The Director of Music Department

Chapter 938: .Return home and the direction of public opinion

"Titanic", oh no, it's the "Jenny" movie project, DSN is indeed quite sincere.

As for the ideas of Matsumoto Global and Mina Group, Wang Yifan is not too concerned.

He believes that DSN can do it by himself!

It is impossible for any movie to maintain that kind of box office growth. Similarly, it is impossible for any topic to remain hot.

"Mad Max Fury Road" is no exception!

In fact, according to the meaning of Mina Group and Matsumoto Universal, they are still thinking about whether "Mad Max Fury Road" will declare an Oscar.

But in the end it was rejected. On the one hand, time was not allowed, on the other hand.

Even if "Mad Max Fury Road" public relations, it may not be difficult to get an Oscar nomination, but the gain is not worth the loss.

Because the potential of "Mad Max Fury Road" has been basically consumed almost.

And this movie does not need an Oscar halo.

Another, this movie may be nominated for the influence of Matsumoto Universal and Mina Group. Public relations is not difficult, but if you want to win an award, you are basically thinking about it.

Although Oscars are gradually commercialized, in fact, Oscars are becoming more and more niche.

The old-fashioned people in those colleges are smelly and hard, but they are not as good as Cannes.

So, in this case, then there is no need!

Of course, the main thing is that the benefits are not enough, otherwise, with the ability and influence of Matsumoto Global and Mina Group, if the cost is really not considered, it may not be impossible to cause any Oscar tragedy.

But again, the price/performance ratio is too low, and the gain is not worth the loss!

And Wang Yifan has no interest in Oscars, which actually makes Matsumoto Global and Mina Group a little depressed and a little bit lucky!

And Wang Yifan is also ready to return to China.

"Mad Max Fury Road" actually made Wang Yifan quite tired.

Regardless of "Mad Max Fury Road", the box office has a double harvest. It is also the Cannes Palme d’Or, and the best actress. It is also regarded as a classic by many fans in North America, and the box office is also the most this summer. A part of the cow.

But in fact, the efforts behind Matsumoto Global, Mina Group, Huaxin, Wang Yifan and the creative team are absolutely beyond imagination.

Any film is not a project, preparation, shooting, and completion.

Many people think that when making a movie, it means that you are a little tired when making a film. After the filming is finished, there is nothing to do with the director.

In fact, this is not the case at all.

From the preparation to the release of "Mad Max Fury Road", Wang Yifan dare to say that the most tiring thing is definitely not when the film was shot, but the post-production and after it was released.

Yes, after the release, it is the most tiring time for the entire crew. Of course, this refers to the main creative members of the crew.

It will be clearer for everyone to give the data.

For example, the most popular heroine of "Mad Max Fury Road", the actor of Ferrosa, Anne Colleen.

She started to promote in "Mad Max Fury Road", and after it was released, she traveled almost half of the world.

Especially after the show, either on the plane or on the way to the airport.

The number of interviews received was more than one hundred!

Just at the Cannes Film Festival, in order for the film to be awarded, it is also almost every day to go to the show to promote the film!

Therefore, making a movie is actually just a little insignificant compared to publicity!

Therefore, Wang Yifan is really tired. As for the "Jenny", he doesn't want to worry about it. At least for now, he wants to rest.

Hua Guo Jingcheng International Airport!

Countless media reporters came after hearing the news, and the airport was crowded with people.

Huaxin specially invited people from the security company to maintain order!

No way, too many people came.

Not only journalists, but also a large number of movie fans who came to pick up the plane after hearing the news!

Yes, Wang Yifan is indeed not a star, but his influence has long surpassed those stars.

Especially, this time, Wang Yifan is truly exalting overseas!

Therefore, many movie fans have rushed to pick up the plane!

Outside the airport can be said to be crowded!

What's interesting is that many people hold up slogans like "Raise your reputation abroad and return with your reputation"!

In fact, "Mad Max Fury Road" domestic official media reports are actually very few.

At the beginning, CCTV also made a special edition, but when "Mad Max Fury Road" was sold in Europe, America, and even the world, the CCTV special edition was directly removed from the shelves!

As for the reason, it is naturally because this movie cannot pass the trial in China!

And this, even if Huaxin has been paying attention, there are still many people who borrowed from the problem to use it!

Especially some of the early literary and artistic film directors in China, the directors of that generation were banned for stepping on the line.

If there is anyone in China who is most dissatisfied with the domestic audit issues, it is definitely this group of people.

Because they can be said to be trying the law by themselves!

And this time, "Mad Max Fury Road" became famous all over the world. In Cannes, it was scored close to full marks by countless media, and many people even worshipped the movie.

And the film also won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival and the award for best actress.

In terms of box office, "Mad Max Fury Road" won 300 million U.S. dollars in North America, and the total global box office reached 800 million U.S. dollars!

However, such a movie cannot be shown in China at all. This naturally gives some people an excuse and an excuse to bring a rhythm!

Maureen is a columnist for "Film Art", "Film Art" is not a big media, a big newspaper, but this magazine has a great influence in the literary film circle.

In terms of tendencies, naturally there is no need to say more.

As a columnist for "Film Art", Maureen's bias is equally conceivable.

He can be said to be the queen reporter of the sixth generation of Chinese art film directors.

Maureen also came prepared this time. He prepared several very sharp questions and waited for Wang Yifan, the most influential director now.

What about Maureen's impression of Wang Yifan? To be honest, it's not good at all.

In Morin's view, commercial film directors like Wang Yifan are not worthy of talking about art at all.

Even if "Mad Max Fury Road" won the Palme d'Or and the Queen's Laureate at the Cannes Film Festival, Maureen still doesn't think "Mad Max Fury Road" is a deep movie!

It's still a commercial movie!

But no way, Wang Yifan is too famous and influential.

This is a good knife! If you can borrow Wang Yifan's knife, even if it is a heated discussion, even if nothing can be changed, he will definitely gain a lot of fame from it!

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