what happened?

Li Mu was shocked. When he reacted, the scenes of the battles between the great peaks and the Chaos Emperor had disappeared. It was already inside the undead gate.

"The son?"

There was a voice of the moon around me.

Li Mu turned to look at it and found that both the vegetable and the bright moon had entered the sixth hall [undead Tianmen], and now they were relieved.

"Are we coming in?"

The moon patted the chest, looked around and said: "The son, we entered the undead gate?"

The dishes on one side are also measuring the surrounding environment.

Li Mu quickly determined that except for himself, the moon and the vegetables, no one else appeared, and they should all be outside the square.

The sixth hall after the undead gate, the inner environment is dark and deep, like a vacuum in the universe. At first glance, there is no limit, and a bright star is shining, far away, there seems to be a group The magnificent nebula flows slowly.

The entire sixth hall is like a small universe.

In the distance, a star-studded star suddenly burst into the air. In the blink of an eye, it came to the front, but the volume did not change. Eventually it became a silver light with a diameter of two meters. The light was soft and slowly rotated.

This scene is very strange.

"Be careful."

Li Mu was kept in front of the dish and the moon.

When the silver ball rotates one hundred and eighty degrees, it reveals the back, but it is a crystal clear crystal throne, like the IKEA spherical chair on the earth, but there are two ball handrails, it looks completely Like the style of the martial arts world, it is full of a science fiction style of the future world.

The one who made Li Mu three people sluggish was the one sitting on this spherical chair.

In white, the face is handsome, who is not the breeze?

"Breeze brother."

If you are happy in the moon, you will have to rush.

Li Mu was aware that it was wrong, and quickly stopped her: "Wait a minute, he is not a breeze."

"But..." The moon will be suspicious.

Whether it is clothing or five senses, it is clearly the breeze of the same way before, there is no change.

Li Mu did not speak.

Although the skin is the same, the gap in breath is too large.

In front of this sci-fi-style ball-lifting chair, there is a kind of esoteric to Li Mu, even if it is open to the eye, it is impossible to see the mystery of the slightest clue.

This is definitely not the breath of the breeze.

Is it...

In Li Mu’s heart, there is a not too good premonition.

"Li Mu?"

The ‘Qingfeng’ sitting on the Crystal Throne opened, and the sound together seemed to drive the resonance of the stars in this small universe. It contained the will of the whole universe, an ancient vicissitudes of breath.

This time, even if it is a dish and a bright moon, I immediately know that this person on the crystal throne is not really a breeze.

"Undead Emperor?"

Li Mu asked.


The ‘Qingfeng’ opening, the sound is still full of ancient atmosphere, and it seems to be an ancient tomb that has just opened the tomb.

This answer, let Li Mu and the other two women's heart, suddenly jumped wildly.

Really undead?

The owner of the undead?

"You have won the breeze?" Li Mu flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes, could not help but say.

This is the result of his most worry.

"Take the house?" In the voice of the "Breeze", with disdain: "There are nine characters in the sky, what kind of characters, you will win others, jokes."

Li Mu gave a slight glimpse.

This kind of tone of speech, it seems that you should believe it.

"Then why do you occupy the body of the breeze?" Li Mu went on to ask.

This is the most important issue at the moment.

"Occupy? Hehehe, this body, is originally awkward, and now the object belongs to the original owner, why do you occupy it?" "Breeze" sitting on the crystal throne, suddenly laughed: "It is you, dare to swear Take up the nest, let my body be yours?"

Li Mu listened, and immediately thought of another thought in his heart. Could it be true that the topic of hot discussion before the outside forces is true?

"Your body? Is there really a reincarnation in this world?" Li Mudao: "The breeze is actually your reincarnation?"

“Reincarnation?” ‘Qingfeng’ faintly said: “If you think this is a reincarnation, you can’t do it.”

Li Mu frowned.

This sentence sounds like it is not a reincarnation. Behind this, it seems that there are other hidden things.

"The seniors let me come in, I don't know why?" Li Mu simply no longer entangled the problem of ‘reincarnation’, and the words turned.

So many people were forced to die under the celestial gate. Only he and the vegetables and the moon were invited to the sixth hall. The only explanation was that the 'Qingfeng' wanted them to come in. This shows that they are three. People are valuable to this 'fresh breeze' in front of us.

"I want you, help me find someone." ‘Breeze’ opened.

Li Mudao: "Who are you looking for?"

"Looking for you." ‘Breeze’.

Li Pei suddenly stopped.

But in the next moment, a flash of light flashed through his mind. He suddenly understood the meaning of the phrase "Qingfeng" and said: "Are you looking for another Li Mu?"

"You are a smart person." ‘Breeze’.

In the heart of Li Mu, all of a sudden, there was a storm.

[Undead Emperor] is the missing Li Mu on the mainland star of China. This suddenly overturns a lot of established facts - the established facts that Li Mu believes.

Li Mu, who has disappeared from the mainland of China, is definitely not an ordinary person, because an ordinary person will not be remembered by the [undead Emperor].

Reminiscent of the performance of the small book boy Qingfeng along the way, you can be sure that the origin of the breeze, even if it is not the [undead Emperor] reincarnation, it is absolutely not as simple as previously thought.

So what about the moon?

Li Mu was sent to the mainland star of China. The first time I saw it was the Qingfeng Mingyue, and Li Mu, who was only known for not seeing him. He was the same as his longest and even the same age. The Western Qin Empire Wenjinshi of the Chinese mainland, but Li Mulai At that time, the Li Mu had been thrown under the cliff, and there was no life, no death.

Li Mu has always thought that this should be a coincidence.

But now it seems that things are really not that simple.

"Predecessors looking for that Li Mu, is it?" Li Mu said again.

"That's not something you should inquire about." ‘Breeze’.

Li Mu thought for a moment and said: "I have also looked for him before, but there is no drop."

"That's because he doesn't want you to find it." ‘Breeze’.

In Li Mu’s mind, he once again set off waves.

In this way, I have been underestimating the Li Mu before. Is it that Li Mu is actually a strong martial artist, or is there any other hidden identity?

"If he doesn't want me to find it all the time, then I can't find him forever?" Li Mudao said: "The seniors asked me to find someone. I should always point me to find his way."

To be honest, Li Mu also wants to find the Li Mu, to figure out what is going on. There are more people in the world who have a heavy name, but they are exactly the same as the surnames. It is not as simple as it seems.

‘Qingfeng’ said: “I will tell you when I am.”

"Hmm?" Li Muyi.

What does it mean?

At this moment, suddenly, the powerful temperament of the ancient vicissitudes of the 'Qingfeng' suddenly burst and dissipated like a blisters in the wind, receding like a tide.

"I..." The breeze stood up on the crystal throne, and his eyes were a bit stunned in a flash, but after seeing Li Mu and others, he immediately showed a hint of joy: "The son? You... also came in?"

Li Mu and the three men looked at each other and saw the doubts in each other's eyes.

"Is it... just now he said what did you say?" What the breeze realized, said: "You just saw him, right?"

"Who are you talking about?" asked Li Mu.

The breeze smiled and said: "The undead Emperor."

"What happened after you came in?" Li Mu asked.

Qingfeng Road: "After entering, I saw a normal palace. There are countless arrays of patterns in the hall, and this crystal throne in the middle of the array. At that time, all the formations were dormant, I was all the way. When I came, I did not encounter any obstacles and set foot on this crystal throne. At that time, I was almost attracted to the crystal throne at the first moment of entering the sixth temple. I felt like a kind of From the call of the soul of life, let me sit on it without knowing it. Then, the array here is stimulated, and the entire sixth hall is turned into a cosmic star, which contains countless ways. The law, I am sitting on the throne, I can see everything that happened outside, and I can sense the situation in other temples. At the same time, I also met him, the undead Emperor, a soul hidden in this [undead scorpion] ""

The breeze tells it in detail.

"For the soul of the undead Emperor, I have almost no resistance, as if he has always been my control, mastering everything about me, this is a very strange feeling." The breeze face is full of doubts.

After he ushered the Crystal Throne, he only mastered this [undead scorpio], but he did not have any communication with the undead Emperor. The words he said were not as good as those of the undead Emperor and Li Mu.

"Qingfeng brother, is it really you? Just a guy, is it already gone?" Mingyue will be willing to look up and down.

Qingfeng Road: "It's me, but I can vaguely feel that the gods of the undead Emperor's predecessors are still in my body."

Li Mu nodded.

Just now, the Emperor said that when the time comes, he will tell Li Mu, where Li Mu is on the mainland of China, and he must be hidden in the body of the breeze. Only in this way can Li Mu be contacted.

"Qingfeng brother, have you got the inheritance of the undead Emperor?" Mingyue is full of curiosity.

The breeze nodded and said: "The moment I activated the Crystal Throne, I got a lot of things. The undead Emperor’s predecessors sacrificed the technique of casting, as if suddenly, they appeared in their minds, and the whole [undead scorpio], In fact, it is part of the inheritance. It is a complete set of casting tools."


There is one more

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