The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 985: Modern Fan, Sixty-nine

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Chapter 985 Modern Fan, Sixty-nine

In fact, she didn't have a driver's license at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. After all, she was only 18 years old. But when she was a child, his father had been a driver for a few years. When her feet were able to brake, her dad and her parent-child activities took her to the wilderness. Driving, in other words, she opened, will open, just technology...

If it is normal, Yuan began to think that she would never touch this car, but now that life is a matter of life, she must see the night Shenyuan nothing, to be at ease!

So she went down the throttle and went to the mountains. There was only one road, the road was still wide, and there was no pedestrian obstacle. Her rookie white can also be unimpeded!

The night house is faster because they sent the plane directly!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I heard the sound of the overhead propeller, and my heart was slightly safe. If the night family could hurry, the safety of the night Shenyuan would be guaranteed.

At the same time, the depths of the mountains.

After the signal tower was blown up, the night Shen Yuan took out the satellite phone.

But the satellite phone can't be used! Obviously there is an instrument shielding the satellite in the other hand...

However, the instrument can be brought to the mountains without knowing it. The shielding range of the instrument must be very limited. They just need to leave this area.

At the moment, there are two ways to go to the night. First, the people will continue to go deeper. Although the opponent’s weapon ratio is more than he estimated, it is only a matter of time to eliminate them under the absolute number and firepower suppression.

If the picture is stable, it is now taking people out of the box, as long as they leave the scope of the instrument shielding, he can dispatch the subordinates to copy!

There are many caves in this area. Night Shen Yuan fears that they will use this time to blast the underground caves and leave it. It is a bit difficult to catch them.

"Young master, chasing after victory or temporarily evacuating?" he asked a dark-skinned person.

They have been here all the way, encountered two attacks, took the initiative to attack once, has consumed most of the opponent's combat power.

But everything is still based on the safety of the young master, so he is more inclined to protect the young master from temporary evacuation, and then dispatch other people to clean up the embers.

Night Shen Yuan thought for a moment, directly on the pistol, whispered, "offensive! But the enemy is desperate to fight back, everyone is careful!"

"Yes! Young Master!"

There is a night of Shen Yuan lead, everyone is like a rainbow, continue to move forward!

Sure enough, they encountered an ambush again.

But even if you can't use the phone to dispatch other teams, the night Shen Yuan team encounters them and they are also crushed, so the cleaning process is very smooth.

The gunshots were stirred up and destroyed. Finally, with the cooperation of the people, the night Shen Yuan blocked the last killers in the cave!

When the night Shen Yuan discovered them, they were preparing to explode a passage to get out.

In the face of the counterattack of the night house, they have been panicked, not to mention the second assassination, they just want to save their lives...

It is a pity that the night Shen Yuan did not give them this opportunity. He actually gave up his life in the case that the communication equipment was temporarily unavailable!

I really don't know if he is fearless, or not afraid of death!


"The people inside are listening! You have been surrounded, and you will surrender without guns!"

The people around the night Shenyuan yelled at the cave. His people had already blown up the cave first, so it is impossible for the remaining killers to use the cave to escape.

The last three people couldn’t help but walked out with their hands up, and in the absence of everyone, they threw the guns on the ground.

The night Shen Yuan was not close to the gun, and the few people were foreigners. If he thought about it, he did not expect to be a multinational organization.

He used his eyes to indicate that someone immediately came forward to handcuff the three people.

They looked very honest and didn't say a word, but when they were handcuffed to one of them, the sky suddenly heard the sound of the propeller!

It is the night house, and the people at night come to the night to sink!

Because they could not be reached, the night plane opened the searchlight.

When the bright beam of light passed through the night, the air suddenly tightened!

It is the reinforcement of the night house!

Realizing this, the three captured people looked at each other, one of them suddenly went crazy, smashed the night family around him and ran towards the mountain forest!

See him want to run away! In less than three seconds, he was killed by the surrounded night army!

But this three seconds has attracted the attention of most people!

Almost at the same time, the remaining two are also moving!

After the first one was killed, the second shouted a language they couldn't understand, and then opened his own clothes!

He is tied with bombs!

Seeing this situation, almost everyone's attention was pulled by him, and the third person seized this hard-won few seconds and went all out to the night!

He pressed the button and the explosives on his body began to count down!

It turned out that they never thought about surrendering or living! Their sole purpose is to die at night!

The situation is chaotic! Under the roar of the plane, at the moment the searchlights were swept, the three desperate people began to act!

When the second person tied with explosives was killed, the third person had already rushed to a place close to the night Shenyuan!

The explosives on his body are only the last few seconds left, and the reminder of the drip is unspeakable...

As he ran, he smiled at the night, and Shen Yuanyuan quickly retreated, and behind him was the hillside!

"Go to hell!!" After the man was hit by a bullet, he ran a few meters forward, and his screaming sound accompanied the explosion at the same time!

Just listen to the loud noise of "Boom"! Everyone is busy! The night Shen Yuan was closest to the explosion point, and the moment of the fire burst, he thought that he was not himself, but how he was injured and explained to the Yuan Dynasty...

He reflexively jumped back and planned to roll down the hillside, but he wouldn't have thought that a piece of shrapnel that was blown up was firing at him!

When the Yuan came, I saw this scene.

Her pupils tightened, and at the moment the explosion sounded, the speed reached the limit that humans could not reach!

The fire illuminates the mountain forest. When the people on the plane hear the explosion, they are scared to death. If they don’t say anything, they will slide down with the steel rope and rush to the explosion site!

The people who had fallen down before also rushed to the hillside and wanted to see the situation of the night Shen Yuan!

When everyone gathered on the hillside, in the fire, the night Shenyuan actually took a person and slowly went up...

A person who will never appear here is here. The terrible thing is that she still has a shrapnel in her hand!

It’s hard to imagine the night sinking, why is it faster than bullets at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty! She not only threw him down, but also grabbed it with the hand when the shrapnel shot!

He couldn't see the process of catching the stray bullets at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and her hand was not shot!

Only the high temperature of the shrapnel melted the skin of her palm, he had to go back immediately and take things out of her hands!

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