is madness, but this kind of madness is not random, aimless madness, but the blood boiled, adrenal hormone soaring madness.

David Lynn has always been synonymous with stability. After all, he is not young, but at this time, he has long lost the slightest sense of "secure".

Instead, he kept talking, praising that "the whole movie is made around the word madness, whether it is editing scheduling, character design, drag racing action design, actor performance, special effects, or even art soundtracks, etc., it all reveals something. The cult full of madness makes the film extremely complete, which is highly consistent with the feeling of the previous trailers."

Although Bick Downey didn't understand him well, he felt that he was not aware of it anyway.

But Steven Kris's face was gloomy and dripping.

Ruined! What kind of ghost movie is this riding a horse? The point is, he also discovered that the heroine Ferrosa played by Anne Colleen, compared with the outstanding and stunning appearance of this role, is in the plot of the movie. The role played, the charm displayed is even worse.

He feels like he is going to be cold!

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