When Li Mu was killed from the group of ghost blood bats, it was already one day later.

He was bathed in blood, like climbing out of the sea of ​​corpse.

How many magic bats were killed, and Li Mu himself was unclear.

However, the knife and the warfare skills have been greatly enhanced and enhanced in such actual combat.

At any time, the actual battle between life and death is the best way to improve strength.

The beauty of the magic bats is that they live in areas such as Luoshenyuan all the year round, so they are completely adapted to the dark environment here. The physical strength of the individual is at the peak of the road, and the fighting power of the group is even more terrible. The heavy glory of the five-story boss, supporting in the bat group is only a tea time.

The most terrifying thing is that once you fall into the bat group, unless it has the absolute advantage of strength, it is difficult to get rid of the entanglement of the bat group. This kind of creature is not afraid of death, and the dead companions become their blood food, just like Like the **** shark, the more violent.

Fortunately, for Li Mu, this is not a problem.

Although he is a monk in the avenue, but the physical strength has long been a monster enchanting level, congenital has a crushing advantage for the magic bat, coupled with the rapid movement of the muscles, it is not difficult to get away.

Moreover, Li Mu was also surprised to find that when the bat group was chasing the area of ​​about 5,100 meters in the Shenshenyuan, even if it was crazy again, it would give up the chase, and the tide would retreat back, as if it were above this area. There are terrible natural enemies.

"This is interesting."

Li Mujin was exhausted and squatted on the platform of the No.7 courtyard, and gasped for a big mouth.

There was a smile on his face.

The ghost blood bat group is a good practice tool for practicing martial arts.

In the next six months, it will not be lonely.

Li Mu returned to the Dongfu, healed, reflected, and summed up the gains and losses.

The heart of the stars is suspended above the head, like a silver star, slowly rotating, which releases a thousand of silver, which is the most pure energy, integrated into Li Mu's body.

With it, Li Mu does not need Xianjing at all, and can also cultivate in the fall of the gods.

Lei Daozushan and other people sent Li Mu to the major forces of the falling gods, absolutely do not know this secret, if you know, it is estimated to be mad.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

"Haha, little bats, Grandpa, I am coming again."

Li Mu rushed out of Dongfu, like a fierce child, jumping to the depths of the gods.

At the depth of more than 5,300 meters, the gang of ghost blood bats screamed and screamed at the high-frequency sound waves. This should be their racial talent, with great lethality. Li Mu, like seeing the big enemy who killed his wife and robbed him, rushed up madly.


Li Mu took the initiative to welcome him.

In this body, he gathered too many martial arts techniques, especially the numerous tactics of learning, remembering and understanding in the vast expanse of the wind and the sea. In such a battle, he got the most. freed.

The sound of battle, shaking the gods.

This time, Li Mu persisted in the ghost blood bat group for two days.

When he returned to the 7th hospital, he was as **** and exhausted.

Rehabilitate, recover, and practice.

Then enter the ghost blood bat group.

In the past one month, Li Mu has finally gone one step further, breaking through the avenue and stepping into the realm of Tao Zunjing.

And he used the knife and the knife to control and use it to a higher level.

At this time, it is necessary to rearrange your own knives and techniques, combing, extracting, and integrating the knives from your own.

Li Mu retired for half a month in Dongfu and decided to return to the starting point of his own path.

Fengyun six knives.

Fengyun Liudao is Li Mu in the mainland of China. After watching the various warfare techniques of many small martial art, under the passive promotion of congenital power and true Wushu thoughts, the knives and tactics that he has figured out are taking the road to Jane and heavy. The sword has no front line.

At that time, the six knives of the Fengyun were indeed suitable for Li Mu, who could not cultivate the infuriating and invincible body.

However, with the improvement of Li Mu's cultivation, the vision was broadened and he gradually gave up the six swords.

Especially when the sky is broken, I know that the heavens and the earth are open, and that the stars and rivers are like the insects between the stars. It is necessary to use their own cultivation, experience and insight to force the road to Jane’s six knives. It is a joke. .

However, nowadays, Li Muxiu has made a tribute to the world, and has seen countless battle techniques in the world, and has reached a key point in which quantitative changes have caused qualitative changes.

This experience is from looking at the mountains to the mountains, to seeing the mountains are not mountains, and then to seeing the mountains is still the three realms of the mountains.

For a month, fighting with ghost blood bats is like putting yourself in the furnace, madly forging, snoring, all kinds of combat skills, and constantly improving proficiency.

Li Mu’s thinking gradually became clearer.

Melee, six swords.

Far attack, twenty-four solar knives.

In the half-month time, he has clearly clarified his own ideas, and he will also be a six-knife, twenty-four-season slashing mountain or a mountain shape, and he will realize it.


Out of the 7th House Dongfu, Li Mu was born out of the bones, the whole person's breath, completely changed, ethereal and ethereal, the eyes of Huaguang, the skin as jade, slightly moving with a touch of brilliance.

"Come back. Hahaha!"

Li Mu plunged down and rushed toward the area of ​​the ghost blood bat.

Soon, the screaming voice of the ghost blood bats was like a frenzy.

Killing starts again.

In the **** battle, Li Mu insisted on his own ideas, and the six knives and the twenty-four qi knives were rotated and displayed in harmony with the ideas in his mind.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

Li Mu did not feel tired, but instead became more and more smooth.

"Putting a knife!"


"The Quartet!"

"The sky!"

"Back to the Dragon!"

"The silence is a knife!"

Li Mu’s hand is an ordinary long knife, but it is already invincible, and the sword is falling like a **** rain.

"Great summer!"

"Little cold!"

"Great snow!"

"Winter Solstice!"


Twenty-four qi knives are arrogant, and the power of different attributes is ruined.

In conjunction with the knife method, Li Mu is surrounded by bats, just like the new court. There is no magic bat that can stop his knives.

"It is this feeling."

Li Mu is getting more and more immersed in it.

The knife strokes are constantly tempered, and the sword is constantly sublimated.

The power is getting stronger and stronger.


"Well? No?"

He opened his eyes and found with horror that he didn't know when, the densely populated ghost bats around him disappeared and disappeared, and none of them disappeared.

Have you escaped?

These monsters... actually... escaped... escaped... escaped? ?

Li Mu looked awkward.

This is what Li Mu never imagined.

It turns out that this monster will be scared?

In fact, he didn't want to think about it. He had been seven or eight times before and after, and each time he killed a lot of magic bats, and the magic bat couldn't help him at all. The magic bat had low intelligence, but even if there was only instinct, when he found Li Mu When you can't kill, and when you get stronger and more terrible, don't escape. It's not low in intelligence, but wood.

Li Mu stood in the void and looked dissatisfied with his face.

When the knife and knife are honed to the smoothest, the eyes will go further, just like the ** prelude is about to shoot, and the girlfriend suddenly turns over and does not continue... This is terrible.

How to do?

It took less than a month before the magic bat was paralyzed.

Li Mu’s gaze couldn’t help but look deeper into the depths of the gods.

At a depth of 5,500 meters, living in a ghost bat, what is deeper?


Li Mu did not hesitate to continue to rush down.

At a depth of about six kilometers


A huge lizard-like creature with a membrane flap appeared.

More than 20 meters long body, covered with dark red scales, bones and joints at the joints of the limbs, the head of the head is a single angle, like a machete, the eyes seem like a burning blood pool... full of fantasy colors The image of the Western Dragon.

The most important thing is that Li Mu feels a strong sense of oppression in this earthworm.

When it screams, the horrible and deadly energy fluctuations gather in its throat.

“Do you want to fire a fire?”

Li Mu’s thought just remembered that a red-hot pillar of fire spurted out of the mouth of the dark red dragon and shot on him.

The burning sensation came.

It’s really a fire.

Not creative.

"The lethality of the peak of the avenue."

Li Mu immediately judged the general state of this dark red dragon.

The next moment, his pupil curled up.

Because behind the dragon, the sound of the flapping wings like a mountain and a tsunami, one head, two heads, three heads, four heads...

Hundreds of heads.

Oh shit!

Earth Dragons!

Is this the magical thing that lives six kilometers underground?

In the roar, the violent dark dragons launched a ruthless and cold attack on Li Mu, the invader.

The battle begins.



"You, want to be stronger?"

These six words echoed over and over again in the leaves of the leaves.

Finally, on the night of seventeen days, when the female king named Li Lan appeared again, Ye Wuji no longer resisted.

"What price do I have to pay?"

She asked.

"Cost?" Li Lan did not seem to think about this problem. She thought a little for a moment and said: "The price is that you have to take Li Siye and leave here for a while."

“How long is it?” leaves no traces.

Li Lan’s mouth, a smile: “It depends on how fast you become stronger.”

“Why do you want to leave together?”

"What do you mean, are you willing to be separated from your son?"

Ye did not think about it, said: "Well, I will say to the fish predecessors."

"No, he knows."




Li Mu is like a dead dog, lying in the cave of the No. 7 courtyard, gasping for a big mouth.

Blood is covered and there are scratches, bite marks and burning marks on the body.

After killing ten earthworms, he was defeated.

The strength of the Diablo Dragon is not the ratio of the magic bat.

Fortunately, the Diablo Dragon and the Blood Ghost Magic Bat have strict regional divisions. When they chase the 5,900-meter area, they give up and dare not cross this deep thunder pool... I don’t know if this is a natural law. Still because of other reasons.

However, for Li Mu, this is not the case.

He spent three days, healed, recovered, recharged, and then fell to the gods.

The ghost blood bat saw Li Mu, and if he saw the god, he tried to escape far.

The dark dragon saw Li Mu and rushed up in hate.

The battle is on.

In the next two months, Li Mu has been repeating such a thing.

It's like upgrading a quirky experience in a dungeon.

And his strength is constantly improving.

With the heart of the stars to supplement the real yuan, Li Mu does not have to worry about the battle consumption can not be added.

The Tao is a heavy one.

Dao Zun is twofold.

In a month, Li Mu cultivated to the Taoist five.

Everyone is welcome to pay attention to my public number, and there are all kinds of red packets issued at the end of the year, and I will recommend some fun things, good-looking articles.


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