The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 929: Modern Fan, thirteen

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"You... you are a dead girl! What are you talking about?!"

Yin Ailing’s lame, she’s going to go to the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and she plans to drag her to a place where no one is, so as not to get rid of the scandal.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the action was flexible, and the body was short and hid!

She hid and said, "You will call me again! I was photographed by the vice president and the vice president in the studio. You have to force me, I will send it to the school online!"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, everyone around you was shocked! Teacher Yin and Vice President? What is this news?

Seeing the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Yin Ai Lin’s expression is even more terrible! Does she really dare to say? ! Also, did she really shoot it? Then is she not dead? !

No... she wants to be calm! She was just kissing, she hadn't had time to do anything, and after she caught the early Yuan, she searched her body and didn't see anything like a mobile phone. What did she take?

Just as she panicked, suddenly a roar came, "What are you doing here?!"

Hearing this voice, the people's subconscious neck was originally the school administrator, and he followed several teachers.

The principal of this school is notoriously fair, but in the past two years he was in poor health, so he called his son and served as the school administrator. The director is also very busy, but as long as he appears in school. I must rectify a bunch of people.

After seeing him at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, his eyes brightened. It seems that luck is good today, and the school administrator is also there!

Contrary to her, Yin Ailin’s face is even more ugly... It seems that she only has a bet! The gambling element was lying at the beginning, and there was no evidence in her hand!

So after the school administrator came over, Yin Ailin immediately showed the expression of grievances, and the wicked first complained!

"Director Xu, you are coming right! This dead girl will smear my innocence, you have to be the master of me!"

While she was complaining, she remembered, she remembered very clearly, when she found out that someone was peeking and rushed straight to catch the early Yuan!

Therefore, she was very sure that there was no mobile phone in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and she stood in the hallway, and there was no obstruction around her to let her hide her mobile phone. Where did she take pictures? She must be lying!

When Xu Kai came over, Yin Ailing grabbed her arm and suddenly frowned. "Stand up, talk!"

Yin Ailin quickly released her hand, but she thought she was not so flustered at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. She was calm, and she was just bluffing at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I looked at my eyes and raised my eyebrows. She understood what Yin Ailing was thinking. Did she just think she had no evidence? Of course, she really has no evidence, but this does not prevent her from doing things.

She stepped forward. "Director Xu, the sentence I said is true... Of course, I don't want to let the whole school know about this scandal. Please ask for a step!"

Yin Ai Lin listened and quickly opposed it!

Jokes, once solved privately, what should I do if Xu Kai’s dead girl seduce Xu Kai? Do not say anything else, the face of this dead girl is still very good-looking, so definitely can not give them a chance to get along alone.

Yin Ailing said loudly, "If you have something to say, I will be so loud! I don't dare to be a man when I am so big, I don't dare to be a man! Director Xu, let me put it this way! At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I was filthy, I must pursue it!"

She will either give evidence now or just apologize to everyone in the face! Otherwise, afterwards, the rumors are flying all over the sky! ”

When she finished, some of them proudly saw the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. At this time, she became more and more sure that there was no evidence in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, so she dared to say so loudly.

Xu Kai listened to people around him and said that what happened just now, frowned. Is Yin Ailing really stupid or really not done? Actually want to deal with it publicly?

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she said this sentence, "Is this not good? I really came up with evidence. This school, how are you still waiting?"

"No more nonsense!" Yin Ailing said with a scream, "If there is evidence, I will take the evidence to say something! If you have evidence, I will pack up and leave, but if you have no evidence, you will publicly smear the teacher, and Yinglan University will not accept it." A student like you!"

When she finished, she looked at Xu Kai again. "Director, you may think that I shouldn’t care about a student, but I can’t take such a student, or she can go, or I will go, you can do it..."

She made a look of a victim, and there were so many people around, so Xu Kai was very embarrassed.

He stared at the beginning of the Yuan and frowned, "How do you say?"

Shrugging at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it was easy to say, "I have always respected the teacher. Since Yin said so, I definitely respect her wishes. If I have evidence, please ask her to move! This sings I can't learn a good teacher!"

"You..." Yin Ailing was a little panicked. Why didn't she still have trouble at this time in the early Yuan Dynasty? But it was impossible. After that time, she did not meet at the school!

The students around are waiting to see the excitement, and the bell rings and they are not willing to go.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he took a photo directly from his pocket and stuffed it into Xu Kai’s hand.

Yin Ai Lin stunned, and Xu Kai saw the content, but also stopped!

This... He was shocked to see Yin Ailin, did not expect it to be true?

Yin Ailin didn't see it well. She quickly rushed over to grab the photo. I saw that the above scene was the scene where she and the vice principal were mingling in the studio, but the problem is that these have never happened!

Although she wanted to come in the studio once, she didn't make it. Because the Yuan interrupted them at the beginning of the Yuan, how did this photo come from?

She knows it! This is synthetic!

Yin Ailing said loudly, "Director Xu, you have to believe me! This photo is definitely a synthesis! I have not done it!"

She really didn't do it in the studio!

Everyone has a lot of arguments, is there really evidence? Teacher Yin and Vice President?

Hey, they are all family, and the vice-principal’s wife is also a school teacher. This is a big fun!

Xu Kai's face is very dark, is the photo a synthesis, he still doesn't know? Although this photo is a bit confusing, the appearance of the two people is still very clear. How can the intimate picture be synthesized?

"You all give me to the office!"

This Yin Ai Lin did not dare to toss, the whole person was embarrassed, do not know what happened.

Why have you done photos, why are there photos?

Seeing that the students looked at her eyes are not right, she panic, it is only remember that the vice-principal's wife is also at school!

But the Yuan Yuan refused.

She smiled and said, "I have already given the evidence. This is what I accidentally photographed. Besides, I have no other evidence, so I will not go. I don't want to participate in these messy things, I only Want to study."

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