The Divine Martial Stars

: 1072, reincarnation

Li Mu did not think that he would be thundered when he came out. This is what has been done in the fall of the gods.

Because the experience of the Thunder has been several times before, the skin is open, so this knife, the force is too strong, directly scatter the robbery cloud.

The parties around who saw this scene were extremely shocked.

This thunder is too casual.

Moreover, the scale of the thunderbolt indicates that Li Mu has not just entered the big realm, but has already crossed the advanced stage in the fall of the gods. At this time, I am afraid that it is not a simple Taoist position, and it is likely that it has already reached the Tao. Four or so.

Half a year, across a big realm, doing things that others can't do for years and even decades, is too enchanting.

Of course, if they know that Li Mu is already in the middle of Tianzun, he is afraid that he will be scared.

The robbery cloud dissipated.

"Second brother."

Li Mu fell on the flying boat.

"Well, yes." On the face of the sword mad, it is rare to have a smile: "For half a year, there is no waste."

Li Muyi smiled.

When he was assassinated, he did not mention it.

The surrounding holy places, as well as some people from the military, came to congratulate. Among them, there is a sword in the night of the night, which makes Song a few people.

"Haha, congratulations to Li Daren, once the dragons came out, the future is boundless."

"Li Daren is not my hero, but also my hero."

"Looking at the fact that Li Daren is safe, we will feel at ease."

Some people laughed and said hello.

Li Mu did not pay attention.

"Adult, you are finally out." Song and other people who are in the night, come over and salute, and this is a sincere concern.

Li Mu nodded slightly.

He stood on the top of the boat, his eyes swept over the people around him, and his face was indifferent: "You, I am already a shackled person. Since then, it has nothing to do with the military. Don't use the word 'adult' again. call."

For half a year, Li Mu’s hair is already very long and she is going to have a shawl.

He pointed to the knife, gently stroked it, and the knife flowed.

Black hair flies in the wind.

In a twinkling of an eye, Li Mu smashed a long hair and became the iconic short hair size of the previous Earth. The whole person seemed to be refreshed but especially weird.

In this world, breaking hair is equivalent to cutting off the robes and breaking the ground.

After Li Mu said such a remark, he chose to break the hair, and the meaning is obvious. This is to break with the military.

Breaking with the military, is it not breaking with the Terran?

Is Li Mu crazy?

The people of all parties have changed their colors.

Even Song Bie, Duan Yi and Yan Bing have changed a lot.


Li Mu and the sword mad greet, the boat turned, turned into a streamer, and broke away.

Since then, the world is big, unconstrained, and I am doing it.


The news came out that in the temple of Lei Dao Zu Shan, the first descendant Bai Rushuang’s face was gloomy.

The nine-day **** Lei Xianhua was really shivering on the ground.

"In the depths of the gods, there is no aura, and it is impossible. Li Mu cannot continue to motivate the emperor in his hand. Three gods, why can't he kill him? Find a way to find out."

Bai Rushuang condensed his anger and faintly.

The nine-day **** Lei Xianhua really respected the cold sweat of his forehead and quit.

"Hey, Li Mu, this time, count your life, or the holy station, I will let you completely despair."

Bai Rushuang suddenly laughed.


One day later.

The world is full of clouds.

In the third month of the cold season, the cold between the heavens and the earth increased greatly.

The jihad jihad is finally going to open.

This event, which has far-reaching influence on the chaotic world and is of great significance, is carried out in the land of Feixian.

The land of Feixian is located in the central area of ​​the chaotic world. The terrain is extremely strange. It is surrounded by a 10,000-meter peak like a sword, which forms a round circle. It is isolated from the world, and the peak is inclined. It forms forty-five with the ground. The angle of the angle, overlooking from the sky, is like a huge blooming chrysanthemum. Thousands of Jianfeng foothills form the petals.

The most central area is a basin with thousands of miles.

It is rumored that here was once an endless ocean, and then a fireball from the fairy world fell, instantly evaporating the sea, the underground magma sputtered tens of thousands of meters high, radiated outward, but cooled and solidified in the air, forming The strange terrain.

For this reason, the land of Ascension is said to be shrouded in a strange force field. The monks entering it will be greatly compressed. The power of bombardment will be absorbed by this land, so even The great emperor is fighting here, and will not destroy the topography of the terrain here, so he will be selected to become the duel of the Baizu war.

This jihad is already the ninety-ninth jihad in the history of the chaotic world.

The cold weather of the cold season has invaded, the snow is like a knife, and the land of the rising fairy has become a world of ice and snow.

Three days later.

Li Mu took a boat in the Daogong and went to the sky above Shengxian.

He is one of the representatives of the Dojo.

In addition to Li Mu, there are flowers on the flying boat, the Qingniu Taoist, and the Taoist's 'Daozi', Shi Baixuan and Zhiqian, three of whom are the three in the Taoist Palace. The strong man of the cow is also the representative of the Taoist palace in the jihad jihad this time.

Counting Li Mu, Dao Gong sent a total of six people this time.

This number is among the top ten holy places and is at the bottom.

"According to the previous tradition, the jihad of the Bai people, a total of 100,000 people from different races participated, and the other holy places of the Terran, each about 100 people will be sent. In addition, there are some small sects, forces, The family, etc., the total number of people participating in the race will be five or six thousand, which is considered to be a large group among the hundreds of people."

The Blue Bull Taoist introduced.

Li Mu was surprised to hear about this content for the first time.

If the 100,000-scale competition is to be eliminated one-on-one, it will be time to go.

"The total competition is divided into two parts. The first part is the sea election. It is divided by the reincarnation of the fairy ball. The four are a group. The last one is the one who stands out from the ring. It is the winner. This round is eliminated. The most people, after this round, among the 100,000 people, the remaining 25,000 people entered the semi-finals, and from the start of the semi-finals, they will always be one-on-one duel."

Qingniu pointed to the bottom and said: "Look, inside this ring-shaped mountain range, it is the land of ascending immortality. There is a miracle of the village since ancient times, that is, the emperor’s strongman enters and will be suppressed. As a rule, according to the rules of the jihad, the quasi-imperialists of the great holy places can also participate in the competition, but they will be suppressed and fall into the realm."

Li Mu looked down.

The strange spectacle of the terrain below makes him shine.

Tens of thousands of meters of Jianfeng towering strangely, like the back of the scabbard dragon, and like a sword with a handle inserted on the ground, dense and complicated, under normal geographical evolution conditions, absolutely impossible Such a terrain.

Is this the land of ascension?

Flying over the periphery of Jianfeng, Li Mu quickly sensed an invisible pressure, filled in the void, very strange, as if not belonging to the world.

According to the Qingnius Taoist, the emperor did not participate in the holy war, the emperor participated, but entered this

In the film area, the strength will be suppressed by the so-called ‘Xiandaowei’, and it will fall into a realm. In normal logic, the peak of Tianzun’s environment is invincible.

Li Mu’s face showed a very pure smile.

So, isn’t it... oh.

At this time, Li Mu saw that there was a huge ball about a kilometer in diameter floating in the center of the land of the Ascension. It constantly rotates irregularly, reflecting snow and daylight, and it looks very eye-catching.

"What is that?" asked Li Mu.

"It is the reincarnation of the fairy ball." Shi Baixuan said.

The Daogong is a descendant. It is said that only three hundred years old, the 'juvenile' in the quasi-emperor can be said to be extremely young, but with a white hair, handsome face, Danfeng eyes, eye-catching style, wearing a silkworm brocade, wearing silver Hey, the dress is gorgeous, it is said to be a famous figure, and it is quite easy-going. On the way, he has already had a good talk with Li Mu.

"Reincarnation of the fairy ball?" Li Mu asked.

That is a **** horse.

Shi Baixuan: "It was made by the things of the fairyland that fell in the past. In the past, the undead Emperor also participated in the casting of this thing, and there are two other great emperors who are good at casting, and they have all shot. For the sake of jihad, you can assign battlefields according to the rules and choose to engage opponents. It is extremely wonderful."

Sounds like a computer?

Li Mu’s heart is dark.

Under the reincarnation of the fairy ball, there are eight kilometer-high positive-direction giant pillars, which stand in different directions. The stone base below is magnificent and unique.

Through the introduction of Shi Baixuan, Li Mu knows that it was the altar, which was used to maintain the movement of the reincarnation.

At this time, the stream of light, across the sky, is like a meandering meteor shower.

The hunger of the Baizu is completely open, and there are still three days, which is close at hand.

The contestants of all major races and forces around the world, as well as the elders and figures of the teachers, are coming, and a stream of light represents the arrival of a good force.

The 100,000 entrants who are able to come here are undoubtedly the peak figures of the genius who stand at the tip of the martial arts practice in the world. Together with the singers who come to participate in the competition, it is no exaggeration to say that the whole chaos world is at the top. A group of creatures have gathered here.

Li Mu could not help but tide.

Participating in such a martial arts event, there is a sense of glory that goes as a history, but fortunately even!

The boat slowly descended.

From the head of the flying boat, a large rock mushroom is scattered throughout the central area of ​​the Fairyland.

"These rock mushrooms, a total of one thousand, with numbers on them, are the ruins of the holy war. They are excavated on semi-natural terrain. It is said that the ground that connects the land of the immortal is the essence of the quasi-emperor. Hit, can not destroy it, extremely wonderful." Shi Bai Xuandao.

Li Mu thanked him a little and expressed his understanding.

On this ship, in addition to Li Mu, Hua Xiangrong and Daozi, Qingniu, Shi Baixuan and Zhiqian have participated in the previous jihad, belonging to the 'old man', so they are relatively familiar with various rules.

The boat of the Dojo Palace eventually landed on the outskirts of the rock mushroom area.

As the first holy place of the Terran, the Dojo Palace has a very high position in the entire chaotic world. Therefore, the place of residence is located in a palace with a higher elevation and a separate courtyard. This is the top level. Treated.

Li Mu and Hua Xiangrong are husband and wife, naturally they are assigned to the same room.

The wind will meet.

The strong parties of all parties have come one after another.

Among them are Wang Shiyu, who represents Jianjianhai, Yunshuangying, who represents Xuantianzong, Yuan Yu, who represents the Yi people, and the literary words of the fox family, and through various means, by the old gods stick, they got participated. Qing Feng, Ming Yue, Qiu Yin, Guo Yuqing and others who attended the event.

Today, everyone is going to rest early.

(End of this chapter)

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