The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 944: Modern Fan, twenty-eight

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At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she did not stop, let her search, and then the two walked toward the playground one after the other.

At this time, the night Shen Yuan, who was talking to Xu Kai, received a call from his subordinates.

"Young master, the situation is a bit bad, Liu Jigui is coming!"

The night Shen Yuan "hmm", can not be denied.

The other party was somewhat worried. "Young master, the situation may be fraudulent. Do you want me to remind the younger lady?"

Night Shen Yuan slightly raised his eyebrows and was very satisfied with his journey.

"No need to."

Night Shen Yuan and Xu Kai stood on the side of the balcony and looked down, just to see the back of the Yuan and Lin Biao left, he smiled.

"Don't underestimate my girl. If you look down on her, you have to pay the price."

And, even if his girl is counted, what? Others are here, can't they be the winners?


At this time, a lot of people were surrounded by the playground.

In the past, the student union will also engage in activities on Friday, but most of the students will still study in the classroom. This is the first time that so many people have given up self-study and come here. What happened?

I saw that on the playground, the biggest stage on the ground, stood a woman about twenty years old, she removed makeup, but the beauty is also very good-looking, it is a bit familiar.

"The big news broke, the big broke!" The woman opened her mouth and revealed a vulgar taste. She patted the microphone in front of her and said loudly.

"My name is Xun Fanglan. I am coming to this school today to collect debts!"

Debt collection?

People have gossip psychology, listening to Yan Fanglan saying that there are more people around.

The strange thing is that neither the teacher nor the security guards stopped. One of the female teachers asked the male teacher around me. "Let's just look at it like this? Don't call and talk to the leader?"

The male teacher pointed to one place and said, "Is the leadership not there?"

The female teacher looked over and saw a man who seemed to be a little older standing there. He was followed by two middle-aged men. He was the two vice-presidents of Yinglan University. Only one of them was just suspended. Ren, I didn’t expect them to appear here today.

The male teacher said, "There are two vice-presidents to accompany, and there is that one, the one is relatively short. It is the biggest shareholder of the school except Xu family. They all acquiesced, standing on the side, there must be a reason, we Just don't worry!"

The female teacher nodded, too, so many leaders were there, and she couldn’t speak for her.

On the other hand, on the way to the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she walked in front, and naturally she could not see Lin Biao’s expression at this time.

Lin Biao touched the ring on his finger and smiled smugly.

Ren Yuanchu’s organs counted, and she wouldn’t think of the ring she used to decorate. It’s actually a mini phone. After her cell phone was robbed, she used this and dialed to Liu Jigui. If Liu Jigui still wants the Yuan Dynasty, today is His best chance!

As long as she can completely destroy the person in the early Yuan Dynasty, what if she has a backing? When Liu Jigui grabbed the Yuan early and strengthened her, she did not believe that the gold master of the early Yuan would still want her!

After all, this kind of thin creature of man may be torn to the face of a Liu woman for a woman who is already dirty. If it is too big, it will not come and go. The world is so realistic.

The more Lin Biao thinks this, the more excited her heart is. As long as there is no accident, she will definitely be able to drive out the school at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I heard the sound from the playground. She raised her eyebrows slightly, sneered at her heart and walked straight.

And the woman named Yu Fanglan is making a big noise there.

"...this is the way! The little smack called Yuanchu, I saw that I looked a little like her, I wanted to let me record a video, acknowledging that the person in the photo was me, acknowledging that someone wanted to frame her.

As a result, I recorded a video for her. She said that good money was not given to me!

She may think that people like me don't dare to come to school. But I am coming! Since she is so shameless, I will simply tear her face! ”

She said, behind the big screen, it was the beauty of Lin Biao’s original photo!

In the photo, a young girl and an old man are together. Because they are afraid of bad influence, they also made a mosaic. The face is still very clear. Although it is full of makeup, it is very similar to the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. It is just more kitsch.

Then Yan Fanglan pointed to the woman in the photo and asked, "You said, is the woman in this photo like me? It is a bit like it! Otherwise, I will not find me to sin at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, but she wants to wash herself again. And don't give money. You said this kind of person, should I expose her?!"

She said that she was filled with indignation, just as she was really looking for her to wash herself and not give money!

And she is not very similar to the woman in the photo, because she removes makeup, what is acne on her face, and it is still very conspicuous.

With such a contrast, it seems that the person in the photo is not her. After all, she and the photo are much more ugly.

I heard such a big drama in the first day of the Yuan Dynasty, and my body was slightly tight.

In fact, she has already been mentally prepared, and Lin Biao will be sure to have a ghost. She just pushes the boat.

Only when her guess became a reality, she knew how much she hated! In the meantime, she seems to have seen herself at the painting booth, being humiliated to fall off the stage.

Lin Biao... Lin Biao!

She asked herself if she didn't have any place to be sorry for her. Why did Lin Biao get to this point and tried to put her to death several times? !

Lin Biao was very surprised to hear the words of Fang Fanglan! Sure enough, **** is still old, she just called Liu Jigui, Liu Jigui is on the road!

Oh, it seems that at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it is in jeopardy!

As long as the beginning of the Yuan was completely stepped on the bottom of the valley, as long as she was slept by the old man, it was a foregone conclusion that the old man had to support it! Will Axuan still like her? Will the gold master of the early Yuan still want her?

At the thought of this, Lin Biao was excited and trembled, but on the face, he made a firm expression!

"I can prove that the woman on the stage is not lying!"

Her voice was very loud, and everyone slammed back, and then saw Lin Biao who was behind the Yuan.

Lin Biao did not look at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, crossed her directly, walked toward the stage, and then looked at the beginning of the Yuan, showing some fear and insisting on the eyes of justice.

"...just at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I took my mobile phone and took the knife on my face, threatening me to admit that the photos about her before were sent by me... I didn’t agree, she threatened me and said, Let my family not be good!

She also said that the person who supports her is very powerful. I can't help it. She was dragged here by...

But I just heard what my sister said, I feel that I should not be so weak, threatened by her, I want to - expose her true face! ”

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