The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 955: Modern Fan, thirty-nine

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I didn’t expect them to bite back like this at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty! Are they not afraid, will they be trampled by the night sinking?

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I wouldn’t know that for those who have nowhere to go, it’s the last resort!

They originally wanted to use the sympathy of the early Yuan, let her ask her gold master, let them go through these "innocent" people.

However, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, they were totally different from each other. Then they had to use the last method, that is, to come up with "positive evidence" and make a stinking element! Re-create the paradox and let everyone believe it!

If the gold master behind her cares about her, then he is likely to temporarily stop them in order to protect the reputation of the early Yuan.

After all, in the cusp of the wave to continue to start with them, does not confirm their words? Was he because of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty to suppress the old master?

Even if he is not for the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, do you want to think about your face? Once the public opinion comes true, everyone knows that he is acting for such a woman, and that the people in his circle will laugh at him?

So the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is their only breakthrough!

With the idea of ​​Bo’s vitality, Liu’s family came here. As long as there is a chance, let them all flee abroad. For this opportunity, they can do everything they can!

I saw him shouting loudly. "If you hear it, come and judge!"

This marriage book was signed together under the witness of the two families! There is her fingerprint on it! At the moment, she is so bad that my dad is sick in bed, which makes our family stormy. Shouldn’t she bear the main responsibility? ”

There are more and more people around, it is out of school, many people on this road, and the family of Liu in the crowd, see everyone is paying attention to here, and quickly yelling at public opinion!

"The little girl is really terrible now! For the money, even the old man is cheating, after cheating on the new big money, he will bite a bite! If there is this marriage book, who knows she is such a woman?"

In a word, he made a big storm, and someone soon said.

"Yes! It's terrible! Before I got on the old man's head, I definitely got a lot of benefits? It will turn a face and not recognize people, but also shut down their family, it is really ruined!"

"Yeah yeah, I know a few of them, Liu Jigui's children and daughter-in-law, who had a good life in the past, because this little girl, I am afraid that I will be begging for a meal... I can’t say that my family’s troubles are worse than the family. Here, why are you still not willing to let them go?"

"This kind of woman still tells her so much? Directly toss away is! Take her to Chongxi, it is also a chance to give her a sin!"

All kinds of unbearable sounds came. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I wanted to leave, but I was blocked by the crowd. The Liu family saw things going smoothly, and my heart was happy!

He approached the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and his eyes flashed through the hidden light. "Miss Yuan, have you seen it? There are more people in the world who are reasonable. You are going to go back with me! My dad can't do it, now I am going to be happy, home. The wedding room is laid out for you!"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he was really disgusted by her. She asked, "What if he died?"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the words caused a great uproar. At this time, she was not afraid, angry, but cursing others. Many people who don't know the truth think that the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty was too vicious!

The middle-aged man changed his face and immediately twisted and said, "Then you will give him a marriage marriage! In short, you are a Liu family, and death is a Liu family ghost!!"

He said that he was going to catch the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. He saw that his hand was about to meet the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. After the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he stepped back. The bodyguard rushed out and listened to the "squeaky" sound. The man screamed and his hand was Bending to an incredible degree!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she was psychologically prepared. Just before she suddenly remembered her classmates who had broken their hands for no reason, the Liu family who had been twisted on the playground stage, and the man who suddenly appeared.

Although she did not want to admit it, she seemed to have been protected by the night sinking a long time ago.

When I didn't say this at the moment, I saw the bodyguard at the beginning of the Yuan and seemed to want to remember his face.

The bodyguard's five-dimensional three-dimensional, tall, originally should be a man full of strength, but his face with a thick smile sold his heart... Well, I will ask him again.

Seeing the sudden reversal of the situation, many people whispered back, and the rest were afraid, but they stayed, but they were a little farther away, and their eyes were fixed at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the bodyguards crossed the bodyguards, and the few Liu family members seemed to fall back like a ghost!

I didn't expect to have a thug at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty!

To know that the general wealthy people travel, there is no such thing, after all, the country is still safe, they have a babysitter at most!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I saw the family! That rushed out of a gesture of breaking hands, really is not the level that most people can achieve.

The middle-aged man was so white that he fell white and fell to the ground, but several people behind him quickly climbed up and stepped back. He didn't want to help him. The family's ruthlessness was first seen. She went straight. In the presence of a middle-aged man, he is condescending.

"What is your name?"

The man slammed his hand and said, "I am Liu Yuanyang, you can't move me! Otherwise this marriage book, this marriage book..."

He reached out and tried to marry the marriage book. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he first slammed it up. Liu Yuanyang was shocked and looked up. Then he saw the cold look of the early Yuan Dynasty.

"First of all, this kind of marriage book does not have any legal benefits. Secondly, this marriage book is the one who impersonates my father. According to my hand, the handprint printed, I have no voluntariness. He can't represent my parents... ...but it can be used as a piece of evidence."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it was properly collected.

"Evidence?" Liu Yuanyang heard the word more panic, and his eyes flickered at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he smiled and said, "Of course, you also saw the signing time of the marriage book. It was a day two years ago. At that time, I was two months away from the age of sixteen!"

Liu Yuanyang listened, his face was paler, and he seemed to think of something bad. His forehead was full of cold sweat.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he continued, "There are three handprints above, one is mine, one is Liu Jigui, and one is Wen Tiancheng. Wen Tiancheng pretends to be my father, forcing me to press the marriage book and take me to sell the money. Later, he was still the witness of this ridiculous marriage book, this is the evidence that you broke the law!"

"Oh, a fake father, with an old man who is smug-hearted, intends to forcibly buy and sell underage girls... Thank you for giving me this evidence. Otherwise, I really don't know how to tell the truth!"

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