The Divine Doctor and Stay-at-home Dad

Chapter 513: The little guy is coming

When I saw the pistol being flattened, everyone was shocked. The taillights that disappeared from the Mercedes-Benz were full of fear.

Sun Wei’s voice said dryly: “The inner strength master, I did not expect him to be a young man, even though he is young, he is already a master!”

Among the top three families of Modu, Sun is famous for its martial arts and has many masters.

But even such a family, the internal strength master is not too much, like Qin Haodong so young is even more unique.

Since Qin Haodong has already left, they do not need to stay here, and the group soon returned to the Sun family.

An hour later, Sun Wei, who had bandaged his head injury, appeared again in Sun Qianqian's room.

At this time, he was licking his neck, and his head was wrapped like an ear in the black cat sheriff, which looked extraordinarily funny.

Sun Qianqian's face was iron and blue. This time, instead of failing to return the building, she lost her car to a Mercedes-Benz.

Sun Wei gnashed his teeth and said: "Miss Second, this must be reported!"

Sun Qianqian said: "I also want to take revenge, but you tell me, what should I do?"


Thinking of the terrible Qin Haodong, Sun Wei’s heart raised a sense of powerlessness, and he tentatively said: "Miss Er, let us call the police!"

"Alarm? Is your brain broken?"

Sun Qianqian raised her hand and slammed it on Sun Wei’s head, ignoring his injury.

"Reporting the police, what do we tell people? Is it that we took the gun to robbery, is it telling him or telling us? Now we can still find a way to do this. Once the big man is known by the father, then we will be completely finished. ”

"Know the lady."

Sun Wei squinted his head, his mouth licked his mouth, and suddenly he felt a move and said, "Miss, I have a solution!"

"What are your bad ideas?"

Sun Qianqian looked at him and said.

"It's not a bad idea. This is definitely a good way." Sun Wei said, "Miss Miss II, you think, the boy named Qin is using a pill to force you to hand over the building. Can we force him to hand over the building?"

Sun Qianqian said with no anger: "As for your waste, just like a dog with a gun, how do you force it?"

"Miss Miss, this time we just underestimated the kid. I didn't expect him to be an internal fighter. But it doesn't matter. Although he is powerful, he has family and friends.

We can grab his family and friends. When the hostages are in hand, can he still turn to the sky? Still not how we want to get it! ”

Sun Qianqian thought about it. This seems to be a solution. "Well, this matter will be handed over to you. If you have done a good job, you will be rewarded. If you don't do well, you will get out of the Sun family."

"Don't worry, Miss II, I will go and do it. I will go to the bottom of the kid."

Sun Wei finished, and walked out of the room with his neck.

After Qin Haodong drove away and went straight to the airport, Lin Momo and the little guy's plane were about to arrive. I thought that I would see my own woman and daughter soon. He was excited in his heart and the car was driving a little faster.

At the airport exit, Lin Momo took Tang Tang and walked out with the flow of people.

Gao Yan’s mother with a beautiful Loli daughter, this pair of looks in the crowd looks particularly conspicuous, Qin Haodong saw two mothers and daughters at a glance.

The little guy also saw the Qin Haodong who picked up the plane. He immediately jumped from the arms of Lin Momo, flew into the arms of Qin Haodong, and then slammed him on his cheek.

The little guy clung to his neck and said, "Hey, I haven't seen you for so many days, I want to die of candy!"

"Dad misses you too."

Qin Haodong said that he had kissed a few couples on the face of the little guy. At this time, Lin Momo also came out.

He stepped forward to hold Lin Momo in his arms and kissed him without saying anything.

Although these days I thought of Qin Haodong, Lin Momo was still ashamed, and gently pushed him away. He said, "Why, sugar is still there!"

"Don sugar didn't see anything!"

The little guy said, blocking his eyes with two fleshy little hands, big eyes squinting at them from his fingers, giggling.

"Look at how sensible our daughter is."

Qin Haodong once again kissed Lin Momo's face, and then the family went out of the airport.

After getting on the bus, Qin Haodong threw the real estate license of the commercial building to Lin Momo. "This is the new headquarters of the Lin Group in Modu."

Lin Momo looked at the real estate license and said with surprise: "Is it so fast?"

"Of course, hurry up, or how can you see you and Tang Tang." Qin Haodong said, "The house is already there. When will your team come over?"

"How can we have two or three days? It is not so simple to move a large group. There are many things that need to be prepared."

Qin Haodong nodded. These things are not in the line, and they are all handed over to Lin Momo.

Soon, they arrived home.

Because I used to call the phone, Lin Momo was very familiar with his situation. I know that there is a house here and there are not many accidents.

After going upstairs, the four girls still didn't sleep, sitting in the living room and watching TV together.

After hearing the footsteps, they looked over here. When they saw Lin Momo and the little guy who entered the door with Qin Haodong, several people had different expressions.

Li Meiyu and Jia Shihan were shocked and unexpected. They did not expect Qin Haodong to come back so late and bring back one big and one small two beautiful women.

Nalan Wushuang and Qi Yuer were a surprise, exclaimed: "Lin sister, Tang Tang, you are here!"

"Two moms, aunts, you are here too!"

The little guy was also very surprised, ran over and rushed into Nalan’s unparalleled arms.

"Don Sugar, how did you come?"

Nalan asked her little face to kiss her.

"It’s taking me and Ma Ma!"

The little guy pointed to Qin Haodong.

I heard that Tang Tang called Qin Haodong’s father, called Lin Momo’s mother, and Li Meiyu’s face changed instantly.

During this time, her feelings for Qin Haodong are changing every day. Although she is not willing to admit it, she feels more and more inseparable from this man.

But at this time, suddenly, a little girl called Dad is going on? And next to this beautiful, unspoken woman, who is she? Could it be said that Qin Haodong's wife? How can this be?

She pulled Qin Haodong to the side and asked angrily: "You told me what happened? You are not just a freshman? How can you have a daughter?"

"Don't worry, you listen to me."

Qin Haodong was also a headache. I knew that I didn’t say that I was pursuing this gimmick. Now I got into trouble.

However, he was also afraid of really angering Li Meiyu, moving out of his own home, and had to send someone to stay with her for 24 hours.

Before ending this bodyguard mission in Hong Kong, I can only continue this lie as much as possible.

He said: "This is the case, sugar is my dry daughter, or you think I may have such a big daughter at this age."

Hearing that he was a daughter, Li Meiyu’s expression eased a lot, but he still felt a little bit wrong, and asked: “Who is this woman? Did you know before the unparalleled sister and nephew? Why do they look So familiar?"

Qin Haodong said: "This is the mother of Mama Mo, the sister of Tang Tang. In the past, we lived together and were neighbors. The relationship was very good. She came to the company to visit the company and stayed with me for the time being.

Unparalleled sister is the godmother of Tang Tang. It must be known. The relationship between the nephew and the unparalleled sister is so good. They are also familiar with it. ”

"So, you know Wu Sister and nephew before, why don't you tell me?"

"I am not very familiar with them, and I am afraid of your heart, so I did not say."

Qin Haodong said one after another, and there was a cold sweat on his forehead.

Fortunately, this explanation is reluctant to say that Li Meiyu said: "Well, if you pass the customs, you will not be able to look at me again in the future."

"Knowing my grandmother."

Qin Haodong grew a sigh of relief. This time he finally fooled. Now he hopes that the Hong Kong father will take the granddaughter back and finish the bodyguard mission.

The salary of 1 million a day is indeed quite a lot, but it is too tiring.

After eating breakfast the next day, Qin Haodong and Li Meiyu went to school together. Lin Momo took the little guy to go to the temporary group to relocate.

Jia Shihan was very fond of the little guys, and there was nothing to do with it. He followed the two people.

After coming to the classroom, Alipay and Tian Boguang saw Qin Haodong immediately surrounded.

Alipay said: "Boss, you will be absent from class on the first day of school. What have you done?"

Tian Boguang said with a smirk: "Is it dating with a beautiful woman?"

Alipay said: "Nonsense, there are so many beautiful women in our class, isn’t it enough to be a big bubble? How can I go out for a date?"

Tian Boguang said: "I don't understand what you said. How do you know that this single dog knows that the red flag at home is not falling, and the flag outside the home is fluttering."

"Okay, shut up, both of you."

I don’t want to talk too much about my own affairs. Qin Haodong saw that Su Hui’s position was still empty, and he said that he had transferred the topic. “How come Su Hui has not come today?”

Alipay said: "Who knows, yesterday, you were the class teacher's absentee class, today it is the turn of the deputy squad leader to absent."

Tian Boguang smiled and said: "Fortunately, you are not taking classes together. Otherwise, I really think that you two will go on a date, which will hurt many single dogs."

Soon the bell rang, Su Hui never came, it seems that today is indeed absent.

After a day's class, Qin Haodong was sleepy most of the time. With his current level of medical skills, no one in the Chinese medicine profession can be regarded as his teacher.

Su Hui did not come to class one day, it seems that it is definitely something.

After class, Qin Haodong just went out, but received a call from Su Hui.

After pressing the answer button, he said: "Su Hui, why didn't you come to class today?"

"My grandfather is ill." Su Hui said with a low voice. "The grandfather has a fever of 39 degrees. It has been burned for a day and a night. I can't go back with all kinds of methods. Can you come over and help him?"

Qin Haodong said: "How can it be so serious? Even the old man has no way?"

Su Hui said: "My grandfather has also seen it. I thought it was just an ordinary feeling of coldness. It is useless to use two drugs in succession.

Later, my grandfather was sent to the affiliated hospital of the Magic University of Medical Sciences. The doctor diagnosed that it was a cold, and he used the antipyretics of Western medicine, but it still had no effect. ”

"Oh! I used to look at it." Qin Haodong said, "Tell me the location of the father's ward."

Su Hui said: "Thank you, I am waiting for you at the door of the inpatient department of Devil Medical University!"

Qin Haodong and Nalan Wushuang and others greeted each other and then rushed to the inpatient department of Magic Medical University. The inpatient department was only separated from the medical university by a wall, and soon he saw Su Hui waiting in front of the door.

Su Hui is wearing a white dress. It looks like a blooming lily. It is elegant and beautiful. It just looks awkward today, and the brow is light and wrinkled. There is a cloud of clouds that cannot be scattered.

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