The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 909: Finale II

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Chapter 909 Finale II

The dead wood wrapped around the waist of the emperor was tightened.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it was originally impossible to control him. However, at night, Shen Yuan was in danger, and she suddenly broke out of strength!

Emperor looked down at the dead wood at his waist and smiled coldly. The next second, he grabbed the dead wood with his hands, regardless of the corrosive power of the dead wood, and smashed it! At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he rushed toward him!

"Master!" Night Shen Yuan's hand rubbed the wound, just rushed forward, and was defeated by Emperor Zun!

He has all the ontology, he is ten times more powerful than before! Night Shen Yuan is equivalent to playing with a tired body and ten enemies who are better than him and will not be exhausted!

How can there be a chance of winning?

The face of Emperor Zun approached the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. He seemed to want to see something different in her. This woman, who should have been his pawn, was reused by Heaven and destroyed his plan again and again. She seemed to be the most **** person!

Seeing the Emperor's fingers tightening, the neck was almost deformed at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and the night Shen Shenyin suddenly burst into golden light. After approaching again, a sword smashed into his heart from the back!

However, the emperor refused to flow even blood, he sneered, and the whole body murdered, the sea spins exploded, and the night Shen Yuan was blown up again!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he tried to catch the night Shenyuan, but he was pinched tighter by the Emperor!

"As long as you kill you, everything is over! I have lived for so many years, never thought that one day I will be planted in the hands of a woman, but it doesn't matter, now I have to correct it!"

His fingers pierced, and the blood on both sides of the neck at the beginning of the Yuan rushed out!

The night Shen Yuan quickly approached, at this time his eyes were sucked by the blood on the neck of the Yuan, and his already exhausted body once again had a power outburst!

"Hey!!" The sound of the two forces colliding.

A broken arm squatted on the neck of the Yuan Dynasty and slowly disappeared after being cut off...

The effect of the night Shen Yuanquan's efforts to break the arm of the emperor is to be grasped by the emperor, and use his other hand to open the abdomen! If it wasn't for the night, he would be crushed by Dan Tian on the spot!

But even if the emperor did not succeed, the night Shen Yuan is now very bad! He is covered in blood, and he is almost unstable at sea. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she is wounded and her strength is almost exhausted!

She looked up at the sky and was anxious! What about heaven? Why did Emperor Zeng have removed the shadow, and Tiandao still did not show up? !

Emperor Zun went up with her sight, thinking of something, he suddenly laughed!

It’s just that the smile is getting more and more embarrassing, but it’s going to the beginning of the Yuan!

"You lied to me!"

He lifted his hand, and the endless seawater turned into a chain, entangled in the beginning of the Yuan!

Emperor respects a little closer, and the whole body kills people!

"You said that Tiandao deployed all of this, and said that I was being played in the palm of my hand? You lied to me! He hasn't woken up yet!"

It turned out that the reason why Emperor Supreme was so successful in stealing the power of Heaven, to the extent of the development of one hand, is because the heavens at that time are sleeping!

It is indeed a small one, and only a small part of the spirit is still there. The things that can be done are very limited, and naturally cannot stop him.

As I said at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he thought that Tiandao was already awake! Unexpectedly, it has not yet woken up! It was the beginning of the Yuan who lied to him!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the black totem of the arm emerged. As she struggled, she gritted her teeth. "Yes! I lied to you! But you have been cheated, who is it?!"

The emperor was in danger of blinking, his hands violently bursting out with dazzling black light, and finally the black light turned into a long gun, and the thorns were tied to the chain at the beginning of the Yuan!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, my eyes widened in an instant! Did she guess wrong? ! Isn’t Tiandao not deliberately trying to use her hand to break free from the blockade, nor is she trying to pass her, looking for a chance to turn over? !

In the moment of the murderous pavement, suddenly there was a large expanse of blood flashing in front of the Yuan Dynasty!

It turned out to be the night of Shen Yuan, and it was in front of her!

"Night Shen Yuan!" At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the eyes were held to the extreme! At that moment, I didn't know where the power came from, which made her break free from the **** of the emperor!

Seeing Emperor Zun also wants to make a shot to the night Shen Yuan, the Yuan Yuan directly crossed the night Shen Yuan in front of her, the golden light flashed in his hand, and the backhand was cut on the shoulder of Emperor Zun!

She slammed as if she had to cut off half of the body of the emperor, but when the emperor realized that the heavens had not yet woken up, he smiled gloomyly.

"See? Victory is still on my side! As long as the heavens are not awake, you are the ants in my eyes!

And, unless it wakes up on its own, you can't wake it up!

Hahahaha! that's nice! After I kill you, continue to obscure the heavens. In this world, I am still the first person! ! ”

This sudden reversal makes the emperor ecstasy!

Seeing that the night Shen Yuan fell into the sea, Yuan Yuan reached out to grab his hand, but caught an empty moment!

Night Shen Yuan is too tired... From now until now, he is playing in Philip and Emperor! The emperor is so much stronger than him, the power is endless, how could the night Shen Yuan be his opponent?

He can stick to this moment, it is already a miracle!

Seeing the night Shen Yuan closed his eyes and was swallowed by the sea. At the beginning of the Yuan, the heart slammed and the right eye suddenly burst into flames!

Heaven, why don’t you wake up? ! This game, even if they die, does Heaven care? !

"It's over." Emperor Zun's hand once again recovered, holding the delicate neck of the Yuan Dynasty, and the **** axe was directly shaken. The blue sea water covered his body. His long ink fluttered and his eyes were high. With contempt and pride.

"Heavenly will not save you, night Shenyuan is dead, you can rest assured!"

Said, his fingers tightened.

Suddenly at this time, the beginning of the Yuan slammed the wrist of Emperor Zun! At that moment, she suddenly wanted to understand a lot.

Seeing the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I still want to struggle. The Emperor respected and laughed. Under the premise of knowing that she must die, he used the deepest malice, one word at a time.

"Isn't you still dying? You are waiting for the pitiful little pity of the heavens. I really like what you are now! How old are you? How can you know that God will not save you, are you desperate?"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I finally looked up!

The fire of her right eye quietly burned to the left eye. At that moment, her eyes were fascinating! Being stared at by such a pair of eyes, Emperor Zun actually felt the fear!

She was hoarse and said, "You are wrong..."

Her delicate fingers, with the support of a huge force, opened the hand of Emperor Zun with her neck little by little, and the force made the Emperor very surprised!

She opened her mouth and bit her teeth, word by word!

"He won't save me, I can save myself!"

"And I want you to die, just today!!"

Her sudden awkwardness shocked the emperor! The next second, the axe flipped over and slammed him again!

The emperor subconsciously stepped back a few steps. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he looked at him with a suffocating look, then turned his head and jumped straight into the sea!

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