The Director of Music Department

Chapter 986: . Individualism or Teamism

He Jun did a lot of work and brought so many case materials.

Not to mention, they are really suitable for film adaptation!

However, when He Jun took out the last piece of information, Wang Yifan laughed.

Earlier, Wang Yifan and He Jun said that the evacuation incident is suitable for adaptation.

He Jun actually made a decision a long time ago, and the rest is just enough. Although they are all suitable, who is He Jun?

He has never been good at this kind of drama, but gunfight movies, police movies!

"Director He, isn't this a decision already?" Wang Yifan said a little funny.

He Jun didn't feel embarrassed and said: "Nothing can be hidden from Director Wang, but I have carefully analyzed the car evacuation incident. To be honest, it is not easy to shoot!"

Wang Yifan asked: "Why? Is there something embarrassing? Didn't Huaying and Jindun both express their support before?"

He Jun shook his head and said, "Director Wang, you said in a more general way, but what I am a bit entangled with is how to tell this story from what angle!"

"What do you think?" Wang Yifan asked.

"I have two ideas. One is the Hollywood model. I cut it from a personal perspective. For example, in the evacuation event, arrange a lover or relative of a veteran, and then tell the story from the perspective of a veteran. But this Come, it becomes personal heroism."

"The other angle is from the perspective of a team, such as our Marine Corps, but in this case, it becomes a group show, but I don't know whether the audience can accept the group show." He Jun smiled bitterly.

Wang Yifan couldn't help but enjoy it.

Isn’t He Jun’s previous thoughts similar to "Wolf Warrior 2"?

And the latter, isn't it "Operation Red Sea"?

However, it is exactly as He Jun worried. The former, to be honest, does have a sense of personal heroism. Wang Yifan understands He Jun's concerns. After all, he wants to make a main theme movie.

And if the evacuation event is used as the background, then if you use the angle of personal heroism to shoot and tell this story, it may seem more refreshing, but it seems that it has nothing to do with the evacuation event.

As for the latter, "Operation Red Sea", it is no wonder that He Jun is worried.

In fact, a group play movie is much harder to shoot than a single protagonist movie.

Most movies are still divided into male and female protagonists. Why?

Because of this, the audience will not be distracted by other characters, and the audience will have a sense of substitution.

In the case of group play, the experience in this area must be much worse!

Chen Hang on the side frowned, because he was also thinking about this issue.

Wang Yifan smiled and said: "Whether it is individual heroism or teamwork, the key is the theme! The evacuation incident can be said to be another kind of offense to China, even if it is far away, it will be punishable!"

"Although we are going to adapt from the evacuation incident, the movie itself is not a reality. Therefore, it is impossible to film exactly according to the evacuation incident. Our film needs to be storytelling!" Wang Yifan continued.

"The evacuation incident is the prerequisite and the background! So if it is personal heroism, you are worried about leaving this theme, why not let the protagonist become a dispatcher who is in danger?"

He Jun suddenly brightened his eyes and said: "You mean..."

"Emm, a retired soldier, is also a soldier, and if you want someone brave, then you have to give him a more talked past identity, such as a special soldier?"

"I think it can be designed like this. For example, a certain special soldier in our army left the army for some special reasons. As you just said, it can be because his lover or relatives have an accident overseas and he goes Investigation. But at this time, riots happened on the spot, and because it was on the territory of another country, and our attitude was to never interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, the army could not enter the territory of other countries. However, because of the tight time, the enemy-occupied areas In a certain domestic factory, there are still researchers who have not had time to withdraw, and our army cannot really send many people to evacuate overseas Chinese. So at this time, our protagonist has a place to use it, and he has become the target of emergency. Because he no longer belongs to the Chinese army, but he has that kind of skill himself, so it becomes logical to send him to rescue those people temporarily."

"But in this case, it's still a bit too personal heroism?" This time it was Chen Hang's question on the side.

He Jun also has this question.

In fact, the main theme of domestic movies is not to say that there can be no individual heroism, but a movie, one person beats a group of people, is a bit outrageous.

And since it is an adaptation of a real event, then it must not be so outrageous, there are really endless bullets and the like.

"Then we will find him a temporary team." Wang Yifan directly followed "Wolf Warrior 2"!

"Find a temporary team?" He Jun was a little confused.

"Yes, if our domestic companies open factories overseas, especially in turbulent areas, it is certainly impossible to have no security measures? So, we can let our protagonist bring the armed personnel of this factory to fight the enemy together!"

He Jun nodded and said: "Yes, this is possible! Actually, I have learned that domestic factories in overseas, especially in Asia, Africa and Latin America, are set up in chaotic areas. Most of them have a certain degree of defense and self-protection. It’s true!"

"What about the villain? The rebel army? This seems... not so good? Isn't it practical?" He Jun asked again.

Wang Yifan nodded, he understood what He Jun meant.

Although China is not as tough as the old Americans at present, it is definitely a superpower.

Therefore, although China does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, the same, whether it is the local government army or the rebel army, will not easily act on the Chinese people, because they cannot worry about offending our country!

Therefore, using a rebel army as a villain is not very good!

Moreover, if you really use the rebel army as the villain, you may not be able to pass the audit, because there are some things that you cannot touch.

But for mercenaries, that's fine.

After all, whether the rebel army or the government army, they all represent the country, but the mercenaries are different. They are people without borders! Therefore, it's no better to use them as villains.

"The rebels can't do it, so what about mercenaries? For example, is there a researcher in our factory who holds the research results that other opponents need?"

"Then the mercenaries took advantage of the chaos and colluded with the rebels, and then the mercenaries raided this factory, can it be said that it passed?" Wang Yifan said with a smile.

He Jun said with excitement: "This is okay, of course! But, there is one more thing, in this case, will our real evacuation warship be too inexistent?"

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