The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 895: Divine power

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Chapter 895 Divine Power

Since she is also the eye of the sky, regardless of whether or not the frog mirror is collected, Tiandao has already learned everything through her eyes.

However, the Tiandao is weak, even if it is broken, it is not directly smashed, so Tiandao has been borrowing her hand and borrowing her influence on the night Shenyuan, the next big game!

On the surface, Emperor Zun covers the sky with one hand, which is equivalent to the first person under the heavens. Heaven also cannot grasp his handle and is very passive.

In fact, Tiandao has already used her to see through everything, and step by step for the camp, and counterattacks!

It’s just that Tiandao’s counterattacks are not leaking, and people will owe everything to their luck! So the Emperor did not find it.

It can be seen that Tiandao has been trapping the emperor, and she is the deepest and most important step in the heavens!

One step in the cover of the night Shen Yuanguang, let the emperor ignore the move.

Therefore, she did everything well. If there is help from heaven, it turns out that she is really helpless.

Want to understand everything, she still has nothing to be confident? Tiandao stood on their side as early as the beginning, the power they mastered, and the difference between the emperor and the emperor is not as big as they think.

Since Heaven has been waiting for a chance to completely flip, let her create this opportunity!


In fact, the matter has come to this point. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, there was no fear that Tiandao and Emperor Zun who lost and won, she only needs to go to the night, as long as he!

She believes that he can feel this power and, like her, is working hard!

The Rosemary, the giant heart, the night Shen Yuan slowly opened his eyes from the entrance.

From a few days ago, he felt that a tyrannical murder was suppressing him, but now, murderous, ghosts, all can not be close!

Under this invisible shelter, he healed quickly, and in the sea of ​​knowledge, he integrated everything that the Emperor taught him.

At this time, the Emperor was very very weak. In order to wait for a chance to take revenge, he used various methods to continue his life to today!

Now, the opportunity is finally here! Night Shenyuan is his greatest opportunity!

\"I taught you everything, have you remembered it?\"

In the golden light that circulated, the night Shen Yuan nodded, "Remember."

\"Very good.\" The Emperor's voice is even weaker, but at this time it is a little proud.

The emperor is countless, but he can't count his old guy and still have a thought to survive. Let him use death to remember this lesson!

The emperor’s hatred of the emperor can be said to go deep into the bone marrow!

In the ancient times, there was a Protoss. Everyone in the Protoss was very strong. After the rise of Emperor, he was afraid that someone in the Protoss would surpass him in the future. Therefore, he decided to kill the Protoss first!

The war lasted for seven years, because the emperor mastered the power of the law and threw the power of the three thousand worlds!

So the Protoss is not his opponent, all of them are killed!

At that time, the Emperor did not expect that this would be the result. At the beginning of the emperor's arrival, he also treated him with courtesy and made people a confidant.

Who knows that the Emperor is blinded by this illusion, and he is tempted to reveal the secrets of the Protoss, and then use these to destroy the Protoss!

This makes the Emperor not hate, how to not complain?

Night Shen Yuan felt his grievances, Shen Sheng said, \"Predecessors, the seniors pointed out, the younger generations benefited a lot, please rest assured that if this battle I can win, I will definitely ask for the seniors to reinvent the golden body. accommodate.\"

The Emperor listened, and there was no reaction. Just ask, "The ninth style of Kaitianjian, have you mastered it?"

Night Shen Yuan felt for a while, truthfully said, "Mastered, but the ninth style is too mysterious. I don't know what circumstances can make the ninth style."

The Emperor whispered, "The ninth style is not a sword of the sacred sword. Although I realized the opening of the sword, I did not contradict it. I have never made the ninth style."

The night Shen Yuan listened, did not force, in this underground, he not only raised the wound, but also got the most powerful and complete sword, which is the biggest adventure for him. As for the ninth style, He believes that he will one day be able to make it out!

\"Predecessors rest assured, I will try to understand the ninth style, but now, I have to leave, I am not worried, I am worried that she will come back to save me."

Night Shen Yuan said that he got up, and the Emperor Shen Shen for a moment, whispered, "If you want to go, then I will send you the last big gift!"

\"大礼?\" Night Shen Yuan's eyebrows jumped, the next second, he couldn't move!


\"No need to panic, stick to the foundation, I have to start to reverse the array!\"


Night Shen Yuan was shocked! The next second, the rotation of his feet, under the urging of the last trace of the gods burning, suddenly began to reverse!

Endless divine power, all poured into the body of the night Shen Yuan, his body instantly rose to the extreme! Almost cracked!

\"Predecessors?! You will be so smashed!"

The Emperor screamed coldly, "I have died tens of thousands of years ago! Kid! I will pour my strength into you. Since you have inherited my inheritance, you must help me to complete my obsession! Kill the emperor Kill him! Otherwise, you will be cursed by the Protoss day and day, and you must not die!"

After that, the Emperor had no strength to speak, and the body of the night Shen Yuan was also supported by the zero point!

Every blood vessel bursts, and every drop of blood is burning!

Hot, rushing blood, such as magma, generally flows through the body, and the night sinks to death and bites the teeth, so that it is not fainted!

Every cell in the body is undergoing transformation and infusion of divine power, in fact, it is the same as forging the bones!

First, destroy, then, is rebirth!

The Emperor looked at everything in his eyes and sneered in his heart.

Emperor Zun, Emperor Zun, you ruined the gods and gods, but also want to steal my remaining power?

You know that you have stolen only the most common power for so many years!

As the Emperor, this most pure power will never be given to you! Even if it is dead, it will never!

Night Shen Yuan can't resist, he can only quickly integrate the power of the gods, and temporarily seal the excess and indigestible forces in the hole. Only then can he feel better for a while and will not explode.

He realized that this was an opportunity, although this opportunity was brought by the last thought of the Emperor.

But he has a hunch that after he completely digests these divine powers, his strength will undergo earth-shaking changes!

Now I only hope that during his time of digestion, the master will not come back, don't!

Because of the Emperor’s notice, Yu Shenyuan knew what happened on the island. He was relieved when he learned that he respected the vows and put the master, but he knew that at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she was not a person who would admit defeat. Therefore, he must be faster!

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