The Divine Martial Stars

: 1056, the heart of the stars

Li Mu still did not respond, suddenly felt a surging, powerful to the extreme real yuan, suddenly came from behind, and instantly filled the real yuan that Li Mu had already withered and dried up.

It’s like a transparent stream of water flowing into a stiff muddy field, like a roaring mountain torrent roaring into a dry riverbed, like a savage ocean filled with an ancient lake, and Li Mu feels like the real thing in the body. Filling up.

He did not hesitate to inject this true element directly into the double ring of heaven and earth.


A layer of invisible transparent force rings spread.

The volume of the double ring of the heavens and earth suddenly expanded and turned into two black giant grinding discs with a diameter of 100 meters, which turned in opposite directions. The black and red strange atmosphere circulated, and the terrible murderous flow between the heavens and the earth, as if the devil of the killings came. This is a terrible breath that makes all things tremble.

This emperor has recovered to such a degree for the first time since it fell into the hands of Li Mu.


Lin Yuquan was horrified.

He vaguely saw that Yun’s little daughter, Yun Shuangying, who had always been in the vegetative state, was supported by the old woman and the yin and yang face woman, and both palms were pressed on the back of Li Mu, the original life of the dead. The girl who is close to nothing, like a fairy who came to the world, is a powerful and unparalleled power of immortality, and is constantly injected into Li Mu's body.

“Is that the real secret treasure?”

Lin Yuquan realized what.

Among the four people of the Yun family, the powerful cloud is on the front line, and has been investigated too many times too many times. It can be confirmed that there is no secret treasure in the body, and the cloud family is in the four people in Huining City, the old woman, Yun You The three normal people, wife and Yun Shuangyan, were also searched for memories in his cell. There was no clue. Only the little girl who had been dead like him, he subconsciously ignored it.

The secret treasure is actually on this little girl?

This shows that the old woman of Yunjia and Yunyou's wife must know this secret. Why did she not find out when she searched for memories?

This series of memories is coming in madness.

Then Lin Yuquan, the whole person, was completely crushed directly by the Tianshuang Double Ring Grinding Disc. Whether it was the flesh or the soul, it turned into powder, the blood stained the sky, the white bones shot, and the mass of meat was from the sky. Falling down!

This time, the descendant of the Lei Daoshan Mountain, the leader of the thundering fire department, has no reason to be spared. Under the slash of the heavens and the earth, the death is completely thorough.


The double ring of the heavens and the earth rotates and is crushed toward the white clouds.

"not good……"

Bai Ruyun had already reacted and looked at the death of Lin Yuquan. At the moment, he simply refused to deal with Yuan Hao and manipulated [the demon mirror]. The purple light shone toward the heaven and earth ring.


The invisible energy explosion overflows.

The speed of the double loop of the heavens and the earth is not reduced, and the direct rotation is crushed.

"Oh... this is impossible."

Bai Ruyun’s body stunned, and a blood spurted out.

According to the power of the demon mirror, it is not the opponent of the double ring of heaven and earth. It is twisted by the power that broke out in the black grind disc. The purple light column collapses instantly, and the power of counterattack makes the leader who is ranked second in Lei Daoshan, suffers suddenly. .

Li Mu was a little more conscious at this time.

He also does not care how the pure power of the body comes from, but only madly injects into the double ring of the heavens and the earth. The double ring constantly vibrates and continually recovers. The power of terror has trembled this piece of heaven and earth. It was originally covered over the thunder camp. The forbidden power suddenly collapsed and broken.


Bai Ruyun held up his arms and blew his arms directly, and his flesh and blood were blurred.

"Old Yuan." Li Mu drank.

Yuan Xiao’s shoulder was short, and the tendon cloud was instantly displayed. A golden light flashed, and the horoscope was directly grabbed into the hand.

The Tiandi double-ring large grinding disc is crushed toward the white clouds.

"No, stop quickly..."

Bai Ruyun is a dead soul.

The shadow of death shrouded and he felt an unprecedented fear.

Li Mu did not want to listen to him any words, spurred the double ring, no mercy, directly crushed.

"Ah..." The white body of the cloud collapsed like a dry sand sculpture, and then he reunited madly, but the speed of this reorganization was far less rapid than the collapse.

Under the lock of the Emperor, he could not escape even if he wanted to escape.

"No, no, Li Mu, stop, if you kill me, Lei Daoshan will not let you go..." Bai Ruyun said: "My brother will kill you at all costs."

"Don't I kill you, will Lei Daoshan let me go?"

Li Mu said coldly.

"Quickly stop, let me go. After that, Lei Dao Zushan is your friend, we can turn it into a jade." Bai Ruyun panicked and shouted.

Li Mudao: "Sorry, I have never forgiven the enemy's habits. What's more, you are rushing to kill me... die."


The heaven and earth double ring is crushed over.

The shape of Bai Ruyun was finally crushed directly into a mass of muddy blood, floating in the air.

Some of the muddy blood, not yet lost spirituality, constantly reunited, like re-emergence.

However, it was directly twisted by the strength of the heaven and earth double ring, and turned into a red dry powder fly ash, which eventually dissipated.

"come back."

Li Mu’s thoughts are fretting.

The double ring gradually fell asleep, eventually turned into a pair of ordinary black bracelets, flew back, and placed on Li Mu's left arm.

The surging power behind it disappeared.

Li Mu was a shackle and felt an unprecedented weakness.

"Master." Yuan Hao appeared at the first time and will hold Li Mu.

Li Mu slowly turned back and saw the Yunshuang Eagle supported by the old woman and Yun You's wife.

This pretty little girl, her eyes fluttering slightly, seemingly to open her eyes. I don’t know when, between the eyebrows, it is slowly separating a faint silver brilliance, like there are countless sage silks from His eyebrows were drawn out, and then swirled around, forming a small ball like a silver planet before the stunning thrilling noodles.

Although I don't know what is going on, it is certain that the Yun family saved himself.

"Thank you."

Li Mudao.

"You're welcome, this is what you deserve, and the number of lives is such. If the adults don't hesitate to enter the thunderstorm camp at all costs for the cloud, this "heart of the stars" may not find its true owner."

The old woman said, raising her hand slightly.

Her speed is extremely fast, and her technique is incomparable. So that Li Mu looked at it and was shocked.

This is clearly the master of martial arts.

The silver ball suspended in front of the cloud double eagle was picked up by the old woman in the hand, and the connection with the cloud double eagle's eyebrows was cut off. It became a thumb-sized ball, crystal clear and transparent. Full of all kinds of strange lines and stripes, the mottled and strange, really seems to be a star that has been infinitely reduced.

"Li Daren, from now on, this thing will be yours."

The old woman placed the heart of the stars in Li Mu’s palm.

"this is?"

Li Mu felt a strange life flowing in the silver ball. It fell into the palm of his hand. Li Mu felt that he was in the middle of a thousand stars and listened to the whispers of the stars.

"This is the secret treasure that Lei Dao Zu Shan, Lin Yuquan and others have always wanted, and it is also the reason for the last night of the Secretary of the Night, my husband was framed and killed." The old woman's words are full of infinite emotion.

Secret treasure?

Li Mu was quite an accident.

In the hands of the Yun family, what still keeps the secret treasure?

It sounds like it involves another long-term grievance.

"This thing has been preserved by Yunjia for more than a hundred years. Now it has finally found the owner who is really suitable for it. The mission of the Yun family has also been completed." The old woman finished, and there is an indescribable calmness in her demeanor. And relaxed, relieved.

At this time, her appearance has also changed, she has become younger, and her life has become longer. It is no longer as it used to be, like a candle in the wind, and a gust of wind can blow her down.

At the same time, there have been changes in the cloud double eagle.

This beautiful girl who has always been in the vegetative state, the breath of life is growing rapidly, and the cheeks begin to rosy, as if they are waking up at any time.

This is the secret of the cloud family.

Li Mu will accept the "heart of the stars".

Turning around and looking around, I saw that the entire thunderfire had become a ruin and even the ruins were not counted. It was completely destroyed. The core figure of the Thunderfire Department was almost completely dead in this battle.

In the distant sky, there is a stream of flashing lights that are flying fast.

Li Mu used the yellow-skinned gourd to collect the fire of the sky, and then, under the leadership of Yuan Zhen, walked out of the camp.

"grown ups."

"Adult, you...all right?"

Duan Yi, Song Bie and others saw Li Mu coming out, ecstatic, and rushed up lightning.

"Go. Go back and talk."

Li Mudao.

He is still very weak.

Ming and night divisions left here.

After a while, all the people and horses have gathered here, a face of incomparably shocked, staring at the thunderstorm battalion that has been completely destroyed, it is hard to believe everything that he saw, this is the Holy Land of the Terran Military Hui Ningcheng, the thunderfire department of one of the thirty-six parts, was completely destroyed?

What about Lin Yuquan?

What is the master of the Thunderfire Department?

Not all will die?

The general sergeant in charge of public security patrols looked stunned.

It’s a big deal.

Hui Ningcheng has never had a major event in the past thousands of years.

The streamer flickers.

There are more and more figures.

Because the entire Thunderfire Department was sealed by Bai Ruyun in the past, the war inside was completely isolated. Until the last moment, the outside world was broken, and the outside world knew that Li Mu and others had left when they arrived.

Zhuge Yun also appeared.

"what happened?"

He was shocked.

The Flying Star Son next to Zhuge Yun was shocked than Zhuge Yun: "This is impossible."

The Thunderfire Camp was so ruined that the plan of Lei Dao Zushan failed. No matter whether Li Mu died or not, it is certain that Bai Ruyun and Lin Yuquan should have died. Such losses are too heavy, and all parties The initial expectations were completely inconsistent.

Zhuge Yun’s eyes flashed in the eyes and looked at the flying star.

He suddenly realized what he was.

At the same time, tens of millions of miles away, the battle over the East Star Village suddenly stopped.

Lei Zu stagnate in the air, watching the old **** stick, the look, full of indescribable gloom.

"Do you understand now?" The old **** stick laughed: "You think you are blocking me. Actually, I am wrapping you, hahaha. This is called stealing chicken and not eclipsing rice."

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