The Divine Martial Stars

: 1077, did not hold back

Li Mu’s body also has soft light flashing.

The second war is coming.

The next moment, Li Mu was transferred to the rock mushroom platform on the 99th.

Opposite the floating light, there appeared a female fox demon woman, the appearance is quite similar to the fox girl who met in the original sea election chaos, very beautiful.

"Hey, it's you. Hey, little family, this is really a narrow meeting." The fox woman is wearing a cool, not like fighting, sticking out her tongue and licking her lips, and her eyes are filled with ridiculous smiles. The expression is fascinating.

Li Mu is a bit disappointed.

Not Gu Tieyi.

He also hopes to meet in the ring with the top of the extraterrestrial Tian Mofeng, the first strongman Gu Tieyi, so as to revenge for the sword, but it turns out that this probability is not high.


Around Li Mu, there was a real flying knife.

The knife is flowing.



Ye Ying’s body shape slammed into the floating wind wall, and the sound of bone fracture broke out in the body. For a moment, the spine of the back did not know how many cuts were broken, and did not know what it was like to crush. It is difficult to recover when it is raging in the body.

"Do the Terrans send you this kind of goods to participate in the holy war to die?"

The opponent slowly came over and snarled the horrible corpse.

This is a monk of the corpse, with a stiff face, white hair, deep eyelids, red lips, like a dead body.

The true element of Ye Ying’s body is frantically surging. There is a flame in the body burning, flesh and blood resonance, constantly removing the corpse in the body, a shape of a bullet, flying like a lightning, two long swords in the hand, like a shining star .


A violent metal crash.

The corpse strong man took Ye Jian’s double sword in his hand and broke it one inch and one inch. The next two hilts and the backhand throwing Ye Ying nailed the void.

Ye Ying's hair hangs down with a wet sigh, and the backhand pulls off the broken sword. The blood in the wound spurts. She moves and takes the initiative to attack again.

"The small family of the human race, the vitality is tenacious, but it is too weak." The strong corpse stands in the same place, and the black and stinking corpse is lingering. Ye Ying’s attack is on his body, like a hit with iron, making a metal roar. But can't hurt it.

The gap between the two is really too big.

"The bones are quite hard, still not retired. Do you want to win the glory points?" The face of the corpse strong man has no expression, but in the red pupil, there is a cruel light flashing.



The body of the Terran warrior from the ink-scented book sea burst open and turned into a **** fog. The white broken bones, such as the smashing arrows, were shot on the typhoon wall and swayed.

"too weak."

The twelve-winged feathers are strong and the wind is light and faint.

Under the stage, the station of the ink-scented book sea, the martial arts strongmen from this holy place, the eyes of angry fire, and some people whispered.

In the world of warriors, death suddenly came.


"I... I am not willing, just the last three."

Zhuge Qingyun slowly fell, blood spread under the feet, infiltrated into the rock mushroom platform, like a blooming blood flower.

On the opposite side, from the extraterrestrial celestial blood, the scorpion scorpion gasped and gasped, and a feather fan stabbed into his heart and almost took him away.


Jian Jianhai Zhou Ming, died in battle.

Pure Yang Gongdao Jian, died in battle.

The proverbial slang is a jade, and it is dead.

The Tibetan sword Haiwu three links, died in battle.

Mo Xiangshu Hai Zhao Ruyun died.

The gods and sorrows of Zhuge Qingyun died.

The star of the meteor is seriously injured.

Thousands of holy places [Yangyang sword] war dead...

The tragic extent of the jihad jihad this time is surprisingly fierce. The masters from the top ten holy places of the Terran have successively killed the dead. This is only a single battle for the Xianmiao list.

Li Mu defeated the fox demon, returned to the Taoist station, saw such a list of deaths and injuries, and then look at the Qingniu Taoist.

The latter looked dignified and said: "It is very strange. This year's war death rate is much higher than the previous ones, especially my family. In the major races, it ranks first, and the death toll has exceeded 100. More than twice the same period in the past, and this number is constantly increasing."

"Only my family is like this?" Li Mu asked.

Qingniu said: "My family has the most deaths and injuries, but the mortality rate of other major races is also higher than in previous years. Moreover, there is no reason for this, at least on the surface, there is nothing unusual."

Li Mu remembered what had been seen before the sword episode left.

Evil door?

Where is the evil door?

At this time, a disciple accompanied by a disciple came over and said something in Li Mu’s ear.

Li Mu suddenly changed his face.

He turned and left.

After a while.

The residence of the Ye Family of the Terran Military Department.

From the outside, there is nothing unusual.

Ye Jia is a second-rate family in the family of many Terran military divisions. For example, the family of Liu Yun who had been to Li Mu was still a little bit worse. The number of places participating in the Bai jihad was only four, and one of them was Ye Ying. One of the most outstanding geniuses of the Ye Family’s young generation represents the basic level of the young generation of the Terran.

However, at this time, Ye Ying’s body was already lying in the coffin of a room in Ye’s residence.

The arrival of Li Mu made Ye Jia quite an accident. He was Ye Ying’s sister Ye He.

"She is dead for you." Ye He's first sentence, let Li Mu shake in his heart.

Li Mu looked at the woman who was quietly lying in the coffin. Before an hour, they had a drink together, and they had a drink after the end of the war. Now, this heroic, beautiful girl does not let the beauty of the eyebrows The girl, but has lost her life, lying in the coffin, quiet like sleeping.

"On the same day, writing to the military department, petitioning for you, will anger the thunderous mountain, such as the giants, so some people in the family, against this, is a letter that Xiaoying used to fight, sent to the military on time, as In return for the family, she must participate in the Xianmiao war and win a glory score. Her biological mother was detained in the family as a hostage. Unfortunately, she did not insist on enough time in the battle, did not get points, but lost. Life." Ye He and the tray out.

Li Mu nodded and said: "Stupid girl."

Ye He looked indifferently at Li Mu and said: "She is really stupid."

Li Mudao: "The people of Yejia, who are willing to send the letter, will not hesitate to offend the Daozuzu Mountain. The fear of being the influence of the Jianhai and Daogong."

Ye Hedao: "For the family, it doesn't matter what is important. The most important thing is to use everything to achieve your goals."

"Including the sacrifice of their own people?" Li Mu asked.

Ye Hedao: "Of course, because sacrifice can always be exchanged for harvest."

Li Mu no longer speaks.

Ye He said again: "Like a person who can't get it, instead of suffering in pain, it is better to get a hard-working goal and burn it for even the last life. The life of a small family woman is always so bitter."

Li Mu looked at her, "the fallacies."

Ye He did not speak.

"Tell Ye Jia's family, be kind to Xiaoying's mother. If my words are not counted, I will let the Taoist masters, or Jianjun, personally say." Li Mu turned and walked outside the room.

Ye Hedao: "I will say it."

"She likes you." She turned to Li Mu's back.

Li Mu did not answer.

Ye He looked at Li Mu’s back and remembered that she went to the Flame City to pick up the night when Ye Ying, who was only one of the silver scouts’ captains, went back. In the bright eyes of the little girl, she saw some bad clues. At that time, Li Mu was just a small character. Nowadays, it is already a big man in the world of chaos.

Ye He, who is sleek and experienced, and has a slap in the face, has to admit that Li Mu is a person full of charms. Ye Ying has been misunderstood for a lifetime.

Li Mu’s footsteps did not stop. He turned around at the door and asked: “Who is the person who killed her?”

Ye Hedao: "The corpse is strong and bone jade."

Li Mu remembered the name.

In his list of murders, there is another name.

Before I came to the room, there was a loud noise coming from the door of Ye’s station.

A strange, dirty, corpse smell came.

"You killed my Ye family disciple, but dare to provoke, it is too much to put my people in the eye?"

The anger of Ye Jiatai’s elders rang.

When Li Mu and Ye He came to the door, they saw several corpses blocked in the doorway, and there was actually a corpse who had killed Ye Ying.

"Oh, there are things to discuss, why bother?" In the voice of the bone jade, with a touch of greed, said: "The battle of Fujian and Taiwan, this is to divide the life and death, the little girl of your family, the battle is not retired, this seat has to be hot Destroy the flowers, however, her bones are excellent, and she has a big obsession, but it is a good smelting material, so I came here personally, I want to ask, what price do you want to open the body of this little girl?"

Killing people, even the body wants to possess.

It is conceivable that if the **** Yuxian card would be sent directly after the death of the party on the stage, I am afraid that Ye Ying will die and the body will not come back.

The leaves come from the leaves of the sacred mountain landslide that are not in the front, and the eyes are burning with anger, and the cold voice: "Roll."

Bone jade looked up and saw Ye He, his eyes lit up: "Miao ah, how come you Ye Jia, there is such a good living corpse, haha, you are the elder of Ye Family? Can you be the master? Open a price. The **** in front of me, or the corpse lying in the coffin inside, live and die, you open a price, not too outrageous, I will, haha."

Ye Jiazi's brother's chest is violently ups and downs.

Li Mu directly shot.

He flashed his body and instantly came to the front of the bone jade, punching out.


The strong strength broke out in the moment when the fist hit the waist of the bone jade, so that the old corpse did not react at all, slightly bent like a shrimp, and then directly hit the sky.

In the air, the dark green corpse is spattered.

"Don't..." Ye He exclaimed in the first place.

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