The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 917: Modern fan, one

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On the Tiansha seaside, on a high reef, stands a small wooden building.

The small building is exquisite and antique, the south side of the building is the sea, and the north side is the desert. It is located at the boundary line and looks at the wonders of this side.

Suddenly, a girl crying sound came from inside, and then the cry stopped...

"Hey!" A little boy, about five years old, raised his index finger at a little girl who was only one year old in the cradle.

The little baby girl saw her brother's quiet action and immediately became quiet.

She had tears in her eyes, and in order not to make a sound at all, she still had her own little hand, sitting there with a fleshy voice, looking at her brother with pity.

The little boy was defeated by her eyes, but she was helpless and asked to put down the book in her hand and asked.

"What's the sweetness? Have a nightmare?"

Although only five years old, but my brother's night choice (night small choice) has been able to take good care of my sister night sweet.

Xiao sweet listened, and lowered his head and two hands patted his belly and snorted, "sweet and hungry..."

"Hungry again?" Xiaoxun quickly found in the storage ring, but fortunately he prepared a lot of food, enough for children to eat.

Put the good egg tarts out, and the sweet eyes will light up! The little milk claws stick out, quite a bit waiting!

The sound of the outside waves came from the sound of the hustle and bustle, and the window of the wooden house was sitting in front of the sister in the night. It was like a small adult who was sitting in danger and feeding his sister seriously.

When the porcelain white round spoon is fed into the small mouth of the sweet and sweet pink, the night is inexplicably a sense of accomplishment, and the smile on the delicate and lovely face is satisfied.

Suddenly, because the night sweet action was a little anxious, the egg **** slipped into her collar. When I was uncomfortable, Xiaotian wanted to cry. She just screamed, and she chose a cleansing technique in the night. Soon, she again It’s a clean baby!

"Giggle, still ~"

After cleaning, she immediately forgot the uncomfortableness, opened her mouth, and waited for her brother to continue feeding!

Night small choices continue to continue.

Usually, this kind of thing is coming, but the mother-in-law is a crucial moment, so I am afraid that I will not be busy.

And he is the small pillar of the family, this time must play a role, the mother said that he is doing things steady, must be a good brother in the future!

While he was seriously feeding, Xiaotian was seriously eating, and Shen Shenyuan leaned against the corner and looked at them with a smile.

With a wife and a pair of children, he has nothing to ask for.

The only regret is that the master has been unable to fly smoothly because of the knot.

Originally, he was planning to wait for the master to fly, and the two went to the world together, but at the moment, if the problem is not solved, the master is afraid that it will not be able to rise.

So he intends to forcibly tear open the plane and send her back first.

Although the time flow rate on both sides is different, there may have been a year here, but he still worried that the master was wronged over there and wanted to go with her.

Only if they are all gone, the child will not be taken care of. If there is no way for the night, then the father-in-law will be invited.

As for his own parents... cough, he still believes in the mother-in-law!

Calculating the time, they should be here today.

Sure enough, soon, there was a sound of listening to the rain outside.

"Little choice, sweet, grandma is coming! Do you want grandma!"

Wan Hao listened to the rain and came in, saw two little guys, and then went to the front and kissed him!

Her own child is very skinny, she has been taken to discipline, or her grandson and granddaughter are lovely, especially the grandson, who can take care of her sister at a young age, knowing things, and being cute! The key is also inherited the good looks of the parents, let people take a look, they can not love to go to the heart!

The little night choices had some helpless rubbing on the face. "Grandma, how come you? Little?"

"He ah..." Wan Hao listened to the rain and showed a headache. "Do not fight for three days, go to the house to expose the tile, if you are half sensible, I will not have a headache!"

I chose to listen to it at night, frowning very seriously, and said very seriously, "Mother said, can not bind the child's nature, Xiaoyan is so cute!"

His little adult-like appearance, once again let Wan Hao listen to the rain can not do it, holding him is another meal!

While sweet is in the cradle, watching his brother's helpless and polite expression, he laughs happily!

There was a group of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, Yuan Zhixu walked to the night Shen Yuan, very sighed with a deep sigh.

"I see you all, my mother and I will be relieved!"

He turned his head. "Yes, you said that you are afraid that you can't take care of your child. What is the situation at the beginning of Xiaochu?"

The night Shen Yuan smiled slightly, "The master still has a knot... I want to help her lift the knot, so I have to ask you to take care of the child."

Yuan Zhixu nodded. They knew about the knot at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, but...

"But Xiaochu is now...the plane will not let her down."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the strength was too strong. Once it went to a different world, it would pose a great threat. It might even be obliterated by the plane.

Night Shen Yuan shook his head. "It doesn't matter. The master has a body there. She just needs to go back to the soul. And, in order not to cause the plane to be alert, she will not have memories at first, and will slowly recover later. ”

Yuan Zhixu frowned. "...Isn't it said that there are many enemies in the early days? If she had no memory at the beginning, what should she do if she was bullied?"

Night Shen Yuan chuckled, "So I will go with her, I counted where I am, and there are also avatars."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, there was only one soul in the modern, and the night Shen Yuan actually had a soul not coming back.

Before he was reborn with a frog mirror, most of the souls were swallowed up by the frog mirror. Later, when the soul returned, he remembered all the memories, but found that one piece was missing.

Did not say before, is afraid of the master worried, did not expect to count later, actually counted that the soul has also gone to the world.

Because of the overlap of time and space, there is no time difference between his soul and the soul of the master.

It’s just that he and the master have only one soul in there, and they don’t have much traction with each other. If no one changes their destiny, they may not meet forever.

When Yuan Zhixu heard it, he immediately reassured a lot, but he quickly frowned.

"Would you have no memory in the beginning? If you haven't thought about it yet, what should you do when you are bullied and dead? Or, you should first fly up! When you become a successor, you don't have to Worried!"

Night Shen Yuan smiled and shook his head. "I can always fly up, but because I have lost a soul, I can't be a successor to heaven."

However, I am now able to perceive the fate of life. I want to make a slight change in the fate of the world. I will let the world of the world meet quickly, rest assured, and nothing will happen. ”

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