A Knight Legion of about a hundred people blocked Li Mu and the others’ way.

“Stupid Oriental, stop your humble footsteps.”

A bearded beard wearing a tall reindeer, wearing chain mail, and an armour-piercing cone sword in his hand, looks like a medieval Knight dress, burly, and has a visual impact.

Li Mu has read the materials, and the western cultivation world is now divided into old and new factions.

The new school is mostly a cultivator of the new generation, and a variety of abilities that have emerged with the revival of the Spiritual Qi. They are perfectly integrated into the modern scientific and technological society. They will use hot weapons to enhance their Battle Strength.

The old school is some ancient inheritance, such as the Holy See, Ascetic, monks, Dao Academy, etc., still uphold the ancient way of life and fighting methods.

The reindeer Knight in front of him is obviously old school.

“Now roll down from this white bull’s back and kiss my boots, otherwise today you will taste the anger of [Sark Knights].”

Knight the reindeer said with pride and contempt.

“kill them.”

Li Mu said.

Dragon King and Yuan Hou shot at the same time.

But it took five or six minutes to get bloody.

The so-called [Sark Knight Group] was completely destroyed.

牦 Ox King is walking on blood.

Along the way, I encountered a number of Western cultivation forces, without exception, full of arrogance and contempt, let alone kill Mu Mu and the others, but in the end, they were killed without exception. .

Li Mu and the others came with anger of revenge.

They are very restrained by what the West has done to attack Shaanxi Province.

At least, there is no indiscriminate killing to kill innocent civilians.

About half a day later, KingOx King embarked on a bloody road and finally reached the mountain road in the Alps.

In the era of great recovery, this prestigious mountain range in Europe has really grown again.

The mountain peak towered into the clouds.

Large white clouds cover the deepest mountain peaks, as if the legendary heaven is hidden in the deep clouds.

Kingdom of Divine Temple.

The largest cultivator Holy Land in Europe is located on the highest peak, Bailang Peak.

It used to be 4800 meters in height.

Today, I am afraid that it has passed ten thousand meters.

At the foot of the mountain, tens of thousands of Western cultivators have gathered from various countries.

There is also a well-equipped mercenary who has deployed the hottest weapon positions in Europe with the strongest attack.

The entire European cultivation world is elite, with more than 60%, concentrated here.

The eyes of them looking towards Li Mu and the others were full of hatred.

This Dongfang Yuan’s slaughter along the way to the advance team shocked the West.

Li Mu slowly stood up from 牦 Ox King’s back.

He looked down at the foothills, the vast western cultivator camp, and in his eyes there was a trace of chill.

The figure floated slowly.

To 100 meters.

Then, reaching out and grabbing in the void.

Luck rolling in the sky, covering the vast mist of white clouds in the Alps, like a whale sucking water, gathered frantically in the palm of moved towards Li Mu and turned into a long silver knife with a 100 meters length.

Qi Condensation is a knife.

Li Mu didn’t say a word.

He raised it with one hand, raised his head, and then slashed it with one hand.

The entire sky, the entire World, seems to be divided into two under the blade of this knife.

The rolling air waves suddenly separated.

In the distance, the shock and fear on the faces of the western cultivators quickly zoomed in at this moment, and then stopped.

The earth cracked.

This knife cut a crack with a length of several 100 meters directly on the ground, splitting the foot of the mountain, and also cut off the European mountain.

The overflowing Blade Qi wave is like the sun’s tumbling waves rolling towards the crowd, instantly killing nearly 10,000 western cultivators under the foothills by 90% nine.

Only fewer than a hundred people remain, relying on the reaction and cultivation base to avoid the fate of being spiked.

But also more seriously injured.

The Alps were cut in two.

It looks like a big dragon on the ground, splitting from the middle.

The dark seam didn’t know how deep it was, cracked the mountain range and stretched far into the distance.

As for the super-elite hot-armed mercenary?

Together with the weapon, it was turned into fly ash under the aftermath of the sword.

This knife shocked the fellows of the Oriental advance team.


This is the power that only God has.

Even many people know that Li Mu has done countless miracles.

But the knife just now has exceeded the limit of their imagination.

This is not at all a field that human cultivator can reach.

Li Mu stood in the air, holding the Cloud Blade, looked towards the farthest Bailang Peak.

“Aren’t you challenging me? Come on.”

He opened the mouth and said.

The sound is not big.

But echoed in Between Heaven and Earth.

Resounded through Europe.

A roar of a giant dragon came from Bailang Peak, deep in the Alps.

Under the sun, the scales of silver flicker.

A silver western giant dragon with a wingspan of more than two 100 meters came from the sky, standing on the back of this burly silhouette covered with silver armor, a flame of scarlet red hair, dancing in the wind.

Behind him, there were priests and nuns wearing black monastic robes.

“East War God Li Mu?”

In the hand of the silver armored man, holding a heavy silver Dragon Spear with a length of ten meters, as light as nothing, staring at Li Mu with a dignified expression in his eyes.

He absolutely didn’t expect that, in this rumor, the War God of the East was so scary to the extent that, God, this time, it seemed that he had hit the iron plate, and there was trouble.

Li Mu didn’t speak.

It’s just another cut.

This knife is not like Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering as before.

This is just a slap in the air.

The color of fear suddenly appeared on the face of the silver armored man, and his entire body was covered with silver light. The Dragon Spear in his hand trembled suddenly, holding his hands to make a parry gesture, and even angry roar broke out.

However, nothing happened.

Li Mu just stunned.

The Knight, known as the “Hand of God”, was frightened.

Li Mu could not help shaking his head and grinning.

“Look at your virtue, what qualifications do you have to challenge me?”

He looks scornful.


Knight Silver Knight reacted and was teased by himself.

Shocked directly by Li Mu’s Number One Blade, so too nervous, the opponent was just a casual action, which scared him overreacted.

“Oriental, you walked all the way and killed us too much …”

Knight Silver Silver opened his mouth to say something.

Li Mu raised his hand to be a knife.

This knife, but you are no longer false.


Dragon Spear, Knight, Silver Dragon, all froze.

Then it turned into six paragraphs.

Blood spray.

moved towards the ground.

Li Mu didn’t stop, and killed him directly, chopping left and right, without using a few knives, all the priests and monks who came behind were all killed and left in the air, none left.

The next moment, he turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Bailang Peak.

Save people.

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